8 research outputs found

    The Comparison of Lifestyles, Mental Risks, and Physical Indices among Individuals with Ultra-High Risk of Psychosis, Patients with Schizophrenia, and the General Public

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    (1) Background: Early interventions may effectively reduce the risk of mental disorders in individuals with ultra-high risk. Specifying the health needs of individuals with ultra-high risk is crucial before the implementation of successful early intervention. This study aimed to explore the differences in lifestyles, mental risks, and physical indices among individuals with ultra-high risk, patients with schizophrenia, and healthy subjects. (2) Methods: A cross-section design applying seven questionnaires with physical examinations for 144 participants aged 13–45 years old was conducted in this study. The questionnaires included one about personal data, four on mental risks, and two for lifestyles. (3) Results: The individuals with ultra-high risk scored similarly in many dimensions as the patients with schizophrenia, but they displayed lower positive symptoms, lower negative symptoms, lower prodromal symptoms, higher interpersonal deficits, lower nutrition intake, and higher levels of exercise than the patients with schizophrenia. Female individuals with ultra-high risk had lower self-esteem, higher positive symptoms, lower nutrition intake, and higher exercise levels than male ones. (4) Conclusions: The study pinpointed specific health needs with interpersonal deficits, nutrition intake, and physical activity for the individuals with ultra-high risk. Future interventions targeted on improving social function, dietary pattern, and exercise will be beneficial

    Discoidin Domain Receptor-1 (DDR1) is Involved in Angiolymphatic Invasion in Oral Cancer

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    The discoidin domain receptor-1 (DDR1) is a non-integrin collagen receptor recently implicated in the collective cell migration of other cancer types. Previously, we identified an elevated expression of DDR1 in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cells. Through the data mining of a microarray dataset composed of matched tumor-normal tissues from forty OSCC patients, we distilled overexpressed genes statistically associated with angiolymphatic invasion, including DDR1, COL4A5, COL4A6 and PDPN. Dual immunohistochemical staining further confirmed the spatial locations of DDR1 and PDPN in OSCC tissues indicative of collective cancer cell invasion. An elevated DDR1 expression at both the transcription and protein level was observed by treating keratinocytes with collagen of fibrillar or basement membrane types. In addition, inhibition of DDR1 kinase activity in OSCC TW2.6 cells disrupted cell cohesiveness in a 2D culture, reduced spheroid invasion in a collagen gel matrix, and suppressed angiolymphatic invasion in xenograft tissues. Taken together, these results suggest that collagen deposition in the affected tissues followed by DDR1 overexpression could be central to OSCC tumor growth and angiolymphatic invasion. Thus, DDR1 inhibitors are potential therapeutic compounds in restraining oral cancer, which has not been previously explored

