571 research outputs found


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    Background: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition among men with diabetes and it is associated with reduced quality of life among those affected. ED has reported to increase with age, increasing from 5% at 40 years to > 50 % at 75 years of age. The incidence of ED is increasing day by day with the incidence of diabetes and the prevalence of ED is estimated between 35-50%. Erectile Dysfunction (ED); inability to achieve and/or maintaining an erection sufficient to permit satisfactory sexual intercourse, is one of complication associated with diabetes and often ignored. ED problem is psycho-organic, because it affects the man as whole. The diabetes and oxidative stress are major contributors for ED. Objective: Though there are many medicinal plants shows the antidiabetic and related to beneficial effect in ED. Among those medicinal plants we selected and reviewed Rason (Allium sativum Linn.), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal) and Ashwatha (Ficus religiosa Linn.) To assess and find out the antidiabetic effect and their efficacy in ED. Research methods and procedure: In the present study, we collected and compiled (Various research journals) the references regarding previous work done on antidiabetic effect of above mentioned medicinal plants w.s.r to E.D. Discussion & Conclusion: on the basis of our literary review it is concluded that the Rason (Allium sativum), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and Ashwatha (Ficus religiosa) are responsible for significant antidiabetic effect with the hypoglycemic property and also exhibit the efficacy in ED due to aphrodisiac properties

    Institutional Repositories: An Essential tool for Information and knowledge Sharing

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    The Institutional Repositories is a very powerful idea that can serve as an engine of change for any institution. In a digital age everyone wants contents and to be successful information service providers, information center and libraries needs to develop services in such line way so that the end users may manipulate the content in ways as they desired. Therefore, in the present scenario, IR’s are become an indispensable component for information and knowledge sharing in the scholar world. IR provides a method for capturing and maintaining today’s electronic detritus so that tomorrow’s scholars can understand the thinking behind the published record. In the paper author has tried to brief about Repository, Institutional Repository, their Benefits, Essential Elements of IR. Author has also discussed about the software’s that are easily available to create and maintain in institutional repositories ie. Open Source software and Commercial digital repository software. Further, brief about IR and Libraries, Failure of IR also discussed in brief

    Need of HRD in Library

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    First report of mango malformation disease caused by Fusarium tupiense in Senegal

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    Article PurchasedMango (Mangifera indica L.) is an economically important export crop for Senegal, producing about 100,000 tons of fruit annually. In April 2009, severe outbreaks of a new disorder occurred in mango orchards in the southeastern part of Casamance. Diseased plants showed abnormal growth of vegetative shoots with short thickened internodes and malformed inflorescence with short leaves interspersed among thickened sterile flowers that aborted early. These symptoms resembled those caused by mango malformation disease (4). To identify the causal agent, floral and vegetative samples from symptomatic mango plants were collected from Kolda district (12°53' N, 14°56' W). Malformed tissues were cut into 4-mm2 pieces, surface sterilized with 75% ethanol for 2 min, dried, and plated on the Fusarium isolation medium Peptone PCNB Agar (PPA) (2). Fungal growth with Fusarium morphology were transferred on PPA and further purified on water agar as single spore isolates. Cultures were identified on the basis of spore characters on carnation leaf agar and colony morphology on PDA (2). Two isolates (I4 and I17) were similar to F. mangiferae/F. sterilihyphosum/F. tupiense complex (3). Macroconidia were slender, slightly falcate, three- to five-septate, 18.5 to 27.7 × 1.1 to 2.3 μm with slightly curved apical cell produced on cream to orange sporodochia. Microconidia were single-celled, oval, 3.7 to 13.6 × 0.75 to 1.1 μm produced on mono- and polyphialides in false heads. Chlamydospores were absent. To confirm the identity, genomic DNA was isolated from pure cultures of I4 and I17, used for amplification of portion of translation elongation factor (TEF-1α). Amplified products (241 bp) were purified and sequenced in both directions (GenBank Accession Nos. JX272929 and JX272930). A BLASTn search revealed 100% sequence identity with F. tupiense (DQ452860), 99% identity with F. mangiferae (HM135531) and F. sterilihyphosum (DQ452858) from Brazil. Phylogenetic analysis inferred from the Clustalw alignment of TEF-1α sequences clustered I4 and I17 isolates with F. tupiense (3). To confirm Koch's postulates, 2-year-old healthy mango seedlings var. Keitt and Kent (12 plants each) were inoculated by placing 20 μl conidial suspension (5 × 107 conidia ml–1) on micro-wounds created in apical and lateral buds. Inoculated buds were covered with filter paper soaked in the same spore suspension (1). Seedlings inoculated similarly with sterile distilled water served as control. Seven months after the inoculation, typical malformation symptoms were observed on vegetative parts on all inoculated plants, but not on control plants. F. tupiense was reisolated from symptomatic shoots of inoculated plants. Based on the morphological characteristics, sequence analysis, and pathogenicity test, the pathogen of mango malformation in Senegal was identified as F. tupiense (3). To our knowledge, this is the first confirmed record in Senegal of mango malformation caused by F. tupiense. This disease is a serious threat to mango production and trade of Senegal. Urgent actions are necessary to stop this emerging epidemic that can spread to other countries in West Africa

