29 research outputs found

    Creation of methodological support for the implementation of exercise programs for children of younger school age in Czech, Ukrainian and Russian

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    Title: Creation of methodological support for the implementation of movement programs for children of younger school age in Czech, Ukrainian and Russian Aim: The aim of the bachelor thesis is to create appropriate and comprehensible methodological support to promote physical activity among Ukrainian children in asylum in the Czech Republic. Methods: The bachelor thesis consists of three parts and has a theoretical-empirical character. In the first, theoretical part a qualitative approach (literature search) is used. In the second part, based on the research, a proposal for methodological support was created, which was subsequently translated to be available in three languages: Czech, Ukrainian and Russian. In the third, empirical part, a quantitative approach in the form of an anonymous questionnaire- type survey was used. The research sample for the empirical part was obtained by the method of purposive sampling. The respondents were mainly persons from the field of education who work with children, persons from families affected by the war (refugees from the invaded country), families from the country that started the war and families of Czech citizens whose children suffered from psychological problems related to the war. Results: 41 respondents took part in the survey, 12 from the Czech...Název: Tvorba metodické podpory pro realizaci pohybových programů dětí mladšího školního věku v češtině, ukrajinštině a ruštině Cíl: Cílem bakalářské práce je tvorba vhodné a srozumitelné metodické podpory k podpoře pohybové aktivity u ukrajinských dětí v azylu v ČR. Metody: Bakalářská práce se skládá se ze tří částí a má teoreticko-empirický charakter. V první, teoretické části je využit kvalitativní přístup (literární rešerše). Ve druhé části byl na základě rešerše vytvořen návrh metodické podpory, který byl následně přeložen tak, aby byl k dispozici ve třech jazycích: češtině, ukrajinštině a ruštině. Ve třetí, empirické části byl využit kvantitativní přístup ve formě anonymní ankety dotazníkového typu. Výzkumný vzorek pro empirickou část byl získán metodou záměrného výběru. Respondenty byly zejména osoby z oblasti školství, které pracují s dětmi, osoby z rodin postižených válkou (uprchlicí z napadené země), rodiny pocházející ze země, jež válku začala a rodiny českých občanů, jejichž děti trpěly psychickými problémy ve spojitosti s válkou. Výsledky: Anketního šetření se zúčastnilo 41 respondentů, z toho 12 z České republiky, 15 z Ukrajiny, 4 z Běloruska, 8 z Ruska, 1 z Kazachstánu a 1 ze Slovenska. Přičemž 19 (46,3 %) z nich se věnuje pohybovým aktivitám dětí ve volnem čase, 10 (24,3 %)...Department of Adapted Physical Education and Sport MedicineKatedra zdravotní TV a tělovýchovného lékařstvíFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Activities Bigosovo children's home in 1944-1954 years

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    This article is devoted to the activities of the orphanage in Bigosovo. After the war, a lot of children needed help. They needed shoes, clothes, food. In the orphanage there were children of all ages. Management faced a lot of difficulties. There were not enoughessential goods. However, the orphanage was of great importance as an educational institution


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    Foreign trade is an important factor of economic growth and development of open economies. At the same time, the analysis of the state of foreign trade operations is becoming methodologically more complex due to the increase in the number of indicators used and the appearance of new ones. They allow not only to examine the effectiveness of the state trade policy, the set of goods and trade partners, but also to get an idea of the structure of the economy, the level of its development and competitiveness, as well as to assess the quality of the export and import baskets from the point of view of economic growth prospects. Therefore, it is advisable to use models of commodity export valuation, which determines the relevance of the chosen topic. The subject of the study is the methods and models of commodity export evaluation. The purpose of the article is the formation of a model for the evaluation of Ukraine's commodity exports to the integration associations of the world and its approval. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the conducted research is the dialectical method of cognition, the principles of system analysis and synthesis, statistical processing of information. The methods of structural dynamics were used for the analysis of statistical indicators of commodity exports for 2016-2020; the method of constant market share – for the evaluation of changes in commodity exports of Ukraine for the period under consideration; the method of scientific abstraction is used for the generalization of the obtained results and the formation of conclusions; the graphic method – for the visual presentation of the obtained research results. Results. The article proposes a model for assessing Ukraine's commodity exports to the world integration associations, the main component of which is the constant market share method (CMS analysis). This model is easy to use and allows a qualitative assessment of changes in Ukraine's commodity exports. Approval of the model and assessment of changes in commodity exports of Ukraine was carried out on the international statistical database UNCTADstat for 2016-2020. The data are aggregated into groups according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). The following trading partners have been selected for the CMS analysis: EU-27, ASEAN+3, CIS and REST OF THE WORLD. The obtained results make it possible to assess the state of Ukraine's commodity exports and the level of its competitiveness in foreign markets. Practical implications. The practical implications are related to the possibility of using the proposed model for the evaluation of commodity exports, using various options for the classification of goods and integration associations – partners of the exporting country. Value / originality. The originality lies in the development of a model for the assessment of Ukraine's commodity exports to the world integration associations based on the Constant Market Share (CMS) method, which allows to determine to what extent exports change with the growth of the competitiveness of the goods of the exporting country


