11 research outputs found

    Analisis Prioritas Strategi Industri Kreatif Fesyen Batik Menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (Mea) Dengan Metode Swot Dan Ahp

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    Indonesia is currently the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), so the government needs to prepare to formulate strategic steps, especially in the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) creative industries. Given a lot of creative industries SME batik fashion art one of them in Sub Sondakan Laweyan District of Surakarta. Village of Sondakan is one central hub that is already known batik production in Surakarta. Although the production process is still traditionally many good quality products produced. With fashion's creative industries batiknya Village Sondakan certainly very likely to participate once in the MEA, thus the need for cooperation between SMEs step strategy Batik, private entrepreneurs and the role of government. This study aims to delve into the issues MEA information and analyzes on the readiness of the creative industries in Sub Sondakan. Also in this study using the SWOT method to determine the readiness and obtain the necessary strategies in Sub Sondakan Batik SMEs, as well as obtaining the necessary strategic priority IKM Batik with AHP method. The results in this study indicate that the position of SMEs in the Village Sondakan Batik is a moderately attractive which is defined as a growth strategy through horizontal integration, namely activities to develop SME Batik through mutual cooperation between SMEs Batik, private businesses and the government. Where the results indicate that strategy WT priority that the activities of a defensive nature are very influential in the development of such facilities improve and strengthen human resource limitations SME marketing Batik creative industries there is the Village Sondakan Laweyan District of Surakart

    Analysis of the Results of Basic Life Support and First Aid Training for Soccer School Coaches in East Java

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    The Provincial Association of All-Indonesian Football Associations in East Java as the Association of Football Associations, has duties and responsibilities in managing, developing and advancing East Java football. One of the problems faced by the Provincial Association is the first treatment of sports injuries. New football coaches receive training on Basic Life Support and First Aid for injuries/traumas when participating in C-licenced trainer certification while becoming a coach at a football school does not require a C-licence qualification. The purpose of this study was to determine the skills and abilities of football coaches regarding Basic Life Support and First Aid for injuries to players when the medical team is not available so that permanent disability and athlete death can be avoided. The method used is a survey method by assessing the skills of Football School coaches in understanding Basic Life Support and First Aid. The results show that only 12 have heard/done 38.7% of First Aid training. Of the 31 coaches, 18 people understand what to do to check consciousness when a player faints are 58.1%. How to free the airway in players suspected of having neck injuries, only 13 coaches knew about 41.9%. Only 12 coaches knew how to free the airway in players without neck injuries by 38.7%. 15 trainers who know the maximum time for breathing examinations are 48.4%

    Kombinasi Kalsitonin Salmon dan Latihan Fisik Intensitas Submaksimal Meningkatkan Ketebalan Lempeng Pertumbuhan Epifisis

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    This laboratory experimental study used post test only control group design and was aimed to identify the role of salmon calcitonin administration and submaximal intensity of physical exercise on thickness of epiphyseal growth plate. Experimental animals used in this study were 6-8 weeks old growing male Rattus norvegicus rats of Strain Wistar. Those animals were divided randomly in to 4 groups and were treated as followed: 20IU/kg body weight/subcutaneous/day NaCl 0,9% to Group K0; 20IU/kg body weight/subcutaneous/day of salmon calcitonin to group 2; submaximal intensity of physical exercise to group 3 and a combination between 20IU/kg body weight/subcutaneous/day of salmon calcitonin and submaximal intensity of physical exercise to group 4. After eight weeks, thickness of epiphyseal growth plate and bone length measured. It was found that the thickness of epiphyseal growth plate increased significantly on group 2 and 4, but there was no significant result on the group 3. In conclusion, combination between short-term salmon calcitonin and submaximal intensity of physical exercise has a beneficial effect on thickness of epiphyseal growth plate


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    Injuries to sports activities can have a negative impact on physical activities. Sports injuries include physical injuries that usually occur during physical activity, whether amateur or professional. Football is a type of sport that has a high intensity and requires good physical endurance. This sport is very susceptible to injury. First aid training in the form of handling injuries can be seen as an important skill for the formation and training of needed experts, in this case trainers. The purpose of first aid techniques in the form of handling injuries are as follows; protect the further life of the individual, prevent adverse injury situations, and recover in the form of rehabilitation. The activity was carried out on February 16, 2022 at the Kampi Hotel Surabaya. The number of participants who took part in this community service activity was 73 football coaches, members of PSSI East Java

    Hubungan Status Gizi Dengan Kejadian Infeksi Respiratorik Akut (IRA) Bagian Bawah ada Anak Usia 1-5 Tahun Di RSUD Sukoharjo

