177 research outputs found

    Interaction of Caffeine Molecular Associates with Water: Theory and Experiment

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    Results of a Monte Carlo simulation of the association process of caffeine (1,3,7-trimethyl-2,6-dioxipurine) in water are presented. Simulation was performed in a cluster approximation ; the system contained 200 water molecules. The nature of the stabilization of caffeine stacking associates in water was considered. Hydrophobic behaviour of methyl group s during association of caffeine molecules in water is shown. The peculiarity of interaction of caffeine associates with water in dependence on the starting geometry of dimer is considered. Results of the simulation on the caffeine association process are compared to experimental data from the study of aqueous solutions of caffeine

    Supervision as a form of inclusive education retraining and school community professional advancement

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    Using the example of Kryvyi Rih, we present the supervision model used to promote the education reform in Ukraine and the retraining of the school's major players. Through a sociopolitical and educational description of the current situation in Kryvyi Rih, empirical study has introduced a model of retraining. Due to this, 124 key stakeholders from 20 inclusive schools underwent testing to help plan the implementation of the monitoring model (teachers, tutors, staff, psychologists and parents from 7 districts of Kryvyi Rih were invited to participate). In this study, we provide an alternative strategy for interagency supervisory groups and communication, with an emphasis on the model supervision retraining of inclusive education specialists. Four stages make up the supervision process: case report, exchange, conceptualization, and summary. In the paper, we suggest a modification of an unstructured interview by a specialist who specifies the context of training supervision in order to facilitate successful work. The psycho-educational support team in inclusive education was able to propose the supervision program thanks to the analysis of the organizational, methodological, and information retraining system and the execution of the pilot project of supervisory groups: I. Providing team members with the necessary training to work with the objectives of each child development plan; II. Using case preparation tools; III. Analyzing environmental elements; and IV. Managing team support.Using the example of Kryvyi Rih, we present the supervision model used to promote the education reform in Ukraine and the retraining of the school's major players. Through a sociopolitical and educational description of the current situation in Kryvyi Rih, empirical study has introduced a model of retraining. Due to this, 124 key stakeholders from 20 inclusive schools underwent testing to help plan the implementation of the monitoring model (teachers, tutors, staff, psychologists and parents from 7 districts of Kryvyi Rih were invited to participate). In this study, we provide an alternative strategy for interagency supervisory groups and communication, with an emphasis on the model supervision retraining of inclusive education specialists. Four stages make up the supervision process: case report, exchange, conceptualization, and summary. In the paper, we suggest a modification of an unstructured interview by a specialist who specifies the context of training supervision in order to facilitate successful work. The psycho-educational support team in inclusive education was able to propose the supervision program thanks to the analysis of the organizational, methodological, and information retraining system and the execution of the pilot project of supervisory groups: I. Providing team members with the necessary training to work with the objectives of each child development plan; II. Using case preparation tools; III. Analyzing environmental elements; and IV. Managing team support

    Variability of DNA structure and protein-nucleic acid reconginition

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    Revealing molecular mechanisms of sequence-specific recognition of DNA by proteins is one of the key tasks of biology. The current review presents the results of statistical analysis of the structural databases obtained by different scientific groups studying the conformational features of free and protein-bound DNA fragments that could be used for clarifying the mechanisms of protein-nucleic acid recognition. The analysis of the published data allowed us to make the following generalizations. The ability of DNA double helix to adopt alternative conformations, including the ones of sugar-phosphate backbone, is an intrinsic characteristic of certain DNA sequences. Such conformational transitions are the potential sources of formation of unique geometry of the dinucleotide steps and/or individual nucleotides and lead to alteration of base stacking and/or changes of the assessable surface area of atoms, and can be the criteria of recognition of DNA by protein as well. Changes in the physical properties that depend on the DNA structure, i. e. the polar/unpolar profile and electrostatic potential of the grooves, can also be used by protein for DNA readout.Расшифровка молекулярных механизмов узнавания белками конкретных последовательностей ДНК – одна из основных задач современной биологии. Настоящий обзор посвящен результатам статистического анализа структурных баз данных, полученных различными исследователями при изучении конформационных особенностей фрагментов свободной ДНК и ДНК в комплексах с белками, которые могут быть полезными при выяснении механизмов белково-нуклеинового узнавания. Анализ литературных данных позволил сделать следующие обобщения. Способность двойной спирали ДНК принимать альтернативные конформации, в том числе сахарофосфатным остовом, является «внутренним» свойством, присущим определенным последовательностям ДНК. Такие конформационные перестройки могут служить потенциальными источниками проявления уникальных особенностей геометрии различных динуклеотидных шагов и/или отдельных нуклеотидов и нарушать стэкинг оснований и/или изменять площадь доступной поверхности атомов и быть критериями для узнавания участка ДНК белком. Изменения физических свойств, зависящих от структуры ДНК, таких как полярно-неполярный профиль и электростатический потенциал желобков, также могут использоваться белками для узнавания конкретного сайта ДНК.Розшифрування молекулярних механізмів упізнавання білками конкретних послідовностей ДНК – одна із основних задач сучасної біології. Огляд присвячено результатам статистичного аналізу структурних баз даних, отриманих різними групами дослідників при вивченні конформаційних особливостей фрагментів вільної ДНК і ДНК у комплексах з білками. Такі дані використовують при дослідженні механізмів білково-нуклеїнового впізнавання. Аналіз літературних джерел дозволив зробити наступні узагальнення. Здатність подвійної спіралі ДНК набувати альтернативних конформацій, у тому числі сахарофосфатним остовом, є «внутрішньою» властивістю, яка притаманна визначеним послідовностям ДНК. Подібні конформаційні перебудови можуть слугувати потенційним джерелом прояву унікальних особливостей геометрії різних динуклеотидних фрагментів і/або окремих нуклеотидів та призводити до порушення стекінгу основ і/або змін площ доступної поверхні атомів, а також бути критеріями впізнавання білками специфічних послідовностей ДНК. Зміни фізичних властивостей, які залежать від структури ДНК, серед яких полярно-неполярний профіль і електростатичний потенціал борозенок, також можуть використовуватися білками для впізнавання конкретного сайта ДНК

