
Information security behaviour of smartphone users: An empirical study on the students of University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Smartphone is the most popular electronic device in the present world. Along with the use of internet, smartphone has made revolution in the information communication technology sector. The current operating systems of smartphones allow to download mobile applications providing diverse types of features and functions. At the present days, the use of smartphone increases to a large extent that it is impossible to think a single day without using the smartphones. The widespread use of smartphones has introduced new types of information security threats, risks and vulnerabilities. The risky user behaviours, non-implementation of security counter measures and storage, and transmission of the vast amount of sensitive information in the smartphones are causing massive information security problems. Security of information is greatly depending on the information security behaviour of the users. Moreover, Information security behaviour has a direct impact to secure the information in the use of smartphone. In this study, the information security behaviour of the students of university of Dhaka, Bangladesh in the use of smartphone has been explored. This study will help to raise information security awareness among the students and encourage the authority to adopt appropriate strategy, policy and develop necessary training program to resolve information security risks in the use of smartphones. However, further research can be conducted by inclusion of a large sample size out of the students of other universities also

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