6 research outputs found

    Formation of inclusive values as development of democratic values

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    The article highlights the issues of professional training of future educators using innovative pedagogical approaches, as well as the formation of inclusive competency as part of professional competency. The authors present the views of scholars on such terms as “inclusive education”, “inclusive culture”, “inclusive values”, and “value-based orientations” and demonstrate the importance for teaching staff of basic knowledge and methods of working with children with special educational needs. The article highlights the effectiveness of inclusive education in the training and retraining of teachers, where the formation of inclusive values is one of the objectives. The creation of an inclusive culture in higher education institutions ensures the existence of a safe democratic society that shares the ideas of cooperation and the value of each person in common achievements. This kind of university culture creates shared inclusive values and principles that are common for all faculty and students

    El desarrollo del discurso coherente en estudiantes de primaria en el proceso de actividad constructiva y artística

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    The article examines the development of speech in elementary school students. The research objective is to determine the status of coherent speech development in 3rd-grade students in the process of constructive and artistic activity. The article defines the criteria (structural and compositional, communicative and productive, and communicative and creative), indicators, and levels of development of coherent speech in elementary school students in the process of constructive and artistic activity. Each criterion includes a group of qualitative content-disclosing indicators and characterizes the achievements of students in the intended type of activity. Based on this, the authors have developed a methodological tool that allows them to diagnose coherent speech development in 3rd-grade students in the process of constructive and artistic activity and to conduct a precise quantitative differentiation by high, sufficient, medium, and low levels of coherent speech formation with specific characteristics for qualitative measurements that open up prospects for the development of appropriate effective measures for improving the quality of training students for such activity.El artículo examinael desarrollo del habla en estudiantes de primaria. El objetivo de la investigación es determinar el estado del desarrollo coherente del habla en estudiantes de tercer grado en el proceso de actividad constructiva y artística. El artículo define los criterios (estructurales y compositivos, comunicativos y productivos, y comunicativos y creativos), indicadores y niveles de desarrollo del discurso coherente en estudiantes de primaria en el proceso de actividad constructiva y artística. Cada criterio incluye un grupo de indicadores cualitativos de divulgación de contenido y caracteriza los logros de los estudiantes en el tipo de actividad prevista. En base a esto, los autores han desarrollado una herramienta metodológica que les permite diagnosticar el desarrollo coherente del habla en estudiantes de tercer grado en el proceso de actividad constructiva y artística y llevar a cabo una diferenciación cuantitativa precisa por niveles altos, suficientes, medios y bajos de formación coherente del habla con características específicas para mediciones cualitativas que abren perspectivas para el desarrollo de medidas efectivas apropiadas para mejorar la calidad de la capacitación de los estudiantes para dicha actividad

    The Development of Coherent Speech in Elementary School Students in The Process of Constructive and Artistic Activity

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    The article examines the development of speech in elementary school students. The research objective is to determine the status of coherent speech development in 3rd-grade students in the process of constructive and artistic activity. The article defines the criteria (structural and compositional, communicative and productive, and communicative and creative), indicators, and levels of development of coherent speech in elementary school students in the process of constructive and artistic activity. Each criterion includes a group of qualitative content-disclosing indicators and characterizes the achievements of students in the intended type of activity. Based on this, the authors have developed a methodological tool that allows them to diagnose coherent speech development in 3rd-grade students in the process of constructive and artistic activity and to conduct a precise quantitative differentiation by high, sufficient, medium, and low levels of coherent speech formation with specific characteristics for qualitative measurements that open up prospects for the development of appropriate effective measures for improving the quality of training students for such activity


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    The article is devoted to the problem of socio-cultural competence formation by means of translation / interpretation and the necessity of foreign language communicative competence formation in the process of inclusive education. The question of training of young generation for life in a multi-ethnic and multicultural society, forming skills of communication and cooperation with people of different nationalities, the foreign language learning, the formation of the communicative and socio-cultural competence is one of the main tasks of modern school to meet educational needs persons with disabilities. Today’s realities require that students with special educational needs should study a foreign language and use it in the process of learning. In turn, the use of translation in the process of learning a foreign language helps students to get new skills, to form general and specific competences, including socio-cultural competence, which promotes socialization of children with special needs, and integrating them into a comprehensive system of Ukraine. The article raises the problem of modernization of the educational system. It was established that the formation of socio-cultural competence by means of written translation is done by means of a system of exercises. Based on this system, subsystems, groups and types of exercises their systems can be developed in accordance with human activity, objectives and learning environment. It shows that the development of an inclusive approach to learning demands new solutions towards learning a foreign language at different levels of education


