78 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah_untuk mengetahui 1) Pemanfaatan media pembelajaran dalam jaringan (Daring) selama Pandemi Covid -19, 2) Hambatan-hambatan Pembelajaran Daring ketika Pandemi Covid 19. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif. Metode kepustakaan yakni metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Adapun sumber data menggunakan artikel ilmiah serta buku . Analisis data yang digunakan meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil yang ditunjukkan dari penelitian ini yaitu: 1) Pemanfaatan media pembelajaran selama Pandemi Covid 19 melalui berbagai macam media pendukung pembelajaran online diantaranya Whatsapp, Zoom Meeting, Quizizz, Google Meet, Webex Meeting, Google Classroom dan juga aplikasi LMS yang memiliki akses internet yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi siswa. 2) Hambatan atau kendala pembelajaran daring selama pandemi Covid 19 terkait tidak semua siswa memiliki media pembelajaran daring berupa smartphone atau laptop, kendala jaringan akses internet, kurang siap serta kemampuan guru yang belum memadai, kehadiran siswa saat berlangsungnya pembelajaran daring. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran, Dalam Jaringan, Pandem

    Conflict, Jihad, and Religious Identity in Maluku, Eastern Indonesia

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    The collapse of Suharto’s New Order is a starting point of the quest of religious identity for Indonesian Muslims. A lot of radical groups are founded under the umbrella of liberty and democracy. However, many of them have destroyed the structure of democracy and multicultural society. Conflicts of Maluku (and Poso) in 1999-2003 are the best local context of how religious groups (muslims and christians) fighted severely in the name of God. The conflict is also a good case to understand the weakening of state and the involvements of military (para-military) forces in instigating the conflicts, which impacted to thousands people killed, and destroyed the ethnic and religious harmony in the region. This paper will analyse the conflicts of Maluku and compare it to other religious conflicts in Poso, Central Sulawesi and ethnic conflicts in West Kalimantan, Southern Thailand and Southern Philippines. I argue the growth of local nationalism and unstability of States in Southeast Asian regions brings the rise of civil society and paramilitary forces, which challenges the entities of harmony, peace and multiculturalism in the region

    Pengembangan Pembelajaran Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Ekonomi Pada Siswa SMP Menggunakan Pendekatan Critical Pedagogy (The Development of Learning and Teaching Process of Social Subject of Economics In Junior High School Students Through Critical Pedagogy Approach)

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    The development of social science teaching and learning process in junior high school students using critical based approach plays a very important position in the development of education in Indonesia. This important position is in order to cultivate students into human participants who have good social intelligence and critical power. Therefore, the teachers who teach this subjects are required a breakthrough approach in teaching to  stimulate students’ interest in learning economics at school. To stimulate interest in studying economics, the sets of learners should be brought closer to the social issues around their environtment which raised critical awareness in looking at the issues of socio-economic society. In this case study, the social subjects particularly at junior high school level should be based by using critical approach. By developing this learning and teaching activities, the learners was no longer dominated by any instruction and discourse thinking of the teachers. However, participants will construct their knowledge and educate themselves consciously and critically without the domination of anyone. This article wants to give an overview of the idea of critical pedagogy model of economic education in schools. This learning method is able to improve students ability in being private citizens both critically and responsibly.Keywords: Learning Process Development, Social Subject of Economics, Junior high school students, Critical Pedagogy.       

