68 research outputs found

    Kreeka elemendi vahendamine Plautuse komöödia „Pseudoluse“ tõlgetes

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    Oma komöödiates rakendas Plautus oma kaasaja ladina keele rikkalikke võimalusi, hilisemal loomeperioodil aga pöördus tema tähelepanu kreeka leksikale, mida ta hakkas aina enam oma näidenditekstides kunstipärasuse nimel kasutama. Ühe sellise aspektiga on seotud antud magistritöö. Nimelt analüüsitakse selles töös kreekapärast keelekasutust „Pseudoluses“ ning sellise leksika edasiandmist inglise-, eesti- ja venekeelsetes tõlgetes. Töö eesmärgiks on analüüsida inglise, eesti ja vene Plautuse „Pseudoluse“ tõlkeid ning pöörata tähelepanu sellele, kuidas erinevatesse sihtkeeltesse tõlkinud autorid käsitlesid kreekapäraseid elemente edasiandmisega hakkama. Siinjuures toetutakse Andrejs Veisbergi tõlkestrateegiate eristusele [Veisbergs 1997].https://www.ester.ee/record=b5381267*es

    Сабина Шпильрейн как студентка Цюрихского университета

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    The paper analyzes the student period of S. N. Spielrein’s life. In Section I the author discusses the importance of the correspondence between the student’s personal and socio-demographic characteristics and the requirements of the institute of higher education for its students, as well as its socio-psychological atmosphere. Next, from this point of view the author (a) analyzes personal traits of Sabina Spielrein, whichenabled her to enter the University of Zurich in 1905, (b) emphasizes her proficiency in foreign languages and Latin, which was an obligatory condition to enter university for that period of time, (c) notes a positive role of her parents, who tried to give the best education to their children. The article examines the role of universities in Switzerland, including the University of Zurich, in higher education of Russian students in the period from the end of the19th century to the beginning of the First World War. Since, accessing higher education was impossible for women in Russia in that period of time, the number of Russian female students in Western universities increased considerably from the 1890s. The beginning of the 20th century created favorable conditions for Russian students to enter the universities of Switzerland, which facilitated Sabina Spielrein’s adaptation to studying at the University of Zurich. The author draws a conclusion that Sabina Spielrein’s studying at the University of Zurich fulfilled a psychotherapeutic function, developed her logical thinking, enabled her to overcome some complexes, and improved communication skills. Shebecame a physician, that was prestigious for that time. This profession rendered her a great service in the last years of her life in Rostov-on-don, when she was forbidden to practise psychoanalysis.Статья посвящена анализу студенческого периода жизни С. Н. Шпильрейн. В первой части статьи рассматривается важность соответствия личностных и социально-демографических характеристик студента требованиям, которые предъявляет вуз к своим учащимся, а также социально-психологической атмосфере, царящей в вузе в данный период. Далее под этим углом зрения анализируются личностные особенности Сабины Шпильрейн, позволившие ей легко поступить в Цюрихский университет в 1905 г. и успешно в нем учиться. В частности, подчеркивается хорошее владение ею несколькими иностранными языками, а также латынью, без знания которой в тот период не принимали на медицинский факультет. Отмечается положительная роль ее родителей, которые стремились дать наилучшее образование своим детям. В статье анализируется роль вузов Швейцарии, и в том числе Цюрихского университета, в получении высшего образования русскими студентами в период с конца XIX в. до начала Первой мировой войны. Приводятся данные, свидетельствующие о том, что с 1890-х гг. в западноевропейских университетах наблюдалось существенное увеличение численности студенток из России, поскольку для женщин высшее образование в этот период было недоступно в своей стране. В начале XX в. создались благоприятные условия для поступления русских студентов в вузы Швейцарии, что облегчило адаптацию Сабины Шпильрейн к обучению в Цюрихском университете. В заключение делается вывод о том, что обучение Сабины Шпильрейн в университете Цюриха выполнило психотерапевтирующую функцию, развило ее логическое мышление, позволило преодолеть некоторые имевшиеся у нее комплексы и расширило коммуникативные навыки. Она овладела престижной для того времени профессией врача, что сослужило ей большую службу, особенно в последние годы жизни в Ростове-на-Дону, когда ей было запрещено заниматься психоанализом

    Special features of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains in animal and poultry farms in the regions with various levels of man-made pollution

