66 research outputs found

    Tokoh dan lnstitusi Pendidikan Islam di Pulau Pinang

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    Kedudukan Pulau Pinang sebagai pusat perdagangan yang penting sejak abad ke-18 turut membuka laluan kepada perkembangan dalam aspek sosial di negeri itu. Masyarakat pelbagai kaum hadir dengan amalan sosiobudaya masing-masing dan berlumba-lumba mencari "ruang" untuk menempatkan diri dalam kumpulan yang lebih besar. Masyarakat Melayu tidak terkecuali dalam persaingan ini. Namun, agak menarik, tanpa kehadiran sultan sebagai kuasa tertinggi agama sebagaimana negeri-negeri Melayu lain, masyarakat Melayu di negeri itu mempunyai banyak ruang untuk membentuk acuan dan identiti mereka yang tersendiri, termasuk dalam hal-hal pendidikan

    The Role of apoptosis in suicide gene therapy of glioblastoma

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    Master's Thesis in Biomedical SciencesBMED395MAMD-MEDB

    Relation Between Density and Compressive Strength of Hardened Concrete

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    Concrete must has to ensure satisfactory compressive strength and durability. The mechanical properties of concrete are highly influenced by its density. A denser concrete generally provides higher strength and fewer amount of voids and porosity. Smaller the voids in concrete, it becomes less permeable to water and soluble elements. So water absorption will also be less and better durability is expected from this type of concrete. In this paper an experimental program conducting on compressive strength, density, absorption capacity and percent voids of hardened concrete is described. The variation of these properties with maturity of concrete was main focus of this experiment. Comparison is made between two types of concrete’s property test results. One of them is lightweight concrete made with crushed brick (BC) as primary coarse aggregate. Crushed brick is a locally available construction material in Indian subcontinent. Another type of concrete is a denser one, made with crushed stone (SC) as primary coarse aggregate. The comparisons on test results are presented with respect to time. It was observed from the experiment that, strength and density increases with maturity of concrete and percent void and absorption capacity decreases with time. Better results were obtained from stone aggregate concrete than brick aggregate concrete in cases of all of the tests

    Information security behaviour of smartphone users: An empirical study on the students of University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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    Smartphone is the most popular electronic device in the present world. Along with the use of internet, smartphone has made revolution in the information communication technology sector. The current operating systems of smartphones allow to download mobile applications providing diverse types of features and functions. At the present days, the use of smartphone increases to a large extent that it is impossible to think a single day without using the smartphones. The widespread use of smartphones has introduced new types of information security threats, risks and vulnerabilities. The risky user behaviours, non-implementation of security counter measures and storage, and transmission of the vast amount of sensitive information in the smartphones are causing massive information security problems. Security of information is greatly depending on the information security behaviour of the users. Moreover, Information security behaviour has a direct impact to secure the information in the use of smartphone. In this study, the information security behaviour of the students of university of Dhaka, Bangladesh in the use of smartphone has been explored. This study will help to raise information security awareness among the students and encourage the authority to adopt appropriate strategy, policy and develop necessary training program to resolve information security risks in the use of smartphones. However, further research can be conducted by inclusion of a large sample size out of the students of other universities also

    Oxidized Graphitic Nano-Amendment of Cement Composites: Exploring Truly Low Concentrations and Novel Particle Morphologies

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    Oxidized graphitic nanoparticles such as multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs), can produce enhancements in physicomechanical properties of cement composites that are relevant to structural and durability performance, provided that said nanoparticles are well dispersed in the composite. Lower-bound MWCNT concentrations are reported in the literature in the range 0.01-0.05% in weight of cement (wt%). Such concentrations may not be costeffective for practical applications and may also be excessive since they would result in a nanoparticle surface area at or above 105 m2 for 1 m3 of cement paste, or 104.5 m2 for 1 m 3 of concrete, which may be large enough to facilitate nanoparticle agglomeration in cement matrices. These agglomerates may contribute to the inhomogeneity of the cement matrix and introduce defect sites that negatively contribute to mechanical properties associated with strength, stiffness, and toughness. In this research, low concentrations of MWCNTs in the range 0.001-0.05 wt% were explored as amendments in cement paste, thus one order of magnitude smaller than lower-bound concentrations reported in the literature. It was found that such decrease in MWCNT concentration continues to provide significant enhancement to compressive strength and stiffness compared to plain cement paste. In fact, neither significant enhancements in the 28-day compressive strength and stiffness, nor noticeable changes in the nano- and micro-structure, were observed by increasing the MWCNT concentration by 50 times, from 0.001 wt% to 0.05 wt%. Instead, as originally hypothesized, MWCNT agglomerates were consistently observed in the cement matrix when using a 0.05 wt% MWCNT concentration. The results above highlighted the merits of exploring more effective means of leveraging the specific surface area (SSA) of graphitic nanoparticles by considering alternative morphologies, in addition to truly low concentrations. To this end, partially unzipped carbon nanotubes (PUCNTs) are introduced in this research as nanoamendments for cement composites. Oxidized PUCNTs are of interest because they combine the aspect ratio and mechanical strength of MWCNTs, and the high graphene edge content and dispersibility of GNPs. In addition, PUCNTs offer a greater specific surface area compared to MWCNTs, which makes them suitable for exploring reduced concentrations. In this part of the research, truly low concentrations of PUCNTs in the range 0.001-0.05 wt% were utilized in cement paste. It was found that reducing the PUCNT concentration by one order of magnitude, from 0.05 wt% to 0.005 wt%, led to significantly enhanced nano- and micro-structure as well as compressive strength and elastic stiffness. These results were supported by SEM micrographs, which consistently showed PUCNT agglomerates for a concentration of 0.05 wt%; instead, for a concentration of 0.005 wt%, well dispersed PUCNTs were consistently observed, together with preferential and accelerated formation of C-S-H. This evidence agrees with dynamic light scattering test results on PUCNT suspensions where hydrodynamic size and zeta potential values indicate less dispersibility of PUCNTs at concentrations equivalent to 0.05 wt% in the cement paste manufactured with these suspensions. The research into more effective graphitic particle morphologies continued by investigating graphene oxide nanoribbons (GONRs), which are obtained by fully unzipping MWCNTs. GONRs combine the properties of carbon nanotubes and graphene, i.e., high surface area, graphene edge content, and aspect ratio. In fact, GONRs are easy to disperse in stable aqueous suspensions without compromising the sp2 basal plane to defects. Due to their edge content resulting from oxidation, GONRs have higher contents –COOH edge groups compared to MWCNTs and GNPs, and to a lesser extent PUCNTs. A dispersibility study in aqueous solution was conducted using GONRs with different oxidation level (i.e., oxygen functional group content), and in different concentrations. Uniform GONR dispersions were quantitatively verified through DLS testing, based on hydrodynamic size and zeta potential measurements, for concentrations in the range 0.0125-1.25 g/L (equivalent to 0.0005 to 0.05 wt% of cement in concrete with water-to-cement ratio of 0.4), and for oxygen content in the range ~30-40 wt% for up to 7 days after initial sonication. These dispersed and stable aqueous suspensions of GONRs are suitable to explore novel graphitic-nanoamendment solutions for cement composites, including actual concrete, using more rational and practical concentrations

