277 research outputs found


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    The word steroid - we all know these are life saving drugs. Steroids have different meanings. Steroids are chemicals, often hormones that your body makes naturally. They help your organs, tissues, and cells do their jobs. Steroids can also refer to man-made medicines. We all know misuse of anything could be fatal. Nowadays anabolic steroids are very common especially in young adults going to gym for making muscles. Gym trainers are giving them steroids by saying and assuring that it will help them to build their muscle and body mass index. In some cases it can become life threatening too. Here in this article I’m going to present such case in which a young boy of just 25 years of age has taken such steroids and lands himself in deep trouble. He was healthy but the moment he joined gym, everything was ruined. He was diagnosed with AVN (Avascular Necrosis) of hip joint. AVN is a deadly pathology in which death of bone tissue occur due to lack of blood supply. Now he is not able to walk on his own and using wheel chair. So this article is basically awareness to young generation who are running behind this stuff and making their life hell

    An Improved Generalized Estimation Procedure of Current Population Mean in Two-Occasion Successive Sampling

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    The present work is an attempt to make use of several auxiliary variables on both occasions for improving the precision of estimates for the current population mean in two-occasion successive sampling. A generalized exponential-cum-regression type estimator of the current population mean is proposed and its optimum replacement strategy has been discussed. Empirical studies are carried out to show the dominance of the proposed estimation procedure over the sample mean estimator and natural successive sampling estimator. Empirical results have been interpreted and suitable recommendations are put forward to survey practitioners

    Which verification qubits perform best for secure communication in noisy channel?

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    In secure quantum communication protocols, a set of single qubits prepared using 2 or more mutually unbiased bases or a set of nn-qubit (n2n\geq2) entangled states of a particular form are usually used to form a verification string which is subsequently used to detect traces of eavesdropping. The qubits that form a verification string are referred to as decoy qubits, and there exists a large set of different quantum states that can be used as decoy qubits. In the absence of noise, any choice of decoy qubits provides equivalent security. In this paper, we examine such equivalence for noisy environment (e.g., in amplitude damping, phase damping, collective dephasing and collective rotation noise channels) by comparing the decoy-qubit assisted schemes of secure quantum communication that use single qubit states as decoy qubits with the schemes that use entangled states as decoy qubits. Our study reveals that the single qubit assisted scheme perform better in some noisy environments, while some entangled qubits assisted schemes perform better in other noisy environments. Specifically, single qubits assisted schemes perform better in amplitude damping and phase damping noisy channels, whereas a few Bell-state-based decoy schemes are found to perform better in the presence of the collective noise. Thus, if the kind of noise present in a communication channel (i.e., the characteristics of the channel) is known or measured, then the present study can provide the best choice of decoy qubits required for implementation of schemes of secure quantum communication through that channel.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Modeling of Six Pulse Voltage Source Inverter based STATCOM with PWM and Conventional Triggering

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    In the present study, a six pulse inverter is triggered using conventional sequential and pulse width modulation (PWM) technique simultaneously for comparing their results. FACTS devices such as STATCOM are the most emerging areas in today’s power system. This STATCOM is a power electronic based converter circuit in which inverter circuit is fabricated for the purpose of voltage control and reactive power compensation through its current flow. A six pulse inverter is developed that can be generalized for developing any number of multiple of six pulse inverters by cascading them in parallel using transformers connection. Voltage source Inverter (VSI) is the most commonly used inverter that can be modeled for electrical system based studies. A methodology is presented to trigger the STATCOM inverter circuit using conventional and PWM techniques, and then the results are compared using MATLAB Simulink mode

    Role of Next-Generation RNA-Seq Data in Discovery and Characterization of Long Non-Coding RNA in Plants

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    The next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies embrace advance sequencing technologies that can generate high-throughput RNA-seq data to delve into all the possible aspects of the transcriptome. It involves short-read sequencing approaches like 454, illumina, SOLiD and Ion Torrent, and more advance single-molecule long-read sequencing approaches including PacBio and nano-pore sequencing. Together with the help of computational approaches, these technologies are revealing the necessity of complex non-coding part of the genome, once dubbed as “junk DNA.” The ease in availability of high-throughput RNA-seq data has allowed the genome-wide identification of long non-coding RNA (lncRNA). The high-confidence lncRNAs can be filtered from the set of whole RNA-seq data using the computational pipeline. These can be categorized into intergenic, intronic, sense, antisense, and bidirectional lncRNAs with respect to their genomic localization. The transcription of lncRNAs in plants is carried out by plant-specific RNA polymerase IV and V in addition to RNA polymerase II and target the epigenetic regulation through RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM). lncRNAs regulate the gene expression through a variety of mechanism including target mimicry, histone modification, chromosome looping, etc. The differential expression pattern of lncRNA during developmental processes and different stress responses indicated their diverse role in plants