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    The research on the P. aeruginosa strains in animal and poultry farms located in the areas with various levels of technogenic pollution were done. The content of P .aeruginosa in composition of opportunistic pathogenic microflora in dairy, pig-breeding and poultry farms was stated. Susceptibility of P. aeruginosa to fluoroquinolone antibiotics and carbapenems was defined. The enterprises were located in the areas with various levels of contamination of agrobiocenosis with Zn, Fe, Cd, Cu, As, Pb, 90Sr, 137Cs of technogenic origin. It was stated that content of P. aeruginosa in opportunistic pathogenic microbiota was the most in poultry farms. In man-made polluted areas P. aeruginosa was most often found in samples from oral cavity and cloaca of laying hens and broiler chickens, and in ‘clean’ areas’ – mostly in wash-offs from cages and drinking pans. In dairy farms content of P. aeruginosa was higher in environmentally friendly areas, as compared to the areas with technogenic pollution. Analysis of antibiotic susceptibility has shown that in dairy farms average level of resistance of P. aeruginosa strains to carbapenems and fluoroquinolone was 12% and 6%, in pig-breeding farms – 9% and 13%, and in poultry farms – 6% and 18% correspondingly. At the same time, in environmentally neglected areas significant content of the strains with low susceptibility to the above-mentioned antibiotics was stated. The research is executed at the expense of a grant of the Russian scientific fund (project No. 18-16-00040)

    Management of compensatory shift of immunohematological parameters in poultry of industrial crosses in the presence of feed antibiotics in the diets

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    A comparative analysis of the immunological parameters in chickens of industrial crosses, which were fed diets with antibiotics (group 1) and antibiotics in combination with a phytobiotic (group 2), is presented. After 30 days of feeding antibiotic hemoglobin concentration in the blood of laying hens remained unchanged – 87.3-93.2 g/l. On the 30th day of the experiment, in group 1 was noted an increase in the number of leukocytes up to 30.13±2.84∙109/l and the proportion of eosinophils by 29.6%. In the same period, a decrease in the absolute number of immunocompetent cells – T-lymphocytes by 36.6% was observed and absorption capacity of phagocytes by an average of 27.9%. From the 30th to the 60th day of the experiment in the blood of the chickens of group 1, the dynamics of the increase in the CIC level was recorded (up to 143.8±12.1 c.u.). When antibiotic was introduced into the diet of laying hens in combination with a phytobiotic in group 2, only by the 60th day, the number of erythrocytes was increased by 17.4% compared to the “background values” (82.1±5.2∙1012/l). Hemoglobin fluctuation amplitude did not exceed 7%. On the 30th day of the experiment in laying hens of group 2, a decrease in the number of immunocompetent cells by 20.8% was registered compared to the background values. On the 45th day of the experiment after the abolition of antibiotic and phytobiotic, the content of T-lymphocytes did not significantly differ from the background values

    Morphological features of bovine placenta in case of viral, bacterial and protozoal infections

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    The problem of the intrauterine  infection of fetus is one of the most critical ones in veterinary obstetrics and in perinatology due to the high level of infection in pregnant  cows, the risk of developmental disorder of fetus and the birth of sick calves. Complications of pregnancy occur in case of viral, bacterial and protozoal infections, when the pathogen  enters the uterus in an ascending or descending way with further transplacental  infection of the fetus. Morphological studies of placenta  of Black Pied cattle infected with bovine viral diarrhea, chlamydia and neosporosis were carried out. The presence of the pathogen was confirmed by serological and molecular genetic methods. The material used for histological studies was the fetal part of placenta. After sampling, the material was fixed in a 10% neutral formalin solution, then xylene-free method  for histological preparation  was used. Afterwards, samples were embedded in paraffin. In order to study morphological structures, samples were sectioned at 5–6 µm, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Histological sections were analyzed using a Leica DM 1000 light microscope at a magnification of 100×,  200×,  400×,  630×.  On the basis of the conducted studies, it was established that bovine viral diarrhea-associated morphofunctional changes in the “mother – placenta – fetus” system are characterized by involutive-dystrophic changes with microcirculation disorders and the development of an immunity-associated inflammatory process. Chlamydia abortus intrauterine  infection in the “mother – placenta – fetus” system in cows causes a complex of destructive morphological and functional changes of an infectious and toxic nature with a pronounced inflammatory reaction, involvement of blood vessels in the pathological process, and endothelial dysfunction development,  alongside with tissue necrosis in case of a chronic process. The presence of cellular structures in the placenta and the inner part of the umbilical cord is a pathognomonic sign of chlamydia. The role of transplacental transmission of Neospora caninum in cattle was confirmed, the Neospora parasites subjected to basophilic staining were detected not only in the tissues of the placenta, but also in histological sections of the fetus heart and liver. The main characteristic diagnostic sign is the presence of basophilic stained Neospora parasites  in the organs of the mother  and fetus, placenta, and intervillous space. As part of the study morphological features of placenta, one of the most unique histohematic barriers and the basic element of the intrauterine infectious process, were determined

    The use of nanosecond electron beam for the eggs surface disinfection in industrial poultry