    Comparação de duas técnicas de instrumentação mecanizada em blocos de resina acrílica usando as limas Protaper Gold™ e Trunatomy™

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    Tese de mestrado, Medicina Dentária, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, 2020INTRODUÇÃO: A endodontia é a área que se dedica ao estudo da polpa dentária e tecidos periapicais. Em dentes com canais curvos, é importante que não ocorram acidentes na instrumentação como degraus, zipping, stripping, falsos trajetos ou perfurações, que podem comprometer o sucesso do tratamento a longo prazo. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a preservação da anatomia original do canal no terço médio e e apical, em blocos de resina acrílica, usando dois sistemas mecanizados: ProTaper Gold™ e TruNatomy™. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Selecionaram-se 40 blocos de resina acrílica, que foram divididos em 2 grupos, o A correspondente às ProTaper Gold™ e o B, às TruNatomy™. Foram tiradas fotografias, na mesma posição e à distância, do antes e depois. Através do “Rhinoceros Software” identificaram-se duas circunferências, no terço médio e no terço apical do canal, e seguidamente efetuaram-se as medições do seu raio. Para a análise estatística utilizaram-se os testes Shapiro-Wilk, Kruskal Wallis, Mann-Whitney U, T-Student e de Wilcoxon. RESULTADOS: Antes da instrumentação, verificou-se que os blocos do grupo B apresentaram valores médios superiores no terço apical. Após a instrumentação constatou-se que os valores dos blocos do grupo B eram estatisticamente significativos no terço apical, ou seja, que os blocos do grupo B tinham mantido uma curvatura apical significativamente superior. A análise por grupo também revelou valores inferiores para o grupo B ao nível do terço médio. CONCLUSÃO: As limas endodônticas mecanizadas TruNatomy™ revelaram ser mais flexíveis preservarem melhor a anatomia original do canal no terço médio, quando comparadas com as limas ProTaperGold™.INTRODUCTION: In curved channels, it is important that the instrumentation does not result in irregularities, such as zipping, stripping our perforations, which can compromise the long-term treatment success. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to compare the efficiency of the maintenance of the root canal anatomy by analyzing radius of circumferences in the S- shaped curved acrylic resin blocks using different systems: ProTaper Gold ™ and TruNatomy™ MATHERIAL AND METHODS: A quantitative analysis was made by measuring the canal of 40 samples, distributed by two groups of 20 samples each (Group A - ProTaper Gold™; Group B - TruNatomy™) in images of pre and post instrumentation determination of radius of curvatures using program Rhinoceros Software. The statistical analysis was obtained by using the Shapiro-Wilk, Kruskal Wallis test, Mann-Whitney U test, T-Student test and Wilcoxon test. RESULTS: There were statistically significant differences between the blocks initially distributed. Analysis of photographs after instrumentation showed that group B blocks had statistically significant values in the apical third. The analysis by group also revealed lower values for group B, statistical significance has been achieved in the comparison at the level of the middle third. CONCLUSION: TruNatomy™ was the rotary system that respected more the original canal anatomy. They produced less deformation of the curvatures in the middle third and they showed more flexibility compared to ProTaperGold ™ files