    Prevalence of goitre among school going children in urban area of Dehradun

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    Background:Iodine is an important micro-nutrient required for human nutrition. Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDDs) are one of the major world-wide public health problems of today which causes wide spectrum of disabilities. It includes impairment of reproductive functions, lowering of IQ levels in school age children, goiter, deaf mutism, mental defects, weakness and paralysis of muscles as well as lesser degree of physical dysfunction.Methods:Selection of population: The school children in age group of 6-18 years from both the sexes were screened from SGRR Schools of different locations at Dehradun, after taking approval from principal and the parents.Results:The prevalence of goitre among school going children was 5%. Prevalence of goitre among female was 6.4% compare to male were 4.1%. There was significant association found between prevalence of goitre and vegetarian diet. In pre pubertal age (11-14 years) maximum (7.6%) cases of goitre were seen. A significant association of goitre with pallor was also observedConclusion:The sustained efforts in implementing the guidelines of National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme (NIDDCP) have been able to reduce the prevalence of goitre in Uttrakhand state. In spite of reduction in prevalence over years, goitre continues to be a major public health problem in the state.

    Modeling of Breakdown Voltage of White Minilex Paper in Presence of Voids Under AC and DC conditions using Artificial Neural Network as Computational Method

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    Insulating materials contain various voids due to which when an electrical signal is passed through the insulator above a threshold level they start deteriorating and breakdown occurs. Hence it is of great importance to find out the breakdown voltage of an insulator. In this project the Artificial Neural Network method has been employed to model the desired breakdown voltages under AC and DC conditions. By using neural networks a relationship between the input parameters and breakdown voltage has been established. The insulating material used is White Minilex Paper. Voids of varying dimensions are created artificially. The calculated values of mean absolute error and mean square error show the effectiveness of the model

    Histone deacetylase inhibitors: pharmacotherapeutic implications as epigenetic modifier

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    Epigenetic modifications such as acetylation and deacetylation of histone proteins play a decisive role in transcriptional alteration and expression of genes. Acetylation is catalysed by the histone acetyl transferases enzymes and activates expression of genes by converting chromatin into a less compact, transcriptionally active state. Histone deacetylases enzymes catalyze deacetylation that condenses chromatin into a closed structure .Consequently transcriptional factors are unable to access DNA and gene expression is suppressed. Balanced activity of HATs and HDACS is essential for normal gene expression. Increased HDAC activity can lead to imbalance in protein acetylation resulting in hypoacetylation, tight chromatin structure and suppression of various genes. This aberrant suppression of genes is the hallmark of several malignant and other diseases including neurodegenerative disorders. Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors (HDACIs) have potential to restore the balance of histone acetylation that reverses the silencing of pathological genes. Thus HDACIs modify expression of genes without affecting sequence of DNA and act as epigenetic modifiers. Vorinostat and romidepsin are FDA approved HDACIs. Valproic acid, belinostat and many others are in different phases of clinical trials. This review article explores the target based epigenetic mechanisms as well as existing and potential therapeutic role of HDACIs in various malignant and non-malignant diseases. Data sources were articles published in medical journals and bibliographic database Medline

    Foeniculum vulgare from Spice to Pharma: Recent Advances in Its Medicinal Value, Bioactivities and Perspectives

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     Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (F. vulgare) belongs to the family Apiaceae with numerous medicinal and traditional applications. It has been widely used in South Asia as an important medicine for the treatment of many ailments. Different parts of F. vulgare, including seeds, leaves, aerial part and fruits, has been found to contain diverse phytochemicals such as anethole, fenchone, limonene, estragole, and p-coumaric acid. In particular, anethole and fenchone as the chief bioactives isolated from F. vulgare, have been proven to possess notable antioxidant, antitumor, carminative, diuretic, and galactagogue effects and is useful in amenorrhoea, dental decay and irritable bowel syndrome. This review summarizes the botanical activities, traditional uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacology of F. vulgare, along with the clinical studies to serve as the basis for further research and development on this medicinal plant

    Critical Review on Standard Operative Procedure of Yapana Basti Karma

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    Panchakarma therapy is one of the vital branch of Ayurveda, which deals mainly with purification of the provoked Doshas from the body. Basti Chikitsa is regarded as the prime treatment modality among the Panchakarma. It is having not only curative action but also preventive and promotive actions. It is considered as best treatment for Vata Dosha. Yapana Basti is a subtype of Asthapana Basti, which is having the property to support life and promote longevity and widely used in various disorders. Rajayapana Basti is superior amongst all the Yapana Bastis described by Acharya Charaka as it is the king of Yapana. This Rasayana Yapana Basti performs dual function of both Anuvasana and Niruha; hence this is Srotoshodhaka and Brimhana at the sametime. That’s why there is no need to administer separate Anuvasana while giving Yapana Basti. There is an urgent need of standardizing the classical Panchakarma procedures in consideration of the need of today. The dosage schedule, exact procedures, medicaments, effects, and side effects are to be standardized so that uniform procedure of practice should be followed all over nation. Standardization is the need of hour for physicians, to prevent Atiyoga (over activity), Ayoga (less or no activity) and to get adequate effects in a systematic and sophisticated manner within desired time period