470 research outputs found

    Application of Simplified Phosphorus Transport Models to Pasture Fields in Northwest Arkansas

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    Runoff transport of phosphorus (P) is often predicted from simple equations with parameters determined from data applicable primarily to row-cropped and fallow cover conditions. The applicability, accuracy, and precision of such P transport prediction equations under pasture situations are less well defined. The objectives of this study were to determine parameters of simplified runoff P transport equations for pasture fields and to assess the accuracy and precision of the equations. Runoff, sediment yield, soluble P transport, and particulate P transport data were collected from four pasture fields in northwestern Arkansas. Runoff event enrichment ratios and extraction coefficients were computed, and confidence limits on respective predicted particulate and soluble P transport were determined. An inverse linear relationship between the natural logarithms of enrichment ratio and sediment yield was found significant for all fields, but the slopes were lower than values reported earlier for general use. Runoff event extraction coefficients were considerably higher than those typically used and were highest for runoff occurring shortly following animal manure application. The 95% confidence limits on predicted soluble and particulate P transport varied in some cases by more than an order of magnitude, indicating that significant imprecision was associated with those predictions. The data suggested that the simplified model of soluble P transport might be a reasonable description of the processes for the fields, but that modification to the particulate P transport prediction method might be necessary to improve the prediction accuracy for low event sediment yields (\u3c 10 kg/ha)

    Cyprus' image—a sun and sea destination—as a detrimental factor to seasonal fluctuations. Exploration into motivational factors for holidaying in Cyprus

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    Cyprus is established as a summer destination. To aid the destination in developing its winter season as well, this research uses a qualitative inductive approach to explore the tourists’ current image of the island and their motivations of visiting it. The research indicates that the current image, which essentially portrays Cyprus as a sun-and-sea destination is thought to dissuade tourists from perceiving the island as a year-round destination. Nonetheless, increasing the pull factors of the destination through the development of unique special interest products can help in extending the tourism season as well as broaden its narrow image

    Tourism policy and destination marketing in developing countries: the chain of influence

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    Tourism marketers including destination marketing organisations (DMOs) and international tour operators play a pivotal role in destination marketing, especially in creating destination images. These images, apparent in tourist brochures, are designed to influence tourist decision-making and behaviour. This paper proposes the concept of a “chain of influence” in destination marketing and image-making, suggesting that the content of marketing materials is influenced by the priorities of those who design these materials, e.g. tour operators and DMOs. A content analysis of 2,000 pictures from DMO and tour operator brochures revealed synergies and divergence between these marketers. The brochure content was then compared to the South African tourism policy, concluding that the dominant factor in the chain of influence in the South African context is in fact its organic image

    Pomalidomide and dexamethasone grant rapid haematologic responses in patients with relapsed and refractory AL amyloidosis: a European retrospective series of 153 patients

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    Pomalidomide demonstrated activity in the treatment of AL amyloidosis in three phase II clinical trials. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of 28-day cycles of pomalidomide and dexamethasone in 153 previously treated patients with systemic AL amyloidosis. Ninety-nine (65%) were refractory to the last line of therapy and 54 (35%) had relapsed. The median number of previous lines of therapy was 3 (range: 2–7): 143 patients (93%) previously received bortezomib, 124 (81%) lenalidomide, 114 (75%) oral melphalan, and 37 (24%) underwent autologous stem cell transplant. At the completion of cycle 6, 68 (44%) patients obtained at least partial haematologic response, with 5 complete responses (CR, 3%), 35 very good partial responses (VGPR, 23%). Haematologic response resulted in improved overall survival (median survival 50 vs. 27 months, p = .033) in a 6 months landmark analysis. Obtaining at least partial response was also associated with a significant improvement of the progression-free survival (median PFS 37 vs. 18 months, p < .001). Pomalidomide is an effective treatment for heavily pre-treated patients with AL amyloidosis. Haematologic responses are associated with an overall survival advantage

    Cumulative Complexity: A qualitative analysis of patients’ experiences of living with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

