38,350 research outputs found

    Equivariant embeddings of rational homology balls

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    We generalise theorems of Khodorovskiy and Park-Park-Shin, and give new topological proofs of those theorems, using embedded surfaces in the 4-ball and branched double covers. These theorems exhibit smooth codimension-zero embeddings of certain rational homology balls bounded by lens spaces.Comment: 27 pages, 25 figures. V2: Improved exposition incorporating referee's suggestions. Accepted for publication in Q. J. Math. V3: minor correction

    Optimal Policy Intervention and the Social Value of Public Information

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    Svensson (2006) argues that Morris and Shin (2002) is, contrary to what is claimed, pro-transparency. This paper reexamines the issue but with an important modification to the original Morris and Shin framework. Recognizing that central banks impact the economy not only indirectly via public announcements, but also directly through policy actions, we consider the social value of public information in the presence of active policy intervention. Our results strengthen Morris and Shin's conclusions considerably: in particular, we find that public disclosure of the central bank's information is unambiguously, i.e., regardless of parameter values, undesirable. (JEL D82, D83, E52, E58)

    Gifts at work: spark wonder campaign

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    Support from alumni and donors allows the Linfield community to shin

    Exchange Rate Dynamics and the Bilateral Trade Balance: The Case of U.S. Agriculture

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    This study examines the dynamic effects of changes in exchange rates on bilateral trade of agricultural products between the United States and its 15 major trading partners. Special attention is paid to investigate whether or not the J-curve hypothesis holds for U.S. agricultural trade. For this purpose, an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach to cointegration is applied to quarterly time-series data from 1989 and 2007. Results show that the exchange rate plays a crucial role in determining the short- and long-run behavior of U.S. agricultural trade. However, we find little evidence of the J-curve phenomenon for U.S. agricultural products with the United States’ major trading partners.agricultural trade, autoregressive distributed lag approach to cointegration, bilateral trade, J-curve effect, International Relations/Trade, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Exchange Rate and Trade Balance: J-curve Effect

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    This paper shows that exchange rate depreciation in Serbia improves trade balance in the long run, while giving rise to a J-curve effect in the short run. These results add to the already existent empirical evidence for a diverse set of other economies. Both Johansen’s and autoregressive distributed lag approach are respectively used giving similar long-run estimates showing that real depreciation improves trade balance. Corresponding errorcorrection models as well as impulse response functions indicate that, following currency depreciation, trade balance first deteriorates before it later improves, i.e. exhibiting the J-curve pattern. These results are relevant for policy making both in Serbia and in a number of other emerging Europe countries as they face major current account adjustments after BoP crises of 2009.Exchange rate and trade balance, J-curve, Cointegration, Autoregressive distributed lag approach.

    Non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model Approach and the J-Curve Phenomenon: China and Her Major Trading Partners

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    Following Bahmani-Oskooee and Fariditavana (2016), I use the non-linear autoregressive distributed lag model approach of Shin et al. (2013) to examine the J-curve phenomenon for the Chinese economy. Most recent studies have used methods such as the linear autoregressive distributed lag model approach of Pesaran et al. (2001) which assumes a linear relationship between the exchange rate and the trade balance. I argue that lack of support for the J-curve effect could be due to assuming that effects of exchange rate changes are symmetric. Using a linear autoregressive distributed lag model approach, I am able to find support for the J-curve effect in two out of four models. When using a non-linear autoregressive distributed lag model approach, however, I am able to find support for the J-curve effect in three out of four models

    Abnormal Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials in Medial Medullary Infarction

