55 research outputs found

    Climatic Control on Plant and Soil d13C along an Altitudinal Transect of Lushan Mountain in Subtropical China: Characteristics and Interpretation of Soil Carbon Dynamics

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    <div><p>Decreasing temperature and increasing precipitation along altitude gradients are typical mountain climate in subtropical China. In such a climate regime, identifying the patterns of the C stable isotope composition (δ<sup>13</sup>C) in plants and soils and their relations to the context of climate change is essential. In this study, the patterns of δ<sup>13</sup>C variation were investigated for tree leaves, litters, and soils in the natural secondary forests at four altitudes (219, 405, 780, and 1268 m a.s.l.) in Lushan Mountain, central subtropical China. For the dominant trees, both leaf and leaf-litter δ<sup>13</sup>C decreased as altitude increased from low to high altitude, whereas surface soil δ<sup>13</sup>C increased. The lower leaf δ<sup>13</sup>C at high altitudes was associated with the high moisture-related discrimination, while the high soil δ<sup>13</sup>C is attributed to the low temperature-induced decay. At each altitude, soil δ<sup>13</sup>C became enriched with soil depth. Soil δ<sup>13</sup>C increased with soil C concentrations and altitude, but decreased with soil depth. A negative relationship was also found between O-alkyl C and δ<sup>13</sup>C in litter and soil, whereas a positive relationship was observed between aromatic C and δ<sup>13</sup>C. Lower temperature and higher moisture at high altitudes are the predominant control factors of δ<sup>13</sup>C variation in plants and soils. These results help understand C dynamics in the context of global warming.</p></div

    Advertisement calls of Leptobrachella suiyangensis and Leptobrachella bashaensis (Anura, Megophryidae)

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    In this study, the advertisement calls of Leptobrachella suiyangensis and Leptobrachella bashaensis are described. The advertisement call of L. suiyangensis includes simple and complex calls, with four different call types and a dominant frequency ranging 4.13–4.82 kHz. The advertisement call of L. bashaensis consists of a single note, with a dominant frequency 6.03–6.46 kHz. We compare the advertisement calls with other species in the genus Leptobrachella, and discuss the definitions of primary advertisement calls and secondary advertisement calls. Our results provide basic data for further acoustic, taxonomic and ecological studies in the genus Leptobrachella

    Event-stream representation for human gaits identification using deep neural networks

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    Dynamic vision sensors (event cameras) are recently introduced to solve a number of different vision tasks such as object recognition, activities recognition, tracking, etc.Compared with the traditional RGB sensors, the event cameras have many unique advantages such as ultra low resources consumption, high temporal resolution and much larger dynamic range. However, those cameras only produce noisy and asynchronous events of intensity changes, i.e., event-streams rather than frames, where conventional computer vision algorithms can't be directly applied. We hold the opinion that the key challenge of improving the performance of event cameras in vision tasks is finding the appropriate representations of the event-streams so that cutting-edge learning approaches can be applied to fully uncover the spatial-temporal information contained in the event-streams. In this paper, we focus on the event-based human gait identification task and investigate the possible representations of the event-streams when deep neural networks are applied as the classifier. We propose new event-based gait Recognition approaches basing on two different representations of the event-stream, i.e., graph and image-like representations, and use Graph-based Convolutional Network (GCN) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) respectively to recognize gait from the event-streams

    Revealing the ancient city of Sikyon through the application of integrated geophysical approaches and 3D modelling

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    The ancient city of Sikyon is located in the northern Peloponnese covering an area of 250 ha on a plateau that rises about 4 km southwest of the Corinthian gulf.  Previous archaeological excavations revealed a limited number of monuments within the surroundings of the ancient agora. Since 2004, a consortium led by the University of Thessaly, the Institute for Mediterranean Studies/FORTH, the University of York and the 37th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities initiated the Sikyon..

    Ions-induced Epitaxial Growth of Perovskite Nanocomposites for Highly Efficient Light-Emitting Diodes with EQE Exceeding 30%

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    Cesium lead bromide (CsPbBr3) is a widely used emitter for perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs), benefiting from its large carrier mobility, high color purity and good thermal stability. However, the three-dimensional CsPbBr3 films encounter challenges due to their massive intrinsic defects and weak exciton binding effect, which limited their electroluminescence efficiency. To address this issue, the prevailing approach is to confine carriers by reducing dimensionality or size. Nonetheless, this method results in an increase in surface trap states due to the larger surface-to-volume ratio and presents difficulties in carrier injection and transport after reducing lattice splitting to smaller sizes. Here, we successfully achieved proper control over film crystallization by introducing sodium ions, which facilitate the epitaxial growth of zero-dimensional Cs4PbBr6 on the surface of CsPbBr3, forming large grain matrixes where CsPbBr3 is encapsulated by Cs4PbBr6. Notably, the ions-induced epitaxial growth enables the CsPbBr3 emitter with significantly reduced trap states, and generates coarsened nanocomposites of CsPbBr3&Cs4PbBr6 with grain size that surpass the average thickness of the thin perovskite film, resulting in a wavy surface conducive to light out-coupling. Additionally, another additive of formamidinium chloride was incorporated to assist the growth of nanocomposites with larger size and lower defects as well as better carrier injection and transportation. As a result, our demonstrated PeLEDs based on the coarsened nanocomposites exhibit low nonradiative recombination, enhanced light extraction and well-balanced carrier transportation, leading to high-performance devices. The champion device achieved an external quantum efficiency of 31.0% at the emission peak of 521 nm with a narrow full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 18 nm

