27 research outputs found

    Semiosis of textual categories of time and space in short fiction by Breece D’J Pancake

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    The article explores the semiosis of textual categories of time and space in short fiction by Breece D’J Pancake. The methodology of the research is based on the works by M. Bakhtin, Yu. Lotman, G. Genett, P. Ricoeur and U. Eco. It has been proved that the stories by Pancake replicate several Biblical plots: the creation of the world and the origional sin (“Trilobites”), a prodigal son (“Time and Again”), the whore of Babylon / Mary Magdalene (“A Room Forever”) and the apocalyptical mark of the beast (“The Mark”). The time is static and is marked by seasonality. The space is segregated into macro-outer world and the inner space of the towns, engulfing people’s destinies and predetermining their down-to-earth existence. The semantic system is represented by the cross-cultural concepts: the light as a sign of hope; a room as an embodiment of a shelter; the hollowness of the night, growing into the hollowness of life; a rabbit embryo, symbolizing the mark of the beast; a snake, serving as a symbol of seduction; a train or a bus as the means of escapism. Three rounds of coffee in “Trilobite” replicate three circles of Hell in “The Divine Comedy” by Dante

    Aspects of the "Carnivalization" of contemporary cultural practices

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    The relevance of the article is due to the need to reflect on a new cultural phenomenon that presents the cultural practices of modern chronotopos. The philosophical and cultural concepts of the state of culture are analyzed and the tendencies reflecting instability (transitivity), uncertainty, ambivalence of cultural practices and carnivalization of all spheres of life are revealed. The philosophical reflection of the essence, character, signs of carnivalization made it possible to explicate the phenomenon of "carnival" through its ideological and behavioral components. In the context of the dialogue of medieval and contemporary culture, the essence of carnivalization as a phenomenon of culture is revealed. This context is considered as a special means of restoring the integrity of worldview, world outlook, world attitude. The problem of cultural practices orientation to their value-semantic (axiological) uplift is also actualized. The nature and essence of such categories as "carnival laughter", "carnival freedom", "carnival behavior", "ambivalence" are investigated, characteristic features of carnivalisation are identified and it can be considered as a way of modeling and constructing contemporary cultural reality. The fact that the modern cultural space creates conditions not only for the functioning of carnivalization within the primary function - renewal, creation of a new life-world, but also a new world-view and meaning-making. The constructive role of cultural dialogue in the process of praxeological growth of the subjects of carnivalization has been determined. It is shown that the concept of carnivalization of Mikhail Bakhtin remains relevant at the present stage of cultural development. The discovery of carnivalization as a certain signal of the crisis of culture and the way out of it gives reason to consider carnivalization as a factor of self-organization of culture, as a complex organized system

    Formation of Consumption Properties of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) Sauce

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    The aim of the study is to form consumption properties of a green sweet pepper sauce with a balanced content of macro- and microelements. Due to the use of Xanthium strumarium and chitosan a new product has high organoleptic properties that attract a consumer and increase its competitiveness at the market.Sweet green pepper that relates to most valuable vegetable cultures as to food value and taste was chosen as a main component of a sauce. For giving it a necessary consistence and for decreasing a time of thermal processing, there was used chitosan. According to results of the conducted studies, it was established, that among studied types of chitosan, advantages as to forming a consistence belongs to food acid-soluble chitosan with particle sizes up to 0,5 mm in amount 0,5 %.For preserving the natural green color, pepper fruits were preliminarily processed in 1 % decoction of Xanthium strumarium at temperature 75ºС during 15 min. For increasing its food value, the recipe was added with spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials: garlic, dill, parsley, celery.The sauce quality was formed by mathematical modeling using general criteria of optimization of organoleptic parameters. There were also determined specific criteria of optimization of the recipe composition taking into account their daily need. As a result of the conducted studies the composition of recipe components for the sauce was optimized: sweet pepper 80 %, garlic leaves – 5 %, parsley leaves,dill – 5 %, celery leaves – 5 %, salt – 1,5 %, sugar – 0,5 %, chitosan – 0,5 %.There were studied organoleptic parameters of the developed sauce, characterized by a pleasant bright-green color, homogenous paste-like consistence, pleasant taste and smell. The used stabilizing factors allowed to get the sauce with the increased content of essential factors of nutrition. They participate in the increase of protective forces of the organism, so allow to recommend them in prophylactic, child and dietary nutrition