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    Background : Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (ALRTI) is ainfections caused by viruses, bacteria, or trauma that occurred from the larynx down and divided into croup (epiglotitis and laringo-tracheo-bronchitis), bronchitis, bronchiolitis, and pneumonia. ALRTI vulnerable population is children aged under five years old who have health problems such as malnutrition Objectives : To determine the relationship between nutritional status and the incidence of ALRTI in children aged 1-5 years in Sukoharjo Hospital. Methods : This study uses an analytical observational cross-sectional approach, the subjects in this study were children aged 1-5 years were enrolled in the treatment and hospital medical record Sukoharjo in January 2015. The technique used is the consecutive sampling. The whole subject is 84 children, consisted of 42 children with malnutrition and 42 children with good nutrition. The data obtained are presented in tables and analyzed using Chi Square test with SPSS 17.0 for Windows. Results : From the Chi square test p value of 0.001 obtained, it can be stated H0and H1 accepted. There is a significant association between nutritional status and the incidence of ALRTI. Additionally obtained value OR = 5.5, which means malnutrition increases the risk by 5,5 times lower compared to the ALRTI with good nutrition. Conclusion : There is a relationship between the nutritional status and the incident of ALRTI

    Exercise and Salmon Calcitonin Increase Bone Density In Growing Rat

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    Background/Purpose: Bone is a complex tissue consists of cell and matrix. Matrix consists of fibers and ground substance that contain mineralized. bone minerallized always increase and decrease through the remodelling process. Remodelling bone consists of two processes, bone formatted by osteoblast and bone resorption by osteoclast. Growing period is the best period to increase bone density. The research purpose was to prove exercise and calcitonin effect in the bone density and bone mass increment. Methods: The research method used the randomize post test only control group design. The groups consist of control, exercise, and combine (exercise+calcitonin) group. The sampel of each group is seven young males norvegicus rat (six weeks old). Exercise group swam once a day and three times a week, calcitonin group was given synthetic salmon calcitonin injection 2 IU/100 gram of rat weight everyday and combine group was treated both of exercise and calcitonin injection. The treatment duration is eight weeks. Measurements of density bone was done with using ultrasound DBM SONIC 1200 9Digital Bone Measurement-emsor, SA, Madrid, Spain). This instrument was issued conducting sound waves to assessment of density bone with m/sec. The research also measurred mass, diameter and length of the bone. Mass bone was measured by using a analytical balance librar-shimadzu in grams. Results: the result was combine had higher bone density (p=0,001) and bone mass (p=0,004) compare to other groups. Conclusion: The conclusion was the combination of exercise and salmon can increase bone density and bone mass in growing rat

    Transforming Kempo Fitness: Enhancing Physiological Responses and Physical Performance in Adolescents via a Tabata-Based Method

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    Study purpose. Examining the physiological and physical effects of Tabata training with Kempo sports movement techniques. Materials and methods. The study participants were 16 adolescents divided into two distinct groups: the Tabata group and the non-Tabata group. The training was conducted for 6 weeks, 3 times per week, with each session lasting 2 hours. The training components for kicks and punches included Gyaku Geri, Jun Mawashi Geri, Jun Zuki, and Gyaku Mawashi Geri. Each teenager did physical exercise once a week for 2 hours. A normality test (Shapiro-Wilk) was used to assess the normality of the data. A Two-Way ANOVA with a significance level of less than 0.05 was conducted to examine the difference in means between the two groups. Furthermore, the researchers also tested the N-Gain Score to assess the effectiveness of the 6-week Tabata training program. All tests were conducted using SPSS version 23 and GraphPad Prisma version 10 for graph creation. Results. The statistics indicate that a 6-week training with Tabata can effectively reduce resting heart rate and improve Standing Broad Jump (SBJ) performance by a value of sig. <0.05. In the pretest-posttest difference test within the group, the results show sig. <0.05. The results of the N-Gain Score test show that Kempo training using the Tabata method is effective in reducing resting heart rate by up to 88%, but is not effective in increasing power (SBJ) by a value of 10%. Conclusions. The study revealed that incorporating the Tabata method into Kempo training, with necessary adjustments for 6 weeks, led to a notable reduction in resting heart rate. A decrease in resting heart rate is a dependable indicator of the advancement in physical fitness and general well-being in adolescents


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    This laboratory experimental study used The Post Test Only Control Group Design and was aimed to identify the role of salmon calcitonin administration and submaximal intensity of physical exercise on thickness of epiphyseal growth plate and bone length. Experimental animals used in this study were 6 - 8 weeks old growing male Rattus Norvegicus rats of Strain Wistar. Those animals were divided randomly in to 4 groups and were treated as followed: 20IU/kg body weight/subcutaneous/day NaCl 0.9% to group K0; 20IU/kg body weight/ subcutaneous/day of salmon calcitonin (Miacalcic) to group 2; submaximal intensity of physical exercise to group 3 and a combination between 20IU/kg body weight/subcutaneous/day of salmon calcitonin (Miacalcic) and submaximal intensity of physical exercise to group 4. After eight weeks, thickness of epiphyseal growth plate and bone length measured. It was found that the thickness of epiphyseal growth plate increased significantly on group 2 and 4, but there was no significant result on the group 3. In conclusion, short-term salmon calcitonin administration and combination between short-term salmon calcitonin and submaximal intensity of physical exercise has a beneficial effect on longitudinal skeletal growth


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    Demam berdarah dengue (DBD) merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang masih ada setiap tahunnya, hal ini disebabkan karena sampai saat ini belum ditemukan obat atau vaksin untuk penanggulangan DBD. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan selama dua minggu di bulan Agustus 2022. Adapun metode yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini terdiri dari tahap persiapan dan pelaksanaan. Pada tahap persiapan ini berisi tentang kegiatan pra-pelaksanaan dalam penetapan permasalahan mitra sasaran mulai dari survei tempat, mempersiapkan pendataan, sarana penunjang, dan kebutuhan lainnya. Kemudian pada tahap pelaksanaan seperti kegiatan edukasi, pelaksanaan pencegahan penanggulangan, dan monitoring serta evaluasi. Adapun alat dan bahan yang dibutuhkan yaitu pamflet, brosur, bubuk larvasida (abate), tanaman pengusir nyamuk, media sosial, dan peralatan kebersihan. Kegiatan Sikage di desa Krembangan dapat terlaksana dengan baik di mana masyarakat sangat antusias. Kegiatan ini menerapkan Sikage (Sistem Keamanan dalam Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan DBD) kepada masyarakat. Pertama kami melakukan edukasi jumantik di mana edukasi tersebut dilakukan dengan metode ceramah door to door karena terdapat kendala yaitu minimnya kehadiran masyarakat. Sebanyak 95% masyarakat memahami dalam melakukan pencegahan dan penanggulangan DBD

    The role of short-term salmon calcitonin and submaximal intensity of physical exercise treatment on the thickness of epiphyseal growth plate

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    Background/Purpose: The function of the epiphyseal growth plate is related to the differentiation and maturation of the chondrocytes, especially of the hypertrophic zone. Salmon calcitonin exerts a positive effect on chondrocytes of the epiphyseal growth plate. The previous study, the effect of long-term daily salmon calcitonin treatment up on epiphyseal plate function has been and proven that could enhanced the number of chondrocytes of the upper tibial epiphyseal growth plate, increased the thickness of epiphyseal growth plate and accelerated the longitudinal growth of long bones. Physical exercise increased the growth hormone which induces the IGF-1 whose controlled the differention and maturation of the choncrocytes. Number of chondrocytes increased the hypertrophic zone of the epiphyseal growth plate and increased the thickness of epiphyseal growth plate. Methods: In this present study, using the post test only control group designed, the effect of the short-term daily salmon calcitonin and submaximal intensity of physical exercise treatment examined in 28 male Wistar rats aged 6-8 weeks at the beginning of the experiment. The objects devided into 4 groups, which rae group 1 is control group, group 2 is salmon calcitonin group, group 3 is submaximal intensity of physical exercise, and group 4 is combination between the salmon calcitonin and physicalexercise. Salmon calcitonin daily dosage given is 20 IU each kilogram rat body weight, subcutaneus, in eight weeks and the submaximal intensity of physical exercise given each morning, in the same time, three times a week. Duration after the treatment duration is eight weeks. Epiphyseal growth plate was imaged by using microscop, and then measurements the thickness of epiphyseal growth plate was done by motic images plus program. Result: All the datas are collected and counted using the analysis of variances and post hoc test with LSD. The Anova showed that p of the thickness of epiphyseal growth plate is 0,046 and it is indicated that there are significant different between the groups, the result showed there are significant different in the group 2 and the group 4 incompared with control group. Conclusion: Combination of a daily dose of IU per kilogram body weight of salmon calcitonin and submaximal intensity of physical exercise treatment increased the thickness of the epiphyseal growth plate higher than the short-term of salmon calcitonin of submaximal intensity of physical exercise only