34 research outputs found

    Predicted and tested performance of durable TPS

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    The development of thermal protection systems (TPS) for aerospace vehicles involves combining material selection, concept design, and verification tests to evaluate the effectiveness of the system. The present paper reviews verification tests of two metallic and one carbon-carbon thermal protection system. The test conditions are, in general, representative of Space Shuttle design flight conditions which may be more or less severe than conditions required for future space transportation systems. The results of this study are intended to help establish a preliminary data base from which the designers of future entry vehicles can evaluate the applicability of future concepts to their vehicles

    Adoption, Spatial Patterns, and Behavioral Mechanisms in California Turf Removal Rebate Programs

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    In January of 2014 the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California implemented a $450 million-dollar regional turf removal rebate program which provided homeowners with a cash rebate for every square foot of natural turf removed from their yard and replaced with a program approved alternative. This dissertation is divided into three distinct papers that analyze the role that non-price mechanisms such as peer effects, social norms, personal norms, and household characteristics play in the household decision to participate in this program. The first paper uses a multilevel survival model framework to explore spatial patterns, drivers of participation, and the presence of peer effects. Results show that home ownership, length of time in home, and peer effects all influence the time to participation in the program. The second paper uses a survey tool and a structural equation model to test the applicability of the Theory of Planned Behavior and Value Belief Norm Theory in program participation. The survey was deployed in April of 2018 and had 108 respondents. Results suggest that environmental beliefs and attitudes did not influence participation in the program, while opinions of drought tolerant versus natural turf lawns do. The final paper applies survey methodology and a contingent valuation framework to analyze sensitivity in the household willingness to accept a rebate to participate in the program. Water conservation beliefs and homeowner views over a drought tolerant lawn were both shown reduce the rebate amount required for participation in the program

    Estimating Government Policy Preferences to Predict New Firm Formation

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    Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Climate, Subsistance, Discretionary Spending, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Public Economics,

    Thermal and structural tests of Rene 41 honeycomb integral-tank concept for future space transportation systems

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    Two flat 12 by 72 inch Rene 41 honeycomb sandwich panels were tested in a manner to produce combined thermal and mechanical longitudinal stresses that simulated those that would occur in a larger, more complex integral tank and fuselage structure of an earth to orbit vehicle. Elastic strains measured at temperatures below 400 F are compared with calculated values obtained from a linear elastic finite element analysis to verify the analytical model and to establish confidence in the calculated strains. Elastic strain measurement at higher temperatures (between 600 F and 1400 F), where strain measurement is more difficult and less certain, are also compared with calculated strains. Agreement between measured and calculated strains for the lower temperatures is good, but agreement for the higher temperatures is poor because of unreliable strain measurements. Test results indicate that an ascent and entry life cycle of 500 is attainable under high combined thermal and mechanical elastic strains

    Buckling characteristics of hypersonic aircraft wing tubular panels

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    The buckling characteristics of Rene 41 tubular panels installed as wing panels on a hypersonic wing test structure (HWTS) were determined nondestructively through use of a force/stiffness technique. The nondestructive buckling tests were carried out under different combined load conditions and different temperature environments. Two panels were subsequently tested to buckling failure in a universal tension compression testing machine. In spite of some data scattering because of large extrapolations of data points resulting from termination of the test at a somewhat low applied load, the overall test data correlated fairly well with theoretically predicted buckling interaction curves. The structural efficiency of the tubular panels was slightly higher than that of the beaded panels which they replaced

    Multiwall/RSI concept for local application to space shuttle body flap

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    A titanium multiwall/reusable surface insulation (MW/RSI) TPS concept designed to prevent local erosion of the RSI tiles on the upper surface of the Space Shuttle Orbiter body flap was investigated. The concept, which consisted of a combination of a titanium multiwall tile and an RSI tile, was evaluated by thermal analysis and structural and thermal testing of one configuration to assess the attachment scheme and thermal behavior. Results indicate that the MW/RSI concept will remain attached to the vehicle and provide the required thermal protection

    High-throughput ultrastructure screening using electron microscopy and fluorescent barcoding.

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    Genetic screens using high-throughput fluorescent microscopes have generated large datasets, contributing many cell biological insights. Such approaches cannot tackle questions requiring knowledge of ultrastructure below the resolution limit of fluorescent microscopy. Electron microscopy (EM) reveals detailed cellular ultrastructure but requires time-consuming sample preparation, limiting throughput. Here we describe a robust method for screening by high-throughput EM. Our approach uses combinations of fluorophores as barcodes to uniquely mark each cell type in mixed populations and correlative light and EM (CLEM) to read the barcode of each cell before it is imaged by EM. Coupled with an easy-to-use software workflow for correlation, segmentation, and computer image analysis, our method, called "MultiCLEM," allows us to extract and analyze multiple cell populations from each EM sample preparation. We demonstrate several uses for MultiCLEM with 15 different yeast variants. The methodology is not restricted to yeast, can be scaled to higher throughput, and can be used in multiple ways to enable EM to become a powerful screening technique.This work was financially supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB1129 Z2 to J.A.G. Briggs), EMBL (to J.A.G. Briggs), the Medical Research Council (MC_UP_1201/16 to J.A.G. Briggs), and the German Ministry of Education and Research (031A605 to K.R. Patil). The Schuldiner laboratory is supported by the European Research Council CoG 646604 Peroxisystem, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant SFB1190 and a Deutsch-Israelische Projektkooperation [DIP] collaborative grant). N. Gabrielli was supported by the EMBL interdisciplinary postdoctoral program. M. Schuldiner is an incumbent of the Dr. Gilbert Omenn and Martha Darling Professorial Chair in Molecular Genetics

    L'aventure des croisades : Hölzle (Peter), Die Kreuzzüge in der okzitanischen und deutschen Lyrik des 12. Jahrhunderts (Das Gattungsproblem 'Kreuzlied' im historischen Kontext), Göppingen, Kümmerle Verlag, 1980

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    Shideler John C. L'aventure des croisades : Hölzle (Peter), Die Kreuzzüge in der okzitanischen und deutschen Lyrik des 12. Jahrhunderts (Das Gattungsproblem 'Kreuzlied' im historischen Kontext), Göppingen, Kümmerle Verlag, 1980. In: Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale, Tome 95, N°162, 1983. Commerces, marchands et flottes marchandes. p. 217