    Smallest near-infrared fluorescent protein evolved from cyanobacteriochrome as versatile tag for spectral multiplexing

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    From a single domain of cyanobacteriochrome (CBCR) we developed a near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent protein (FP), termed miRFP670nano, with excitation at 645 nm and emission at 670 nm. This is the first CBCR-derived NIR FP evolved to efficiently bind endogenous biliverdin chromophore and brightly fluoresce in mammalian cells. miRFP670nano is a monomer with molecular weight of 17 kDa that is 2-fold smaller than bacterial phytochrome (BphP)-based NIR FPs and 1.6-fold smaller than GFP-like FPs. Crystal structure of the CBCR-based NIR FP with biliverdin reveals a molecular basis of its spectral and biochemical properties. Unlike BphP-derived NIR FPs, miRFP670nano is highly stable to denaturation and degradation and can be used as an internal protein tag. miRFP670nano is an effective FRET donor for red-shifted NIR FPs, enabling engineering NIR FRET biosensors spectrally compatible with GFP-like FPs and blue-green optogenetic tools. miRFP670nano unlocks a new source of diverse CBCR templates for NIR FPs.Peer reviewe

    Photodegradable by Yellow-Orange Light degFusionRed Optogenetic Module with Autocatalytically Formed Chromophore

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    Optogenetic systems driven by yellow-orange light are required for the simultaneous regulation of several cellular processes. We have engineered the red fluorescent protein FusionRed into a 26 kDa monomeric optogenetic module, called degFusionRed. Unlike other fluorescent protein-based optogenetic domains, which exhibit light-induced self-inactivation by generating reactive oxygen species, degFusionRed undergoes proteasomal degradation upon illumination with 567 nm light. Similarly to the parent protein, degFusionRed has minimal absorbance at 450 nm and above 650 nm, making it spectrally compatible with blue and near-infrared-light-controlled optogenetic tools. The autocatalytically formed chromophore provides degFusionRed with an additional advantage over most optogenetic tools that require the binding of the exogenous chromophores, the amount of which varies in different cells. The degFusionRed efficiently performed in the engineered light-controlled transcription factor and in the targeted photodegradation of the protein of interest, demonstrating its versatility as the optogenetic module of choice for spectral multiplexed interrogation of various cellular processes

    Neuropsychological Considerations of Communication Competence in Prospective Educators

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    The article presents a theoretical analysis of the psychological and psycholinguistic literature on the research problem, substantiates scientific provisions regarding the understanding of communicative competence by future teachers as an integral quality of the individual, which synthesizes the general culture of communication and its specific manifestations in further pedagogical activity. The results of the diagnosis of the peculiarities of the understanding of the concept of "communicative competence" by future teachers of preschool education institutions are described.The purpose of the article is a psycholinguistic analysis of the understanding of the concept of "communicative competence" by future teachers of preschool education institutions by using this concept as a stimulus in a chain associative experiment.The research uses theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, theoretical modeling) and diagnostic methods (observation, survey, questionnaire, free associative experiment, which serves as a source of accumulation of empirical data regarding students' understanding of the concept of communicative competence at various levels of professional training).The results not exhaust all possibilities of the research, however, the use of the concept of "communicative competence of the future educator" as a stimulus phrase in a chain associative experiment was determined, different reactions of the associative were recorded in students majoring in preschool education of different courses. It was established that for senior year students, the leading lever in understanding the concept of "communicative competence" is the motivational-value and reflexive-perceptive aspects, and for second-year students –- the conceptual component. Such differences in the understanding of concepts are explained by the different amount of previous experience acquired by students in the process of professional training.</p

    Classification of Professionally Important Abilities and Skills of a Counseling Psychologist

