245 research outputs found

    Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma to the Cervical Lymph Nodes From an Unknown Primary Cancer : Management in the HPV Era

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    Background Patients with metastases in the lymph nodes of the neck and no obvious primary tumor, neck cancer with unknown primary (NCUP), represent a management challenge. A majority of patients have metastatic squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), although other histologies do occur. Methods We comprehensively reviewed the literature, compared available guidelines, and conferred with an international team of experts. Results Positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) and fine needle aspiration (FNA) under ultrasound guidance increase accuracy of diagnosis. Immunohistochemistry (IHC), determination of human papilloma virus (HPV) status, by p16 staining or by in situ hybridization (ISH), and next-generation gene sequencing can guide us regarding probable primary sites and tumor biology. Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) has been introduced for the early detection of subtle mucosal lesions. Direct laryngoscopy (DL) and tonsillectomy have long been procedures used in the search for a primary site. More recently, TransOral Robotic Surgery (TORS) or Transoral LASER Microsurgery (TLM) have been introduced for lingual tonsillectomy. Conclusions New technologies have been developed which can better detect, diagnose, and treat occult primary tumors. Decisions regarding therapy are based on the primary tumor site (if discovered) and N stage. Options include neck dissection with or without postoperative adjuvant therapy, primary irradiation, or combined chemotherapy with irradiation. The preferred treatment of patients whose primary remains unidentified is controversial.Peer reviewe

    Chromosomal aberrations in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma do not vary based on severity of tobacco/alcohol exposure

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    BACKGROUND: Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) have been causally associated with tobacco and alcohol exposure. However, 10–15% of HNSCC develop in absence of significant carcinogen exposure. Several lines of evidence suggest that the genetic composition of HNSCC varies based on the extent of tobacco/alcohol exposure, however, no genome wide measures have been applied to address this issue. We used comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to screen for the genetic aberrations in 71 patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and stratified the findings by the status of tobacco/alcohol exposure. RESULTS: Although the median number of abnormalities (9), gains (6) and losses (2) per case and the overall pattern of abnormalities did not vary significantly by the extent of tobacco/alcohol exposure, individual abnormalities segregating these patients were identified. Gain of 1p (p = 0.03) and 3q amplification (p = 0.05) was significantly more common in patients with a history of tobacco/alcohol exposure. CONCLUSIONS: This data suggests that the overall accumulated chromosomal aberrations in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma are not significantly influenced by the severity of tobacco/alcohol exposure with limited exceptions

    Hurthle Cell Carcinoma of the Thyroid Gland : Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    Introduction Hurthle cell carcinoma (HCC) comprises about 5% of thyroid carcinoma cases. Partly because of its rarity there is much we still need to know about HCC as compared to other histological cancer subtypes. Methods We conducted a systematic literature review following PRISMA guidelines and meta-analysis, from 2000 to 2020, to investigate the main characteristics of HCC and clarify information concerning tumor behavior and treatment. Results Our review included data from 9638 patients reported in 27 articles over the past 20 years. This tumor occurred more frequently in women (67.5%). The mean age was 57.6 years, and the mean size of the neoplasm at diagnosis was 30 mm. Extrathyroidal extension was common (24%) but lymph node metastasis was not (9%). Total thyroidectomy was the most common surgical approach, with neck dissection usually performed in cases with clinically apparent positive neck nodes. Radioiodine therapy was frequently applied (54%), although there is no consensus about its benefits. The mean 5- and 10-year overall survival was 91% and 76%, respectively. Conclusion This review serves to further elucidate the main characteristics of this malignancy. HCC of the thyroid is rare and most often presents with a relatively large nodule, whereas lymph node metastases are rare. Given the rarity of HCC, a consensus on their treatment is needed, as doubts remain concerning the role of specific tumor findings and their influence on management.Peer reviewe

    The Selective Role of Open and Endoscopic Approaches for Sinonasal Malignant Tumours

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    Endoscopic endonasal surgery has been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of selected cases of sinonasal cancers. However, in cases of locally advanced neoplasms, as well as recurrences, the most appropriate approach is still debated. The present review aims to summarize the current state of knowledge on the utility of open approaches to resect sinonasal malignant tumours. Published comparative studies and meta-analyses suggest comparable oncological results with lower morbidity for the endoscopic approaches, but selection biases cannot be excluded. After a critical analysis of the available literature, it can be concluded that endoscopic surgery for selected lesions allows for oncologically safe resections with decreased morbidity. However, when endoscopic endonasal surgery is contraindicated and definitive chemoradiotherapy is not appropriate, craniofacial and transfacial approaches remain the best therapeutic option.Peer reviewe

