43 research outputs found

    PCAP: A Whole-Genome Assembly Program

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    We describe a whole-genome assembly program named PCAP for processing tens of millions of reads. The PCAP program has several features to address efficiency and accuracy issues in assembly. Multiple processors are used to perform most time-consuming computations in assembly. A more sensitive method is used to avoid missing overlaps caused by sequencing errors. Repetitive regions of reads are detected on the basis of many overlaps with other reads, instead of many shorter word matches with other reads. Contaminated end regions of reads are identified and removed. Generation of a consensus sequence for a contig is based on an alignment of reads in the contig, in which both base quality values and coverage information are used to determine every consensus base. The PCAP program was tested on a mouse whole-genome data set of 30 million reads and a human Chromosome 20 data set of 1.7 million reads. The program is freely available for academic use

    Detecting heterozygosity in shotgun genome assemblies: Lessons from obligately outcrossing nematodes

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    The majority of nematodes are gonochoristic (dioecious) with distinct male and female sexes, but the best-studied species, Caenorhabditis elegans, is a self-fertile hermaphrodite. The sequencing of the genomes of C. elegans and a second hermaphrodite, C. briggsae, was facilitated in part by the low amount of natural heterozygosity, which typifies selfing species. Ongoing genome projects for gonochoristic Caenorhabditis species seek to approximate this condition by intense inbreeding prior to sequencing. Here we show that despite this inbreeding, the heterozygous fraction of the whole genome shotgun assemblies of three gonochoristic Caenorhabditis species, C. brenneri, C. remanei, and C. japonica, is considerable. We first demonstrate experimentally that independently assembled sequence variants in C. remanei and C. brenneri are allelic. We then present gene-based approaches for recognizing heterozygous regions of WGS assemblies. We also develop a simple method for quantifying heterozygosity that can be applied to assemblies lacking gene annotations. Consistently we find that ∼10% and 30% of the C. remanei and C. brenneri genomes, respectively, are represented by two alleles in the assemblies. Heterozygosity is restricted to autosomes and its retention is accompanied by substantial inbreeding depression, suggesting that it is caused by multiple recessive deleterious alleles and not merely by chance. Both the overall amount and chromosomal distribution of heterozygous DNA is highly variable between assemblies of close relatives produced by identical methodologies, and allele frequencies have continued to change after strains were sequenced. Our results highlight the impact of mating systems on genome sequencing projects

    Application of a superword array in genome assembly

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    We introduce a data structure called a superword array for finding quickly matches between DNA sequences. The superword array possesses some desirable features of the lookup table and suffix array. We describe simple algorithms for constructing and using a superword array to find pairs of sequences that share a unique superword. The algorithms are implemented in a genome assembly program called PCAP.REP for computation of overlaps between reads. Experimental results produced by PCAP.REP and PCAP on a whole-genome dataset show that PCAP.REP produced a more accurate and contiguous assembly than PCAP

    The draft genome of the parasitic nematode Trichinella spiralis

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    Genome evolution studies for the phylum Nematoda have been limited by focusing on comparisons involving Caenorhabditis elegans. We report a draft genome sequence of Trichinella spiralis, a food-borne zoonotic parasite, which is the most common cause of human trichinellosis. This parasitic nematode is an extant member of a clade that diverged early in the evolution of the phylum, enabling identification of archetypical genes and molecular signatures exclusive to nematodes. We sequenced the 64-Mb nuclear genome,which is estimated to contain 15,808 protein-coding genes,at ~35-fold coverage using whole-genome shotgun and hierarchal map–assisted sequencing. Comparative genome analyses support intrachromosomal rearrangements across the phylum, disproportionate numbers of protein family deaths over births in parasitic compared to a non-parasitic nematode and a preponderance of gene-loss and -gain events in nematodes relative to Drosophila melanogaster. This genome sequence and the identified pan-phylum characteristics will contribute to genome evolution studies of Nematoda as well as strategies to combat global parasites of humans, food animals and crops

    A genetic variation map for chicken with 2.8 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms

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    We describe a genetic variation map for the chicken genome containing 2.8 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms ( SNPs). This map is based on a comparison of the sequences of three domestic chicken breeds ( a broiler, a layer and a Chinese silkie) with that of their wild ancestor, red jungle fowl. Subsequent experiments indicate that at least 90% of the variant sites are true SNPs, and at least 70% are common SNPs that segregate in many domestic breeds. Mean nucleotide diversity is about five SNPs per kilobase for almost every possible comparison between red jungle fowl and domestic lines, between two different domestic lines, and within domestic lines - in contrast to the notion that domestic animals are highly inbred relative to their wild ancestors. In fact, most of the SNPs originated before domestication, and there is little evidence of selective sweeps for adaptive alleles on length scales greater than 100 kilobases