    Resolusi Konflik di Asia Tenggara: Pengalaman Muslim Indonesia

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    Artikel ini akan mengkaji peran kepemimpinan Muslim Indonesia dalam mewakili pemerintah dan masyarakat sipil pada upaya perdamaian di Asia Tenggara. Ini dilakukan sejak masa Menlu Ali Alatas dalam memediasi konflik di Kamboja dan Filipina Selatan, hingga periode Menteri dan Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan Professor M. Din Syamsuddin yang memediasi Filipina Selatan dan Aceh. Muslim Indonesia juga turut memainkan peran aktif dalam memediasi konflik di Thailand Selatan dan Timur Tengah. Sebagai negara demokratis ketiga di dunia dan negara Muslim terbesar, Indonesia telah berubah menjadi negara dengan kekuatan menengah (Middle Power) dan melakukan peran utama dalam menciptakan wilayah Asia Tenggara yang stabil dan sejahtera. Artikel ini berargumen bahwa pengalaman ini bisa membawa Indonesia pada peran lebih besar di Timur Tengah dan Afrika. Tetapi peran ini terhambat akibat masih kurangnya kepercayaan negara-negara Arab yang masih memandang Indonesia sebagai negara pinggiran.This article examines the role of Indonesian Muslim leaders representing state and civil society on conflict resolution in Southeast Asia from the period of Foreign Minister Ali Alatas on mediating conflict in Cambodia and Southern Philippines to the period of Minister and Vice President Jusuf Kalla, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Professor M. Din Syamsuddin who mediating conflict of Aceh and Southern Philippines. Indonesian Muslims also took active participation in mediating conflicts in Southern Thailand and conflicts in the Middle East. As the third largest democratic country and the largest Muslim country, Indonesia have transformed as middle power country and confidently taken a leading role in managing stable, peacefu and prosperous region of Southeast Asia. It argues the experience of Indonesia in regional mediation will lead Indonesia towards International conflict resolution in the Middle East and Africa. However, Arab countries still consider Indonesia as periphery of Islam and cultural gap which influence the trust from Arabcountries

    Implementation of Task-based Learning in Teaching English in Indonesia: Benefits and Problems

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    A variety of approaches exist in foreign language teaching and learning; Task-based Learning (TBL) is one of them. It is an innovative approach that is developed from the Communicative Approach. The concepts of TBL have proven successful in classrooms. In this study, the writer conducted a literature review of task-based learning in teaching English dealing with the benefits and problems in implementing this approach in Indonesia. This paper seeks to review Task-based Learning (TBL), covering the definition of 'task' and Task-based Learning (TBL), the characteristics and stages of TBL, the teacher and students' roles in Task-based Learning, and also the advantages and disadvantages of Task-based Learning. It also addresses the application, the benefits and problems of Task-based Learning in the sense of Indonesian EFL context. This will help educators and language teachers in Indonesia to attach more importance to the contextual differences when applying Task-based Learning in Indonesia

    Dari JI Ke ISIS: Pemikiran Strategis Dan Taktis Gerakan Terorisme Di Asia Tenggara

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    This article examines the transformation of terrorist groups in the Southeast Asia, ranging from from Jama'ah Islamiyah (JI) to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). It examines the movements and thoughts of the combatant leaders who fought in the battlefields and wrote books, blogging and social media to defend their jihad argument and strategically used by young generation and current terrorist groups, affiliated to JI and ISIS to recruit, consolidate and fight against so-called infidel governments of Southeast Asia and global coalition. The strategy and tactic of ISIS in the Southeast Asia vary from the networking of Syria-Iraq and Southeast Asia through Katibah Nusantara in Syria-Iraq and the home-grown terrorist networks in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. The challenge for state and civil society in Southeast Asia is greater given the current terrorist groups' movement which mostly recruit the youth and taking advantages from the online media, blogging and social media. It challenged the security threats and counter narratives developed state and civil society. Artikel ini membahas transformasi kelompok teroris di Asia Tenggara dari Jama'ah Islamiyah (JI) ke Negara Islam Irak dan Suriah (NIIS). Artikel ini membahas gerakan dan pemikiran komandan dan tokoh kombatan yang tidak hanya terlibat dalam pertarungan tetapi juga menulis buku, blog, media sosial untuk mempertahankan argumen Jihad mereka dan secara strategis digunakan oleh generasi muda dan kelompok teroris saat ini, yang berafiliasi dengan JI dan ISIS untuk merekrut, melakukan konsolidasi dan bertarung melawan pemerintah dan koalisi global thoghut. Strategi dan taktik ISIS Asia Tenggara bekerja dalam jaringan Suriah-Irak-Asia Tenggara melalui Katibah Nusantara di Suriah dan Irak dan jaringan teroris dalam negeri di Indonesia, Malaysia dan Filipina. Tantangan negara dan masyarakat sipil di Asia Tenggara lebih besar khususnya setelah bagaimana kelompok teroris merekrut kebanyakan pada generasi muda dan mengambil manfaat besar pada media online, blog dan media sosial. Hal ini menjadi tantangan bagi ancaman keamanan dan kontra narasi yang dikembangkan oleh pemerintah dan masyarakat sipil

