616 research outputs found

    Psychosocial Factors among Hypertensive Women

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    Prevalence of hypertension in women has been increasing day by day, it was reported that in India the overall prevalence of hypertension is 15.4 per cent among men and 15.9 per cent among women1, keeping in view the mounting prevalence of hypertension in women, the present investigation aimed to compare hypertensive and non-hypertensive women on stress, anger styles, type A behaviour and subjective well-being. The sample comprised of 200 women i.e. 100 were hypertensive women and 100 healthy women labeled as non hypertensive women within the age range of 45 yr - 60 yr. The study provided strong evidence for the detrimental effects of anger, stress and type a behavior. Thus, there are various programs which should be given to patients that help them to modify their behavior and promote different ways to enhance optimism, subjective well-being and effective coping among women and consequently reduce the risk of hypertension

    Revisiting Punjab’s Transformative Journey: 1947 to 1966

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    Punjab, the “Land of five rivers”, has played a major role in the history of India and had left a deep imprint on the course of Indian History. This imprint on Indian History is due to the people of Punjab, who through their courage and patriotism have carved out an important place for themselves. To understand the nature and dynamics of Punjab history in its true perspective, it is important to study the people of Punjab; their historical, cultural and religious background and their political heritage. In 1947, India got Independence from the British rule and at the same time it was partitioned on the on the basis of two nation theory. In this partition Punjab had to pay a heavy price both in term of human and territorial loss. The joy and achievement of independence for Punjab was marred by the holocaust of partition. After partition Punjab presented a very gloomy and downright dismal picture. Migration of refugees significantly altered the communal composition of Indian Punjab.  It also shook the administrative, economic and political machinery of the province to its foundation and brought in its wake a host complicated problems. The division of Punjab on communal lines spread a sense of indignation and frustration among the Sikhs because the hopes of creating a Sikh State in Independent India rose by the Sikh leaders and supported by the congress and Hindu leaders had not been fulfilled. The Sikhs felt that they had been given a raw deal in the distribution of territory between the Hindus and the Muslims giving the expression to this feeling hence the demand for a Punjabi Suba was made and in its struggle for the achievement of Punjabi Suba, the Akali Dal employed a variety of strategies, due to which on 21st March 1966 reorganization of the Punjab took place and Punjab was further trifurcated

    Gods and Cults: Folk Traditions and Cultural Memory in The Shimla Hills

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    This paper intends to highlight oral narratives, folk traditions, and performances as an alternative source for the writing of history, for those regions which are inhabited by numerous ethnic and tribal communities and where historical sources are in dearth, and whatever sources are there, are in the form of folklore and folk memory. The history and culture of such communities or groups are rooted in oral traditions and can only be traced through oral evidences, which introduce an entirely new dimension to the study of such areas. This paper is an attempt to correlate different oral sources among themselves and corroborating these with the existing literary documents, with the intention to analyze the cultural influences in this region. In this work main emphasis would be on folk traditions, beliefs, legends, ballads and performances and their practices, how they have emerged, what they signify and what historicity they possess

    The Old Hindustan Tibet Road and Kotgarh: 1815-1947

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    The year 1815, is a watershed in the history of Shimla Hill States because, in this year, the British established their control over the region and opened a new chapter in the relationship between the Shimla Hill States and the British Government. After winning the war the British restored the petty hill kingdoms to their legitimate rulers, except retaining small tracts, detached plots situated on the hills for establishing the Military cantonments in these regions. These isolated patches scattered at considerable intervals among the hill states were formed into Shimla District, under the direct administration of the British Government. This made the British Government the paramount power in relation to these states and it exercised paramountcy over the hill states from 1815 till independence in 1947. The territory of Sadoch/Kotgarh was also among the British territorial acquisitions within the hills which belonged to the small principality of Kotkhai. British troops continued to stay there until 1843 when the detachment was finally withdrawn and handed over to missionary activities. The retention of Sadoch/Kotgarh was due to the fact that it contained some good military posts and forts. This led to the construction of Old Hindustan Tibet road which changed the socio-economic and religious spheres of this region. The chief importance of Kotgarh was that it holds an advanced post towards the Punjab and Tartary probably the farthest in the north


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    Ksheerbala Tail having Shaman rasayana and Brimhana properties. The content of the tail adds to its effect. Ksheerbala tail having contents of Bala (Sida cordifolia), Goksheer (Cow’s milk), and Sesame oil (Sesamum indicum), it normalizes the Vata and Pitta in the body and shows anti-inflammatory action. It is also given in almost all Authentic books Charak Samhita, Ashtang Hridya and Sushrut, with different names. It acts as a nervine tonic and strengthens the muscles and to provide better options to Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). Non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs owing to its exceedingly speckled side effects and adversities are in the verge of a moribund reliance. Ksheerbala Tail, a sage old Ayurved remedy remarkably emphasised in the treatment of Vata Vyadhi and Vatarakta is well used since ages as an anti-inflammatory medicine. Developing researches have demonstrated its efficacy to counter neuro toxicity and subsequently validated its neuro protective effect. Though, the much acclaimed traditional wisdom regarding its anti inflammatory action is neither scientifically appraised nor compared with any standards. It is also used for Abhyang in detoxication process. Vata Vyadhi is best treated by Basti chikitsa, Abhyang etc. Matra basti is a type of Sneha basti which provides nutrition as well as pacify the morbid Vata dosha. In this article mode of action of Ksheerbala Tail and its different routes of administration are compiled