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    The aim of the work. To investigate changes in cytokine profile and functional status of endothelium in rats for mercazolil-induced hypothyroidism with concomitant galactosamine hepatitis. Materials and Methods. The studies were performed on white male rats weighing 180–200 g obtained from vivarium of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University. Hypothyroidism was modeled by daily administration of per os using a special probe of mercazolil pharmacopoeial thyrostatics at a dose of 25 mg/kg for 21 days. The effect of hypothyroidism on the course of the inflammatory process in hepatitis was studied in a model of galactosamine hepatitis (GAH), which was caused by intraperitoneal administration to experimental animals galactosamine at a dose of 400 mg/kg in the form of a 20 % solution. Results and Discussion. It was found that the TNF-α index in animals with simulated hypothyroidism increased by 1.05 times, IL 1-α – by 1.41 times, IL-4 – 1.33 times, INF-γ – 5.56 times relative to intact animals. Moreover, monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP) decreased by 0.95 times. After simulated galactosamine hepatitis, it was found that TNF-α increased by 1.13 times, IL-1α – 1.49 times, IL-4 – 1.56 times, INF-γ – 6.57 times MCP – 1.06 times relatively intact animals. Following the simulated galactosamine hepatitis, the following changes occurred on the background of hypothyroidism: TNF-α increased 1.32-fold, IL-1α – 1.70-fold, IL-4 – 1.94-fold, INF-γ – 5.89-fold MCP – 1.11 times relative to intact animals. Conclusions. It is concluded that under the conditions of experimental galactosamine hepatitis, hypothyroidism overproduces interproduction of interleukin-1α (IL-1α), interleukin-4 (IL-4), interferon-γ (IFN-γ), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), as well as hypoproduction of monocytic chemoattractant protein (MCP), which can cause significant changes in liver tissues.Мета роботи. Вивчити зміни показників цитокінового профілю та функціонального стану ендотелію у щурів із мерказоліліндукованим гіпотиреозом і супутнім галактозаміновим гепатитом. Матеріали і методи. Дослідження проводили на білих щурах-самцях масою тіла 180–200 г, яких отримали з віварію Тернопільського національного медичного університету імені І. Я. Горбачевського МОЗ України. Гіпотиреоз моделювали щоденним введенням фармакопейного тиреостатика мерказолілу в дозі 25 мг/кг протягом 21-ї доби per os за допомогою спеціального зонда. Вплив гіпотиреозу на перебіг запального процесу при гепатиті вивчали на моделі галактозамінового гепатиту (ГАГ), який викликали шляхом внутрішньочеревного уведення експериментальним тваринам галактозаміну в дозі 400 мг/кг у вигляді 20 % розчину. Результати й обговорення. Виявлено, що показник TNF-α у тварин із модельованим гіпотиреозом збільшився у 1,05 раза, IL-1α – в 1,41 раза, IL-4 – 1,33 раза, INF-γ – 5,56 раза відносно інтактних тварин. Причому моноцитарний хемоатрактантний протеїн (MCP) зменшився у 0,95 раза. Після модельованого галактозамінового гепатиту виявлено, що показник TNF-α збільшився у 1,13 раза, IL-1α – в 1,49 раза, IL-4 – 1,56 раза, INF-γ – 6,57 раза, MCP – 1,06 раза відносно інтактних тварин. Після модельованого галактозамінового гепатиту на тлі гіпотиреозу відбулись наступні зміни: показник TNF-α збільшився у 1,32 раза, IL-1α – в 1,70 рази, IL-4 – 1,94 раза, INF-γ – 5,89 раза MCP – 1,11 раза відносно інтактних тварин. Висновки. За умов експериментального галактозамінового гепатиту на тлі гіпотиреозу відбувається гіперпродукція інтерлейкіну-1α (IL-1α), інтерлейкіну-4 (IL-4), інтерферону-γ (IFN-γ), фактора некрозу пухлин-α (TNF-α), а також гіпопродукцію моноцитарного хемоатрактантного протеїну, що можуть спричиняти значні зміни в тканинах печінки

    Информация о смерти клеток необходима для жизни всего организма

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    In present paper we give the review of own experimental and literary data, devoted to programmed cells destruction— apoptosis in animal and plants. We show, that the inheritable information about cell death is necessary for life and evolutionary prosperity of multicellular organisms.В настоящей статье мы даем обзор собственных экспериментальных и литературных данных, посвященных запрограммированной гибели клеток — апоптозу у животных и растений, показываем, что наследственная информация о смерти необходима для жизни и эволюционного процветания многоклеточных организмов. За эти работы группе американских и английских учёных в 2002 г. была присуждена Нобелевская премия по физиологии и медицине. Апоптоз — центральная проблема современного комплекса наук о жизни

    Deofshorization as an instrument of financial security of the state: legal aspect

