410 research outputs found

    Application of the Shiono and Knight Method in asymmetric compound channels with different side slopes of the internal wall

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    The Shiono and Knight Method (SKM) is widely used to predict the lateral distribution of depth-averaged velocity and boundary shear stress for flows in compound channels. Three calibrating coefficients need to be estimated for applying the SKM, namely eddy viscosity coefficient (λ), friction factor (f) and secondary flow coefficient (k). There are several tested methods which can satisfactorily be used to estimate λ, f. However, the calibration of secondary flow coefficients k to account for secondary flow effects correctly is still problematic. In this paper, the calibration of secondary flow coefficients is established by employing two approaches to estimate correct values of k for simulating asymmetric compound channel with different side slopes of the internal wall. The first approach is based on Abril and Knight (2004) who suggest fixed values for main channel and floodplain regions. In the second approach, the equations developed by Devi and Khatua (2017) that relate the variation of the secondary flow coefficients with the relative depth (β) and width ratio (α) are used. The results indicate that the calibration method developed by Devi and Khatua (2017) is a better choice for calibrating the secondary flow coefficients than using the first approach which assumes a fixed value of k for different flow depths. The results also indicate that the boundary condition based on the shear force continuity can successfully be used for simulating rectangular compound channels, while the continuity of depth-averaged velocity and its gradient is accepted boundary condition in simulations of trapezoidal compound channels. However, the SKM performance for predicting the boundary shear stress over the shear layer region may not be improved by only imposing the suitable calibrated values of secondary flow coefficients. This is because difficulties of modelling the complex interaction that develops between the flows in the main channel and on the floodplain in this region

    Application of the Shiono and Knight Method in asymmetric compound channels with different side slopes of the internal wall

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    The Shiono and Knight Method (SKM) is widely used to predict the lateral distribution of depth-averaged velocity and boundary shear stress for flows in compound channels. Three calibrating coefficients need to be estimated for applying the SKM, namely eddy viscosity coefficient (λ), friction factor (f) and secondary flow coefficient (k). There are several tested methods which can satisfactorily be used to estimate λ, f. However, the calibration of secondary flow coefficients k to account for secondary flow effects correctly is still problematic. In this paper, the calibration of secondary flow coefficients is established by employing two approaches to estimate correct values of k for simulating asymmetric compound channel with different side slopes of the internal wall. The first approach is based on Abril and Knight (2004) who suggest fixed values for main channel and floodplain regions. In the second approach, the equations developed by Devi and Khatua (2017) that relate the variation of the secondary flow coefficients with the relative depth (β) and width ratio (α) are used. The results indicate that the calibration method developed by Devi and Khatua (2017) is a better choice for calibrating the secondary flow coefficients than using the first approach which assumes a fixed value of k for different flow depths. The results also indicate that the boundary condition based on the shear force continuity can successfully be used for simulating rectangular compound channels, while the continuity of depth-averaged velocity and its gradient is accepted boundary condition in simulations of trapezoidal compound channels. However, the SKM performance for predicting the boundary shear stress over the shear layer region may not be improved by only imposing the suitable calibrated values of secondary flow coefficients. This is because difficulties of modelling the complex interaction that develops between the flows in the main channel and on the floodplain in this region

    Impact of episiotomy on pelvic floor disorders and their influence on women's wellness after the sixth month postpartum: a retrospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The role of episiotomy as a protective factor against pelvic floor disorders postpartum has been debated for many years, but its routine use has been hitherto discouraged in the literature. Comparisons between restrictive and routine use of episiotomy in existent literature, however, fail to include any consideration relating to quality of life. The aim of this study, therefore, is to state the role of episiotomy in preserving the perineum from damage, in order to prevent the influence of pelvic floor disorders on women's psycho-physical wellness after the sixth month postpartum.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A follow-up telephone interview was performed among 377 primiparous and secondiparous Caucasian women who had a child by spontaneous or operative vaginal delivery in 2006 using a self-created questionnaire and King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean age at delivery was 35.26 (±4.68) years and episiotomy was performed in 59.2% of women. Multivariate linear regression shows episiotomy associated to higher quality of life after the sixth month postpartum by correlating with inferior values of King's Health Questionnaire (p < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Episiotomy appears to be a protective factor for women's wellness. Women who had episiotomy and who experienced perineal symptoms have a better psycho-physical health status in the 12.79 months (±3.3) follow-up.</p

