233 research outputs found

    Blessing with Wind

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    A Comparison of Methods to Concentrate Viruses from Environmental Waters Using MS2 as a Model

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    Viruses such as Rotavirus, Adenovirus and Norovirus are important etiological agents of gastroenteritis worldwide. With the high sensitivity and specificity of PCR, it is now possible to develop PCR-based methods to detect and quantify pathogenic viruses in environmental water samples. To develop reliable methods however, an effective procedure to concentrate viruses from large volumes of water is required. Because of the scale of concentration required, the procedure often requires two steps. The first to reduce tens of liters of water to less than half a liter and then a second to concentrate the sample to a final volume of less than 10 mL for RNA/DNA extraction. The objectives of the study were to compare the efficacy of hollow fiber ultrafiltration (HFUF) using F200B to that of an adsorption/elution method (AEM) using positively charged filters for concentrating viruses for the first step and to compare polyethylene glycol (PEG) precipitation to centrifugal ultrafiltration for the second step. A third objective was to determine the viral detection limit using real-time RT-PCR. Using beach water spiked with a singlestranded RNA bacteriophage (MS2) as a model, our results show a virus recovery rate of 84±6% and 18±8% for the HFUF method and AEM, respectively. For the second concentration step, we obtained a recovery rate of 49±5 % and 87±7% using PEG precipitation and centrifugal ultrafiltration, respectively. A potential limiting factor to more widespread using of HFUF is the higher cost and we found that cost can be reduced by using reusable filters. We were able to sanitize and reuse the same filter at least six times without affecting the virus recovery rate or the processing time

    Development of a Methanogen Marker for Detection of Porcine Fecal Pollution in Surface Waters

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    The goal of this study was to evaluate methanogen diversity in animal hosts to develop the first swine-specific archaeal molecular marker for fecal source tracking in surface waters. Phylogenetic analysis of swine mcrA sequences compared to mcrA sequences from the feces of five animals (cow, deer, sheep, horse, and chicken) and sewage showed five distinct swine clusters, with three swine-specific clades. From this analysis, six sequences were chosen for molecular marker development and initial testing. Only one mcrA sequence (P23-2) showed specificity for swine and was used for environmental testing. PCR primers for the P23-2 clone mcrA sequence were developed and evaluated for swine-specificity. The P23-2 primers amplified products in P23-2 plasmid DNA (100%), pig feces (84%), and swine waste lagoon surface water samples (100%), but did not amplify a product in 47 bacterial and archaeal stock cultures, 477 environmental bacterial isolates, sewage, and water samples from a bovine waste lagoon and polluted creek. Amplification was only observed in 1 sheep out of 260 human and non-swine animal fecal samples. Sequencing of PCR products from pig feces demonstrated 100% similarity to pig mcrA sequence from clone P23-2. The minimal amount of DNA required for the detection was 1 pg for P23-2 plasmid, 1 ng for pig feces, 50 ng for swine waste lagoon surface water, 1 ng for sow waste influent, and 10 ng for lagoon sludge samples. Lower detection limits of 10-6 g of wet pig feces in 500 mL of PBS and 10-4 g of lagoon waste in estuarine water were established for the P23-2 marker. This study was the first to utilize methanogens for the development of a swine-specific fecal contamination marker

    Mapping Sojourners soundscapes: Listening experiences of Taipei Soujourners in London

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    This PhD research aims at identifying and presenting ‘sojourners’ soundscapes. Soundscape here is understood to be an interaction between the physical environment and the listener’s perception. Taking Taipei sojourners in London as a case study, the research suggested that London soundscape and the auditory memories of Taipei are interconnected and shaped by sojourner’s listening experiences of their homeland and foreign land. Considering it as a space, and reflecting on it through sounds, a presentation of this interconnectivity is a presentation of ‘sojourners’ soundscapes. The interconnectivity between the soundscapes of London and Taipei is explored by means of qualitative interviews with Taipei sojourners in London who are requested to nominate and record sounds of the two cities. Through the development of art practices, diverse from of artwork including an artists’ book with a CD, an Internet sound map and four sound installations were made to finalize Sonic Constellations as the artwork to present sojourners’ soundscapes. An analysis of the close interaction between sounds and maps further supports the research in proposing the concept of ‘inter-soundscapes’ as a contribution to related research fields. Influenced as it is by the mobility of sounds and sojourners, it is important to point out that the sound map produced in this research does not end at the borderline of the London and Taipei soundscapes; it actually projects a bigger horizon. Since these London-based Taipei sojourners are destined to leave London and continue their journey, the map of sojourners’ soundscapes is continuously expanding