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    The article is devoted to the problem of socio-cultural competence formation by means of translation / interpretation and the necessity of foreign language communicative competence formation in the process of inclusive education. The question of training of young generation for life in a multi-ethnic and multicultural society, forming skills of communication and cooperation with people of different nationalities, the foreign language learning, the formation of the communicative and socio-cultural competence is one of the main tasks of modern school to meet educational needs persons with disabilities. Today’s realities require that students with special educational needs should study a foreign language and use it in the process of learning. In turn, the use of translation in the process of learning a foreign language helps students to get new skills, to form general and specific competences, including socio-cultural competence, which promotes socialization of children with special needs, and integrating them into a comprehensive system of Ukraine. The article raises the problem of modernization of the educational system. It was established that the formation of socio-cultural competence by means of written translation is done by means of a system of exercises. Based on this system, subsystems, groups and types of exercises their systems can be developed in accordance with human activity, objectives and learning environment. It shows that the development of an inclusive approach to learning demands new solutions towards learning a foreign language at different levels of education.Розглянуто проблеми формування соціокультурної компетенції засобами перекладу та необхідності формування іншомовної комунікативної компетенції в умовах інклюзивного навчання. Особливо гостро стоїть питання підготовки молодого покоління до життя в умовах багатонаціонального і полікультурного простору, формування умінь спілкування і співпраці з людьми різних національностей, то навчання іноземної мови, формування комунікативної та соціокультурної компетенцій є одним з головних завдань сучасної школи з метою задоволення освітніх потреб осіб з особливими потребами. Встановлено, що реалії сьогодення вимагають, щоб учні із особливими освітніми проблемами вивчали іноземну мову й активно використовували її у процесі навчання. Використання засобів перекладу у процесі навчання іноземної мови, допомагає школярам опановувати нові знання, формувати загальні та спеціальні компетенції, зокрема соціокультурну компетенцію, що сприяє соціалізації дітей з особливими потребами, інтегруванню їх в загальноосвітню систему України. Встановлено, що формування соціокультурної компетенції засобами письмового перекладу відбувається завдяки використанню системи вправ. Ґрунтуючись на цій системі, підсистемах, групах і видах вправ, можна розробляти їх комплекси відповідно до сфери людської діяльності, враховуючи цілі та умови навчання. Відзначено, що модернізація освітньої системи, розвиток інклюзивного підходу до навчання вимагають пошуку нових рішень щодо навчання іноземної мови на різних рівнях навчання

    The Development of Coherent Speech in Elementary School Students in The Process of Constructive and Artistic Activity

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    The article examines the development of speech in elementary school students. The research objective is to determine the status of coherent speech development in 3rd-grade students in the process of constructive and artistic activity. The article defines the criteria (structural and compositional, communicative and productive, and communicative and creative), indicators, and levels of development of coherent speech in elementary school students in the process of constructive and artistic activity. Each criterion includes a group of qualitative content-disclosing indicators and characterizes the achievements of students in the intended type of activity. Based on this, the authors have developed a methodological tool that allows them to diagnose coherent speech development in 3rd-grade students in the process of constructive and artistic activity and to conduct a precise quantitative differentiation by high, sufficient, medium, and low levels of coherent speech formation with specific characteristics for qualitative measurements that open up prospects for the development of appropriate effective measures for improving the quality of training students for such activity.El artículo examina el desarrollo del habla en estudiantes de primaria. El objetivo de la investigación es determinar el estado del desarrollo coherente del habla en estudiantes de tercer grado en el proceso de actividad constructiva y artística. El artículo define los criterios (estructurales y compositivos, comunicativos y productivos, y comunicativos y creativos), indicadores y niveles de desarrollo del discurso coherente en estudiantes de primaria en el proceso de actividad constructiva y artística. Cada criterio incluye un grupo de indicadores cualitativos de divulgación de contenido y caracteriza los logros de los estudiantes en el tipo de actividad prevista. En base a esto, los autores han desarrollado una herramienta metodológica que les permite diagnosticar el desarrollo coherente del habla en estudiantes de tercer grado en el proceso de actividad constructiva y artística y llevar a cabo una diferenciación cuantitativa precisa por niveles altos, suficientes, medios y bajos de formación coherente del habla con características específicas para mediciones cualitativas que abren perspectivas para el desarrollo de medidas efectivas apropiadas para mejorar la calidad de la capacitación de los estudiantes para dicha actividad