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    Abstract Aims To investigate how Heart Failure with preserved Ejection Fraction, within the context of limited clinical services, impacts upon patients’ lives. Methods &amp; Results Secondary thematic analysis informed by the Cumulative Complexity Model (CCM), of interview transcripts from 77 people diagnosed with HFpEF and their carers. Four themes corresponding to the core concepts of workload, capacity, access and outcome described in the CCM were generated. Theme 1: Shouldering a Heavy Workload, described the many tasks expected of people living with HFpEF. Theme 2: The Multiple Threats to Capacity described how patients and carers strived to engage with this work, but were often faced with multiple threats such as symptoms and mobility limitations. Deficient Illness Identity (Theme 3) reflects how HFpEF either was not recognised or was perceived as a more benign form of HF and therefore afforded less importance or priority. These themes contributed to a range of negative physical, social and psychological outcomes and the perception of loss of control described in Theme 4: Spiraling Complexity. Conclusions The constellation of HFpEF, multimorbidity and aging creates many demands that people with HFpEF are expected to manage. Concurrently, the same syndromes threaten their ability to physically enact this work. Patients' recollections of their interactions with health professionals suggest there is widespread misunderstanding of HFpEF, which can prohibit access to care that could potentially reduce or prevent deterioration. </jats:sec

    Analyzing the Economic Sustainability of Tourism Development: Evidence from Hong Kong

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    Despite increased concerns about the negative economic impacts of tourism on host communities, insufficient attention has been paid to assess tourism economic sustainability. This paper aims to develop and validate a framework for assessing economic sustainability from the perspective of local stakeholders. In-depth interviews with 12 major stakeholders and a telephone survey with 1839 Hong Kong citizens were conducted. The tourism economic sustainability construct consisted of three dimensions: economic positivity, development control and individual welfare. The reliability and validity of the dimensions were confirmed by the data of sub-samples. The links between socio-demographic characteristics and attitudes toward tourism economic sustainability were evaluated. This paper enhanced our understanding of tourism economic sustainability by expanding the measurement from the macro level to micro level. Using the study setting in Hong Kong, it transcends previous analysis by providing a context to learn from ongoing controversies about the effects of tourism on host community

    Developing a sense of place toolkit: Identifying destination uniqueness

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    It has long been recognised that the tangible and intangible characteristics that make a location distinctive and memorable, contribute significantly to destination image. How this destination feel is communicated, has largely been the domain of place branding and destination marketing, which have the potential to miss stakeholder voices. Recently though, practitioners are starting to carefully consider ‘sense of place’; that is an emotional attachment to place, which is defined more carefully in the literature review of this article, and which corresponds with long-running academic discussions. This paper attempts to identify some of these and bridge the gap between academic theory on sense of place and practice. In the UK, many rural areas are now seeking to operationalise sense of place through toolkit documents that might inform landscape interpretation and destination branding. A scenario echoed internationally, where local distinctiveness features in both rural and urban planning. However, sense of place in a tourism context, and more specifically the development of these toolkits, has received limited academic attention. Hence, this paper presents the case of Morecambe Bay, and the development of a dedicated sense of place toolkit. The subsequent case emerges from a collaboration between academics and practitioners and draws on participant observation, semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Specifically, the paper outlines a series of workshop activities developed with destination stakeholders and identifies how these inform subsequent toolkit design. It offers a critical analysis of the benefits and potential pitfalls of employing this approach. This case is of value to academics and destination stakeholders interested in identifying and communicating the uniqueness and emotional tone of the destination. Key lessons and recommendations are identified for those engaging in similar toolkit development initiatives

    Re-branding Abu Dhabi: From oil giant to energy titan

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    This article presents a case study of Abu Dhabi\u27s \u27energy re-branding\u27 since 2005 when it declared its intention to transform itself from an oil exporter to a total energy giant that also embraces alternative (renewable and nuclear) energy. The first part of the article identifies the benefits of this policy for Abu Dhabi\u27s external diplomacy but argues that the real driver is the emirate\u27s domestic gas shortage and its effects on economic diversification and political legitimacy. The second part of the article discusses the motivations and interactions of local and foreign agents by focusing on the implementation of alternative energy platforms. It therefore provides a rare glimpse of the policy-making process in Abu Dhabi. The final part of the article examines the extent to which energy re-branding may be linked to a process by the government to reiterate, reinterpret and repudiate Emirati identity in order to enhance regime legitimacy in the twenty-first century. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Ltd

    The Institutional Sustainability in Protected Area Tourism-Case Studies of Jiuzhaigou National Scenic Area, China and New Forest National Park, United Kingdom

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    This article considers sustainable tourism development in two protected areas, Jiuzhaigou National Scenic Area in China and the New Forest National Park in the United Kingdom. An inductive approach is used to explore the "fourth component" of sustainable tourism development that is institutional sustainability. Primary data from in-depth interviews, together with a range of secondary data sources, are analyzed to understand the governance and management of each area. These reveal that whilst each area is committed to sustainable development, their approaches differ because of the political, economic, and socio-cultural contexts. The implications for policy and practice are then discussed. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC