5,315 research outputs found

    Deep-water organic-mineral sediments of the black sea as the object of mining and dewatering

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    The results of laboratory investigations of grain-size, physical, mechanical and rheological properties of the deep-sea organic-mineral sediments sampled from the depth of 1,920 – 2,150 m at the polygon “Sapropels” in the Black Sea are given. The results obtained are analyzed. The class of particle size distribution and soil category in difficulty of developing for this type of sediments are established.Представлено результати лабораторних досліджень гранулометричного складу, фізикомеханічних та реологічних властивостей глибоководних органо-мінеральних відкладень Чорного моря, відібраних з глибини 1920 – 2150 м на полігоні «Сапропелі». Проведено аналіз отриманих результатів. Визначено клас даного типу відкладень по гранулометричному складу і категорія ґрунту по важкості розробки.Приведены результаты лабораторных исследований гранулометрического состава, физикомеханических и реологических свойств глубоководных органо-минеральных осадков Черного моря, отобранных с глубины 1920 – 2150 м на полигоне «Сапропели». Проведен анализ полученных результатов. Определен класс данного типа отложений по гранулометрическому составу и категория грунта по трудности разработки

    Study of Phase Reconstruction Techniques applied to Smith-Purcell Radiation Measurements

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    Measurements of coherent radiation at accelerators typically give the absolute value of the beam profile Fourier transform but not its phase. Phase reconstruction techniques such as Hilbert transform or Kramers Kronig reconstruction are used to recover such phase. We report a study of the performances of these methods and how to optimize the reconstructed profiles.Comment: Presented at IPAC'14 - THPME08

    Adoption of the governmental affordable medicines programme by ukrainians.

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    Ensuring that the local population has access to medicines is one of the functions of a modern democratic state and an important element of social policy. The question of the affordability of medicines to the public is extremely important. This is also due to the fact that, unlike in European countries, Ukraine did not have a system of medicines reimbursement. To date, the reimbursement Affordable Medicines Programme has been in effect since April 2017 and is applicable to patients with cardiovascular disease, bronchial asthma, and type II diabetes. In total, 258 medicines are included in the Programme, 64 of which can be obtained free of charge and the others with a small extra payment. The respondents' perceptions of the Programme were conducted through a secondary analysis based on the third wave of the «Health Index. Ukraine» which was held in 2018 by the International Renaissance Foundation, the School of Public Health of the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, and the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology. This study aims to present the results of the research of the attitude of Ukrainians to the government Affordable Medicines Programme and their perception of its implementation. The total number of respondents to this survey totaled more than 10,000 household rep­resentatives. The results of the research indicate a positive assessment of the respondents who participated in the survey «Health Index. Ukraine» (76% in 2018), which is confirmed by other research of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (63% in 2019) and by international experts. The results of the survey do not allow us to draw any official conclusions about the impact of the Programme on the health of Ukrainians, but during the interview 60.6% of the respondents said that the Programme «helped improve health»; in addition, positive changes in health were indicated by the most financially vulne­rable categories of the population. It is also noted that 80–82% of prescriptions were reimbursed to Programme participants


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    Although the WHO-recommended coronavirus vaccines are safe and effective, vaccines provide new information to healthcare professionals about the extent and nature of adverse reactions to these drugs. The aim of the study is supplementing the available data on adverse reactions of vaccines on the example of the experience of vaccination of the teaching staff of the Cherkasy Medical Academy with vaccines COVISHIELD and COMIRNATY. Information for this study was collected retrospectively through a survey of 72 employees of the Cherkasy Medical Academy who were vaccinated with the COVISHIELD vaccine (first dose); 67 workers vaccinated with AstraZeneca (second dose); 54 workers who were vaccinated with COMIRNATY vaccine (first dose); 52 people vaccinated with this vaccine (second dose). The study confirmed that among the local side effects, the most common were pain at the injection site, among the systemic - fever, weakness, fatigue and drowsiness, headache, muscle pain, chills. Most of the side effects were most pronounced in young people, more often in women than in men.Although the WHO-recommended coronavirus vaccines are safe and effective, vaccines provide new information to healthcare professionals about the extent and nature of adverse reactions to these drugs. The aim of the study is supplementing the available data on adverse reactions of vaccines on the example of the experience of vaccination of the teaching staff of the Cherkasy Medical Academy with vaccines COVISHIELD and COMIRNATY. Information for this study was collected retrospectively through a survey of 72 employees of the Cherkasy Medical Academy who were vaccinated with the COVISHIELD vaccine (first dose); 67 workers vaccinated with AstraZeneca (second dose); 54 workers who were vaccinated with COMIRNATY vaccine (first dose); 52 people vaccinated with this vaccine (second dose). The study confirmed that among the local side effects, the most common were pain at the injection site, among the systemic - fever, weakness, fatigue and drowsiness, headache, muscle pain, chills. Most of the side effects were most pronounced in young people, more often in women than in men


