5,403 research outputs found

    Cytokine profile and efficacy of chemotherapy depending on thyroid state in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.

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    Objective of the study is definition of cytokine balance and the outcomes of chemotherapy of tuberculosis patients depending on their thyroid state. Materials and methods: 60 tuberculosis patients with pulmonary: 30 persons with unchanged thyroid gland and 30 persons with autoimmune thyroiditis and followed subclinical hypothyroidism were compared for the structure and the function of thyroid gland, cytokine balance and outcomes of antituberculosis chemotherapy. Thyroid glands of all patients were scanned by ultrasound. The levels of free thyroxine, thyroid stimulating hormone and antibodies to thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase in the serum were defined. At the same time the levels of tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon- γ and interleukins-2, -6, and -4 were measured. Outcomes of chemotherapy was estimated on the ground of general cri­terions: term and rate of stopping of bacilli excretion and healing of caverns in lungs. Results and discussion: In a com­parative analysis of the data obtained, it was found that in tuberculosis patients with autoimmune thyroiditis and subclinical hypothyroidism compared with tuberculosis patients without thyroid pathology free thyroxine values in average decrease, the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone increases and levels of antibodies to both thyroglobulin and especially to thyroid peroxidase increase. In patients with concomitant autoimmune thyroiditis with subclinical thy­roiditis, levels of pro-inflammation cytokines TNF-α, INF-γ, IL-2, IL-6 were significantly lower when compared with patients without thyroid pathology, and the level of anti-inflammation cytokine IL IL-4 was higher in a group of patients with autoimmune thyroiditis. Efficacy of chemotherapy was better in tuberculosis patients without thyroid pathology. These changes can be explained by a lower level of T4 in the systemic circulation of people with autoimmune thyroiditis and subclinical hypothyroidism. Conclusion: subclinical hypothyroidism accompanying concomitant autoimmune thyroiditis suppresses cytokine response in tuberculosis patients. That is followed worsening of treatment response during antituberculosis chemotherapy. Screening of thyroid state is recommended for TB patients for timely definition of thyroid pathology and its compensation if needed for improvement of the outcomes of antituberculosis chemotherapy

    Методичні вказівки до лабораторних робіт по дисципліні "Електричні машини"

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    The edition is dedicated to expand the theoretical knowledge of foreign students on the "Electrical machines" discipline. The objects of study are transformers and electric machines, which are the basis of electric power in various industries. The subject of this course is electric machines, which are used in practice to convert one form of energy into another: mechanical to electrical (generators), electrical to mechanical (electric motors), power transformers, which convert the AC parameters, current and voltage.Видання присвячено розширенню теоретичних знань iноземних студентів з дисципліни "Електричні машини". Об'єктами дослідження є трансформатори та електричні машини, які є основою електроенергетики в різних галузях промисловості. Предметом даного курсу є електричні машини, які використовуються на практиці для перетворення однієї форми енергії в іншу: механічної в електричну (генератори), електричної в механічну (електродвигуни), а також силові трансформатори, які перетворюють параметри приладів змінного струму (струм та напругу)

    Persistent and radiation-induced currents in distorted quantum rings

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    Persistent and radiation-induced currents in distorted narrow quantum rings are theoretically investigated. We show that ring distorsions can be described using a geometrical potential term. We analyse the effect of this term on the current induced by a magnetic flux (persistent current) and by a polarized coherent electromagnetic field (radiation-induced current). The strongest effects in persistent currents are observed for distorted rings with a small number of electrons. The distortion smoothes the current oscillations as a function of the magnetic flux and changes the temperature dependence of the current amplitude. For radiation-induced currents, the distortion induces an ac component in the current and affects its dependence on the radiation frequency and intensity

    The Relationship between Neuropsychological Performance and Level of Direct Current Potential in Patients with Occupational Diseases from Exposure to Physical Factors

