179 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Attitude of Mothers regarding Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse

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    Introduction: Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual stimulation. Child sexual abuse can occur in a variety of settings, including home, school, or work (in places where child labor is common). The present study aims to assess the knowledge and attitude of mothers regarding prevention of child sexual abuse in a selected community of New Delhi, and to prepare and disseminate an information booklet on the prevention of child sexual abuse. The objectives of the study were: to assess the knowledge of mothers regarding prevention of child sexual abuse; to assess the attitude of mothers regarding prevention of child sexual abuse; and to prepare and disseminate an information booklet on the prevention of child sexual abuse. Method: A quantitative approach with a descriptive survey design was adopted for the study to collect data from 50 mothers selected by purposive sampling technique. The study was conducted in an urban community of New Delhi. The tools used for data collection was structured knowledge questionnaire to assess knowledge and attitude scale to assess attitude of mothers regarding prevention of child sexual abuse. Result: The analysis revealed that 90% of subjects had inadequate knowledge regarding child sexual abuse. However, 90% subjects had positive attitude regarding prevention of child sexual abuse. Conclusion: Through this study, we conclude that majority of mothers had inadequate knowledge. Therefore, a public education program is needed for parents, with the ultimate aim of protecting children from preventable harm and trauma of sexual abuse. In order to create awareness, an information booklet was disseminated to mothers regarding prevention of child sexual abuse


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan salah satu upaya yang dilakukan adalah dengan menerapkan media pembelajaran berbasis komik dalam proses pembelajaran. Media Pembelajaran berbasis komik merupakan media pembelajaran visual yang berisi rangkaian cerita yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan – permasalahan matematika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis komik matematika terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa dan sikap siswa terhadap pembelajaran menggunakan media komik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMPN 36 Bandung tahun ajaran 2015-2016, dengan sampel sebanyak dua kelas, yaitu kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen yang dipiih secara acak antar kelas. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini berupa tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis (pretest dan postest) yang berupa uraian serta angket skala sikap. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan media komik lebih baik daripada kemampuan komunikasi siwa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan media buku paket dan siswa memberikan respon positif terhadap pembelajaran matematika menggunakan media komik Kata Kunci : Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis, Media Komik Matematik

    A Study to assess the Knowledge Related to HIV/AIDS and Its Prevention among 12th Standard Students in a Selected School of Delhi

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    Purpose: The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge of 12th standard students related to HIV/ AIDS and its prevention in a selected school of New Delhi.Methods: The research approach adopted for the study was quantitative research approach and research design was descriptive survey design. The tool developed for data collection was structured knowledge questionnaire. The sample consisted of 50 students of Hamdard Public School, New Delhi. The data was collected through structured knowledge questionnaire and analysis was done using descriptive statistics.Results: It was found that equal number of students, i.e., 50% each had adequate and inadequate knowledge regarding the prevention of HIV/ AIDS. Mass media (48%) was found to be playing a major role in disseminating the information towards HIV/ AIDS followed by teachers (24%). Family members (4%) and health professionals (10%) were source of information for a relatively small percentage of students.Conclusion: It was found that students of 12th standard of Hamdard Public School had adequate knowledge regarding HIV/ AIDS and its prevention. It is also suggested to organize more awareness programs toward HIV/ AIDS through mass media to fill the gaps in knowledge and thus to reduce the incidence

    Freedom of Speech on Children’s Right Setting Toward Prevention of Bullying in Early Childhood Education: A Literature Review of Decolonization Approach

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    The discourse on freedom of speech, in particular when expressing an opinion on the provisions of the Rights of the Child, is often ignored by a trend of change in education that is too concentrated on the authoritarian educational process that prioritizes the success of academic learning rather than the socio-emotional success of children. It is important to communicate the experiences and feelings experienced by children, particularly bullying that occurs early in childhood. This research would examine the importance of free expression in children's rights to the prevention of bullying in early childhood through a decolonization approach. This study employed a literature review approach with a transformative paradigm which take a look at critical thoughts about children's rights, particularly freedom of speech that aims at preventing the bullying that occurs in early childhood. This study argued that the process of preventing bullying and even other negative behavior is effective when parents and teacher properly enforce the rights of children, especially freedom of speech. These results further illuminate the complexities faced by teachers in the application of free expression in early childhood education in daily life