    Philanthropy and Communities of Color Literature Review

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    The literature on diversity and philanthropy is growing with over eighty publications produced by nonprofit organizations and scholars since 2003. This report highlights the main themes within the literature and focus on several important new pieces in the field. The literature falls into two broad categories: experiential-based observations and empirical research. This report integrates the two categories (along thematic lines), while noting the distinction. The amount of research based on survey data, extensive interviews or archival/database analysis is limited. Several themes emerge in the literature. This review emphasizes four: issues surrounding differences and similarities in racial/ethnic philanthropy; mapping the evolving landscape of racial and ethnic funds and donor education strategies; wealth creation and philanthropy; and, issues of diversity. To a lesser extent, the report also looks at a few studies on diaspora giving. This literature review was produced through the Donor Research Project which was an initiative of the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society


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    Learning motivation is important for students in the process of study. Learning motivation could be influenced by students’ perception of classroom environment. The purpose of this research was to find the correlation between perceptions of classroom environment and motivation in learning English of the second year students at MA Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru. Based on the writer’s preliminary study, it was found that some of the students were not motivated in learning English. It can be seen from some phenomena such as: some of the students were lazy to do the assignment, some of the students were not pay attention to the teacher explanation, some of the students were not eager to follow English activity until finish, seldom complete the notes of English activity and some of students seldom prepare their next material.. In collecting the data of students’ perception of classroom environment (x variable) and motivation in learning English (y variable), the writer used questionnaire by using random sampling techniques to the second year students of MA Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru. The total number of population was 128 students but the writer took only 25%,so the sample was 32 students. Then, the writer analyzed the data collected with contingency coefficient correlation formula by using SPSS 16.0 for windows. The result of data analysis of the students’ perception of classroom environment was in the middle category with the percentage 62.5%, students motivation in learning English was in the middle category with the percentage 56.25% and the correlation between students’ perception of classroom environment and motivation in learning English is 0.590. The data analysis was concluded that C (0,590) was higher than “r” table, weather in 5% (0,361) and. 1% (0,463) . Based on the score 0,3610,463 , it can be concluded that the hypothesis (Ha) was accepted by the conclusion that there is significant correlation between perception of classroom environment and motivation in learning English of the second year students at MA Darel Hikmah Pekanbaru

    Grasa de sobrepaso en ovejas con diferente espesor de grasa dorsal, respuesta hormonal y principales variables reproductivas

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la grasa de sobrepaso en ovejas con bajo (1 a 2 mm) y alto (3 a 4 mm) espesor de grasa dorsal y sincronización de estro (inicio y duración), niveles séricos de hormona luteinizante (LH), estradiol (E2), progesterona (P4 e insulina (INS), porcentaje de gestación y prolificidad. Cincuenta y nueve ovejas, con dos niveles de grasa dorsal determinado mediante ultrasonografía, bajo y alto (GDb, GDa), sin y con la adición de 150 g de grasa de sobrepaso (0 y 150 g), respectivamente, se asignaron a los siguientes grupos: GDb+0 g (n = 16), GDb+150 g (n = 14), GDa+0 g (n = 14) y GDa+150 g (n = 15). Las ovejas se sincronizaron con esponjas de acetato de fluorogesterona (FGA, 20 mg) por 12 d y, dos días antes de su remoción se aplicó 15 mg de PGF2. El diseño fue completamente al azar con un arreglo factorial 2X2, los resultados fueron analizados mediante el paquete estadístico SAS. No se encontraron diferencias (P>0,05) para las variables inicio y duración del estro, inicio y duración del pico pre-ovulatorio de LH y prolificidad, por efecto de la adición de la grasa; sin embargo, la amplitud del pico de LH y el porcentaje de gestación fueron diferentes entre tratamientos (P<0,05). La concentración de P4en suero fue mayor (P<0,05) en ovejas sin la adición de grasa (0 g). Las concentraciones de E2 e INS se incrementaron (P<0,05) en ovejas con GDa. Se concluye que la adición de grasa de sobrepaso no modificó la respuesta en las variables reproductivas, pero si disminuyó la concentración de P4. Por otro lado, las concentraciones de E2 e INS se incrementaron en ovejas con GDa, lo cual se atribuye a un mejor estado metabólico, nutricional y corporal del animal

