50 research outputs found

    High temperature mechanical properties of BN particle dispersion SiC composites

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    Silicon carbide composites basically require weak fiber/matrix interphase like carbon or boron nitride (BN). The interphase material and its thickness are keys to determine mechanical properties. However precise control is the critical issue in terms of large scale production and material cost. The interphase is the weakest link for the environmental effects. The SiC composites were developed by applying BN particle dispersion in SiC matrix without the interphase. The objective is to understand the high temperature mechanical properties of the SiC composites. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    A Novel CLEIA for FGF23

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    Introduction: Measurement of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) has been reported to be clinically useful for the differential diagnosis of chronic hypophosphatemia. However, assays for research use only are available in Japan. Thus, the objective of this study was to examine the clinical utility of a novel and automated chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay for the measurement of FGF23. Materials and Methods: Participants were recruited from July 2015 to January 2017 at six facilities in Japan. Thirty-eight patients with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH; 15 males, 23 females, age 0–66 years), five patients with tumour-induced osteomalacia (TIO; 3 males, 2 females, age 60–73 years), and twenty-two patients with hypophosphatemia (11 males, 11 females, age 1–75 years) caused due to other factors participated in this study. Results: With the clinical cut-off value of FGF23 at 30.0 pg/mL indicated in the Diagnostic Guideline of Rickets/Osteomalacia in Japan, the sensitivity and specificity of FGF23-related hypophosphatemic rickets/osteomalacia without vitamin D deficiency (disease group-1) were 100% and 81.8%, respectively, which distinguished it from non-FGF23-related hypophosphatemia (disease group-2). Furthermore, the diagnostic sensitivity of FGF23-related hypophosphatemia with vitamin D deficiency remained at 100%. Among the four patients with FGF23 levels ≥ 30.0 pg/mL in disease group-2, two patients with relatively higher FGF23 values were suspected to have genuine FGF23-related hypophosphatemia, due to the ectopic production of FGF23 in pulmonary and prostate small cell carcinomas. Conclusion: The novel FGF23 assay tested in this study is useful for the differential diagnosis of hypophosphatemic rickets/osteomalacia in a clinical setting

    Structural basis for the adaptation and function of chlorophyll f in photosystem I

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    Chlorophylls (Chl) play pivotal roles in energy capture, transfer and charge separation in photosynthesis. Among Chls functioning in oxygenic photosynthesis, Chl f is the most red-shifted type first found in a cyanobacterium Halomicronema hongdechloris. The location and function of Chl f in photosystems are not clear. Here we analyzed the high-resolution structures of photosystem I (PSI) core from H. hongdechloris grown under white or far-red light by cryo-electron microscopy. The structure showed that, far-red PSI binds 83 Chl a and 7 Chl f, and Chl f are associated at the periphery of PSI but not in the electron transfer chain. The appearance of Chl f is well correlated with the expression of PSI genes induced under far-red light. These results indicate that Chl f functions to harvest the far-red light and enhance uphill energy transfer, and changes in the gene sequences are essential for the binding of Chl f

    Tapping into non-English-language science for the conservation of global biodiversity.

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    The widely held assumption that any important scientific information would be available in English underlies the underuse of non-English-language science across disciplines. However, non-English-language science is expected to bring unique and valuable scientific information, especially in disciplines where the evidence is patchy, and for emergent issues where synthesising available evidence is an urgent challenge. Yet such contribution of non-English-language science to scientific communities and the application of science is rarely quantified. Here, we show that non-English-language studies provide crucial evidence for informing global biodiversity conservation. By screening 419,679 peer-reviewed papers in 16 languages, we identified 1,234 non-English-language studies providing evidence on the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation interventions, compared to 4,412 English-language studies identified with the same criteria. Relevant non-English-language studies are being published at an increasing rate in 6 out of the 12 languages where there were a sufficient number of relevant studies. Incorporating non-English-language studies can expand the geographical coverage (i.e., the number of 2° × 2° grid cells with relevant studies) of English-language evidence by 12% to 25%, especially in biodiverse regions, and taxonomic coverage (i.e., the number of species covered by the relevant studies) by 5% to 32%, although they do tend to be based on less robust study designs. Our results show that synthesising non-English-language studies is key to overcoming the widespread lack of local, context-dependent evidence and facilitating evidence-based conservation globally. We urge wider disciplines to rigorously reassess the untapped potential of non-English-language science in informing decisions to address other global challenges. Please see the Supporting information files for Alternative Language Abstracts

    SATORI: Amplification-free digital RNA detection method for the diagnosis of viral infections

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    With the recent global outbreak of COVID-19, there is an urgent need to establish a versatile diagnostic method for viral infections. Gene amplification test or antigen test are widely used to diagnose viral infections; however, these methods generally have technical drawbacks either in terms of sensitivity, accuracy, or throughput. To address this issue, we recently developed an amplification-free digital RNA detection method (SATORI), which can identify and detect viral genes at the single-molecule level in approximately 9 min, satisfying almost all detection performance requirements for the diagnosis of viral infections. In addition, we also developed practical platforms for SATORI, such as an automated platform (opn-SATORI) and a low-cost compact fluorescence imaging system (COWFISH), with the aim of application in clinical settings. Our latest technologies can be inherently applied to diagnose a variety of RNA viral infections, such as COVID-19 and Influenza A/B, and therefore, we expect that SATORI will be established as a versatile platform for point-of-care testing of a wide range of infectious diseases, thus contributing to the prevention of future epidemics. This article is an extended version of the Japanese article published in the SEIBUTSU BUTSURI Vol. 63, p. 115–118 (2023)