    Ilmu dan Naratif Sakral dalam masyarakat Bawean di Pulau Pinang

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    Masyarakat Bawean adalah suku bangsa Melayu yang sangat terkenal dengan pelbagai amalan ilmu yang boleh dika itkan dengan unsur sakral.Naratif kehebatan dan kesakralan beberapa keperibadian tertent u dalam masyarakat tersebut tersebar luas, hingga ciri sakral atau magis pernah dikaitkan sebagai ciri khusus kebudayaan masyarakat tersebu

    The intersection of Islam and Confucianism in Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner: a philosophical analysis through the lens of Neo-Confucianism

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    This study explores the intersection between Islam and Confucianism by analysing the protagonist Aamir's development and salvation in Khaled Hosseini's novel, The Kite Runner, through the lens of Neo-Confucianism. This interdisciplinary approach broadens the scope of this intersection from religion to literature. This study examines the shared ideals and objectives of both civilizations, namely that kindness is innate to the human race and that becoming good is humanity's ultimate objective. This study adopts Zhang Zai's philosophical approach as the theoretical foundation to analyse Aamir's path to atonement, focusing on the epistemological propositions of "sincerity" and "changing temperament." The discussion centres on the three fundamental steps of self-redemption, namely acknowledgement of sins, confession, and redemption, and how Aamir achieves self-redemption by "changing temperament" under the guidance of "sincerity." Through this analysis, it demonstrates that Zhang Zai's ideas can be used to comprehend Islamic literary works with a redemption theme and present a new dimension to the study of Zhang Zai's philosophy. This study provides a novel route for the intersection of Islam and Confucianism and highlights the potential for interdisciplinary analysis in exploring cultural intersections

    Epigenetics and Proteomics Studies of Drought Tolerance in Hall’s Grass

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    Plants are susceptible to different environmental factors (abiotic and biotic) which limit their growth and reproduction. To adapt the condition, they employ various sophisticated ways to adverse environmental situations without distressing their survival of proper growth, reproductive success and overall development. Abiotic environmental factors can distract the total proteome composition of a plant. To understand this, a complex network of regulating gene expression at molecular level (transcriptional and post-transcriptional) is required, including epigenetic framework. PRMT1 belongs to the family of methyltransferases (Arginine specific) which leads to the formation of an epigenetic transcriptional memory. ChIP-Seq was done using the Next-Gen sequencing platform. Both HiSeq and MiSeq yielded more than 44 million raw reads per samples. This represents about 93% of the mapping ratio for the genome of Hall’s grass (Panicum hallii, panhal2). This information was tracked using a browser that provided all identified peaks. Roughly 1300 to 34746 peaks were observed in the annotated gene regions. Some regions were enriched above the background. Fourteen common and 91 upregulated broad and narrow peaks were identified from the ChIP which sequenced the control and drought treated samples. After epigenetic modifications in Panicum hallii, some locations of the genome were enriched with high protein fold enrichment values. This confirmed that the presense of DNA-protein binding site occurred through methylase enzymes. Mass Spectrometry Analysis from leaf nuclear proteomic study identified 4480 proteins from Panicum hallii after drought stress. Among the identified proteomes, 2983 were proteins of 2 or more peptides and 96 (2.14%) proteins were significantly changed proteins found from the quantitative analysis. Several identified nuclear proteins were found to be increased with drought and thought to give protection after stress condition. Proteomic associated molecular studies to drought condition opens some important candidate genes or proteins to be used in understanding drought tolerance mechanism. Identification of 227 sequence specific motifs and Proteomics analysis will facilitate the molecular study of P. hallii. This information produced by ChIP-seq is expected to produce a framework for association illustrating the transcriptional control of gene expression in Panicum hallii. Data are available at NCBI SRA database under the accession PRJNA553526