    A Comparative Study to Assess the Emotional Quotient of Staff Nurses Working in a Private and a Government Hospital of New Delhi

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    Introduction: A comparative study to assess the emotional quotient (EQ) of staff nurses working in a private and a government hospital of New Delhi. The objectives of the study were: To assess the emotional quotient of staff nurses working in a government hospital; to assess the emotional quotient of staff nurses working in a private hospital and To compare the emotional quotient of staff nurses working in government and private hospitals.Method: A quantitative approach with a descriptive comparative survey design was adopted for the study. The study was conducted in Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, and HAHC Hospital, New Delhi. The population of the study consisted of staff nurses working in a government hospital and a private hospital. 50 samples were selected from the private hospital and 50 from the government hospital by using convenient sampling technique to assess the emotional quotient. The tool used for data collection was rating scale to assess the emotional quotient.Results: The finding showed that the mean score of private hospital staff nurses was (63.34%) which was higher than mean score (55.94%) of government hospital staff nurses. The findings also revealed that in government hospital majority of staff nurses had average emotional quotient, i.e., 21(42%) while, 18(36%) had low emotional quotient and 11(22%) belonged to high emotional quotient category. Same were the findings in private hospital which showed that a majority of staff nurses had average emotional quotient, i.e., 23(46%), 18(36%) had high emotional quotient and 9(18%) had low emotional quotient.Conclusion: The finding of the present study suggested that emotional quotient was high in private hospital staff nurses as compared to government hospital staff nurses and majority of staff nurses in both the hospitals had average emotional quotient

    Representasi Vigilante Dalam Anime “Death Note”

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    “Death Note” merupakan seuah anime yang diadaptasi dari manga berjudul Desu Noto. Karakter Light dakam anime ini menggambarkan vigilante yang mana pada umumnya muncul pada film Hollywood. Rumusan masalah yang ingin dijawab adalh bagaimana representasi vigilante dalam anime “Death Note”. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut, peneliti menggunakan metode analisis naratif Propp. Konsep-konsep yang digunakan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah, yaitu vigilante number, karakteristik vigilante, relasi antara vigilante dengan korbannya, dan motivasi vigilante. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah representasi vigilante dalam anime “Death Note” dipengaruhi oleh budaya Jepang yang mana vigilante direpresentasikan sebagai bentuk obsesi masyarakat Jepang yang ingin negaranya aman dan dipengaruhi oleh kepercayaan Shinto dalam praktik membunuh korbannya. Meskipun dipengaruhi oleh budaya Jepang, representasi vigilante dalam anime ini juga dipengaruhi oleh gaya penggabaran dalam film-film Hollywood

    A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude regarding the Play Needs of Toddlers among Parents in a Selected Hospital of New Delhi

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    Introduction: Since ages, play is considered to be an essential aspect for a child’s overall development including physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. The play needs of a child keep changing with the different stages of growth and development. For a healthy development of the child, it is important to assess and acknowledge the different play needs of children at different stages. Definitely, there can be no one better than the parents who can understand the play needs and facilitate them accordingly. Hence a need was felt to conduct a study to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding the play needs of toddlers among parents. The objectives of this study were to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding the play needs of toddlers among parents in a selected hospital of New Delhi.Materials and Methods: The research approach selected for the study was quantitative. A descriptive survey design was selected. A total of 50 samples were selected by purposive sampling technique. The tool used for data collection comprised a structured knowledge questionnaire and structured attitude scaleto assess the knowledge and attitude regarding the play needs of toddlers among parents, respectively.Results: The findings related to knowledge revealed that 52% of the parents of toddlers had good knowledge while 48% had an average knowledge regarding the play needs of toddlers. In terms of attitude, 92% of the parents of toddlers had a highly favorable attitude while 8% had a moderately favorable attitude regarding the play needs of toddlers.Conclusion: The study revealed that majority of the parents had good knowledge and a highly favorable attitude regarding the play needs of toddlers

    Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Pola Tanam Berbasis Padi Gogo di Maluku

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    The upland rice-based cropping pattern is a form of double cropping or crop rotation in which upland rice as a basic commodity (base crop) which can be preceded or alternated with other food crops as a secondary crop. This study was conducted on dry land agro-ecosystems in the Tanimbar Islands Regency (West Southeast Maluku), from March to December 2017. This study was an adaptive research with a field experiment approach in farmer's land.  The objective of this research was to obtain the most profitable cropping patterns, efficiency in land use and economically also has the highest net profit so it is appropriate to be recommended as a technology innovation for upland rice-based cropping patterns in dry land. The results showed that upland rice which was cultivated in multiple ways through intercropping or overlapped cropping, namely Introduced Cropping Pattern 1 (Upland Rice + Maize-Peanuts) and Introduced Cropping Pattern 2 (Upland Rice + Corn/Cassava-Green Beans-Peanuts) can increase land productivity (index planting of 222% and 288%, respectively) and farmers' income increased by 244-588% compared to upland rice grown in monoculture. Multiple cropping patterns can be recommended as a technology package for upland rice-based cropping patterns on dry land because of its efficiency in the use of production costs and land use. Furthermore, it gave the highest farm income of IDR63,933,100,-/ha/year with a net profit of IDR45,716,380,-/ha/year or IDR15,238,793,-/ha/ cropping season. Keywords: cropping pattern, farming, land use, upland ric


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran berdasarkan data atau fakta yang sahih (valid), untuk mengetahui Hubungan Antara Penerimaan Teman Sebaya Dengan Prestasi Belajar Pada Siswa Kelas X Administrasi Perkantoran Di SMKN 8 Jakarta. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMKN 8 Jakarta sejak bulan Desember 2010 sampai dengan bulan Februari 2011. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X. Populasi terjangkau dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X Administrasi Perkantoran dengan jumlah 119 orang dan 89 orang sebagai sampel. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik acak proposional. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey dengan pendekatan korelasional sedangkan data diperoleh dari data sekunder (data dokumentasi dari sekolah berupa laporan hasil belajar bayangan semester ganjil) dan instrumen yang disebarkan pada siswa kelas X Administrasi Perkantoran di SMKN 8 Jakarta. Uji persyaratan analisis yang dilakukan adalah dengan mencari persamaan regresi yang didapat Ŷ = 52,39 + 0,243 X. Hasil uji normalitas liliefors menghasilkan Lhitung = 0,071. Pada tarif signifikan 0,05 untuk n = 89 adalah 0,09392. Maka Lhitung < Ltabel. Karena Lhitung < Ltabel maka variabel X dan Y berdistribusi normal. Pengujian hipotesis dengan uji keberartian regresi menghasilkan Fhitung (6,91) > Ftabel (3,96) yang berarti persamaan regresi tersebut berarti. Uji kelinearan regresi mengahasilkan Fhitung (1,56) < Ftabel (1,70) sehingga disimpulkan bahwa persamaan regresi tersebut linier. Perhitungan koefisien korelasi product moment menghasilkan rhitung = 0,271. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji keberartian koefisien korelasi dengan menggunakan uji-t, menghasilkan thitung = 2,63 > ttabel = 1,66. Maka thitung > ttabel. Berarti uji koefisien korelasi signifikan dan terdapat hubungan yang positif antara penerimaan teman sebaya dengan prestasi belajar. Di samping itu, dengan uji koefisien determinasi diperoleh hasil 7,36%, itu berarti bahwa variasi prestasi belajar (Y) ditentukan oleh varibel penerimaan teman sebaya (X) sebesar 7,36%. Hasil penelitian tersebut meyimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara penerimaan teman sebaya dengan prestasi belajar pada siswa kelas X Administrasi Perkantoran di SMKN 8 Jakarta. This research is conducted to describe data or valid fact, to know the correlations between peer acceptance and learning achievement at class x administrative office in SMKN 8 Jakarta. This research has been done at SMKN 8 Jakarta since December 2010 until february 2011. The populations in this research were all students class X. The reach of populations in this research is 119 students class X Administrative Office for total and 89 students for sampling. The Sampling technique in this research is propotional random sampling. The method of this research is survey method with correlation approach, while the data is got from secondary data and instrument servants students at class X administrative office in SMKN 8 Jakarta. The analysis test that was used is by finding regression equation, that is Ŷ = 52,39 + 0,243 X. After that data normality test using liliefors formula results Lcount =0,071. In significant level 0,05 for n= 89, Ltable = 0,9392. So Lcount < Ltable. Because Lcount < Ltable, it means that the mistake of prediction regression Y to X has normal distribution. Hypothesis test by using regression significant results, Fcount (6,91) > Ftable (3,96). Showing that it has significant regression. While regression linearity test, Fcount (1,56) < Ftable (1,70), showing that regression is linear. The result of product moment on correlations coefficient test, is rcount = 0,271 continued by using correlations coefficient significant test with t-test. Resulting, tcount = 2,63 while ttable = 1,66. So tcount > ttable. It means that there are significant and positive correlations between peer acceptance and learning achievemnet. Beside that, the result of determination coefficient test is 7,36%, it means that variation of learning achievement determined by 7,36% peer acceptance variable. The conclusion of the research has shown that there is a positive correlations between peer acceptance and learning achievement at class x administrative office in SMKN 8 Jakart

