181 research outputs found

    Daytime Temperature Trend Analysis in the City of Jakarta, Indonesia

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    Abstract: Temperature changes according to land use patterns become a common phenomenon in many cities around the globe. Various techniques and methods used to show the trend of temperature changes according to land use pattern in the city. One method is using temperature traverse. Based on this method of temperature measurements the north-south and east-west traverses were monitored and conducted in the city of Jakarta for the period from October 2012 to March 2013. Both the temperature traverses were carried out between 11:00 and 13:00 hrs. In general, the study found that the average monthly temperature is 34.9°C for the north south traverse with the CV of 4.4 and east-west traverse is 34.4°C with the CV of 5.6. Additionally, there was also the average temperature on weekdays (HK ) for the north south and east west of 35.3°C with the CV of 3.0 and 34.8°C with the CV of 2.6 respectively. Thus, the average temperature at the time of the holidays ( HC ) for the north south and east west were 34.4°C and 33.7°C, respectively with the CV of 2.2 and 1.1. Furthermore highest monthly temperature trends are occurring in October of 36.2°C for the north south and 37.7°C for the east-west traverses. Conversely, the lowest in November with an average value of 33.4°C for the north-south traverse, meanwhile the lowest temperature trends for the east-west traverse in the months of November and February with an average value of monthly temperature is 32.5°C. Based on observations obtained through the temperature traverse the average value of the urban heat island intensity for the north-south traverse is 2.0 °C while for the east - west traverse is 0.7°C. The observed temperature values are very high, particularly in the HK, thus producing an impact of discomfort feeling among the city of Jakarta dwellers

    Nocturnal Air Temperature Traverses across the City of Jakarta, Indonesia

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    ABSTRACT: The increase of urban air temperature is a common phenomenon experiences by many cities in the world including Jakarta, Indonesia. One method to trace out this temperature increased is temperature traverse across different land use types in an urban area. For this study, observation was carried out for six months; starting from October 2011 to March 2012 and a total of 26 and 20 stations were created along the north-south and the east-west traverses, respectively. The results showed that the average monthly temperature of 28.3°C was calculated for a north-south traverse during the night , with the highest temperature of 29.0° C was recorded at the Jembatan Merah bus station point and the Swiss Hotel point. Meanwhile, the lowest temperature of 26. 9° C was recorded at the Pintu Gerbang Universitas Indonsia point station. On a monthly basis, February was recorded the lowest temperature (27.4° C), while October was recorded the highest temperature (2 9.4° C). For the east-west traverse, the monthly average temperature was 28.3° C where the highest temperature of 29. 2°C was recorded at the Taman Kota Pondok Kopi station; meanwhile the lowest temperature of 27.6 °C was recorded at the Flay over Ciledug station. In addition, October was recorded the highest temperature (29.5° C), while February was observed the lowest temperature (27.3°C). Based on these temperature traverses, the average value of the urban heat island intensity during the night time was calculated at 2. 1°C for the north -south traverse; meanwhile the value of UH II of 1.6 °C was calculated for the east -west traverse during the nighttime. These high temperatures across various land uses in the city of Jakarta have definitely affects the thermal discomfort feeling among the urban dwellers of the Jakarta City

    Ochładzający wpływ rzeki i bryzy morskiej na warunki termiczne na przykładzie Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malezja

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    A series of sea breeze observations have been carried out along the Terengganu river in the state of Terengganu on the east coast of the Peninsular of Malaysia. These observations were carried out during the north-east monsoon months ofNovember and December, 1993. Wind and temperature data were measured at the height of about I.S m above the ground along the three traverses on both sides of the river which is approximately 10 km long that perpendicular to the coast and then the results were presented in a horizontal cross-section. Generally, the formation of sea breeze of the speed of ~ 4.1 ms-1 was observed capable in reducing the ambient air temperature of about 2.0° to 4.0°C. Although the effect of sea breeze can be traced further inland along the river, its cooling effects, however, were well marked at the estuary of the Terengganu river than at the 7th km interior area of Kuala Terengganu. The difference in the temperature decrease was observed in the order of 1.7° and 2.4°C from the inland to the coastal areas, respectively. During the sea breeze episode, most of the coastal field stations indicated a slower temperature increase than the field stations located in the interior area. Furthermore, the effect of sea breeze in reducing ambient air temperature was well marked above the river (stations on bridges) than stations on both sides of the river. Simultaneously, an overall time-lag increase in relative humidity was observed during the fall of ambient air temperature, owing to the effect of sea breeze. In general, the establishment of sea breeze cooling effect was significantly felt about 3 to 6 hours period i.e., between 14.00 and 20.00 (Malaysian Local Time) which was varied between stations; longer period was experienced by stations located at or near the coastal area than stations further inland