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    Development of the technology bases of egg disinfection using surface irradiation is executed by the nanosecond electron beam. Experiments on shell eggs irradiation using the frequency nanosecond URT-0.5 accelerator were made. Determination of absorbed dose distributionwas executed. In case of irradiation by the electron beam with absorbed dose level 5 kGy, it is enough for the full disinfection of the surface and pores of egg shell. The absorbed dose in the egg at the expense of bremsstrahlung will not exceed 0.08 Gy which can't have essential action on protein. Irradiation of shell eggs batch in plastic package of 100 pieces pledged in an incubator together with an inspection lot of not irradiated egg was made. The percent of eggs deductibility and chickens survival of pilot and control batches were identical, indicating that there was no significant radio biological effect from irradiation of egg internal structures. The received chickens were grown up within the 5 weeks. It is established that the chickens who are grown up from the irradiated egg have no essential differences in development. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.This work was performed within a support of the Russian Science No. 16-16-04038)


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    Experimental results of studying the efficiency of cattle selection method use on a genotype are presented to technologies of industrial milk production. For carrying out researches three groups of cows of the Ural black-andwhite breed type from lines Sovering Reflexion, Vis Back Ideal, Montwick Chiftain were created, up to 20 heads in every. The comparative analysis of dairy efficiency and quality of cow milk of different linear accessory is carried out. Impact of linear accessory of cows on a milk yield in 305 days of lactation, the content in milk of fat and protein, a ratio in milk protein of replaceable and irreplaceable amino acids is defined. It is revealed that the Ballele a kappa casein is characterized by the high content of protein in milk with the best abomasal coagulability. 14.3% of cows of the line Montwick Chiftain and 8% Sovering Reflexion had a desirable genotype on kappa casein - Centuries. Protein content in cow milk with a genotype of BB exceeded milk-protein indicators of cows of other genotypes by 0.14-0.18%. By amount of irreplaceable amino acids cow milk of the line Vis Back Ideal was the best that exceeded value of this indicator in cow milk of the line Montwick Chiftain and Sovering Reflexion by 9.5% and 4.5% respectively. It is established that in cow milk with AA genotype the share of irreplaceable amino acids exceeded their content as a part of the general protein in cow milk with a genotype of BB and AB for 8.9 and 39% respectively. Keywords: milk, kappa casein, milk fat and protein, selection, genotype, amino acids

    Clinical and morphological features of salmonellosis in cows and calves affected by heat stress

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    Exposure to abnormally high temperatures in the Middle Urals has ledtochronic heat stress in cattle. Despitethe measures taken toprotect thedairy herdfrom overheating (fans, irrigationwith coolwater, livestocksunshades), the heatstressunderminedtheimmunityofanimals, thus, leadingtoan excessiverisein Salmonella population in the gastrointestinal tract, increasedin test in alpermeability, and could also bethecause of increasedvirulence of such serotypes as – Salmonella choleraesuis, that are not typical for cattle. The simultaneous presenceof twopathogensof Salmonella entericasubsp. entericaspecies: i.e. Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella choleraesuis – causeda number of clinical and morphological changesin adultcows. In cows, the infection manifested itself by persistent diarrhea with mucus, reduced milkproduction and intoxication. In calves, the disease was accompanied by septic signs, severein toxication, hyperthermia (40.5–41.0 °C), severed ehydration (morethan 7%) and death. Histopathological examination of bovineparenchymal organs revealed changes typical for salmonellos is pathological process: specific salmonella granulomas were foundin parenchymalorgans (liver, spleen). Some pathological processestypical for sepsiswere foundin other parenchymalorgans (kidneys, heart). The nature of pathological changes in dicates that there is as epticprocess that spreads both hematogenically and lymphogenically, and the structure of granulomas most likely indicates that such apathogen as Salmonelacholeraesuis circulates in cattle

    Improvement in quality of dairy cattle products in areas with man-made radiation and chemical pollution

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    A study of the quality and quantity indexes of the dairy cattle milk-producing ability was conducted in areas polluted with heavy metals and radionuclides. The condition of agrobiocenoses in the Eastern Urals Radioactive Trace was studied, and correlation between the pollution of the agrobiocenoses with Cd, Cu, Zn, Fe, 90Sr, 137Cs, 210Pb, the content of the pollutants in the animal organisms and the quality of their milk was established. Trends towards the amino acid content alteration, protein and fat content reduction and the somatic cell number increase in the milk, deterioration of its microbial content, of its suitability for cheese production and grading were detected in the areas more heavily polluted with radionuclides and chemical pollutants. An experiment with an integrated effect on the critical points of the technological process of milk and its primary product manufacture involving protection of the agrocoenosis from secondary pollution, improvement in the food quality, clearance of the pollutants from the animal organisms and metabolism care, high-technology processing of of milk and its primary products was conducted. It was established that a simultaneous effect on the critical points of the technological process siginificantly increases the effectiveness of individual methods due to synergy and leads to a significant improvement in the quality indexes of milk. In particular, in the experimental group, a 2%-to- 12% increase in the concentration of free essential amino acids and a 15-to-40-fold decrease of the somatic cell number in the milk, improvement in its suitability for cheese production and reduction in its microbial content compared with the controls were observed. In the context of permanent unavoidable man-made load on the agrobiocenoses, application of this technology permits maintaining the product quality at a high-standard level