    Symptom Distress and Quality of Life in Cancer Patients Following Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    [[abstract]]本研究主要探討癌症病患接受造血幹細胞移植症狀困擾與生活品質情形,採橫斷相關性研究設計,於中部某醫學中心血液腫瘤科以方便取樣進行收案,收案條件為(一)年滿二十歲;(二)診斷為實體與血液腫瘤病患、接受週邊造血幹細胞移植;(三)無認知功能缺損、具口語表達能力;(四)同意參與研究者,共收案100人。問卷包括「基本屬性」、「症狀困擾量表中文修訂版」、「中文版癌症治療功能性評估-骨髓移植第四版」。資料統計採個人電腦SPSS18.0統計軟體進行分析統計。結果為(一)病患平均移植為32.67個月,症狀困擾平均得分40.77分,為低等困擾程度;(二)整體生活品質平均為110.05,為中高的程度;(三)症狀困擾與生活品質有顯著負相關(r=-.652, p<.05);其中急慢性移植物抗宿主反應、年齡大於50歲、移植前有職業者可顯著預測症狀困擾;移植後有職業者、急性移植物抗宿主反應與復發可顯著預測生活品質。期望透過研究結果加強血液腫瘤專業醫護人員症狀護理能力,針對年紀大於50歲之移植病患特別關注其症狀困擾的影響,加強護理人員對急慢性移植物抗宿主反應的專業知識與衛教能力,並諮詢對於病患返家後工作的銜接與因應,以期提升移植後的生活品質。 Purpose: To explore symptom distress and quality of life (QOL) in cancer patients following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in Taiwan. Methods: A cross-sectional correlational study was conducted by recruiting 100 patients who underwent transplantation at a bone marrow transplantation unit. The sample was selected using convenience sampling. The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) aged 20 years or older, (2) had undergone hematopoietic stem cell transplant, (3) had no obvious cognitive impairments, and (4) had consented to participate. A questionnaire was employed to collect participants' demographic data, and it incorporated the Symptom Distress Scale-Chinese Modified Form (SDS-CMF) and the Traditional Chinese version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Bone Marrow Transplantation Subscale (FACT-BMT). Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS version 18.0. Results: The mean time post transplantation of the participants was 32.67 months. The mean SDS-CMF score for all patients was 40.77, which indicated low symptom distress. In addition, the mean overall FACT-BMT score for all patients was 110.05, which indicated that the patients had favorable QOL. Symptom distress and QOL had a significant negative correlation, with lower symptom distress resulting in higher QOL. Multiple regression analysis revealed the following predictors associated with QOL: acute graft-versus-host disease, patient age > 50 years, and employment prior to undergoing HSCT. Implications for practice: Medical teams including physicians, clinical psychologists, social workers, and care coordination nurses must work with patients for symptom management of graft-versus-host disease. In addition, supporting patients with career planning may improve their QOL. This research is especially useful for consideration among older populations


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    [[abstract]]Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand the perspectives of quality of life (QOL) in patients with cancer undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) within 6 months after the transplantation in Taiwan. Methods: A longitudinal qualitative design using grounded theory method with in-depth interviews was conducted to understand the perspective of QOL in patients at three different phases after the HSCT: pre -discharge , 3 - month and 6 - month post - transplantation . Theoretical sampling was used to enroll the participants at the division of hematology and oncology in a medical center in central Taiwan. Results: Twenty-seven Taiwanese patients aged 21 to 59 years were interviewed. Under the comparative analysis, a framework of the process of "moving forward with symptoms distress and worry of recurrence" developed from the data. The interview results showed that the QOL of the patients undergoing HSCT experienced three phases of changes, which were initial hardship, waiting, and stabilization of life. Symptom distress, psychological concern, support and power source and perception of life were the four themes woven throughout the phases of changes for quality of life among patients undergoing the transplantation. Conclusions: Professional nurses can teach patients to actively seek for resources, propose the problems on their mind, and help them clarify such problems, and assist them to maintain positive beliefs to face life. I t is also important to involve family member s and the patient’s religious beliefs in the care of individuals undergoing HSCT. Relevance to clinical practice: The results of this study could be provided as a reference for professional oncology medical and nursing professionals to improve the quality of care for patients. 研究目的:本研究目的主要是探討台灣癌症病患接受造血幹細胞移植後六個月期間對生活品質之感受。研究方法:採質性縱貫性設計,以紮根理論研究法,分別在病患出院前、移植後三個月及六個月等三階段時間,以深度訪談方式深入了解在此過程中的生活品質內涵及歷程變化。採理論性取樣,於臺灣中部某醫學中心血液腫瘤科進行收案。研究結果:共27位年齡介於21-59歲間之病人完成受訪。經持續比較資料分析,研究結果在病患身上出現「在症狀困擾與擔心復發中漸入佳境」的歷程,其生活品質結果在症狀的困擾、心理的擔憂、支持與力量來源、對生命的體認等四大主題之下經歷了辛苦的開始、沉潛的階段與回穩的生活等三個過程。結論:期望透過研究結果加強血液腫瘤專業醫護人員症狀護理專業能力,針對病患及家屬提供明確的訊息、強化因應能力、協助維持社交聯繫且引導保有希望,以提升癌症照護之專業品質。實務應用:本研究結果將可提供血液腫瘤醫護專業人員參考,以提升照護品質