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    Актуальність статті полягає в уведенні в науковий дискурс архівних матеріалів українського літературного процесу, що зберігаються в США (Бахметьєвський архів Бібліотеки рідкісної книги та рукописів у Колумбійському університеті). Метою роботи є реконструювати тривалий інтелектуально-творчий діалог двох видатних українських гуманітаріїв модерної формації – Юрія Шевельова та Богдана Рубчака. Авторка спирається на колекції їхніх листів один до одного, що зберігаються в США, а також на їхні критичні виступи. Продуктивний діалог зумовлений глибокою духовною спорідненістю цих інтелектуалів. Вони листуються, а також друкують статті про одну й ту саму книжку поезій Наталі Лівицької-Холодної, вирішуючи питання про підстави, методологію, сенси літературної критики. Епістолярний діалог, зумовлений спочатку інтересом Юрія Шевельова до модерної поезії Богдана Рубчака, згодом досягає кульмінації в осмисленні літератури й зокрема поезії як способу самоактуалізації інтелектуально-творчого єства критичної думки. У перспективі дослідження має вихід на витворення інтелектуальної історії української модерної літературної критики

    Пам’яті професора Володимира Яковича Малєєва

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    Публікація присвячена пам’яті професора Володимира Яковича Малєєв

    Library collection: current problems of formation, research and conservation (from experience of scientific library of Kryvyi rih pedagogical institute of state higher education establishment «Kryvyi rih national university»)

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    Розглядається поняття бібліотечного фонду. Висвітлюються сучасні проблеми його формування, збереження, інвентаризації та управління ним.The article dwells upon the concept of library collection. Current problems of its formation, preservation, inventory and management are highlighted

    Psychological Service for Ukrainian School Students during the Russian Invasion: Experience of School Psychologists from Kryvyi Rih

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    Introduction: After eight years of the war in the East of Ukraine, two years of the COVID-19 pandemic with relevant lockdowns, and two months of bomb alerts, school students and school psychologists from Kryvyi Rih have been dealing with new brutal military actions during the Russian invasion of Ukraine since the 24th February 2022. Purpose: This paper focuses on School Psychological Services' changes and challenges caused by the Russian invasion. It assesses war-related psychological effects on school students and school psychologists from Kryvyi Rih. Method: Brief non-structured interviews and the survey. Results and Conclusions: After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, School Psychological Services in Kryvyi Rih continued their work remotely, often combining it with in-person meetings (48.5%) and other volunteer activities (27.9%). The surveyed school psychologists (n=48) informed they conducted more individual consultations and psychoeducation and fewer diagnostics than usual to address school students' changing needs in response to wartime. School psychologists felt more effective and involved with students when they believed they got enough support from colleagues and supervisors, learned crisis interventions, received clear guidance, and did not feel burnout. They appreciated current governmental guidance and felt their post-traumatic growth more when they were safe. After 1.5 months of the war, 43.8% of psychologists experienced burnout. At least a quarter needed additional education, psychological support, easily accessible supervision (especially short and rapid), and guidance for specific cases

    The role of perceived source location in auditory stream segregation: separation affects sound organization, common fate does not

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    The human auditory system is capable of grouping sounds originating from different sound sources into coherent auditory streams, a process termed auditory stream segregation. Several cues can influence auditory stream segregation, but the full set of cues and the way in which they are integrated is still unknown. In the current study, we tested whether auditory motion can serve as a cue for segregating sequences of tones. Our hypothesis was that, following the principle of common fate, sounds emitted by sources moving together in space along similar trajectories will be more likely to be grouped into a single auditory stream, while sounds emitted by independently moving sources will more often be heard as two streams. Stimuli were derived from sound recordings in which the sound source motion was induced by walking humans. Although the results showed a clear effect of spatial separation, auditory motion had a negligible influence on stream segregation. Hence, auditory motion may not be used as a primitive cue in auditory stream segregation

    The category of the transcendental in the Ukrainian postmodern novel

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    The forms of artistic embodiment of aspects of the category of the transcendent in the texts of Ukrainian postmodernists are the focus of this article which are studied through the analysis of the characters’ worldview, the identification of dominants and meanings of human existence, and the correlation of the vision of the category of the transcendent in the novels with modern spiritual concepts. The most striking authorial concepts of the transcendental in Ukrainian postmodern prose refer to the relationship between the human and divine planes of existence, the mechanisms of transforming inspiration into a literary text, the irrational nature of creativity, the concept of reincarnation, ritual as a way of accessing the realm of the transcendental and the understanding of «nothing» concept