    China's Military Increase: A Security Dilemma In Asia Pacific

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    This research seeks to show how theories and concepts can explain the rise in China's military and its impact on the Asia Pacific. Through the lens of theory and concept, this paper will also show what causes China to increase its military and why this is a security dilemma for the Asia Pacific. This paper uses the theory of Offense and Defense and also the concept of Security Dilemma. Offense and Defense Theory is intended to explain how the balance between offense and defense in the Asia Pacific region occurs so that it does not cause significant conflict in the Asia Pacific Region. The Security Dilemma concept is used to analyze the impact of China's rising military making the Asia Pacific countries a security dilemma. By using these theories and concepts, it is produced that if Defense is more dominant than Offense, then war will be avoided here, which plays the role of Offense, namely China and Asia Pacific countries play Defense. But China's behavior also cannot be separated from its country's history and position. So, China and the Asia Pacific region have contributed to the offense-defense balance and security dynamics in the Asia Pacific region


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang potensi model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD berbantuan program virtual laboratories electricity dengan eksperimen nyata-virtual dan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD berbantuan program virtual laboratories electricity dengan eksperimen virtual-nyata dalam meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif dan keterampilan berkomunikasi siswa SMA pada materi rangkaian listrik arus searah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan desain Static group pretest-posttest design. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa (1) Peningkatan kemampuan kognitif siswa pada materi rangkaian listrik arus searah setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD berbantuan program virtual laboratories electricity dengan eksperimen nyata-virtual dan eksperimen virtual-nyata tidak berbeda secara signifikan, (2) Penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD berbantuan program virtual laboratories electricity dengan eksperimen nyata-virtual secara signifikan dapat lebih meningkatkan keterampilan berkomunikasi siswa dari pada penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD berbantuan program virtual laboratories electricity dengan eksperimen virtual-nyata pada materi rangkaian listrik arus seara


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    Abstract: The whole world has recognized that child marriage and forced marriage (CFM) are acts that are contrary to human rights and are considered to be gender-based violence.  The Australian Government since 2013 through its constitution has criminalized acts of child and forced marriage so that the perpetrators can be subject to criminal penalties.  However, this policy did not effectively reduce the effect on CFM cases in Australia.  It is proven that from 2017 to 2019 there was an increase in the number of victims of forced marriage and children who were categorized as victims of human trafficking in Australia.  The criminal law in the CFM case is considered ineffective because the protective impact is not sustainable.  The high rate of forced marriage among Muslim women in Australia is driven by high gender inequality, migration and harmful traditional cultural practices.  The Australian Muslim Women's Center for Human Rights (AMWCHR) is a Muslim women's organization that seeks to advance the rights and status of Muslim women in Australia.  AMWCHR has multicultural and hybridity characteristics that are not tied to any Islamic sect.  This article aims to analyze the role of the AMWCHR in efforts to reduce the rate of child, early and forced marriage for Muslim women, especially in the Australian region with sustainable protection and prevention programs, based on gender equality and the principle of multi-culturalism. Keywords: Australian Government, AMWCHR, Child Early and Forced Marriage, Australian Muslim