287 research outputs found

    The magnetic connectivity of coronal shocks from behind-the-limb flares to the visible solar surface during γ\gamma-ray events

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    Context. The observation of >100 MeV {\gamma}-rays in the minutes to hours following solar flares suggests that high-energy particles interacting in the solar atmosphere can be stored and/or accelerated for long time periods. The occasions when {\gamma}-rays are detected even when the solar eruptions occurred beyond the solar limb as viewed from Earth provide favorable viewing conditions for studying the role of coronal shocks driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the acceleration of these particles. Aims: In this paper, we investigate the spatial and temporal evolution of the coronal shocks inferred from stereoscopic observations of behind-the-limb flares to determine if they could be the source of the particles producing the {\gamma}-rays. Methods: We analyzed the CMEs and early formation of coronal shocks associated with {\gamma}-ray events measured by the Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT) from three eruptions behind the solar limb as viewed from Earth on 2013 Oct. 11, 2014 Jan. 06 and Sep. 01. We used a 3D triangulation technique, based on remote-sensing observations to model the expansion of the CME shocks from above the solar surface to the upper corona. Coupling the expansion model to various models of the coronal magnetic field allowed us to derive the time-dependent distribution of shock Mach numbers and the magnetic connection of particles produced by the shock to the solar surface visible from Earth. Results: The reconstructed shock fronts for the three events became magnetically connected to the visible solar surface after the start of the flare and just before the onset of the >100 MeV {\gamma}-ray emission. The shock surface at these connections also exhibited supercritical Mach numbers required for significant particle energization. [...] (Abridged)Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, version published in A&

    Diagnosticul modificărilor morfologice ale parenchimului renal în hidronefroză la copii prin puncţie-biopsie

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    Summary The authors present the results of the morphologic study of kidney parenchyma’s pathologic modifications in 16 children with hydronephrosis through puncture-biopsy (Bard Magnum Biopsy System). In conclusion the puncture-biopsy method can be used to determine the disease clinical phase, as well as to reveal some pathogenetic mechanisms that allows by the aim of organ preservation the surgical tactics optimization and postoperative treatment adjustment. Introducere. Diagnosticul modificărilor morfologice în parenchimul renal, în cadrul hidronefrozei la copii, se bazează pe evaluarea leziunilor structurale care în mare măsură depind de diversitatea factorilor etiologici. Material şi metode. Studiul morfologic întreprins a avut ca scop elucidarea modificărilor morfologice ale parenchimului renal prin puncţie-biopsie efectuate cu Bard Magnum Biopsy System. Au fost studiate bioptate ale parenchimului renal la 16 copii cu hidronefroză. Bioptatele au fost fixate în sol. Formol neutru 4 şi 10%, incluse ulterior în parafină. Au fost utilizate coloraţiile hematoxilină-eozină, van Ghieson, Congo red. Rezultate şi concluzii. Examenul efectuat la microsocpia optică a evidenţiat modificări variate în toate componentele nefronului şi ale structurilor interstiţial-vasculare de intensitate şi de origine diversă: dilatativ-compresive - ectazie generalizată, leziuni ischemico-sclerotice şi atrofico-deformative; obstructive - de tip „hidronefroză intrarenală", transformare tubulară pseudochistică, displazice - imaturitate şi mostruozităţi glomerulare, polimorfism structural, oligoglomerulonefronie, multiglomerularitate; inflamatorii - tubulo-interstiţiale, peri- şi intraglomerulare exudativalterative, polimorfocelulare şi infiltrativ sclerotice; stenoze vasculare, hipertrofice şi sclerozante, depozite calcinoase postischemice etc. Caracterul, gradul lezional şi complexitatea morfologică a modificărilor în parenchimul renal pun în evidenţă două variante histopatologice: varaianta complicată şi pe cea necomplicată. Referitor la evoluţia modificărilor morfopatologice în parenchimul renal, acesta suportă 2 faze succesive: faza de ectazie şi faza de atrofie. De menţionat că prezenţa elementului inflamator este determinantă în morfogeneza dereglărilor funcţionale renale în cadrul variantei complicate. Aşadar, diagnosticul prin puncţie-biopsie în hidronefroză poate fi utilizat în aprecierea variantelor patologice şi a fazelor clinico-evolutive, a studiului unor verigi etiopatogenetice ale maladiei, ceea ce ar permite soluţionarea problemei în vederea păstrării organului, precum şi determinarea conduitei în perioada postoperatorie