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    The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical research of professionally important abilities and skills of a counseling psychologist. Based on the analysis of scientific achievements and the results of anonymous questionnaires, the classification of professionally important abilities and skills of a counseling psychologist by certain groups was carried out. Professionally important abilities of a counseling psychologist are presented in four areas - volitional, gnostic, speech and perceptual; and professionally important skills are presented in seven areas - gnostic, communicative, perceptual, didactic, technological, organizational, control and evaluation. It is emphasized that professionally important abilities and skills should be classified separately. Since the abilities are due to the natural inclinations of the individual and mental phenomena, and skills are developed, formed and improved during the life of the person. Abilities and skills are interconnected and interdependent.Classification of professionally important abilities and skills of a counseling psychologist by certain groups provides opportunities: 1) to most systematically present the necessary professionally important characteristics of a counseling psychologist, 2) to review educational training programs for psychologists; 3) select the necessary methods and techniques for the diagnosis and verification of these professionally important characteristics of the candidate for the position of " counseling psychologist". According to the results of a scientific study on the expert assessment of the reference level of development of a counseling psychologist of professionally important abilities and skills, it was found that respondents believe that these abilities and skills should have a very high level of development.</em

    Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Teachers’ Health: Lessons for Improving Distance Education

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    The transition to distance education has led to deterioration in the health of teachers and students. The purpose of the study was to identify controlled factors of the educational environment, the impact of which in an emergency situation due to a pandemic on infectious disease can be influenced by the administration of general secondary education institutions. Material and methods: 339 teachers and 828 parents of general secondary schools of Mykolaiv region (Ukraine) took part in research from May to June 2021. The research tool was a self-administered survey questionnaire.The study found that social networks were the leading source of information on the COVID-19 pandemic situation for educators. The vast majority of educators indicated that they follow certain rules of conduct in order not to get sick. Most respondents admitted that they experienced weakness, mood swings, depressed thoughts, anxiety and tension due to the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic. Mostly more fatigue, hypodynamics and impaired vision were considered by teachers as manifestations of deteriorating physical condition. Manifestations of psychological deterioration, according to teachers, were greater aggression, agitation, signs of depression and emotional instability. The key factors in preventing the deterioration of teachers’ health in the event of an infectious disease pandemic, which can be influenced by the administration of general secondary education institutions, include: reducing the workload of teachers during distance education; conducting professionally oriented education of teachers in the field of health technologies; increasing the level of information competence of teachers; improving the technological base of schools for distance learning

    Філософія науки: навчальний посібник

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    Предметом навчального посібника є наукове пізнання, його реальні проблеми, принципи і методи наукової діяльності, структура знання. Головні розділи посібника присвячені структурі та моделям розвитку науки в динаміці культури, наукової революції, некласичним формам науки. Дана класифікація методів по емпіричному і теоретичному рівнях науки, в співвіднесенні з формами знанняфактами, гіпотезою, теорією. Розглянуто підстави та передумови пізнання - принципи, стиль мислення, картина світу, парадигма, дослідницькі програми. Як нові методології розглянуті комп'ютеризація, системність і синергетика

    Стабілізація природного кольору перцю солодкого (Capsicum annuum L.) під час його переробки

