13 research outputs found
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VariableâThreshold Behavior in Rivers Arising From HillslopeâDerived Blocks
Geomorphologists often rely on simple models of river channel incision for predicting rates of landscape evolution and channel response to perturbations, as well as extracting climatic and tectonic signals from river longitudinal profiles. Recent work has shown that large, hillslopeâderived blocks delivered to rivers may noticeably alter the form and evolution of river profiles from the behavior predicted by the most common models. Here we use a 1âD model of river reach erosion and hillslope block delivery to explore the conditions under which block delivery strongly influences channel evolution. We use global sensitivity analysis to understand which model parameters most strongly affect the channel longitudinal profile. We explore the effects of blocks on the relationship between erosion rate and channel gradient, and on the erosion rateâchannel steepness exponent Ï, and find that block effects result in highly variable slope and Ï over the range of erosion rates and climatic conditions (discharge mean and variability) tested. The influence of blocks on erosion rateâslope scaling may be approximated by a piecewise model: The erosion threshold imposed by blocks scales linearly with erosion rate when blocks are infrequently mobile and remains constant when blocks are frequently mobile. We explore the implications of this variableâthreshold model for the erosion rateâchannel steepness relationship and find that erosion rateâdependent thresholds imposed by hillslopeâderived blocks cause significant departures from previous models but may be consistent with existing field data sets. Our work has implications for landscape evolution modeling and the inversion of channel profiles for forcing information
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Terrainbento 1.0: a Python package for multi-model analysis in long-term drainage basin evolution
Models of landscape evolution provide insight into the geomorphic history of specific field areas, create testable predictions of landform development, demonstrate the consequences of current geomorphic process theory, and spark imagination through hypothetical scenarios. While the last 4 decades have brought the proliferation of many alternative formulations for the redistribution of mass by Earth surface processes, relatively few studies have systematically compared and tested these alternative equations. We present a new Python package, terrainbento 1.0, that enables multi-model comparison, sensitivity analysis, and calibration of Earth surface process models. Terrainbento provides a set of 28 model programs that implement alternative transport laws related to four process elements: hillslope processes, surface-water hydrology, erosion by flowing water, and material properties. The 28 model programs are a systematic subset of the 2048 possible numerical models associated with 11 binary choices. Each binary choice is related to one of these four elements – for example, the use of linear or nonlinear hillslope diffusion. Terrainbento is an extensible framework: base classes that treat the elements common to all numerical models (such as input/output and boundary conditions) make it possible to create a new numerical model without reinventing these common methods. Terrainbento is built on top of the Landlab framework such that new Landlab components directly support the creation of new terrainbento model programs. Terrainbento is fully documented, has 100 % unit test coverage including numerical comparison with analytical solutions for process models, and continuous integration testing. We support future users and developers with introductory Jupyter notebooks and a template for creating new terrainbento model programs. In this paper, we describe the package structure, process theory, and software implementation of terrainbento. Finally, we illustrate the utility of terrainbento with a benchmark example highlighting the differences in steady-state topography between five different numerical models.</p
The role of infrequently mobile boulders in modulating landscape evolution and geomorphic hazards
A landscapeâs sediment grain size distribution is the product of, and an important influence on, earth surface processes and landscape evolution. Grains can be large enough that the motion of a single grain, infrequently mobile in size-selective transport systems, constitutes or triggers significant geomorphic change. We define these grains as boulders. Boulders affect landscape evolution; their dynamics and effects on landscape form have been the focus of substantial recent community effort. We review progress on five key questions related to how boulders influence the evolution of unglaciated, eroding landscapes: 1) What factors control boulder production on eroding hillslopes and the subsequent downslope evolution of the boulder size distribution? 2) How do boulders influence hillslope processes and long-term hillslope evolution? 3) How do boulders influence fluvial processes and river channel shape? 4) How do boulder-mantled channels and hillslopes interact to set the long-term form and evolution of boulder-influenced landscapes? 5) How do boulders contribute to geomorphic hazards, and how might improved understanding of boulder dynamics be used for geohazard mitigation? Boulders are produced on eroding hillslopes by landsliding, rockfall, and/or exhumation through the critical zone. On hillslopes dominated by local sediment transport, boulders affect hillslope soil production and transport processes such that the downslope boulder size distribution sets the form of steady-state hillslopes. Hillslopes dominated by nonlocal sediment transport are less likely to exhibit boulder controls on hillslope morphology as boulders are rapidly transported to the hillslope toe. Downslope transport delivers boulders to eroding rivers where the boulders act as large roughness elements that change flow hydraulics and the efficiency of erosion and sediment transport. Over longer timescales, river channels adjust their geometry to accommodate the boulders supplied from adjacent hillslopes such that rivers can erode at the baselevel fall rate given their boulder size distribution. The delivery of boulders from hillslopes to channels, paired with the channel response to boulder delivery, drives channel-hillslope feedbacks that affect the transient evolution and steady-state form of boulder-influenced landscapes. At the event scale, boulder dynamics in eroding landscapes represent a component of geomorphic hazards that can be mitigated with an improved understanding of the rates and processes associated with boulder production and mobility. Opportunities for future work primarily entail field-focused data collection across gradients in landscape boundary conditions (tectonics, climate, and lithology) with the goal of understanding boulder dynamics as one component of landscape self-organization