    Chloride anion transporters inhibit growth of methicillin-resistant: Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in vitro

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    A series of aminopyrrolic receptors were tested as anion transporters using POPC liposome model membranes. Many were found to be effective Cl(−) transporters and to inhibit clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus growth in vitro. The best transporters proved effective against the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains, Mu50 and HP1173. Tris-thiourea tren-based chloride transporters were also shown to inhibit the growth of S. aureus. in vitro

    Chloride anion transporters inhibit growth of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in vitro

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    A series of aminopyrrolic receptors were tested as anion transporters using POPC liposome model membranes. Many were found to be effective Cl– transporters and to inhibit clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus growth in vitro. The best transporters proved effective against the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains, Mu50 and HP1173. Tris-thiourea tren-based chloride transporters were also shown to inhibit the growth of S. aureus. in vitro.<br/

    Supersymmetry and the relationship between a class of singular potentials in arbitrary dimensions

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    The eigenvalues of the potentials V1(r)=A1r+A2r2+A3r3+A4r4V_{1}(r)=\frac{A_{1}}{r}+\frac{A_{2}}{r^{2}}+\frac{A_{3}}{r^{3}}+\frac{A_{4 }}{r^{4}} and V2(r)=B1r2+B2r2+B3r4+B4r6V_{2}(r)=B_{1}r^{2}+\frac{B_{2}}{r^{2}}+\frac{B_{3}}{r^{4}}+\frac{B_{4}}{r^ {6}}, and of the special cases of these potentials such as the Kratzer and Goldman-Krivchenkov potentials, are obtained in N-dimensional space. The explicit dependence of these potentials in higher-dimensional space is discussed, which have not been previously covered.Comment: 13 pages article in LaTEX (uses standard article.sty). Please check "http://www1.gantep.edu.tr/~ozer" for other studies of Nuclear Physics Group at University of Gaziante

    Immediate pre-meal water ingestion decreases voluntary food intake in lean young males

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    Purpose: Consuming 375-500 ml of water 30 min before a meal has been shown to reduce energy intake in older, but not younger adults. This study investigated the effects of ingesting a water preload immediately pre-meal (<1 min before eating) on within-meal ad-libitum energy intake in non-obese young males. Methods: Fourteen healthy males (mean (SD) age 27 (3) y, Height 1.83 (0.05) m, body weight 80.47 (9.89) kg, body fat 17.5 (4.0) %, body mass index 24.0 (2.5) kg/m2) completed a familiarisation trial and two experimental trials in randomised counterbalanced order. Subjects arrived at the laboratory overnight fasted and consumed an ad-libitum porridge breakfast. Immediately prior to the meal, subjects consumed either a 568 ml (1 pint) water preload (preload trial) or no preload (control trial). Visual analogue scale questionnaires to assess hunger, fullness and satisfaction were completed before and after the meal in both trials, as well as after the water preload. Results: Ad-libitum energy intake was greater (P<0.001) during control (2551 (562) kJ) than preload (1967 (454) kJ). Ad-libitum water intake was also greater (P<0.001) during control (318 (226-975) ml) than preload (116 (0-581) ml). The water preload increased fullness and satisfaction and decreased hunger compared to pre-trial (P<0.001) and the control trial (P<0.001). Conclusion: This study demonstrates that consumption of a 568 ml water preload immediately before a meal reduces energy intake in non-obese young males. This might therefore be an effective strategy to suppress energy intake in this population and possibly assist with weight management

    Fermi Large Area Telescope Observations of the Cosmic-Ray Induced gamma-ray Emission of the Earth's Atmosphere

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    We report on measurements of the cosmic-ray induced gamma-ray emission of Earth's atmosphere by the Large Area Telescope onboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. The LAT has observed the Earth during its commissioning phase and with a dedicated Earth-limb following observation in September 2008. These measurements yielded 6.4 x 10^6 photons with energies >100MeV and ~250hours total livetime for the highest quality data selection. This allows the study of the spatial and spectral distributions of these photons with unprecedented detail. The spectrum of the emission - often referred to as Earth albedo gamma-ray emission - has a power-law shape up to 500 GeV with spectral index Gamma = 2.79+-0.06.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR