48 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komunikasi Publik Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Layanan Publik Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di LPKA Kelas II Bandar Lampung

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    Sebagian besar masyarakat global tengah menghadapi permasalahan yang diakibatkan oleh adanya pandemi Covid-19. Pandemi tersebut mengakibatkan berbagai sektor mengalami keterpurukan yang signifikan. Pemerintah mengambil tindakan yang represif dengan membuat kebijakan yang memberlakukan adanya pembatasan interaksi secara langsung antar satu sama lain guna menekan persebaran pandemi Covid-19. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk mengurangi dampak dan resiko penularan Covid-19 antar satu orang ke orang lain. Pembatasan interaksi tersebut menyebabkan masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya tidak diperkenankan dengan konvensional untuk mendapatkan atau memenuhi kebutuhannya. Salah satu sektor yang mengalami dampak paling memprihatinkan adalah di sektor pelayanan publik. Pemerintah sebagai service provider bagi masyarakat di tuntut untuk memberikan pelayanan yang berkualitas karena salah satu fungsi pemerintahan yang kini semakin disorot masyarakat adalah pelayanan publik yang diselenggarakan oleh instansi-instansi pemerintah yang menyelenggarakan pelayanan publik. Fasilitas pelayanan publik yang diberikan oleh pemerintah baik di tingkat pusat maupun daerah kepada masyarakat merupakan salah satu wujud fungsi aparatur negara dalam melaksanakan tugas sebagai abdi masyarakat dan negara. Pemerintah dan seluruh stakeholder terkait perlu bersinergi satu sama lain dalam upaya peningkatan pelayan publik sehingga fungsi check and balance dalam pelaksanaan negara dapat dilaksanakan dengan sesuai koridor yang ada dan tidak menyalahi aturan. Sesuai dengan pengertian pelayanan publik dalam Undang-Undang No. 12 Tahun 1995. Diantaranya 3 yang berasosiasi dengan nilai-nilai politis dan disingkat dengan 3P, yang terdiri dari public participation , predictibality , dan procedural due process .Partisipasi masyarakat dapat dinilai dari keterlibatan kelompok-kelompok kepentingan, dan segenap unsur-unsur masyarakat didalam pengambilan keputusan secara demokratis. Kepastian layanan berarti bahwa pengambilan keputusan dilaksanakan berdasarkan kriteria yang objektif sehingga jika seseorang mendapat keputusan tertentu setelah memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan mak


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    Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh ukuran pemerintah daerah, kekayaan daerah, tingkat ketergantungan dan belanja modal terhadap kinerja keuangan pemerintah daerah se jawa tengah tahun 2018-2021. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan data sekunder. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah laporan neraca dan laporan realisasi anggaran. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pemerintah daerah di jawa tengah. Teknik yang digunakan sampling sensus dan didapatkan 140 sampel. Tetapi dilakukan transformasi data berkurang menjadi 132 sampel. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah aplikasi SPSS 25. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah variabel ukuran pemerintah daerah dan tingkat ketergantungan berpengaruh negatif terhadap kinerja keuangan pemerintah daerah, sedangkan variabel kekayaan daerah dan belanja modal berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja keuangan pemerintah daerah. Kata kunci: Ukuran Pemerintah Daerah, Kekayaan Daerah, Tingkat Ketergantungan, Belanja Modal, dan Kinerja Keuangan Pemerintah Daera

    The Application of Modified K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for Classification of Groundwater Quality Based on Image Processing and pH, TDS, and Temperature Sensors

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    The limited availability of water in remote areas makes rural communities pay less attention to the water quality they use. Water quality analysis is needed to determine the level of groundwater quality used using the Modified K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm to minimize exposure to a disease. The data used in this study was images combined with sensor data obtained from pH (Potential of Hydrogen), TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) sensors and Temperature Sensors. The test used the Weight voting value as the highest class majority determination and was evaluated using the K-Fold Cross Validation and Multi Class Confusion Matrix algorithms, obtaining the highest accuracy value of 78% at K-Fold = 2, K-Fold = 9, and K- Fold = 10. Meanwhile, the results of testing the effect of the K value obtained the highest accuracy value at K = 5 of 67.90% with a precision value of 0.32, 0.37 recall, and 0.33 F1-Score. From the results of the tests carried out, it can be concluded that most of the water conditions are suitable for use

    Multicultural Education-Based Instruction in Teaching English for Indonesian Islamic Higher Education

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    The paper report explores the lectures' perception of multicultural education- based instruction in teaching English in Indonesian Islamic higher education. It employs online survey research design utilizing google form to collect the data on lectures perception on multicultural education-based instruction in their classroom teaching practices. Research result reveals that there were apparent variances in the way the lecturer perceives their multicultural education-based instruction in teaching English in their classroom, and these differences influence their classroom teaching practices. The interconnection of the lecturer attitude on multicultural based instruction toward their classroom teaching practices led to three categories of the lectures such as (1) Highly Implemented Multicultural Education (HIME), (2) Moderately Implemented Multicultural Education (MIME), and (3) Lowly Implemented Multicultural Education (LIME). This study found that the more positive of the lecturer toward their multicultural based instruction, the better the teaching performance they have in the Indonesian EFL classroom. This study has short of expanding on the scholarly understanding of multicultural based instruction in teaching English at Indonesian Islamic higher educatio