Off-fault deformation rate along the southern San Andreas Fault at Mecca Hills inferred from landscape modeling of curved drainages
Quantifying off-fault deformation (OFD) rates on geomorphic timescales (10^2-10^5 yr) along strike-slip faults is critical for resolving discrepancies between geologic and geodetic slip-rate estimates, improving knowledge of seismic hazard, and understanding the influence of tectonic motion on landscapes. Quantifying OFD over these timescales is challenging without displacement markers such as offset terraces or geologic contacts. We present a landscape evolution model coupled with distributed lateral tectonic shear to show how drainage basins sheared by lateral tectonic motion can reveal OFD rates. The model shows that OFD rate can control the orientation of drainage basin topography: the faster the OFD rate, the greater the deflection of drainage basins towards a fault-parallel orientation. We apply the model to the southern San Andreas Fault near the Mecca Hills, where drainages basins change in orientation with proximity to the fault. Comparison of observed and modeled topography suggests that the OFD rate in the Mecca Hills follows an exponential-like spatial pattern with a maximum rate nearest the fault of 3.5 ± 1.5 mm/yr, which decays to approximately zero at ~600 m distance from the fault. This rate is applicable since the initiation of differential rock uplift in the Mecca Hills at approximately 760 ka. Our results suggest that OFD in this 800 m study area may be as high as 10% of total plate motion. This example demonstrates that curved drainage basins may be used to estimate OFD rates along strike slip faults
Subliminal versus supraliminal stimuli activate neural responses in anterior cingulate cortex, fusiform gyrus and insula:a meta-analysis of fMRI studies
Background: Non-conscious neural activation may underlie various psychological functions in health and disorder. However, the neural substrates of non-conscious processing have not been entirely elucidated. Examining the differential effects of arousing stimuli that are consciously, versus unconsciously perceived will improve our knowledge of neural circuitry involved in non-conscious perception. Here we conduct preliminary analyses of neural activation in studies that have used both subliminal and supraliminal presentation of the same stimulus. Methods: We use Activation Likelihood Estimation (ALE) to examine functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) studies that uniquely present the same stimuli subliminally and supraliminally to healthy participants during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). We included a total of 193 foci from 9 studies representing subliminal stimulation and 315 foci from 10 studies representing supraliminal stimulation. Results: The anterior cingulate cortex is significantly activated during both subliminal and supraliminal stimulus presentation. Subliminal stimuli are linked to significantly increased activation in the right fusiform gyrus and right insula. Supraliminal stimuli show significantly increased activation in the left rostral anterior cingulate. Conclusions: Non-conscious processing of arousing stimuli may involve primary visual areas and may also recruit the insula, a brain area involved in eventual interoceptive awareness. The anterior cingulate is perhaps a key brain region for the integration of conscious and non-conscious processing. These preliminary data provide candidate brain regions for further study in to the neural correlates of conscious experience
The uncertain future of mountaintop-removal-mined landscapes 2:Modeling the influence of topography and vegetation
Erosion following human disturbance threatens ecosystem health and inhibits effective land use. Mountaintop removal/valley fill (MTR/VF) mined landscapes of the Appalachian Coalfields region, USA, provide a unique opportunity to quantify the geomorphic trajectory of disturbed lands. Here we assess how MTR/VF-induced changes to topography and vegetation influence spatiotemporal erosion patterns in five mined watersheds. We use landscape evolution models starting from pre- and post-MTR/VF topographic data to isolate the influence of mining-induced topographic change. We then constrain ranges of erodibility from incision depths of gully features on mine margins, and use those estimates to model the influence of vegetation recovery trends on erosion. Topographic alterations alone reduce total sediment export from mined catchments. Model runs that incorporate the disturbance and recovery of vegetation in mined watersheds show that complete vegetation recovery keeps millennial sediment export from mined catchments within the range of unmined catchments. If vegetation recovery is anything less than complete, vegetation disturbance drives greater total sediment export from mined catchments than unmined catchments. Full vegetation recovery causes sediment fluxes to decline over millennia beyond the recovery period, while watersheds without full recovery experience fluxes that increase over the same time period. Spatiotemporal erosion trends depend on 1) the extent of vegetation recovery and 2) the extent to which MTR/VF creates slopeâarea disequilibrium. Valley fills and mine scarps experience erosion rates several times higher than those found in the unmined landscapes. Rapid erosion of mined areas drives deposition in colluvial hollows, headwater stream valleys, and below scarps. Our experiments suggest that reclamation focused on maximizing vegetation recovery and reducing hotspots of slopeâarea disequilibrium would reduce MTR's influence on Appalachian watersheds both during and long after the vegetation recovery period. Insights from MTR/VF-influenced landscapes can inform mined land management as the renewable energy transition drives increased surface mining.</p