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    The aim of the study was to identify the peculiarities of neuropsychological indices disorders depending on changes in the level of constant potential in patients with occupational diseases as a result of physical factors.Materials and methods. The study involved 60 patients with vibration disease caused by local vibration (group I), 106 patients with vibration disease caused by combined exposure to local and general vibration (group II), 101 civil aviation pilots with an established diagnosis of professional sensorineural hearing loss (group III), and 50 healthy men (group IV, comparison group) who were not exposed to vibration and noise due to the specifics of their professional activities. Methods of neuro-energy mapping and neuropsychological testing were used.Results. In groups I–II, compared with group IV, an increase in local levels of constant potential (DC-potential level) in the central, right temporal, and central frontal parts of the brain (2.3 (6.5–3.8) mV; –0.3 (–2.1–2.1); 2.1 (–3.4–6.8) and –0.3 (–3.1–4.3); –2.24 (–6.4–3.8); 0.9 (–3.1–8.5) mV at p = 0.005, 0.007 and 0.004 respectively). Differences in the values of DC-potential level gradients in individuals of group III when compared with group IV reached the level of significance in the central, temporal, occipital leads relative to the central frontal (–5.0 (–13.1–3.8); –4.1 (–9.4–5.1); –2.1 (–10.9–6.6); –6.3 (–15.3–1.8) and 2.9 (–3.0–10.6); 2.2 (–4.5–13.8); 5.6 (–7.6–14.1); –1.4 (–7.5–3.9) mV at p = 0.008; 0.009; 0.009, and 0.007 respectively). Cognitive disorders in patients of groups I–III when compared with group IV correspond to a mild disorder of dynamic, constructive praxis and expressive speech (1.40 (0–1,6); 1.43 (0–1,7); 1.2 (0–1,5) and 0.3 (0–1); 0.2 (0–1); 0.06 (0–1) points at p = 0.008, 0.008 and 0.009 respectively).Conclusions. A common neurofunctional sign of a mild impairment of the cognitive sphere in occupational diseases caused by physical factors is an increase in direct current potential level in the frontal-central and parieto-occipital regions, predominantly of the left hemisphere of the brain


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    The urgency of the chosen topic, which is related to the need to study the potential of police officers of both sexes, has been outlined. The latest research on the chosen issues of Ukrainian and foreign scholars has been analyzed, and the objective of the article was to present the results of an empirical study of gender characteristics of psychological potential of police officers. According to the results of the study, the authors have revealed a lack of gender differences in the level of psychological potential within studied persons: 68% of future patrol police officers have a high level of potential; 27% has the studied persons with the average level of psychological potential of sample group; and the smallest – about 5% – is the group with low level of psychological potential. The gender features of potential have been revealed: formed with psychological resources in the group of women are “work on themselves” and “love”, in the group of men – “success”. The most developed psychological resources in both groups of the studied persons were “self-realization in the profession”, “self-confidence”, “help to others” and “responsibility”, which can be considered as a factor of changes in both professional development and personal self-development. The relationships between the components of psychological potential and decision-making factors in the groups of studied persons have been established: the ability of women to update their own resources and the desire to creatively work on them increases their tendency to rationality, moderation and procrastination, and the presence of such gender-colored features as sensitivity, empathy and openness to people, predetermine the probability of implementing such decision-making factor as “avoidance”. Actualization of the ability to use own resources of men and the desire for self-realization strengthens their ability to take responsibility and diligence, allows to choose the most appropriate options for behavior and rational decisions, decreasing conformism; in a situation of decision-making they are prone to productive coping “vigilance”. The obtained data allow to study sources of potential of police officers (both men and women), to determine the ways to optimize their psychological potential and provide an opportunity to more effectively organize the psychological support of their professional activities.Актуальність теми пов’язана з потребою вивчення ресурсності працівників поліції обох статей. Представлено результати емпіричного вивчення гендерних особливостей психологічної ресурсності працівників поліції, серед яких виявлено такі: у групі жінок сформованими психологічними ресурсами є «робота над собою» та «любов», у групі чоловіків – «успіх». Установлено взаємозв’язки між компонентами психологічної ресурсності та факторами прийняття рішень у групах досліджуваних: чоловіки схильні до продуктивного копінгу «пильність», жінки частіше орієнтуються на копінг «уникнення»