    Incidence of Occult Lymph Node Metastasis in Primary Larynx Squamous Cell Carcinoma, by Subsite, T Classification and Neck Level: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Larynx cancer is a common site for tumors of the upper aerodigestive tract. In cases with a clinically negative neck, the indications for an elective neck treatment are still debated. The objective is to define the prevalence of occult metastasis based on the subsite of the primary tumor, T classification and neck node levels involved. Methods: All studies included provided the rate of occult metastases in cN0 larynx squamous cell carcinoma patients. The main outcome was the incidence of occult metastasis. The pooled incidence was calculated with random effects analysis. Results: 36 studies with 3803 patients fulfilled the criteria. The incidence of lymph node metastases for supraglottic and glottic tumors was 19.9% (95% CI 16.4–23.4) and 8.0% (95% CI 2.7–13.3), respectively. The incidence of occult metastasis for level I, level IV and level V was 2.4% (95% CI 0–6.1%), 2.0% (95% CI 0.9–3.1) and 0.4% (95% CI 0–1.0%), respectively. For all tumors, the incidence for sublevel IIB was 0.5% (95% CI 0–1.3). Conclusions: The incidence of occult lymph node metastasis is higher in supraglottic and T3–4 tumors. Level I and V and sublevel IIB should not be routinely included in the elective neck treatment of cN0 laryngeal cancer and, in addition, level IV should not be routinely included in cases of supraglottic tumors

    Management of Recurrent Well-Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma in the Neck: A Comprehensive Review

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    Surgery has been historically the preferred primary treatment for patients with well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma and for selected locoregional recurrences. Adjuvant therapy with radioactive iodine is typically recommended for patients with an intermediate to high risk of recurrence. Despite these treatments, locally advanced disease and locoregional relapses are not infrequent. These patients have a prolonged overall survival that may result in long periods of active disease and the possibility of requiring subsequent treatments. Recently, many new options have emerged as salvage therapies. This review offers a comprehensive discussion and considerations regarding surgery, active surveillance, radioactive iodine therapy, ultrasonography-guided percutaneous ablation, external beam radiotherapy, and systemic therapy for well-differentiated thyroid cancer based on relevant publications and current reference guidelines. We feel that the surgical member of the thyroid cancer management team is empowered by being aware and facile with all management options

    Health-related quality of life and pain with selinexor in patients with advanced dedifferentiated liposarcoma

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    [Objective] Compare health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of selinexor versus placebo in patients with dedifferentiated liposarcoma.[Materials & methods] HRQoL was assessed at baseline and day 1 of each cycle using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer 30-item core quality of life questionnaire. Results were reported from baseline to day 169 (where exposure to treatment was maximized while maintaining adequate sample size).[Results] Pain scores worsened for placebo versus selinexor across all postbaseline visits, although differences in HRQoL at some visits were not significant. Other domains did not exhibit significant differences between arms; however, scores in both arms deteriorated over time.[Conclusion] Patients treated with selinexor reported lower rates and slower worsening of pain compared with patients who received placebo.This study was funded by Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. M Gounder: reports an institutional research grant from Karyopharm, personal fees from Karyopharm, Epizyme, Springworks, Daiichi, Bayer, Amgen, Tracon, Flatiron, Medscape, Physicians Education Resource, Guidepoint, GLG and UpToDate; and grants from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (P30CA008748) – core grant (CCSG shared resources and core facility). ARA Razak: consulting/Ad board: Merck & Adaptimmune Research support: Karyopharm Therapeutics, Deciphera, Blueprint Medicines, Pfizer, Adaptimmune, Merck, Roche/Genentech, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Medimmune, Amgen, GSK, AbbVie, Iterion Therapeutics. AM Gilligan: employee of Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. H Leong: employee of Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. X Ma: employee of Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. N Somaiah: consultant for Deciphera, Blueprint, Bayer Research Support from Ascentage, Astra-Zeneca, Daiichi-Sankyo, Deciphera, Eli Lilly, Karyopharm and GSK. SP Chawla: consultant for Amgen, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Threshold Pharmaceuticals, CytRx Corporation, Ignyta, Immune Design, TRACON Pharma, Karyopharm Therapeutics, SARC: Sarcoma Alliance for Research though Collaboration, Janssen, Advenchen Laboratories, Bayer, NKMax, InhibRx. Grants or contracts from Amgen, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Threshold Pharmaceuticals, CytRx Corporation, Ignyta, Immune Design, TRACON Pharma, Karyopharm Therapeutics, SARC: Sarcoma Alliance for Research though Collaboration, Janssen, Advenchen Laboratories, Bayer, InhibRx, NKMax. G Grignani: consultant for Eli Lilly, Novartis, Glaxo, Pharmamar, EISAI, Bayer, Merck. SM Schuetze: consultant – NanoCarrier, UpToDate. Research funding to institution – Adaptimmune, Amgen, Blueprint, Glaxo-SmithKline, Karyopharm. B Vincenzi: Consultant for Pharmamar Eisai, Lilly, Abbott, Novartis, Accord AJ Wagner: consultant for Daiichi-Sankyo, Deciphera, Eli Lilly, Epizyme, NovoCarrier, Mundipharma, and Research Support to My Institution from Aadi Bioscience, Daiichi-Sankyo, Deciphera, Eli Lilly, Karyopharm and Plexxikon. RL Jones: consultant for Adaptimmune, Athenex, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Blueprint, Clinigen, Eisai, Epizyme, Daichii, Deciphera, Immunedesign, Lilly, Merck, Pharmamar, Springworks, Tracon, Upto Date. J Shah: employee of Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. S Shacham: employee of Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. M Kauffman: employee of Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. RF Riedel: ownership - Limbguard, LLC (Spouse); Institutional Clinical Research Support - AADi, AROG, Blueprint, Daiichi-Sankyo, Deciphera, Glaxo-SmithKline, Karyopharm, Ignyta, Immune Design, NanoCarrier, Oncternal, Philogen, Plexxikon, Roche, Springworks, Tracon; Consultant/Advisor - Bayer, Blueprint, Daiichi-Sankyo, Deciphera, Ignyta, NanoCarrier. S Attia: reports research funding from Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation and research funding to their institution from: AB Science, TRACON Pharma, Bayer, Novartis, Lilly, Immune Design, Karyopharm Therapeutics, Epizyme, Blueprint Medicines, Genmab, CBA Pharma, Merck, Philogen, Gradalis, Deciphera, Takeda, Incyte, Springworks, Adaptimmune, Advenchen Laboratories, Bavarian Nordic, BTG, PTC Therapeutics, GlaxoSmithKline, FORMA Therapeutics. The authors have no other relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript apart from those disclosed.Peer reviewe

    Papillary Thyroid Cancer-Aggressive Variants and Impact on Management : A Narrative Review

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    Introduction Aggressive variants of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) have been described with increasing frequency. These variants include diffuse sclerosing variant, tall cell variant, columnar cell variant, solid variant, and hobnail variant. Methods We have performed a review of the more aggressive variants of PTC with respect to main characteristics, histological and molecular features, and the consequences that the knowledge of these variants should have in the treatment of the patients. Results At the present time, we do not know the prognostic value of these aggressive PTC variants. The extent of the surgical treatment and adjuvant therapy necessary should be decided on the basis of the extent of the tumor at presentation and the opinion of experienced clinicians. Conclusion These aggressive variants should be known by clinicians, to avoid underdiagnosis, and treated according to the latest recommendations in the literature.Peer reviewe

    Craniofacial surgery for nonmelanoma skin malignancy: Report of an international collaborative study

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    AbstractBackground.This study examined the efficacy of craniofacial surgery (CFS) in treating locally advanced nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC).Methods.One hundred twenty patients who underwent CFS for NMSC were identified from 17 participating institutions. Patient, tumor, and treatment information was analyzed for prognostic impact on survival.Results.Surgical margins were negative in 74%, close in 3%, and involved in 23% of patients. Complications occurred in 35% of patients, half of which were local wound problems. Operative mortality was 4%. Median follow‐up interval after CFS was 27 months. The 5‐year overall survival (OS), disease‐specific survival (DSS), and recurrence‐free survival (RFS) rates were 64%, 75%, and 60%, respectively. Squamous cell histology, brain invasion, and positive resection margins independently predicted worse OS, DSS, and RFS.Conclusion.CFS is an effective treatment for patients with NMSC invading the skull base. Histology, extent of disease, and resection margins are the most significant predictors of outcome. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck, 200

    Center of Excellence in Research Reporting in Neurosurgery - Diagnostic Ontology

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    Motivation: Evidence-based medicine (EBM), in the field of neurosurgery, relies on diagnostic studies since Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) are uncommon. However, diagnostic study reporting is less standardized which increases the difficulty in reliably aggregating results. Although there have been several initiatives to standardize reporting, they have shown to be sub-optimal. Additionally, there is no central repository for storing and retrieving related articles. Results: In our approach we formulate a computational diagnostic ontology containing 91 elements, including classes and sub-classes, which are required to conduct Systematic Reviews - Meta Analysis (SR-MA) for diagnostic studies, which will assist in standardized reporting of diagnostic articles. SR-MA are studies that aggregate several studies to come to one conclusion for a particular research question. We also report high percentage of agreement among five observers as a result of the interobserver agreement test that we conducted among them to annotate 13 articles using the diagnostic ontology. Moreover, we extend our existing repository CERR-N to include diagnostic studies. Availability: The ontology is available for download as an.owl file at: http://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/3013