20 research outputs found


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    高度情報化社会を向かえて、学校教育における情報教育が重要視されるなか、学校教育現場に学習環境としてのコンピュータの整備が着々と進められている。しかし、学校教育現場において情報教育の実践を行うことのできる資質と能力を持った教員の数はまだ十分とはいえない。とくに、教員の配置数の少ない、離島・僻地校においてはそのような教員がひとりもいない可能性が十分にある。本研究では、沖縄県八重山郡西表島の離島僻地校を対象とし、はじめて、インターネットを利用した授業を行う教師のためのサポートを兵庫教育大学と対象校を結んで遠隔で行った。これは、学校教育現場におけるマンパワー不足に対して一つの解決法を見いだすものと考える。 LAN構築やインターネットの接続、ホームページの作成、など技術的アドバイスやインターネットを利用した授業実践の共同研究である。遠隔であったが継続的に支援していくことで十分その成果をあげることができたと考える。本稿では、その教育実践と遠隔支援についての成果を報告する。Despite the recent needs for informational technologies in education, many schools are failing to implement computers in their curricula. In most cases, this failure is due to a shartage of teachers who can utilize computers in school curricula. This problem is particularly prevalent in small schools in rural areas, such as remote islands. This research tried to support (a) the use of computer learning in these remotely located schools by providing Internet connections, and (b) the use of Internet computer learning at these remotely located schools. In this report, we describe methods to support remote schools and our attempts to apply these methods

    A Developmental Study on the Tapping Ability

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    A Study on Two Dimensions of Personality

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    本論文では人格は多様であるが、その多様さの中に基本的な次元はあるか、あるとしたら何なのかについて、つまり人間が他人(対社会)関係の中の枠組みの中でどのように行動し、変化していくのかについての主要な次元の規定が問題とされた。TaylorのMAS,SarasonのTAS,Eys-enck のMPI,Spielberger の特性不安、状態不安などについて考察され、著者の一つの立場、つまり「不安(あるいは神経症)」次元、「内向性ー外向性」次元の二つの次元の存在、が主張された

    A Remark on Two Dimensions of Personality (Ⅱ)

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    Difference in Responses to a World-association Test in Extraverision-introversion Dimension

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    A Developmental Study on Tapping Ability (Ⅱ) : In Case of Kindergarden Children

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    Shame, guilt, blaming, and anger: Differences between children in Japan and the US

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    Recent research and theory on shame and guilt has highlighted the “dark side to shame” in motivating harmful behavior. Although researchers recognize that cultural differences in shame exist, few studies have examined such differences. In this study of 130 fourth and fifth graders from the United States and 118 from Japan, cultural differences in anger, shame, guilt, and externalization of blame were examined. Consistent with predictions, compared to American children, Japanese children were more prone to experience shame and guilt and less likely to externalize blame. However, they also were more likely to experience anger. Directly, and indirectly through blaming, shame had much greater effects on anger among American than Japanese children. Whereas the effects were positive and significant among American children, they were negative and nonsignificant among Japanese children. Among Japanese children, it was guilt, rather than shame, that was related to anger, and in a negative manner. Findings suggest that in anger, the “dark side to shame” but also the more positive side to guilt, are moderated by cultural context