    Neuropsychological criteria for diagnosing cognitive impairment in patients with occupational diseases caused by physical factors

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    The aim. To identify neuropsychological signs of a decrease in higher mental functions associated with professional exposure to physical factors.Materials and methods. The study involved 40 patients with vibration disease caused by local vibration (Group 1), 50 patients with vibration disease caused by combined exposure to local and general vibration (Group 2), 71 civil aviation pilots with an established diagnosis of occupational sensorineural hearing loss (Group 3), and 38 healthy men (Group 4, control group). Methods of neuropsychological testing were used.Results. In Groups 1–3 the state of functioning of the cognitive sphere is represented by a mildly pronounced nature of impairments. The results of MMSE and FAB tests in patients of Groups 1–2, when compared with Group 4, determine a decrease in the functional activity of the frontal lobes and subcortical structures (25 (24–27), 25 (22–26), 15 (14–16) and 15 (13–16) points respectively). The most informative feature associated with the fact of occupational exposure to local vibration is the indicator of long-term memory (F = 9.41; р = 0.003); with combined impact of local and general vibration – short-term memory (F = 11.0; р = 0.001); with aircraft noise – objective gnosis (F = 8.48; р = 0.001). The obtained features make it possible to track with a high degree of accuracy the development of a decrease in cognitive functions in this contingent (86.1 %, 84.8 % and 72.1 % respectively).Conclusion. Common signs of changes in the cognitive sphere and lesions of the brain structures in patients with vibration disease are a decrease in praxis, impressive speech, for occupational sensorineural hearing loss – the lack of analytical-synthetic and conceptual thinking, object and finger gnosis, characterizing the inferiority of the functioning of the frontal and parietal regions of the left hemisphere

    Competing ideologies of Russia's civil society

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    Many analysts and public opinion makers in the West conflate the notions of Russia’s non-systemic liberal opposition and the country’s civil society. Indeed, despite garnering the support of a minority of Russia’s population, non-systemic liberal opposition represents a well-organized civic group with a clearly articulated agenda and the ability to take action. Yet, does Russia’s civil society end there? A closer look at the country’s politics shows that Russia has a substantial conservative-traditionalist faction that has also developed agenda for action and formulated opinions. This group is anti-liberal rather than illiberal ideologically and pro-strong state/pro a geopolitically independent Russia rather than pro-Kremlin politically. The interaction between liberal and conservative civic groups represents the battle of meanings, ideas, and ethics, and ultimately determines the future trajectory of Russia’s evolution. Thus, the analysis of Russia’s civil society must represent a rather more nuanced picture than a mere study of the liberal non-systemic opposition. This article will examine the complexity of Russia’s civil society scene with reference to the interplay between the liberal opposition and conservative majority factions. The paper will argue that such complexity stems from ideological value pluralism that falls far beyond the boundaries of the liberal consensus, often skewing our understanding of political practice in Russia