    Indium Antimonide Nanowires: Synthesis and Properties

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    This article summarizes some of the critical features of pure indium antimonide nanowires (InSb NWs) growth and their potential applications in the industry. In the first section, historical studies on the growth of InSb NWs have been presented, while in the second part, a comprehensive overview of the various synthesis techniques is demonstrated briefly. The major emphasis of current review is vapor phase deposition of NWs by manifold techniques. In addition, author review various protocols and methodologies employed to generate NWs from diverse material systems via self-organized fabrication procedures comprising chemical vapor deposition, annealing in reactive atmosphere, evaporation of InSb, molecular/chemical beam epitaxy, solution-based techniques, and top-down fabrication method. The benefits and ill effects of the gold and self-catalyzed materials for the growth of NWs are explained at length. Afterward, in the next part, four thermodynamic characteristics of NW growth criterion concerning the expansion of NWs, growth velocity, Gibbs-Thomson effect, and growth model were expounded and discussed concisely. Recent progress in device fabrications is explained in the third part, in which the electrical and optical properties of InSb NWs were reviewed by considering the effects of conductivity which are diameter dependent and the applications of NWs in the fabrications of field-effect transistors, quantum devices, thermoelectrics, and detectors


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    This study was aimed at determining the factors that could influence a person’s decision to use mobile banking. In this study, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived credibility were considered exogenous variables, and social factors as mediators. This research used quantitative methods. The population in this study were Indonesian Sharia Bank customers who used BSI mobile banking services in the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi areas. A sample of 200 people was obtained using the purposive sampling method. The analysis technique used was the inner model, outer model, and hypothesis testing using SmartPLS 3.2.9. The results obtained in this study showed that perceived usefulness had a significant effect on decisions to use mobile banking, perceived ease of use had no significant effect, and perceived credibility had a significant effect. In addition, this study has also shown that social factors did not succeed in mediating other variables in the decision to use mobile banking

    Voices of English Department Students on Multicultural Values in an Indonesian Islamic Higher Education

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    Abstract This study aims to explore multicultural education values in an Islamic higher education institution. This research focuses particularly on students’ views on multicultural education values. This study aims to fill the absence of Islamic university students’ voices on multiculturalism. This study draws from several concepts of multicultural education values using multiple case studies approach. The data for this investigation is gained through semi-structure interviews and is analyzed through systematic approach. The result of the study shows that there is new themes appear in this research. These themes extends the existing multicultural values proposed and identified in the earlier studies. This study has both pedagogical and social implications

    Pemanfaatan Museum Sumpah Pemuda sebagai Sumber Belajar melalui Teknologi Virtual Reality

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     This research aims to explore the utilization of the Youth Pledge Museum as a learning resource through Virtual Reality (VR) or Virtual Tour technology, and to understand the process of using VR in history education. The research adopts a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The focus of the study includes three main components: 1) Museum collections and their management, 2) The process of utilizing the Youth Pledge Museum collections as a source of historical learning through VR technology, and 3) The role of teachers in history education through VR technology. Data for the research were collected through observation, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis related to the Youth Pledge Museum and the use of VR in history education. This article describes the various collections held by the Youth Pledge Museum and the technologies that have been developed, including Virtual Reality (VR), which can be used in history education. The steps for using VR in history education include: 1) Selecting a relevant Virtual Reality museum for the learning material, 2) Preparing the necessary applications and equipment, 3) Setting up an Android phone, 4) Ensuring internet connectivity, 5) Finding the link to the Virtual Reality content of the Youth Pledge Museum, 6) Accessing the discovered link and starting the Virtual Tour. As a form of technology-integrated learning, the use of VR is expected to accommodate the development of 21st-century skills and encourage students to become active learners. This approach aligns with the student-centered learning concept applied in the independent curriculum, allowing students to construct their own knowledge.Keywords: museums, youth pledges, learning resources, Virtual Reality

    Morphology and photoresponse of crystalline antimony film grown on mica by physical vapor deposition

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    Antimony is a promising material for the fabrication of photodetectors. This study deals with the growth of a photosensitive thin film by the physical vapor deposition (PVD) of antimony onto mica surface in a furnace tube. The geometry of the grown structures was studied via scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and elemental diffraction analysis. XRD peaks of the antimony film grown on mica mostly matched with JCPDF Card. The formation of rhombohedral crystal structures in the film was further confirmed by SEM micrographs and chemical composition analysis. The Hall measurements revealed good electrical conductivity of the film with bulk carrier concentration of the order of 1022 Ω·cm-3 and mobility of 9.034 cm2/Vs. The grown film was successfully tested for radiation detection. The photoresponse of the film was evaluated using its current-voltage characteristics. These investigations revealed that the photosensitivity of the antimony film was 20 times higher than that of crystalline germanium

    Pathological Mechanism of Atherosclerosis

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    Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial, smoldering, focal (intima of bifurcated blood arteries), chronic, progressive asymptotically, immune-inflammatory, disorder driven by lipid imbalance, in the large to medium sized (upto3mm external diameter) arteries with many cardiovascular clinical manifestations. Atherosclerosis developmentinvolves many cells, organs and even disturbed blood flow. The progression of atherosclerotic disease depends on the presence, degree, and persistence of risk factors like high-fat diet, smoking, hypertension, history of heart diseases, or diabetes. Endothelial dysfunction, ROS, accumulation of LDL, recruitment of Monocytes and T cells, differentiation of monocytes into macrophages and foam cells, formation of plaque and rupturing of plaque are key steps behind the clinical manifestation of atherosclerosis in cardiovascular diseases. This article describes the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, possibility of therapeutically targeting mechanism and interventions which can be helpful to reverse or slower the atherosclerosis.