    Pembangunan web E-Pembelajaran menggunakan elemen video dalam topik ‘Work And Energy’ berasaskan teori konstruktivisme sosial

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    Keperluan mengintegrasikan ICT dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran pada semua peringkat persekolahan kini semakin mendesak. E-Pembelajaran berasaskan web telah dilihat sebagai satu alternatif yang berkesan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran kerana kaedah ini mampu mewujudkan pembelajaran berpusatkan pelajar yang terarah kendiri, kadar kendiri dan akses kendiri. Walaubagaimanapun, perkembangan pesat dunia internet pada hari ini mewujudkan aliran baru dalam penyampaian informasi iaitu berbentuk Flash Video yang lebih mudah dan cepat diakses. Projek ini dibangunkan dengan memperkenalkan E-Pembelajaran berasaskan Video On Demand dengan mengekalkan konsep pembelajaran secara Sosial Konstruktivisme. Bahan E-Pembelajaran yang bertajuk “Work and Energy” bagi subjek Fizik Tingkatan Empat ini menyediakan aktiviti pembelajaran secara “Tutorial”, “Video”, “Quiz”, “Forum” dan “Extra Notes” di samping aktiviti tertentu yang membenarkan pengguna berinteraksi secara spontan terhadap bahan pembelajaran. Sistem E-Pembelajaran yang dibangunkan ini membenarkan pengguna untuk berkongsi bahan-bahan berbentuk video dan nota tambahan dengan kawalan pihak pentadbir. EPembelajaran ini diharapkan juga dapat dijadikan bahan bantu mengajar(BBM) yang efektif kepada guru-guru sebagai satu tarikan kepada pelajar untuk lebih meminati subjek fizik

    Regulating the protection of women during armed conflict against sexual violence and torture / Norhalijah Yusoff … [et al.]

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    Throughout time no matter where the location, rape, torture and other acts of sexual violence towards women have always been a part of war. Regardless of, rape warfare has become an acceptable by-product for what men do even though the Geneva Conventions, the legal framework outlining the rules of war, prohibits it. Rape, torture and sexual violence went beyond from being a by-product of war to instead become a tool of war itself: a strategic military plan for genocide. Hence, this research paper will be dealing with the topic of international law by focusing on the protection of women during armed conflict against sexual violence and torture. There is inadequate protection for women during armed conflict by the international conventions, which is unable and insufficient to protect the women who became victims of sexual violence and torture. This paper will identify, analyze and compare the laws regarding sexual violence and torture during armed conflict with other international convention and treaties. Next , we will propose and recommend the amendment of the Penal Code to include a provision to protect women during armed conflict and post conflict in Malaysia by imposing tougher punishment to prosecute those accountable for committing sexual atrocities and torture and in doing so send a strong message that acts of violence towards women will not be tolerated

    The relationship between land use changes and the urban heat island phenomenon in Jakarta, Indonesia

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    Abstract: Land use change is a modification performed by humans toward the environment of natural functions to function differently. The analysis of land use change is carried out by using the R Mapper and Map Info Profesional 8.5 and land use of 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010. The results showed that land development over time increased significantly from 1980 to 1990. This impacted the rate of population growth and increasing anthropogenic activities, number of vehicles, and public facilities. This is consistent with the increasing urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon in the Kemayoran and Pondok Betung station in Jakarta City

    Rainfall interception, throughfall and stemflow in a secondary forest

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    The presence of forest or any other vegetative cover over an area of land influences the distribution pattern of rainfall. Some of the rain is intercepted and retained by the leaves and other parts of the trees and eventually lost to the atmosphere in the form of evaporation. The rain water that reaches the soil surface will arrive there by throughfall (passes directly through open spaces not covered by foliage or as drips from the vegetative parts of the tree) and also by stemflow (flows down the surface of the stem). Measurements of the amount of interception, throughfall and stemflow are therefore necessary towards understanding the role of a forest cover in the hydrological cycle in a forest ecosystem. Studies of rain interception, throughfall and stemflow have received little attention in Malaysia. Kenworthy (1970) reported one such study under primary and disturbed forests at Ulu Gombak Reserve. Teoh(1971) conducted a similar study in a rubber plantation at Sungei Buloh and Low (1972) reported the work done at Sungai Lui catchment area. This paper describes the results obtained from an investigation conducted at the Air Hitam Forest Reserve, Puchong, Selangor to find out the percent interception, throughfall and stemflow. The vegetation is typically a secondary lowland dipterocarp forest of the"Kedondong Kempas" type. An attempt was also made to relate crown area and diameter of trees at breast height (D.B.H.) to stemflow