    Reexamining the effects of gestational age, fetal growth, and maternal smoking on neonatal mortality

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    BACKGROUND: Low birth weight (<2,500 g) is a strong predictor of infant mortality. Yet low birth weight, in isolation, is uninformative since it is comprised of two intertwined components: preterm delivery and reduced fetal growth. Through nonparametric logistic regression models, we examine the effects of gestational age, fetal growth, and maternal smoking on neonatal mortality. METHODS: We derived data on over 10 million singleton live births delivered at ≥ 24 weeks from the 1998–2000 U.S. natality data files. Nonparametric multivariable logistic regression based on generalized additive models was used to examine neonatal mortality (deaths within the first 28 days) in relation to fetal growth (gestational age-specific standardized birth weight), gestational age, and number of cigarettes smoked per day. All analyses were further adjusted for the confounding effects due to maternal age and gravidity. RESULTS: The relationship between standardized birth weight and neonatal mortality is nonlinear; mortality is high at low z-score birth weights, drops precipitously with increasing z-score birth weight, and begins to flatten for heavier infants. Gestational age is also strongly associated with mortality, with patterns similar to those of z-score birth weight. Although the direct effect of smoking on neonatal mortality is weak, its effects (on mortality) appear to be largely mediated through reduced fetal growth and, to a lesser extent, through shortened gestation. In fact, the association between smoking and reduced fetal growth gets stronger as pregnancies approach term. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides important insights regarding the combined effects of fetal growth, gestational age, and smoking on neonatal mortality. The findings suggest that the effect of maternal smoking on neonatal mortality is largely mediated through reduced fetal growth

    Distinct mechanisms for aerenchyma formation in leaf sheaths of rice genotypes displaying a quiescence or escape strategy for flooding tolerance

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    Background and Aims Rice is one of the few crops able to withstand periods of partial or even complete submergence. One of the adaptive traits of rice is the constitutive presence and further development of aerenchyma which enables oxygen to be transported to submerged organs. The development of lysigenous aerenchyma is promoted by ethylene accumulating within the submerged plant tissues, although other signalling mechanisms may also co-exist. In this study, aerenchyma development was analysed in two rice (Oryza sativa) varieties, ‘FR13A’ and ‘Arborio Precoce’, which show opposite traits in flooding response in terms of internode elongation and survival. Methods The growth and survival of rice varieties under submergence was investigated in the leaf sheath of ‘FR13A’ and ‘Arborio Precoce’. The possible involvement of ethylene and reactive oxygen species (ROS) was evaluated in relation to aerenchyma formation. Cell viability and DNA fragmentation were determined by FDA/FM4-64 staining and TUNEL assay, respectively. Ethylene production was monitored by gas chromatography and by analysing ACO gene expression. ROS production was measured by using Amplex Red assay kit and the fluorescent dye DCFH2-DA. The expression of APX1 was also evaluated. AVG and DPI solutions were used to test the effect of inhibiting ethylene biosynthesis and ROS production, respectively. Key Results Both the varieties displayed constitutive lysigenous aerenchyma formation, which was further enhanced when submerged. ‘Arborio Precoce’, which is characterized by fast elongation when submerged, showed active ethylene biosynthetic machinery associated with increased aerenchymatous areas. ‘FR13A’, which harbours the Sub1A gene that limits growth during oxygen deprivation, did not show any increase in ethylene production after submersion but still displayed increased aerenchyma. Hydrogen peroxide levels increased in ‘FR13A’ but not in ‘Arborio Precoce’. Conclusions While ethylene controls aerenchyma formation in the fast-elongating ‘Arborio Precoce’ variety, in ‘FR13A’ ROS accumulation plays an important role

