59 research outputs found

    New algorithms for the dual of the convex cost network flow problem with application to computer vision

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    Motivated by various applications to computer vision, we consider an integer convex optimization problem which is the dual of the convex cost network flow problem. In this paper, we first propose a new primal algorithm for computing an optimal solution of the problem. Our primal algorithm iteratively updates primal variables by solving associated minimum cut problems. The main contribution in this paper is to provide a tight bound for the number of the iterations. We show that the time complexity of the primal algorithm is K ¢ T(n;m) where K is the range of primal variables and T(n;m) is the time needed to compute a minimum cut in a graph with n nodes and m edges. We then propose a primal-dual algorithm for the dual of the convex cost network flow problem. The primal-dual algorithm can be seen as a refined version of the primal algorithm by maintaining dual variables (flow) in addition to primal variables. Although its time complexity is the same as that for the primal algorithm, we can expect a better performance practically. We finally consider an application to a computer vision problem called the panoramic stitching problem. We apply several implementations of our primal-dual algorithm to some instances of the panoramic stitching problem and test their practical performance. We also show that our primal algorithm as well as the proofs can be applied to the L\-convex function minimization problem which is a more general problem than the dual of the convex cost network flow problem

    Handling Scheduling Problems with Controllable Parameters by Methods of Submodular Optimization

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    In this paper, we demonstrate how scheduling problems with controllable processing times can be reformulated as maximization linear programming problems over a submodular polyhedron intersected with a box. We explain a decomposition algorithm for solving the latter problem and discuss its implications for the relevant problems of preemptive scheduling on a single machine and parallel machines

    Preemptive models of scheduling with controllable processing times and of scheduling with imprecise computation: A review of solution approaches

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    This paper provides a review of recent results on scheduling with controllable processing times. The stress is on the methodological aspects that include parametric flow techniques and methods for solving mathematical programming problems with submodular constraints. We show that the use of these methodologies yields fast algorithms for solving problems on single machine or parallel machines, with either one or several objective functions. For a wide range of problems with controllable processing times we report algorithms with the running times which match those known for the corresponding problems with fixed processing times. As a by-product, we present the best possible algorithms for a number of problems on parallel machines that are traditionally studied within the body of research on scheduling with imprecise computation

    Efficient Enumeration of Induced Subtrees in a K-Degenerate Graph

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    In this paper, we address the problem of enumerating all induced subtrees in an input k-degenerate graph, where an induced subtree is an acyclic and connected induced subgraph. A graph G = (V, E) is a k-degenerate graph if for any its induced subgraph has a vertex whose degree is less than or equal to k, and many real-world graphs have small degeneracies, or very close to small degeneracies. Although, the studies are on subgraphs enumeration, such as trees, paths, and matchings, but the problem addresses the subgraph enumeration, such as enumeration of subgraphs that are trees. Their induced subgraph versions have not been studied well. One of few example is for chordless paths and cycles. Our motivation is to reduce the time complexity close to O(1) for each solution. This type of optimal algorithms are proposed many subgraph classes such as trees, and spanning trees. Induced subtrees are fundamental object thus it should be studied deeply and there possibly exist some efficient algorithms. Our algorithm utilizes nice properties of k-degeneracy to state an effective amortized analysis. As a result, the time complexity is reduced to O(k) time per induced subtree. The problem is solved in constant time for each in planar graphs, as a corollary

    Single machine scheduling with controllable processing times by submodular optimization

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    In scheduling with controllable processing times the actual processing time of each job is to be chosen from the interval between the smallest (compressed or fully crashed) value and the largest (decompressed or uncrashed) value. In the problems under consideration, the jobs are processed on a single machine and the quality of a schedule is measured by two functions: the maximum cost (that depends on job completion times) and the total compression cost. Our main model is bicriteria and is related to determining an optimal trade-off between these two objectives. Additionally, we consider a pair of associated single criterion problems, in which one of the objective functions is bounded while the other one is to be minimized. We reduce the bicriteria problem to a series of parametric linear programs defined over the intersection of a submodular polyhedron with a box. We demonstrate that the feasible region is represented by a so-called base polyhedron and the corresponding problem can be solved by the greedy algorithm that runs two orders of magnitude faster than known previously. For each of the associated single criterion problems, we develop algorithms that deliver the optimum faster than it can be deduced from a solution to the bicriteria problem

    Application of submodular optimization to single machine scheduling with controllable processing times subject to release dates and deadlines

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    In this paper, we study a scheduling problem on a single machine, provided that the jobs have individual release dates and deadlines, and the processing times are controllable. The objective is to find a feasible schedule that minimizes the total cost of reducing the processing times. We reformulate the problem in terms of maximizing a linear function over a submodular polyhedron intersected with a box. For the latter problem of submodular optimization, we develop a recursive decomposition algorithm and apply it to solving the single machine scheduling problem to achieve the best possible running time

    Polynomial Delay Algorithm for Listing Minimal Edge Dominating sets in Graphs

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    The Transversal problem, i.e, the enumeration of all the minimal transversals of a hypergraph in output-polynomial time, i.e, in time polynomial in its size and the cumulated size of all its minimal transversals, is a fifty years old open problem, and up to now there are few examples of hypergraph classes where the problem is solved. A minimal dominating set in a graph is a subset of its vertex set that has a non empty intersection with the closed neighborhood of every vertex. It is proved in [M. M. Kant\'e, V. Limouzy, A. Mary, L. Nourine, On the Enumeration of Minimal Dominating Sets and Related Notions, In Revision 2014] that the enumeration of minimal dominating sets in graphs and the enumeration of minimal transversals in hypergraphs are two equivalent problems. Hoping this equivalence can help to get new insights in the Transversal problem, it is natural to look inside graph classes. It is proved independently and with different techniques in [Golovach et al. - ICALP 2013] and [Kant\'e et al. - ISAAC 2012] that minimal edge dominating sets in graphs (i.e, minimal dominating sets in line graphs) can be enumerated in incremental output-polynomial time. We provide the first polynomial delay and polynomial space algorithm that lists all the minimal edge dominating sets in graphs, answering an open problem of [Golovach et al. - ICALP 2013]. Besides the result, we hope the used techniques that are a mix of a modification of the well-known Berge's algorithm and a strong use of the structure of line graphs, are of great interest and could be used to get new output-polynomial time algorithms.Comment: proofs simplified from previous version, 12 pages, 2 figure

    Decomposition algorithms for submodular optimization with applications to parallel machine scheduling with controllable processing times

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    In this paper we present a decomposition algorithm for maximizing a linear function over a submodular polyhedron intersected with a box. Apart from this contribution to submodular optimization, our results extend the toolkit available in deterministic machine scheduling with controllable processing times. We demonstrate how this method can be applied to developing fast algorithms for minimizing total compression cost for preemptive schedules on parallel machines with respect to given release dates and a common deadline. Obtained scheduling algorithms are faster and easier to justify than those previously known in the scheduling literature