    First report of soybean witchesbroom disease caused by Group 16SrII phytoplasma in soybean in Malawi and Mozambique

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    Soybean (Glycine max L.) is an important grain legume cultivated on approximately 1.24 million ha in Africa (1). Malawi ranks fourth in area of production in Africa, with 75,000 ha in 2009 (1). Soybean is also gaining importance in Mozambique and several other southern African countries due to diversification programs. During a field survey conducted in March 2010, soybean plants with phyllody and witches'-broom disorders typical of phytoplasma infection were observed in three of five fields surveyed in Lilongwe (Chitedze Research Station) and Salima (Channa, Chitala) districts in Malawi and three of four fields surveyed in Zambezia Province in Mozambique. Symptoms consisted of shoot proliferation, reduced leaflets, shortened internodes, proliferated auxiliary shoots producing witches'-brooms, virescence, and phyllody. Incidence of symptomatic plants was <1% in Malawi and 10 to 15% in Mozambique. Yield loss was 100% in affected plants. Five leaf samples each from symptomatic and asymptomatic plants were collected from six fields; total genomic DNAs were isolated and used as templates in PCR using phytoplasma-universal primer pair P1 and P7 for 16S-23S ribosomal RNA encoding region (3). PCR amplicons (1,709 bp) were produced from only templates derived from symptomatic plants. Amplicons from a symptomatic plant each from Malawi (Channa, Salima District) and Mozambique (Mutequelse, Zambezia Province) were directly sequenced in both directions and submitted to the GenBank (Accession Nos. HQ840717 and HQ845208). Nucleotide sequences of the two African soybean witches'-broom (SoyWB) phytoplasma strains were 100% identical. The virtual restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pattern derived from these sequences using iPhyClassifier software (4) was similar to the reference pattern of the 16Sr group II, subgroup C (cactus phytoplasma, Accession No. AJ293216), with a pattern similarity coefficient of 0.99. A BLASTn search revealed that the African SoyWB phytoplasma sequences had a nucleotide sequence identity of 99% with those of soybean phytoplasma from Thailand (Accession No. EF193353), cactus phytoplasma from China (Accession No. EU099561), and several other members of 16SrII group. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the clustering of these strains with members of 16SrII group. In 1984, the occurrence of phyllody and witches'-broom symptoms in soybean in Mozambique was reported (2), however, no comprehensive details on the pathogen are available. To our knowledge, this is the first report of phyllody and witches'-broom disease in soybean in Malawi and the first molecular evidence of association of a 16SrII-C group ‘Candidatus phytoplasma’ with the disease in Malawi and Mozambique. Phyllody and witches'-broom is a destructive disease, and its widespread occurrence can adversely affect soybean production in sub-Saharan Africa. Identification of alternative hosts and vector species would improve our understanding of the disease's epidemiology and contribute to development of appropriate tactics to prevent escalation of this problem into a major disease

    Critical role of CdSe nanoplatelets in color-converting CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals for InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes

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    Here we report CdSe nanoplatelets that are incorporated into color-converting CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals for InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes. The critical role of CdSe nanoplatelets as an exciton donor for the color conversion was experimentally investigated. The power conversion efficiency of the hybrid light-emitting diode was found to increase by 23% with the incorporation of the CdSe nanoplatelets. The performance enhancement is ascribed to efficient exciton transfer from the donor CdSe nanoplatelet quantum wells to the acceptor CdSe/ZnS nanocrystal quantum dots through F�rster-type nonradiative resonance energy transfer. � 2016 Optical Society of America