    Гендерні особливості віктимності підлітків

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    Shevchenko, L.A. and Selivanova, O.I. (2015), “Gender features of teenagers’ victimity” [“Henderni osoblyvosti viktymnosti pidlitkiv”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 3, pp. 166–169.Шевченко, Л. О. Гендерні особливості віктимності підлітків / Л. О. Шевченко, О. І. Селіванова // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 3 (58). - С. 166–169.Проаналізовано психологічні чинники й особливості віктимної поведінки в підлітковому віці. Розглянуто внутрішні детермінанти віктимності. Особливу увагу приділено гендерній специфіці прояву віктимної поведінки в підлітковому віці. Висвітлено особливості щодо профілактичної роботи з попередження віктимності.The features of teenagers’ victimity considering gender component are analyzed. It is indicated that victimity has internal determinants such as psychodynamic basic characteristics of personality, reflecting an individual level of its functioning and programmable properties that form the content and semantic programs of behavior and activities of a human being, as well as external, which are a set of social conditions that have victimological potential. Teenager’s victimity occurs in the process of victimization. It is revealed that realized boys’ victimity is higher than girls’ one. Boys more often than girls suffer physical violence from parents, older boys and their peers, addicted to actively victim behavior and aggressive victim behavior, often deliberately create or provoke conflicts. They at a conscious level deny the existence of victimological qualities that really is not true. The model of passive victim behavior is inherent for girls in comparison with their boys-peers, who suffered psychological violence more often from both parents and peers. Despite the more critical attitude to themselves the most characteristic features of their behavior are addiction, fear of responsibility, setting for the helplessness, reconciliation with the role of a victim. Preventive measures concerning victim behavior of teenagers must have comprehensive nature, however, for girls and boys may need different preventive measures that promote the prevention of their victim behavior. The main tasks of prevention of teenagers’ victimity are to identify and consolidate the positive personality qualities, formation of the ability to make their own choices, sense of responsibility, timely resolution of conflicts.Проанализированы психологические факторы и особенности виктимного поведения в подростковом возрасте. Рассмотрены внутренние детерминанты виктимности. Особое внимание уделено гендерной специфике проявления виктимного поведения в подростковом возрасте. Освещены особенности касательно профилактической работы по предупреждению виктимности

    Methodical instructions for laboratory works on the discipline "Electric machines"

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    This edition is dedicated to expand the theoretical knowledge of foreign students on the "Electric machines" discipline. The objects of study are transformers and electric machines, which are the basis of electric power in various industries. The subject of this course is electric machines, which are used in practice to convert one form of energy into another: mechanical to electrical (generator), electri-cal to mechanical (electric motors), and power transformers, which are used to con-vert the parameters of AC current and voltage

    The level of expression of miR-196a in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C with the first genotype of HCV according to previous experience of antiviral therapy.

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    The authors present the study of the level of expression of miR-196a in 74 patients with chronic viral hepatitis C with the 1st genotype of HCV, based on previous experience in patients with antiviral therapy regimens containing interferon. The patients were divided into two groups, depending on the previous experience of antiviral therapy with circuits containing interferon – 21 patients who failed after antiviral therapy regimens containing interferon (group 1) and the comparison group (group 2) – 53 naive patients. To study the level of expression of miR-196a (miR-196a), a two-stage study according to the manufacturer's protocol was used. First, total RNA was isolated from the plasma by the method of phenol-chloroform extraction. Futher reverse transcription was performed using a kit for reverse transcription of miR TaqMan® (Applied Biosystems, USA), specific loop primers to achieve mature miRNA, snRNA U6 (as an endogenous control gene), and 10 ng of total RNA. Real-time quantitative PCR was performed using TaqMan® miRNA analysis. In order to optimize the prediction of response to antiviral therapy and the use of optimal treatment regimens for problem patients with treatment failure regimens containing interferon, analysis using ROC curves was used. The average level of expression of miR-196a in patients with chronic hepatitis C was evaluated. In the 1st group of patients it was 0.011 (IQR: 0.002; 0.310) and in the comparison group – 0.346 (IQR: 0.054; 1.239) at p=0.012 by U criterion. The conducted ROC analysis showed that the studied miR-196a could differentiate patients with chronic viral hepatitis C with HCV genotype 1, depending on previous experience of antiviral therapy, namely, patients with treatment failure regimens containing interferons and naive. AUC=0.688 (95% CI 0.570-0.791; p=0.017), J=0.40, Se=57.14%, Sp=83.02%. It gives additional opportunities for correction of therapeutic tactics. Therefore, the level of expression of miR-196a (<-1,75) may be an additional biomarker in the pathogenesis of HCV-infection, which can then be used in the monitoring and treatment of patients. Low expression of miR-196a may be the basis for prescribing more effective direct-acting antiviral therapy to patients and will allow personalizing therapeutic tactics in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C