20 research outputs found

    Little evidence for morphological change in a resilient endemic species following the introduction of a novel predator

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    Human activities, such as species introductions, are dramatically and rapidly altering natural ecological processes and often result in novel selection regimes. To date, we still have a limited understanding of the extent to which such anthropogenic selection may be driving contemporary phenotypic change in natural populations. Here, we test whether the introduction of the piscivorous Nile perch, Lates niloticus, into East Africa's Lake Victoria and nearby lakes coincided with morphological change in one resilient native prey species, the cyprinid fish Rastrineobola argentea. Drawing on prior ecomorphological research, we predicted that this novel predator would select for increased allocation to the caudal region in R. argentea to enhance burst-swimming performance and hence escape ability. To test this prediction, we compared body morphology of R. argentea across space (nine Ugandan lakes differing in Nile perch invasion history) and through time (before and after establishment of Nile perch in Lake Victoria). Spatial comparisons of contemporary populations only partially supported our predictions, with R. argentea from some invaded lakes having larger caudal regions and smaller heads compared to R. argentea from uninvaded lakes. There was no clear evidence of predator-associated change in body shape over time in Lake Victoria. We conclude that R. argentea have not responded to the presence of Nile perch with consistent morphological changes and that other factors are driving observed patterns of body shape variation in R. argentea

    Evidence of adaptive evolutionary divergence during biological invasion

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    Rapid phenotypic diversification during biological invasions can either arise by adaptation to alternative environments or by adaptive phenotypic plasticity. Where experimental evidence for adaptive plasticity is common, support for evolutionary diversification is rare. Here, we performed a controlled laboratory experiment using full-sib crosses between ecologically divergent threespine stickleback populations to test for a genetic basis of adaptation. Our populations are from two very different habitats, lake and stream, of a recently invaded range in Switzerland and differ in ecologically relevant morphological traits. We found that in a lake-like food treatment lake fish grow faster than stream fish, resembling the difference among wild type individuals. In contrast, in a stream-like food treatment individuals from both populations grow similarly. Our experimental data suggest that genetically determined diversification has occurred within less than 140 years after the arrival of stickleback in our studied region

    Condition-dependent female remating resistance generates sexual selection on male size in a ladybird beetle

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    Behavioural resistance to remating by females is common, but the causes and consequences of resistance are rarely explained. Prominent hypotheses include resistance as a means of avoiding costly and superfluous mating, or as a means of biasing mating towards high-quality males. In species in which males produce nutritious nuptial gifts, females may further modulate resistance according to their need for nutrition. We investigated these hypotheses in the ladybeetle Adalia bipunctata, in which females frequently display vigorous resistance before copulation and ingest a spermatophore after copulation. In two experiments, we manipulated female nutritional state, depriving or satiating females for a short (16 h) or long (96 h) interval before a remating trial. We found that food-deprived females resisted mating more frequently and for longer periods than satiated females and consequently remated less frequently. This condition dependence of resistance supports the hypothesis that resistance functions to reduce superfluous and costly mating. Our finding that food-deprived females were more resistant suggests that mating imposes energetic costs, and that nuptial feeding does not offset these costs. In a third experiment, we investigated whether the extent of resistance depended on male size or whether resistance itself biased mating towards large males. The extent of female resistance was independent of male size, but resistance itself resulted in a mating bias towards large males. In summary, our results support the hypotheses that females resist mating simply because it is costly and superfluous, and that a side effect of resistance is sexual selection for large male size. © 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour

    Repeated Lake-Stream Divergence in Stickleback Life History within a Central European Lake Basin

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    Life history divergence between populations inhabiting ecologically distinct habitats might be a potent source of reproductive isolation, but has received little attention in the context of speciation. We here test for life history divergence between threespine stickleback inhabiting Lake Constance (Central Europe) and multiple tributary streams. Otolith analysis shows that lake fish generally reproduce at two years of age, while their conspecifics in all streams have shifted to a primarily annual life cycle. This divergence is paralleled by a striking and consistent reduction in body size and fecundity in stream fish relative to lake fish. Stomach content analysis suggests that life history divergence might reflect a genetic or plastic response to pelagic versus benthic foraging modes in the lake and the streams. Microsatellite and mitochondrial markers further reveal that life history shifts in the different streams have occurred independently following the colonization by Lake Constance stickleback, and indicate the presence of strong barriers to gene flow across at least some of the lake-stream habitat transitions. Given that body size is known to strongly influence stickleback mating behavior, these barriers might well be related to life history divergence

    Correlated contemporary evolution of life history traits in New Zealand Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

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    Size at age and age at maturity are important life history traits, affecting individual fitness and population demography. In salmon and other organisms, size and growth rate are commonly considered cues for maturation and thus age at maturity may or may not evolve independently of these features. Recent concerns surrounding the potential phenotypic and demographic responses of populations facing anthropogenic disturbances, such as climate change and harvest, place a premium on understanding the evolutionary genetic basis for evolution in size at age and age at maturity. In this study, we present the findings from a set of common-garden rearing experiments that empirically assess the heritable basis of phenotypic divergence in size at age and age at maturity in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations introduced to New Zealand. We found consistent evidence of heritable differences among populations in both size at age and age at maturity, often corresponding to patterns observed in the wild. Populations diverged in size and growth profiles, even when accounting for eventual age at maturation. By contrast, most, but not all, cases of divergence in age at maturity were driven by the differences in size or growth rate rather than differences in the threshold relationship linking growth rate and probability of maturation. These findings help us understand how life histories may evolve through trait interactions in populations exposed to natural and anthropogenic disturbances, and how we might best detect such evolution