    Revisiting Punjab’s Transformative Journey: 1947 to 1966

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    Punjab, the “Land of five rivers”, has played a major role in the history of India and had left a deep imprint on the course of Indian History. This imprint on Indian History is due to the people of Punjab, who through their courage and patriotism have carved out an important place for themselves. To understand the nature and dynamics of Punjab history in its true perspective, it is important to study the people of Punjab; their historical, cultural and religious background and their political heritage. In 1947, India got Independence from the British rule and at the same time it was partitioned on the on the basis of two nation theory. In this partition Punjab had to pay a heavy price both in term of human and territorial loss. The joy and achievement of independence for Punjab was marred by the holocaust of partition. After partition Punjab presented a very gloomy and downright dismal picture. Migration of refugees significantly altered the communal composition of Indian Punjab.  It also shook the administrative, economic and political machinery of the province to its foundation and brought in its wake a host complicated problems. The division of Punjab on communal lines spread a sense of indignation and frustration among the Sikhs because the hopes of creating a Sikh State in Independent India rose by the Sikh leaders and supported by the congress and Hindu leaders had not been fulfilled. The Sikhs felt that they had been given a raw deal in the distribution of territory between the Hindus and the Muslims giving the expression to this feeling hence the demand for a Punjabi Suba was made and in its struggle for the achievement of Punjabi Suba, the Akali Dal employed a variety of strategies, due to which on 21st March 1966 reorganization of the Punjab took place and Punjab was further trifurcated

    Revisiting Punjab’s Transformative Journey, 1947-1966: An Appraisal

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    "Punjab, often referred to as the 'Land of five rivers,' has been a significant player in shaping India's historical narrative, leaving an enduring mark on its trajectory. This imprint stems from the courageous and patriotic endeavours of the people of Punjab, who have etched out a distinctive place for themselves. A comprehensive study of its people becomes imperative to comprehend the nuanced dynamics of Punjab's history. This involves delving into their historical, cultural, and religious roots and understanding their political legacy. The year 1947 marked India's liberation from British rule, coinciding with a partition based on the two-nation theory. Punjab bore a heavy toll during this partition, experiencing substantial human and territorial losses. The partition's catastrophic aftermath overshadowed the jubilation of independence for Punjab. Post-partition, Punjab portrayed a sombre and bleak landscape, with the migration of refugees significantly altering the communal composition of the region. This migration upheaved the administrative, economic, and political structures, introducing many complex challenges. The division of Punjab along communal lines generated a palpable sense of indignation and frustration among the Sikh community. The expectations of establishing a Sikh State in independent India, fervently supported by Sikh, Congress, and Hindu leaders, remained unfulfilled. Perceiving an unequal distribution of territory between Hindus and Muslims, the Sikhs advocated for a Punjabi Suba. In their pursuit of this objective, the Akali Dal employed diverse strategies. This culminated in the reorganisation of Punjab on March 21, 1966, leading to its further trifurcation." &nbsp


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    The Pottali rasayana is a unique preparation in Ayurveda as it is very compact in structure and quick acting due to its high potency. Hemgarbha pottali rasa is a medicine which is known as emergency medicine of Ras shastra because of its efficacy and its quick effect in condition like Sannipataj awastha. It is prepared with the combination of Shudha parada, Shudha gandhaka, Shudha tamra bhasma and Shudha swarna. Preparation method of this Hemgarbh pottali ras is unique in the way that it is prepared in molten sulphur which increases its efficacy many folds. Inspite of availability of vast theoretical description in Ayurvedic texts regarding Pottali rasayana, very less research work is carried out on Hemgarbh pottali rasa, so it is mostly out of practice in Ayurvedic community. Hemgarbh pottali rasa is a very potent medicine which should be made popular by Ayurvedic practitioners. In the present article various methods of preparation of Hemgarbh pottali rasa has been described and most common method of preparation which is molten sulphur method is discussed in detail

    Torsion of a non-gravid uterus: a rare cause of acute abdomen

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    Torsion of a non gravid uterus is a rare phenomenon. In a non-gravid uterus the torsion is usually associated with the presence of big myomas, adnexal masses, uterine anomalies and pelvic adhesions. Precise preoperative diagnosis is usually difficult and the condition is diagnosed usually during surgical exploration. Delay in diagnosis can prove fatal as the uterus and adnexa can undergo gangrenous change. Timely surgical intervention is of utmost importance in the management of such cases. We describe a case of torsion uterus in a 72 yr old postmenopausal lady with a big fundal myoma who presented with acute abdominal pain

    Impact Analysis of JellyFish Attack in MANETs

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    MANETs or Mobile Ad Hoc Networks is a network that consists of mobile nodes, is selforganizing and short lived. Due to the openness, decentralized and infrastructure less architecture it can be prone to different types of attacks. One such attack is the JellyFish attack. It is a type of passive attack .It is very difficult to detect this attack as it complies with the protocols. In this paper we present a study on this attack and its variants. The first section gives a brief introduction on MANETs and the different types of attacks on it from different point of view. The later section we concentrate on the JellyFish Attack. Further a review on the analysis is carried out from different sources to understand the impact of this attack on the performance and its effect on the network.Keywords: Active attacks, Passive Attacks, JellyFish Attack, AODV, DSR, TORA, GR
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