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    Background The medial vestibulospinal tract (MVST), which descends in the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), may mediate the vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) in the contracting sternocleidomastoid muscle. We report herein abnormal VEMPs in a patient with medial medullary infarction (MMI) that appeared to involve the MLF. Case Report A patient with infarction involving the right medial medulla showed decreased p13-n23 amplitude and increased p13/n23 latencies of the VEMPs on the right side. These abnormal VEMPs recorded in all MMI patient support the theory that VEMPs are mediated by the MVST contained within the MLF. Conclusions VEMPs may represent a valuable tool for investigating vestibular dysfunction originating from the saccule, even ill patients with central vestibulopathies, which is not readily defined by conventional vestibular function tests. J Clin Neurol 2009;5:101-103This study was supported by a grant of the Korea Health 21 R&D Project, Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (A080750). The authors thank Jong-Hee Lee for experimental assistance.Kim JS, 2005, NEUROLOGY, V65, P1294Welgampola MS, 2005, NEUROLOGY, V64, P1682Newlands SD, 2003, J COMP NEUROL, V466, P31, DOI 10.1002/cne.10876Chen CH, 2003, LARYNGOSCOPE, V113, P990Murofushi T, 1999, ARCH OTOLARYNGOL, V125, P660Murofushi T, 1996, ARCH OTOLARYNGOL, V122, P845WILSON VJ, 1995, J VESTIBUL RES-EQUIL, V5, P147MUROFUSHI T, 1995, EXP BRAIN RES, V103, P174ROBERTSON DD, 1995, J OTOLARYNGOL, V24, P3COLEBATCH JG, 1994, J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS, V57, P190COLEBATCH JG, 1992, NEUROLOGY, V42, P1635AKAIKE T, 1983, BRAIN RES, V259, P217FERNANDEZ C, 1976, J NEUROPHYSIOL, V39, P970POMPEIANO O, 1957, ARCH ITAL BIOL, V95, P166

    The J-Curve Phenomenon: Myth or Reality?

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    This study examines the J-curve phenomenon for the U.S. agricultural trade and compares the effect on agricultural trade relative to the U.S. non-agricultural trade. For this purpose, the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model is adopted to estimate bilateral trade data between the U.S. and her three major trading partners ¦¡ Japan, Canada and Mexico. We find little evidence of the J-curve for the U.S. agricultural trade with Japan, Canada and Mexico. For the non-agricultural trade, on the other hand, the behavior of the U.S. trade with industrialized economies such as Japan and Canada follows the J-curve, but not with developing economies such as Mexico.International Relations/Trade,

    Regular Steinhaus graphs of odd degree

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    A Steinhaus matrix is a binary square matrix of size nn which is symmetric, with diagonal of zeros, and whose upper-triangular coefficients satisfy ai,j=ai1,j1+ai1,ja_{i,j}=a_{i-1,j-1}+a_{i-1,j} for all 2i<jn2\leq i<j\leq n. Steinhaus matrices are determined by their first row. A Steinhaus graph is a simple graph whose adjacency matrix is a Steinhaus matrix. We give a short new proof of a theorem, due to Dymacek, which states that even Steinhaus graphs, i.e. those with all vertex degrees even, have doubly-symmetric Steinhaus matrices. In 1979 Dymacek conjectured that the complete graph on two vertices K2K_2 is the only regular Steinhaus graph of odd degree. Using Dymacek's theorem, we prove that if (ai,j)1i,jn(a_{i,j})_{1\leq i,j\leq n} is a Steinhaus matrix associated with a regular Steinhaus graph of odd degree then its sub-matrix (ai,j)2i,jn1(a_{i,j})_{2\leq i,j\leq n-1} is a multi-symmetric matrix, that is a doubly-symmetric matrix where each row of its upper-triangular part is a symmetric sequence. We prove that the multi-symmetric Steinhaus matrices of size nn whose Steinhaus graphs are regular modulo 4, i.e. where all vertex degrees are equal modulo 4, only depend on n24\lceil \frac{n}{24}\rceil parameters for all even numbers nn, and on n30\lceil \frac{n}{30}\rceil parameters in the odd case. This result permits us to verify the Dymacek's conjecture up to 1500 vertices in the odd case.Comment: 16 page


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    arious media publish sports news for sports lovers to enjoy. Each media and news portal certainly has a unique way of delivering, writing and uploading the news. This article was written by researchers to find out how the Kompasiana media framed a news story about the Indonesian national team coach, Shin Tae Yong. Many media have highlighted Shin Tae Yong's behavior in coaching the Indonesian national team and the positive and negative influences that had an impact on the Indonesian national team when Shin Tae Yong became the coach of the Indonesian national team. The writing of this article uses a framing analysis approach with a qualitative method. The framing analysis model used is Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicky. The results obtained from writing this article are the Kompasiana media news portal framing Shin Tae Yong to have a positive side and a fairly good strategy for Indonesia's victory to be proud of. Meanwhile, CNN frames Shin Tae Yong in a different way so that it can lead the opinion of sports lovers, especially in terms of football