    Comparative and demographic analysis of orang-utan genomes

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    Orang-utan- is derived from a Malay term meaning man of the forest- and aptly describes the southeast Asian great apes native to Sumatra and Borneo. The orang-utan species, Pongo abelii (Sumatran) and Pongo pygmaeus (Bornean), are the most phylogenetically distant great apes from humans, thereby providing an informative perspective on hominid evolution. Here we present a Sumatran orang-utan draft genome assembly and short read sequence data from five Sumatran and five Bornean orang-utan genomes. Our analyses reveal that, compared to other primates, the orang-utan genome has many unique features. Structural evolution of the orang-utan genome has proceeded much more slowly than other great apes, evidenced by fewer rearrangements, less segmental duplication, a lower rate of gene family turnover and surprisingly quiescent Alu repeats, which have played a major role in restructuring other primate genomes. We also describe a primate polymorphic neocentromere, found in both Pongo species, emphasizing the gradual evolution of orang-utan genome structure. Orang-utans have extremely low energy usage for a eutherian mammal, far lower than their hominid relatives. Adding their genome to the repertoire of sequenced primates illuminates new signals of positive selection in several pathways including glycolipid metabolism. From the population perspective, both Pongo species are deeply diverse; however, Sumatran individuals possess greater diversity than their Bornean counterparts, and more species-specific variation. Our estimate of Bornean/Sumatran speciation time, 400,000years ago, is more recent than most previous studies and underscores the complexity of the orang-utan speciation process. Despite a smaller modern census population size, the Sumatran effective population size (N e) expanded exponentially relative to the ancestral N e after the split, while Bornean N e declined over the same period. Overall, the resources and analyses presented here offer new opportunities in evolutionary genomics, insights into hominid biology, and an extensive database of variation for conservation efforts. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

    A Catalog of Neutral and Deleterious Polymorphism in Yeast

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    The abundance and identity of functional variation segregating in natural populations is paramount to dissecting the molecular basis of quantitative traits as well as human genetic diseases. Genome sequencing of multiple organisms of the same species provides an efficient means of cataloging rearrangements, insertion, or deletion polymorphisms (InDels) and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). While inbreeding depression and heterosis imply that a substantial amount of polymorphism is deleterious, distinguishing deleterious from neutral polymorphism remains a significant challenge. To identify deleterious and neutral DNA sequence variation within Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we sequenced the genome of a vineyard and oak tree strain and compared them to a reference genome. Among these three strains, 6% of the genome is variable, mostly attributable to variation in genome content that results from large InDels. Out of the 88,000 polymorphisms identified, 93% are SNPs and a small but significant fraction can be attributed to recent interspecific introgression and ectopic gene conversion. In comparison to the reference genome, there is substantial evidence for functional variation in gene content and structure that results from large InDels, frame-shifts, and polymorphic start and stop codons. Comparison of polymorphism to divergence reveals scant evidence for positive selection but an abundance of evidence for deleterious SNPs. We estimate that 12% of coding and 7% of noncoding SNPs are deleterious. Based on divergence among 11 yeast species, we identified 1,666 nonsynonymous SNPs that disrupt conserved amino acids and 1,863 noncoding SNPs that disrupt conserved noncoding motifs. The deleterious coding SNPs include those known to affect quantitative traits, and a subset of the deleterious noncoding SNPs occurs in the promoters of genes that show allele-specific expression, implying that some cis-regulatory SNPs are deleterious. Our results show that the genome sequences of both closely and distantly related species provide a means of identifying deleterious polymorphisms that disrupt functionally conserved coding and noncoding sequences

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Erratum: Corrigendum: Sequence and comparative analysis of the chicken genome provide unique perspectives on vertebrate evolution

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    International Chicken Genome Sequencing Consortium. The Original Article was published on 09 December 2004. Nature432, 695–716 (2004). In Table 5 of this Article, the last four values listed in the ‘Copy number’ column were incorrect. These should be: LTR elements, 30,000; DNA transposons, 20,000; simple repeats, 140,000; and satellites, 4,000. These errors do not affect any of the conclusions in our paper. Additional information. The online version of the original article can be found at 10.1038/nature0315