9,326 research outputs found

    The effect of phenytoin, phenobarbitone, dexamethasone and flurbiprofen on misonidazole neurotoxicity in mice.

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    Using a quantitative cytochemical technique for measuring beta-glucuronidase activity in the peripheral nerves of mice, we have investigated the effectiveness of four potential adjuncts for reducing the dose limiting neurotoxicity of misonidazole (MISO) in the clinic. Under the conditions used, the most effective adjunct was the steroid anti-inflammatory agent dexamethasone. When given over the week previous to MISO treatment, this agent almost completely eliminated the MISO neurotoxicity as determined at week 4 after commencement of MISO dosing. The second most effective adjunct was phenytoin, the third flurbiprofen and the last adjunct, phenobarbitone, was ineffective. Dexamethasone, phenytoin and phenobarbitone all reduced the clearance half-life of MISO and hence the drug exposure dose calculated as the area under the curve of MISO tissue concentration against time. However, no correlation was evident with these parameters and MISO neurotoxicity in the mouse. Dexamethasone, whilst affording protection against MISO toxicity, did not alter the radiosensitivity of the anaplastic MT tumour

    New Icing Cloud Simulation System at the NASA Glenn Research Center Icing Research Tunnel

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    A new spray bar system was designed, fabricated, and installed in the NASA Glenn Research Center's Icing Research Tunnel (IRT). This system is key to the IRT's ability to do aircraft in-flight icing cloud simulation. The performance goals and requirements levied on the design of the new spray bar system included increased size of the uniform icing cloud in the IRT test section, faster system response time, and increased coverage of icing conditions as defined in Appendix C of the Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR), Part 25 and Part 29. Through significant changes to the mechanical and electrical designs of the previous-generation spray bar system, the performance goals and requirements were realized. Postinstallation aerodynamic and icing cloud calibrations were performed to quantify the changes and improvements made to the IRT test section flow quality and icing cloud characteristics. The new and improved capability to simulate aircraft encounters with in-flight icing clouds ensures that the 1RT will continue to provide a satisfactory icing ground-test simulation method to the aeronautics community

    Mathematical Analysis and Optimization of Infiltration Processes

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    A variety of infiltration techniques can be used to fabricate solid materials, particularly composites. In general these processes can be described with at least one time dependent partial differential equation describing the evolution of the solid phase, coupled to one or more partial differential equations describing mass transport through a porous structure. This paper presents a detailed mathematical analysis of a relatively simple set of equations which is used to describe chemical vapor infiltration. The results demonstrate that the process is controlled by only two parameters, alpha and beta. The optimization problem associated with minimizing the infiltration time is also considered. Allowing alpha and beta to vary with time leads to significant reductions in the infiltration time, compared with the conventional case where alpha and beta are treated as constants

    The L_X--M relation of Clusters of Galaxies

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    We present a new measurement of the scaling relation between X-ray luminosity and total mass for 17,000 galaxy clusters in the maxBCG cluster sample. Stacking sub-samples within fixed ranges of optical richness, N_200, we measure the mean 0.1-2.4 keV X-ray luminosity, , from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. The mean mass, , is measured from weak gravitational lensing of SDSS background galaxies (Johnston et al. 2007). For 9 <= N_200 < 200, the data are well fit by a power-law, /10^42 h^-2 erg/s = (12.6+1.4-1.3 (stat) +/- 1.6 (sys)) (/10^14 h^-1 M_sun)^1.65+/-0.13. The slope agrees to within 10% with previous estimates based on X-ray selected catalogs, implying that the covariance in L_X and N_200 at fixed halo mass is not large. The luminosity intercent is 30%, or 2\sigma, lower than determined from the X-ray flux-limited sample of Reiprich & Bohringer (2002), assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. This difference could arise from a combination of Malmquist bias and/or systematic error in hydrostatic mass estimates, both of which are expected. The intercept agrees with that derived by Stanek et al. (2006) using a model for the statistical correspondence between clusters and halos in a WMAP3 cosmology with power spectrum normalization sigma_8 = 0.85. Similar exercises applied to future data sets will allow constraints on the covariance among optical and hot gas properties of clusters at fixed mass.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, MNRAS accepte

    The influence of nonrandom extra-pair paternity on heritability estimates derived from wild pedigrees

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    Quantitative genetic analysis is often fundamental for understanding evolutionary processes in wild populations. Avian populations provide a model system due to the relative ease of inferring relatedness among individuals through observation. However, extra-pair paternity (EPP) creates erroneous links within the social pedigree. Previous work has suggested this causes minor underestimation of heritability if paternal misassignment is random and hence not influenced by the trait being studied. Nevertheless, much literature suggests numerous traits are associated with EPP and the accuracy of heritability estimates for such traits remains unexplored. We show analytically how nonrandom pedigree errors can influence heritability estimates. Then, combining empirical data from a large great tit (Parus major) pedigree with simulations, we assess how heritability estimates derived from social pedigrees change depending on the mode of the relationship between EPP and the focal trait. We show that the magnitude of the underestimation is typically small (<15%). Hence, our analyses suggest that quantitative genetic inference from pedigrees derived from observations of social relationships is relatively robust; our approach also provides a widely applicable method for assessing the consequences of nonrandom EPP

    Antibody responses to avian influenza viruses in wild birds broaden with age

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    For viruses such as avian influenza, immunity within a host population can drive the emergence of new strains by selecting for viruses with novel antigens that avoid immune recognition. The accumulation of acquired immunity with age is hypothesized to affect how influenza viruses emerge and spread in species of different lifespans. Despite its importance for understanding the behaviour of avian influenza viruses, little is known about age-related accumulation of immunity in the virus's primary reservoir, wild birds. To address this, we studied the age structure of immune responses to avian influenza virus in a wild swan population (Cygnus olor), before and after the population experienced an outbreak of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in 2008. We performed haemagglutination inhibition assays on sampled sera for five avian influenza strains and show that breadth of response accumulates with age. The observed age-related distribution of antibody responses to avian influenza strains may explain the age-dependent mortality observed during the highly pathogenic H5N1 outbreak. Age structures and species lifespan are probably important determinants of viral epidemiology and virulence in birds

    Measuring the mean and scatter of the X-ray luminosity -- optical richness relation for maxBCG galaxy clusters

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    Determining the scaling relations between galaxy cluster observables requires large samples of uniformly observed clusters. We measure the mean X-ray luminosity--optical richness (L_X--N_200) relation for an approximately volume-limited sample of more than 17,000 optically-selected clusters from the maxBCG catalog spanning the redshift range 0.1<z<0.3. By stacking the X-ray emission from many clusters using ROSAT All-Sky Survey data, we are able to measure mean X-ray luminosities to ~10% (including systematic errors) for clusters in nine independent optical richness bins. In addition, we are able to crudely measure individual X-ray emission from ~800 of the richest clusters. Assuming a log-normal form for the scatter in the L_X--N_200 relation, we measure \sigma_\ln{L}=0.86+/-0.03 at fixed N_200. This scatter is large enough to significantly bias the mean stacked relation. The corrected median relation can be parameterized by L_X = (e^\alpha)(N_200/40)^\beta 10^42 h^-2 ergs/s, where \alpha = 3.57+/-0.08 and \beta = 1.82+/-0.05. We find that X-ray selected clusters are significantly brighter than optically-selected clusters at a given optical richness. This selection bias explains the apparently X-ray underluminous nature of optically-selected cluster catalogs.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, revised after referee's comments. ApJ accepte
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