Exploring river response to tectonic perturbations with the open source, 2-D SPACE model
This is a poster presented on October 25th, 2017 at the Geological Society of America annual meeting in Seattle, WA, USA. The poster presents the SPACE (Stream Power with Alluvium Conservation and Entrainment) model, described fully in Shobe et al (2017, <i>Geoscientific Model Development</i>). A case study is shown in which SPACE is used in conjunction with a hillslope evolution model to explore the development of Basin and Range-type landscapes.<div><br></div><div>Abstract:</div><div><br></div><div>Understanding landscape response to tectonic perturbation requires models that can evolve both sediment and bedrock. However, most models of river channel evolution only treat erosion into a single substrate, or use substrate layering systems that preclude co-evolution of a sediment layer and in-channel bedrock. For example, basic sediment-flux-dependent incision models parameterize the effects of sediment flux on bedrock incision, but do not actually compute sediment transport dynamics explicitly. In these models, high sediment fluxes result in cessation of bedrock incision, but cannot cause aggradation of sediment. We present a new algorithm (the SPACE model) for modeling the simultaneous evolution of sediment and bedrock in river channels in 2-D. SPACE explicitly incorporates sediment entrainment, transport, and deposition as well as bedrock erosion, rather than parameterizing the effects of sediment on bedrock erosion into a flux-dependent function. The model tracks sediment thickness and bedrock elevation, and allows self-organization of sediment flux, channel slope, and sediment thickness in response to model forcings. SPACE can therefore transition freely between, and match known analytical solutions for, both detachment-limited and transport-limited behavior. We develop steady state analytical solutions for channel slope, sediment thickness, and sediment flux in the more complex case of a mixed bedrock-alluvial river, and show that a 2-D numerical implementation of SPACE matches the predictions and need not be constrained by detachment-limited or transport-limited assumptions. SPACE is one of few models equipped to embrace the reality that most channel systems on earth transition between bedrock, bedrock-alluvial, and fully alluviated states over geologic time in response to tectonics. The model is particularly useful for modeling landscape response to tectonic forcing as it can treat the storage and evacuation of sediment as well as bedrock incision. We present an example in which SPACE is coupled with a hillslope diffusion model to explore the dynamics of erosion and sedimentation resulting from topographic growth and decay. As a component of the open source Landlab modeling toolkit, SPACE is easily customized and coupled with other models.<br></div
HyLands 1.0: a hybrid landscape evolution model to simulate the impact of landslides and landslide-derived sediment on landscape evolution
status: publishe
Inverting passive margin stratigraphy for marine sediment transport dynamics over geologic time
Passive margin stratigraphy contains timeâintegrated records of landscapes that have long since vanished. Quantitatively reading the stratigraphic record using coupled landscape evolution and stratigraphic forward models (SFMs) is a promising approach to extracting information about landscape history. However, there is no consensus about the optimal form of simple SFMs because there has been a lack of direct tests against observed stratigraphy in wellâconstrained test cases. Specifically, the extent to which SFM behaviour over geologic space and timescales should be governed by local (downslope sediment flux depends only on local slope) versus nonlocal (sediment flux depends on factors other than local slope, such as the history of slopes experienced along a transport pathway) processes is currently unclear. Here, we develop a nonlocal, nonlinear SFM that incorporates slope bypass and longâdistance sediment transport, both of which have been previously identified as important model components but not thoroughly tested. Our model collapses to the local, linear model under certain parameterizations such that bestâfit parameter values can indicate optimal model structure. Comparing 2âD implementations of both models against seven detailed seismic sections from the Southeast Atlantic Margin, we invert the stratigraphic data for bestâfit model parameter values and demonstrate that bestâfit parameterizations are not compatible with the local, linear diffusion model. Fitting observed stratigraphy requires parameter values consistent with important contributions from slope bypass and longâdistance transport processes. The nonlocal, nonlinear model yields improved fits to the data regardless of whether the model is compared against only the modern bathymetric surface or the full set of seismic reflectors identified in the data. Results suggest that processes of sediment bypass and longâdistance transport are required to model realistic passive margin stratigraphy and are therefore important to consider when inverting the stratigraphic record to infer past perturbations to source regions.European Commission
http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000780United States National Science Foundation
http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100008982H2020 Marie SklodowskaâCuriehttps://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.2020507