    Analytical model for the calculation of lateral velocity distributions in potential cross-sections

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    [EN] The hydraulic modeling of water depth and flow velocities in open channel flows that were fitted by power-law cross-section stand out for their versatility, allowing their use in numerous practical applications, both in natural and artificial channels. The determination of the hydraulic variables of depth and average velocity has been widely studied in potential cross-sections; however, the variation seen in these variables along the cross-section was not found in the literature. Knowledge of this variation allows the development of studies (e.g. to know the approximate damage in different areas of the cross-section, to analyse sediment transport, or other applications in river hydraulics). This paper presents a methodology which allows calculation of the hydraulic variables in any area of a power-law cross-section. The methodology is applied to symmetrical cross-sections, comparing its generated results with the obtained values by different computational hydraulic codes, which are thoroughly accepted by scientific community, such as CES, HEC-RAS and IBER. The obtained predictions of hydraulic parameters (using the explicit formulation described in this research) present very low errors when compared with results of other models, with great computational cost. These errors reach a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.13 and 0.05 in the determination of velocities' lateral distribution and the ratio between velocity and average velocity. These values indicate a very successful validation for the analysed symmetrical sections.[ES] La modelización hidráulica de calados y velocidades de flujo, en cauces con secciones que admiten una representación de tipo potencial, se destaca por su versatilidad, permitiendo su utilización en numerosas aplicaciones prácticas tanto en canales naturales como artificiales. El cálculo de las variables hidráulicas (calado y velocidad media) ha sido ampliamente estudiado para este tipo de secciones. Sin embargo, en la literatura técnica no se han encontrado estudios que muestren la variación de estas magnitudes a lo largo de la sección transversal. El conocimiento de esta variación permite desarrollar estudios (ejemplo: conocer de manera aproximada los daños en diferentes zonas de la sección, analizar el transporte de sedimentos, estudiar los procesos de erosión u otras aplicaciones en hidráulica fluvial). Presentamos una metodología que permite el cálculo de las variables hidráulicas en cualquier zona de una sección tipo potencial. La metodología es aplicada a secciones simétricas, comparando los resultados generados con los obtenidos por diferentes códigos hidráulicos computacionales ampliamente aceptados por la comunidad científica (p-e- CES, HECRAS e IBER). Las predicciones de los parámetros hidráulicos obtenidas (usando la formulación explícita descrita en este artículo) presentan errores muy bajos, en comparación con otros modelos con mayor costo computacional. Estos errores alcanzan un valor promedio para la raíz del error cuadrático medio (RMSE) en el cálculo de la distribución lateral de velocidades de 0.13 y de 0.05, en el cálculo de la relación de velocidades respecto a la velocidad media. Estos valores indican una validación muy satisfactoria para las secciones simétricas analizadas.Sánchez-Romero, F.; Pérez-Sánchez, M.; López Jiménez, PA. (2018). Modelo analítico para el cálculo de distribuciones de velocidad laterales en secciones tipo potencial-ley. RIBAGUA - Revista Iberoamericana del Agua. 5(1):29-47. doi:10.1080/23863781.2018.1442189S29475

    Long-Run Consequences of Natural Disasters: Evidence from Tangshan

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    Exploiting Tangshan 1976 - the deadliest earthquake in the 20th century - as a source of exogenous variation, we estimate the cohort-specific effects of a historical shock on contemporary socio-economic outcomes. While cohorts born after the earthquake were considerably larger, the adverse post-disaster conditions did not translate into lasting impacts on schooling and labour market outcomes. Cohorts at schooling age during the earthquake, however, exhibit considerably lower education levels today, particularly among the female. Despite lower education, there is no evidence for adverse labour market outcomes. We conduct extensive robustness checks and argue that the effect is causal
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