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    It has been determined that legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime as a criminal offense is committed by individuals and legal entities using a criminal (corruption) mechanism for granting the status of legal origin to assets (funds, real estate, securities) knowingly acquired by criminal means, in order to conceal predicate offense and the acquisition of legal grounds for possession, use and disposal of these assets. According to the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, combating these crimes is recognized as an element of security policy, which determines the feasibility of further appropriate changes to existing legislation and the need to improve the organization and methodology of investigation of these crimes. The assessment of the impact of offshore zones on the indicators of financial security of Ukraine based on the construction of an econometric regression model has been carried out. In accordance with the obtained results, recommendations on deoffshorization as an effective tool for ensuring the financial security of Ukraine have been provided. It has been stressed that international cooperation in the field of criminal justice should become an effective process and, having got rid of cumbersome and lengthy formal procedures, be transformed into an operational process of interaction between authorized persons. Operational cooperation between law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and EU countries, which is provided for in the Association Agreement, is complicated by the factor of inadequate communication due to the fact that law enforcement officers do not speak foreign languages and need training (both professional and language training)


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     The paper presents algorithms for structure optimization of centralized heat-supply systems in large cities due to higher heat loads and necessity for equipment change. The algorithms can be applied for elaboration of plans for development of heat supply in cities and human settlements.Представлены алгоритмы для решения задач оптимизации структуры централизованной системы теплоснабжения крупных городов в результате роста тепловых нагрузок и необходимости замены оборудования. Алгоритмы могут быть использованы при разработке планов развития систем теплоснабжения городов и населенных пунктов

    Productivity and grain quality of winter triticale varieties (Triticosecale Wittmack el. Camus) under different soil and climatic growing conditions

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    Purpose. To evaluate the productivity and grain quality of winter triticale varieties grown under different soil and climatic conditions. Methods. The research process involved laboratory, computational and statistical methods, and analysis and synthesis to draw conclusions. Results. HTC (IV–X) was found to vary significantly monthly, annually and in general between the research sites. It was found that the yield of winter triticale varieties in the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones was 5.3 t/ha. The maximum yield in the Forest-Steppe zone was achieved by the variety ‘MIP Feniks’ (5.9 t/ha), in the Polissia zone by the variety ‘Pamiati Patseky’ (5.8 t/ha). It was found that the protein content of winter triticale varieties for the 2019–2020 research years in the Forest-Steppe zone was on average 12.6% and ranged from 12.2% (‘Liubomyr’) to 13.3% (‘MIP Yatahan’), which according to the classifier corresponded to grain of medium quality and can be used in the confectionery industry. The coefficient of variation (V,%) for this characteristic was 3.5%. In the Polissia zone, the protein content of the varieties averaged 13.6% over the years of research and ranged from 12.9% – medium content (‘MIP Feniks’) to 14.3% – high content (‘MIP Yatahan’). The intrazone variation was low and amounted to 4.0%. Correlation and regression analysis showed that an increase in the active temperature during the vegetation period up to 3203 оС allows an increase in the productivity indicators and in the weight of 1000 grains from 5.6 to 6.1 t/ha and from 46.8 to 53.5 g, respectively; an increase in precipitation during the vegetation period up to 515.1 mm leads to a decrease in the weight of 1000 grains from 45.2 to 38.1 g; with an increase in the amount of active temperatures and precipitation during the vegetation period from 3167.65 to 3202.9 оС and from 413.85 to 515.1 mm, respectively, it is possible to increase the protein content in grain from 12.4 to 13.8%; with an increase in the yield and weight of 1000 grains from 5.8 to 6.1 t/ha and from 51.8 to 53.8 g, the protein content of the grain can be reduced from 13.1 to 12.0%. Conclusions. Different responses of varieties to zonal growing conditions were observed. A positive influence of the rainfall factor during the growing season on the yield of winter triticale in Forest-Steppe and Polissia (r = 0.66 and 0.34 units) and on the increase of the protein content of grain grown in the Polissia zone (r = 0.56) was revealed

    The use of modern pedagogical technologies in teaching the discipline «Human Anatomy»

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    В умовах реформування медицини в Україні пріоритетним завданням закладів вищої освіти є якість професійної підготовки фахівців галузі охорони здоров’я. Серед найважливіших принципів формування єдиного освітнього середовища визначальним є досягнення високого рівня навчання майбутніх лікарів шляхом уведення єдиної технології управління якістю освіти. У процесі євроінтеграції та глобалізації, входження української освітньої системи у світовий інформаційний простір виникає потреба в кардинальному оновленні системи вищої освіти нашої країни з урахуванням позитивного досвіду країн Європи та світу. На часі оптимізація галузі охорони здоров’я населення та підготовка лікарів нового покоління відповідно до світових стандартів.In the context of healthcare reform in Ukraine, the priority task of higher education institutions is the quality of professional education of healthcare specialists. Among the most important principles of forming a unified educational environment is the achievement of a high level training of future doctors by introducing a unified technology for managing the educational quality. In the process of European integration and globalization, as the Ukrainian educational system enters the global information space, there is a need for a radical renewal of higher education system in our country, taking into account the positive experience of European and worldwide countries. It is time to optimize the public health sector and train a new generation of doctors in accordance with international standards