    Pengurusan Fasiliti Dalam Penyelenggaraan Bangunan:Amalan Kualiti, Keselamatan dan Kesihatan

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    Malaysia is a speedy developing country and now struggling to become a developed country with a first class infrastructural network. Towards the vision, various developments have been well planned especially in building construction sectors in order to fulfill the need of society and an organization. In the hasty stream of building construction whether government, private or personal building, the facilities management planning should not be neglected. The planning of building and facilities management before, during and after a building creation must be parallel to maintain the initial condition of the building and to ensure the surrounding of the building is always in good quality, safe and healthy to all occupants or visitors of the building. Practically the construction management only focuses on before and after building construction. Otherwise the facilities management should focus on three levels that are before, during and after construction. Nowadays, many issues reflected to quality, safety and health originated from the weakness of facilities management especially building maintenance aspect such as impairment, fire, collapse, failure compliance of law and so on. Such events will threat the safety and health of the occupants and visitors of buildings. So, the quality, safety and health practices are two essential elements in building maintenance to ensure that all occupants always comfortable, safe and healthy during occupation of a building. This paper discussed a few factors that should be considered by facilities management organization to maintain a good level of quality, safe and healthy of a building. Some of the factors are developing objective, policy and strategy; implementation of planning; providing budget; procedure development, regulation and standard compliance; and human resources

    Keselesaan terma pelajar dalam bilik darjah: kajian kes di Sekolah Agama Menengah Tinggi Sultan Hisamuddin, Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan

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    Suhu persekitaran yang tinggi serta jumlah penghuni yang padat di dalam sesebuah premis seperti bilik darjah mampu mendatangkan rasa tidak selesa serta mengganggu proses pembelajaran. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur perubahan parameter cuaca dan menilai persepsi sensasi terma pelajar serta turut melibatkan pengukuran tahap keselesaan terma pelajar melalui penilaian Model Jangkaan Min Pilihan (PMV) dan Indeks Jangkaan Peratusan Ketidakpuasan (PPD). Perubahan parameter cuaca diukur menggunakan alatan thermal comfort multistation, manakala parameter personal dan penilaian subjektif persepsi sensasi terma diperolehi dengan menggunakan borang soalselidik. Hasil kajian mendapati suhu persekitaran agak tinggi iaitu 33°C sekitar pukul 2.00 petang dan pergerakan angin yang perlahan telah mewujudkan bahangan di dalam bilik darjah. Di samping itu, melalui undian sensasi terma, kajian mendapati 52% pelajar merasakan bahawa keselesaan terma tidak dicapai. Purata Pilihan Sensasi Terma (Min TSV) yang dicatatkan pada nilai 1.47 jelas menunjukkan bahawa pelajar merasakan suhu di dalam bilik darjah berada antara julat sedikit panas dan sederhana panas. Pelajar lelaki dilihat lebih ramai berada di zon selesa dengan jumlah sebanyak 32%, berbanding pelajar perempuan yang hanya16% sahaja. Pengkelasan nilai PMV mengikut zon waktu mendapati bahawa hanya waktu pagi sahaja yang memberi perbezaan yang ketara antara kedua-dua gender berbanding dengan waktu tengah hari dan petang kerana selepas pukul 12.00 tengah hari, perbezaan yang wujud adalah sangat kecil. Hampir 75% responden inginkan suhu yang lebih rendah serta tidak selesa dengan bahangan suhu yang dialami. Oleh yang demikian, inisiatif tambahan dalam usaha menyederhanakan suhu persekitaran di dalam bilik darjah ini perlu diberi perhatian. Selain itu, jumlah pelajar bagi setiap bilik perlu diberi perhatian agar tidak terlalu padat supaya proses pembelajaran dapat berjalan dalam suasana yang lebih kondusif