    Adaptasi Beberapa Varietas Jagung Pada Agroekosistem Lahan Kering Di Maluku

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    Maize has an important role in the national economy, but at some area, including in Maluku, the productivity is still low, below its potential productivity. The productivity of maize could be improved by planting high yielding and adaptive variety to the local environment. Study was conducted in the Haruru village, District Amahai, Central Maluku, from March to August 2012 aimed to identify maize varieties adaptive on dry land agro ecosystem. The study used randomized block design, replicated three times, where farmers\u27 fields were used as replications. The varieties tested were Srikandi Kuning, Gumarang, and Sukmaraga composites varieties. Bima-2 and Bima-2 (hybrid varieties) and Mutiara, Ungu Hati Putih, Merah, Orange Hati Putih, and Orange Hati Merah (local variety, obtained from farmers\u27 fields in the district of MTB). Fertilizers were drilled, 5-7 cm on the side of plant at a rate of 135 kg N, 90 kg P2O5, 60 kg K2O and 1-2 t manure/ha. Variables to be measured were percentage of surviving plants, age at 50% of male flowering, age at 50% of female flowering, plant height, ear height, cob length, cob weight, cob diameter, number of rows/ear, seed number per ear row, 100-seed weight, weight of dry grains, moisture content, and grain yield. Results showed that local varieties indicated a better growth, but grain yield were superior for the hybrid and the composite varieties. Bima-4 hybrid variety produced 10.31 t/ha dry grain, followed by Bima-2 hybrid and the composite varieties of Sukmaraga, Srikandi Kuning, and Gumarang, each was 8.70 t/ha, 7.97 t/ha, 7.60 t/ha and 7.26 t/ha, respectively. Local varieties Mutiara, Orange Hati Putih, Merah, Orange Hati Merah, and Ungu Hati Putih each yielded only 3.74 t/ha, 3.32 t/ha, 3.07 t/ha, 3.02 t/ha and 2.45 t/ha respectively
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