61 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Modeling, Estimation and Control for CALS Organization-Technical-Economic Systems

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    Theoretical propositions of new probabilistic methodology of analysis, modeling, estimation and control in stochastic organizational-technical-economic systems (OTES) based on stochastic CALS informational technologies are considered. Stochastic integrated logistic support (ILS) of OTES modeling life cycle (LC), stochastic optimal of current state estimation in stochastic media defined by internal and external noises (including specially organized OTES-NS (noise support) and stochastic OTES optimal control) according to social-technical-economic-support criteria in real time by informational-analytical tools (IAT) of global type are presented. OTES-CALS are nonlinear and continuous-discrete. So we use approximate methods of normal approximation of probabilistic densities both for modeling and estimation. Spectrum of possibilities may be broaden by solving problems of OTES-CALS integration for existing markets of finances, goods and services. Analytical modeling, analysis, parametric optimization and optimal stochastic processes regulation in limits of illustrate some technologies and IAT given plans

    Категория понимания и ее роль в коммуникативном и когнитивной процессах

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    The article analyses the aspects of the category of understanding/misunderstanding proceeding from its role in communicative and cognitive processes basing on modern Russian literature texts. Special role is ascribed to the markers which serve to generate speech activity.В статье анализируются аспекты категории понимания/непонимания с точки зрения ее роли в коммуникативном и когнитивном процессах на материале текстов современной русской литературы. Особую роль автор отводит маркерам порождения речевой деятельности


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    Purpose. A current meter based on the principle of electromagnetic induction is designed to register the current flowing in the rod lightning. The aim of the article is to describe the way of increasing the sensitivity of the converter by means of their serial communication. Methodology. The recorded current is in the nanosecond range. If compared with other methods, meters based on the principle of electromagnetic induction have several advantages, such as simplicity of construction, reliability, low cost, no need in a power source, relatively high sensitivity. Creation of such a meter is necessary, because in some cases there is no possibility to use a shunt. Transient properties of a meter are determined by the number of turns and the constant of integration. Sensitivity is determined by measuring the number of turns, the coil sectional area, the core material and the integration constant. For measuring the magnetic field pulses with a rise time of 5 ns to 50 ns a meter has turns from 5 to 15. The sensitivity of such a meter is low. When the number of turns is increased, the output signal and the front increase. Earlier described dependencies were used to select the main parameters of the converter. It was based on generally accepted and widely known equivalent circuit. The experience of created earlier pulse magnetic field meters was considered both for measuring the magnetic fields, and large pulse current. Originality. Series connection of converters has the property of a long line. The level of the transient response of the meter is calculated. The influence of parasitic parameters on the type of meter transient response is examined. The shown construction was not previously described. Practical value. The results of meter implementation are given. The design peculiarities of the given measuring instruments are shown.Представлены результаты реализации высокочувствительного датчика токов наносекундного диапазона индукционного типа для измерения импульсов тока, протекающих на стержневом молниеприемнике. Проведен анализ современных достижений в области измерений слабых импульсных токов. Представлены результаты расчета датчика, показано влияние паразитных параметров на вид переходной характеристики датчика. Описаны основные особенности конструкции. Приведены параметры созданного датчика и результаты калибровки.Представлено результати реалізації високочутливого датчика струмів наносекундного діапазону індукційного типу для детектування імпульсів струму, що протікають на стрижньовому блискавкоприймачі. Аналіз останніх досягнень в галузі вимірювань слабких імпульсних струмів наведено. Представлено результати розрахунку датчика, показано вплив паразитних параметрів на вигляд перехідної характеристики датчика. Зроблено опис основних особливостей конструкції. Наведено параметри створеного датчика та результати калібрування

    Methods of Conditionally Optimal Forecasting for Stochastic Synergetic CALS Technologies

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    Problems of optimal, sub- and conditionally optimal filtering and forecasting in product and staff subsystems at the background noise in synergistical organization-technical-economical systems (SOTES) are considered. Nowadays for highly available systems the problems of creation of basic systems engineering principles, approaches and information technologies (IT) for SOTES from modern spontaneous markets at the background inertially going world economics crisis, weakening global market relations at conditions of competition and counteraction reinforcement is very important. Big enterprises need IT due to essential local and systematic economic loss. It is necessary to form general approaches for stochastic processes and parameters estimation in SOTES at the background noises. The following notations are introduced: special observation SOTES (SOTES-O) with own organization-product resources and internal noise as information from special SOTES being enact noise (SOTES-N). Conception for SOTES structure for systems of technical, staff and financial support is developed. Linear, linear with parametric noises and nonlinear stochastic (discrete and hybrid) equations describing organization-production block (OPB) for three types of SOTES with their planning-economical estimating divisions are worked out. SOTES-O is described by two interconnected subsystems: state SOTES sensor and OPB supporting sensor with necessary resources. After short survey of modern modeling, sub- and conditionally optimal filtering and forecasting basic algorithms and IT for typical SOTES are given. Influence of OTES-N noise on rules and functional indexes of subsystems accompanying life cycle production, its filtration and forecasting is considered. Experimental software tools for modeling and forecasting of cost and technical readiness for parks of aircraft are developed

    Категория знания: ее содержание, функции и языковое выражение

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    Category of cognition is one of the most important cognitive, communicative, informational and logical categories. As a cognitive component it belongs to the system of language behaviour. Cognition might be investigated from different points of view. The foremost relevant interpretation of this term accentuates it is a confirmed result of current reality cognition. The article describes the most important specifications of cognition with complete reflection of its essence and functions.Категория знания — это одна из важных когнитивных, коммуникативных, информационных и логических категорий. Она входит в систему речевой деятельности в качестве когнитивного компонента. Знание можно рассматривать с разных точек зрения. Наиболее адекватное толкование этого понятия подчеркивает, что это проверенный результат познания реальной действительности. В статье описываются наиболее важные характеристики знания, которые достаточно полно отражают его сущность и функции


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