    A late Middle Pleistocene Denisovan mandible from the Tibetan Plateau

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    Denisovans are members of a hominin group who are currently only known directly from fragmentary fossils, the genomes of which have been studied from a single site, Denisova Cave in Siberia. They are also known indirectly from their genetic legacy through gene flow into several low-altitude East Asian populations and high-altitude modern Tibetans6. The lack of morphologically informative Denisovan fossils hinders our ability to connect geographically and temporally dispersed fossil hominins from Asia and to understand in a coherent manner their relation to recent Asian populations. This includes understanding the genetic adaptation of humans to the high-altitude Tibetan Plateau, which was inherited from the Denisovans. Here we report a Denisovan mandible, identified by ancient protein analysis, found on the Tibetan Plateau in Baishiya Karst Cave, Xiahe, Gansu, China. We determine the mandible to be at least 160 thousand years old through U-series dating of an adhering carbonate matrix. The Xiahe specimen provides direct evidence of the Denisovans outside the Altai Mountains and its analysis unique insights into Denisovan mandibular and dental morphology. Our results indicate that archaic hominins occupied the Tibetan Plateau in the Middle Pleistocene epoch and successfully adapted to high-altitude hypoxic environments long before the regional arrival of modern Homo sapiens

    Non-Point Source Pollution Characteristics of Agriculture-Derived Nitrogen in Groundwater in Suburban Area of Shanghai Based on Models

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    Part 1: GIS, GPS, RS and Precision FarmingInternational audienceThis paper analyzes the characteristics of the NPS nitrogen pollution of the groundwater in Guoyuan Village, Pudong District, Shanghai. And the associated effects on the surface and groundwater around the study area are discussed in detail based on the successive observed data, DNDC and L-THIA model. The results show that both of the surface and groundwater are polluted so seriously that they are not suitable to drink. The average content of total nitrogen in surface water is 6.3 mg/L and 16.85 mg/L in the groundwater, and both of them attribute to Grade V surface water standard (≤2.0 mg/L) according to the national standard(GB 3838-2002). It is concluded that the nitrogen pollution comes mainly from the fertilizer of the peach orchard based on the further modeling analysis. Therefore, reasonable adjustment of fertilization measures and project may be an effective and practical approach to control the nitrogen pollution around the peach orchard

    Remote sensing of urban growth and landscape pattern changes in response to the expansion of Chongming Island in Shanghai, China

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    Chongming Island in China is currently undergoing a rapid urbanization and an increasing environmental pressure due to its fast-paced social economic development. Owing to natural silts deposit phenomenon as well as artificial land reclamation practices, the Island is also experiencing an expansion phenomenon. The synergy between these natural and artificial phenomena results in a rapidly changing landscape on Chongming Island. Consequently, the tools and methods for a rapid and cost-effective detection and assessment of related issues are urgently needed to ensure a harmonious and sustainable development of the Island. We herein investigate the urban growth and the landscape pattern change in relation to the Island’s expansion phenomenon and the associated complexity of land use/cover change. Our investigation is based on a time series of Landsat satellite images spanning the past 34 years. The methodological approach adopted in the present study combines vegetation indices, images textural features and social statistics data in an object-oriented classification framework. With Chongming Island expanding by an annual rate of 0.9% between 1979 and 2013, we found that the proportion of vegetation area to the total area decreased from 71 to 45%, whereas the proportion of built-up area to the total area increased from 5 to 19.9%. The urban area expanded about six times from 1979 to 2013, and during the same period, the Island’s population did not change significantly. The urban spatial expansion of Chongming Island caused distinct expansion intensity index for each intervals, and significant fragmentation and diversity in the landscape pattern between 1979 and 2013. It was also found that the rapid urbanization process took place at the expense of landscape pattern changes at any time within the study period. This is a strong indication that besides the natural geographic element, economic development and policy orientation were the dominant driving factors. If the current rate of urban expansion is to be maintained and the vegetation cover is to keep decreasing at an annual rate of 0.1% (period 1979–2013), their combined effects would profoundly alter the ecological environment in the long term. These findings provide a basic objective and scientific information for knowledgeable decision-making and policy formulation regarding regional planning and management to ensure harmonious transition of Chongming towards ecologically oriented development

    Seasonal Variation in Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions at Three Age-Stages of Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) Stands in an Alluvial Island, Eastern China

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    Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are an important part of the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycle in forest soil. However, soil greenhouse gas emissions in dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) stands of different ages are poorly understood. To elucidate the effect of plantation age and environmental factors on soil GHG emissions, we used static chamber/gas chromatography (GC) system to measure soil GHG emissions in an alluvial island in eastern China for two consecutive years. The soil was a source of CO2 and N2O and a sink of CH4 with annual emissions of 5.5–7.1 Mg C ha−1 year−1, 0.15–0.36 kg N ha−1 year−1, and 1.7–4.5 kg C ha−1 year−1, respectively. A clear exponential correlation was found between soil temperature and CO2 emission, but a negative linear correlation was found between soil water content and CO2 emission. Soil temperature had a significantly positive effect on CH4 uptake and N2O emission, whereas no significant correlation was found between CH4 uptake and soil water content, and N2O emission and soil water content. These results implied that older forest stands might cause more GHG emissions from the soil into the atmosphere because of higher litter/root biomass and soil carbon/nitrogen content compared with younger stands
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