    Acidentes com material biológico entre trabalhadores dos serviços de apoio hospitalar

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    Descriptive study was carried out to characterize the occupational accidents involving potentially contaminated material among workers of hospital supporting services. The study reviewed records of workers involved in these accidents and attended at a specialized outpatient clinic of a large tertiary care hospital between January 1997 and October 2001. A total of 2814 workers from different professional categories were attended during this period. Of these, 147 (5.2%) belonged to the hospital supporting services and were the victims of 156 accidents, auxiliary cleaning personnel (80.2%), and over a third of the workers had not received any dose of hepatitis B vaccine (35.4%). Most accidents were due to sharp injuries (96.8%) caused by inadequately discarded hollow needles. Chemoprophylaxis for HIV was not indicated in only 23.1% of cases. We conclude that these workers are also exposed to the possibility of acquiring blood-borne pathogens and that periodical education programs are needed.Estudio descriptivo fue caracterizar los accidentes ocupacionales con material potencialmente contaminado y los trabajadores de los Servicios de Apoyo Hospitalario. El estudio revisó los datos de los trabajadores involucrados en estos accidentes y atendidos en un ambulatorio especializado de un grande hospital terciario, en el periodo de enero de 1997 a octubre de 2001. Fueron atendidos en este periodo 2.814 trabajadores de diversas categorías profesionales. De estos, 147 (5,2%) pertenecían al Servicio de Apoyo y registraron 156 accidentes. La categoría más atingida fue auxiliar de limpieza (80,2%). La mayoría de los trabajadores no había recibido ninguna dosis de la vacuna contra hepatitis B (35,4%). La mayoría de los accidentes fue corto-punzante (96,8%) ocasionados por agujas ocas descartadas en local impropio. La quimioprofilaxis no fue indicada apenas en el 23,1% de los casos. Se concluye que estos profesionales también están sujetos a la contaminación por patógenos vehiculados por el sangre. Son necesarios programas educativos específicos para estos trabajadores, con énfasis el los aspectos preventivos.Estudo descritivo objetivou caracterizar os acidentes ocupacionais envolvendo material potencialmente contaminado e os trabalhadores dos serviços de Apoio Hospitalar. O estudo revisou dados de trabalhadores envolvidos nestes acidentes e atendidos num ambulatório especializado de um hospital terciário de grande porte, no período de janeiro de 1997 a outubro de 2001. Neste período foram atendidos 2814 trabalhadores de diversas categorias profissionais, sendo que destes 147 (5,2%) pertenciam aos Serviços de Apoio e registraram 156 acidentes. A categoria mais atingida foi auxiliar de limpeza (80,2%), e um terço dos trabalhadores não havia recebido nenhuma dose da vacina contra hepatite B (35,4%). A maioria dos acidentes foi perfurocortante (96,8%), ocasionados por agulhas ocas descartadas em local impróprio. A quimioprofilaxia não foi indicada em apenas 23,1% dos casos. Conclui-se que estes profissionais também estão sujeitos a adquirirem patógenos veiculados pelo sangue e programas educacionais periódicos são necessários