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    Samples of plants showing symptoms of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) were collected from fields planted to Brassicaceae crops in Kyiv region and different locations in the city of Kyiv. TuMV was detected in the main brassica-crop fields, private gardens and urban locations of Ukraine, with a high overall incidence of 50%. This paper describes the effects of different cultivation approaches on the incidence rate of viral infection in susceptible crops and confirms the importance of preventive measures for disease control

    The level of expression of miR-196a in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C with the first genotype of HCV according to previous experience of antiviral therapy.

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    The authors present the study of the level of expression of miR-196a in 74 patients with chronic viral hepatitis C with the 1st genotype of HCV, based on previous experience in patients with antiviral therapy regimens containing interferon. The patients were divided into two groups, depending on the previous experience of antiviral therapy with circuits containing interferon – 21 patients who failed after antiviral therapy regimens containing interferon (group 1) and the comparison group (group 2) – 53 naive patients. To study the level of expression of miR-196a (miR-196a), a two-stage study according to the manufacturer's protocol was used. First, total RNA was isolated from the plasma by the method of phenol-chloroform extraction. Futher reverse transcription was performed using a kit for reverse transcription of miR TaqMan® (Applied Biosystems, USA), specific loop primers to achieve mature miRNA, snRNA U6 (as an endogenous control gene), and 10 ng of total RNA. Real-time quantitative PCR was performed using TaqMan® miRNA analysis. In order to optimize the prediction of response to antiviral therapy and the use of optimal treatment regimens for problem patients with treatment failure regimens containing interferon, analysis using ROC curves was used. The average level of expression of miR-196a in patients with chronic hepatitis C was evaluated. In the 1st group of patients it was 0.011 (IQR: 0.002; 0.310) and in the comparison group – 0.346 (IQR: 0.054; 1.239) at p=0.012 by U criterion. The conducted ROC analysis showed that the studied miR-196a could differentiate patients with chronic viral hepatitis C with HCV genotype 1, depending on previous experience of antiviral therapy, namely, patients with treatment failure regimens containing interferons and naive. AUC=0.688 (95% CI 0.570-0.791; p=0.017), J=0.40, Se=57.14%, Sp=83.02%. It gives additional opportunities for correction of therapeutic tactics. Therefore, the level of expression of miR-196a (<-1,75) may be an additional biomarker in the pathogenesis of HCV-infection, which can then be used in the monitoring and treatment of patients. Low expression of miR-196a may be the basis for prescribing more effective direct-acting antiviral therapy to patients and will allow personalizing therapeutic tactics in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C

    Анализ последствий процесса вступления Украины в ВТО на развитие металлургической промышленности

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    У статті висвітлено особливості і проблеми розвитку металургійної промисловості України за останні роки, місце металургії порівняно зі світовими виробниками, роль вступу держави до Світової організації торгівлі у розвитку металургії.The article highlights the characteristics and problems of steel industry in Ukraine in recent years, the place of Ukrainian industry compared with the world's producers, the role of the state's accession to the World Trade Organization in the development of metallurgy.В статье освещены особенности и проблемы развития металлургической промышленности Украины за последние годы, место металлургии по сравнению с мировыми производителями, роль вступления государства в ВТО в развитии металлургии

    Improved delivery of plasmid DNA complexes with polycation into human cells in the presence of block copolymers of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide

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    The work is aimed at the study of the effect of novel block copolymers of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide on the delivery of plasmid DNA and its complexes with cationic polymers into human cells. Tri-functional amphiphilic block copolymers on the basis of glycerol (LaprolsTM), polyethyleneimine (25 kDa) and commercial transfection reagent TurboFectTM were tested as delivery systems. TurboFect was found to form more compact and positively charged polyplexes with plasmid DNA (pEGFP-N2) and provided higher expression of GFP in HEK 293 cells compared to polyethyleneimine. Laprols weakly interacted with plasmid DNA and did not improve its intracellular delivery. However they markedly promoted cell transfection by DNA-polyethyleneimine complexes. Results show that Laprols exhibit mild cytotoxicity and produce the interest for gene therapeutics delivery into cells