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    The influence of various parameters of technological treatment on the degree of chlorophyll destruction and change in the green coloration of the sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) has been investigated. It has been established that the temperature and duration of its effect on sweet pepper during primary heat treatment alter its natural green coloration to yellow with a brown tint. The paper presents experimental spectra of the intensity of light absorption by the samples of sweet pepper, which make it possible to define regularities in the influence of time and temperature on the color and the degree of chlorophyll destruction.During blanching, from 25.2 to 59.2 per cent of the total amount of chlorophylls of the starting value are destroyed, depending on the water temperature. It was established that the blanching process duration negatively affects the content of chlorophylls as well: depending on the process duration, 20.2‒61.7 % of the original content are degraded. The experimental diffuse reflection spectra for opaque objects, provided here, have made it possible to identify the dependence of color of the samples of pepper, treated in the Xanthium strumarium decoction, on various factors of the technological process.It is shown that the use of decoction of the natural plant raw material Xanthium strumarium for treating the samples leads to the stabilization of the green coloration of pepper compared to that blanched in water. The influence of the Xanthium strumarium concentration, temperature, and exposure time in the decoction, on the color of pepper samples has been investigated. Applying such color­parametric characteristics, calculated on the basis of spectral reflection coefficients using a CIE XYZ method, as dominant wavelength (λ, nm), color clarity (P, %), and brightness (T, %), has made it possible to compare the color of pepper samples with fresh samples (control­1), as well as with the samples blanched in water (control­2).The multivariate experiment, performed in this research, has made it possible to optimize parameters for the technological treatment of pepper samples in the Xanthium strumarium decoction. Basic parameters for treating sweet pepper are a 1­% Xanthium strumarium decoction, a treatment temperature of 75 °C, and a treatment duration of 15 minutesИсследовано влияние различных параметров технологической обработки на степень разрушения хлорофиллов и изменение зеленого цвета перца сладкого (Capsicum annuum L.). Установлено, что температура и продолжительность ее воздействия на перец сладкий при первичной тепловой обработке изменяют его природный зеленый цвет на желтый с коричневым оттенком. Представлены экспериментальные спектры интенсивности светопоглощения образцов перца сладкого, которые позволяют установить закономерности влияния времени и температуры на цвет и степень разрушения хлорофиллов.Во время бланширования разрушается от 25,2 до 59,2 % общего количества хлорофиллов от исходного значения в зависимости от температуры воды. Установлено, что длительность процесса бланширования также негативно влияет на содержание хлорофиллов: в зависимости от времени протекания процесса разрушается 20,2–61,7 % от исходного содержания. Приведенные экспериментальные спектры диффузного отражения для непрозрачных объектов позволили определить зависимость цвета обработанных в отваре Xanthium strumarium образцов перца от различных факторов технологического процесса.Показано, что использование отвара натурального растительного сырья Xanthium strumarium для обработки образцов приводит к стабилизации зеленого цвета перца по сравнению с бланшированным в воде. Исследовано влияние концентрации Xanthium strumarium, температуры и времени выдержки в отваре на цвет образцов перца. Использование рассчитанных на основе полученных спектральных коэффициентов отражения по методу CIE XYZ цветопараметрических характеристик – доминирующая длина волны (λ, нм), чистота цвета (Р, %), яркость (Т, %) – позволили провести сравнительную оценку цвета опытных образцов перца по сравнению со свежими образцами (контроль-1), а также с образцами, бланшированными в воде (контроль-2).Проведенный многофакторный эксперимент позволил провести оптимизацию параметров технологической обработки образцов перца в отваре Xanthium strumarium. Основными параметрами обработки перца сладкого являются 1 % отвар Xanthium strumarium, температура обработки – 75ºС, продолжительность обработки – 15 мин.Досліджено вплив різних параметрів технологічної обробки на ступінь руйнування хлорофілів і зміну зеленого кольору перцю солодкого (Capsicum annuum L.). Установлено, що температура та тривалість її дії на перець солодкий під час первинної теплової обробки перетворюють його природний зелений колір на жовтий з коричневим відтінком. Представлено експериментальні спектри інтенсивності світлопоглинання зразків перцю солодкого, які дозволяють встановити закономірності впливу часу та температури на колір і ступінь руйнування хлорофілів.Під час бланшування руйнується від 25,2 до 59,2 % загальної кількості хлорофілів від вихідного значення залежно від температури води. Установлено, що тривалість процесу бланшування також негативно впливає на вміст хлорофілів: залежно від часу протікання процесу руйнується 20,2–61,7 % від вихідного вмісту. Наведені експериментальні спектри дифузного відбиття для непрозорих об’єктів дозволили визначити залежність кольору оброблених у відварі Xanthium strumarium зразків перцю від різних чинників технологічного процесу.Показано, що використання відвару натуральної рослинної сировини Xanthium strumarium для обробки зразків призводить до стабілізації зеленого кольору перцю у порівнянні із бланшованих у воді. Досліджено вплив концентрації Xanthium strumarium, температури та часу витримки у відварі на колір зразків перцю. Використання розрахованих на основі отриманих спектральних коефіцієнтів відбиття за методом CIE XYZ кольоропараметричних характеристик – домінуюча довжина хвилі (λ, нм), чистота кольору (Р, %), яскравість (Т, %) – дозволили провести порівняльну оцінку кольору дослідних зразків перцю у порівнянні із свіжими зразками (контроль-1), а також із зразками, бланшованими у воді (контроль-2).Проведений багатофакторний експеримент дозволив провести оптимізацію параметрів технологічної обробки зразків перцю у відварі Xanthium strumarium. Основними параметрами обробки перцю солодкого є 1 % відвар Xanthium strumarium, температура обробки – 75 ºС, тривалість обробки – 15 хв