305 research outputs found

    College professor perceptions of effective professor characteristics: A cross-cultural study

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    This study explores college professor perceptions of effective professor Characteristics through the lens of Media Naturalness Theory (MNT). A survey questionnaire was administered to samples of college professors in two countries (USA and Qatar) regarding their perceptions of effective professor’s characteristics. Demographic variables such as gender, age, discipline, rank, and teaching style were included in the questionnaire. The results of nonparametric analysis revealed significant differences in professors’ responses between the two samples. However, these differences were in the level of their ratings (e.g. very important versus important). The top five-rated characteristics were similar in both countries for each component of the media naturalness theory. Speech and body language components had the highest rating by professors in both countries. While gender was the most significant demographic factor that influenced professors’ perceptions for the American sample, discipline was the most critical factor for the Qatari sample. The second most crucial factor for both countries was teaching style. Even though the two groups differed in their ratings of effective professor characteristics, which could be partially explained by the cultural background differences between the two countries, professors agreed to be respectful of students, make class expectations clear, and explain course material clearly and concisely are the most important characteristics in both instruction delivery modes (face-to-face and online). Theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    La naturaleza jurídica de las decisiones de los tribunales constitucionales de Rusia y países extranjeros y la investigación de sus consecuencias psicológicas

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    The authors, on the basis of the importance of the activities of constitutional courts in the system of separation of powers in most countries, propose a comparative legal analysis of the normative and legal acts governing the procedure for the adoption and legal nature of decisions of these bodies. On the basis of the study of the legal consolidation of the activities of the constitutional courts, it was concluded that the decisions of the constitutional courts, possessing such characteristics as the possibility of abolishing the legal norm; the final character; the obligation of execution for all state authorities, organizations and citizens; and the moral authority, perform a law-making function, establish rules governing important relations in society and play a special role in ensuring and protecting fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms plays an important role in ensuring and protecting fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms and constitutions of the countries considered in this article.Los autores, sobre la base de la importancia de las actividades de los tribunales constitucionales en el sistema de separación de poderes en la mayoría de los países, proponen un análisis jurídico comparativo de los actos normativos y legales que rigen el procedimiento para la adopción y la naturaleza jurídica de las decisiones de estos cuerpos. Sobre la base del estudio de la consolidación jurídica de las actividades de los tribunales constitucionales, se concluyó que las decisiones de los tribunales constitucionales, que poseen características tales como la posibilidad de abolir la norma legal; el personaje final; la obligación de ejecución para todas las autoridades estatales, organizaciones y ciudadanos; y la autoridad moral, desempeñar una función legislativa, establecer reglas que rijan las relaciones importantes en la sociedad y desempeñar un papel especial en garantizar y proteger los derechos y libertades humanos y civiles fundamentales desempeña un papel importante en garantizar y proteger los derechos y libertades humanos y civiles fundamentales y constituciones de los países considerados en este artículo

    La naturaleza jurídica de las decisiones de los tribunales constitucionales de Rusia y países extranjeros y la investigación de sus consecuencias psicológicas

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    The authors, on the basis of the importance of the activities of constitutional courts in the system of separation of powers in most countries, propose a comparative legal analysis of the normative and legal acts governing the procedure for the adoption and legal nature of decisions of these bodies. On the basis of the study of the legal consolidation of the activities of the constitutional courts, it was concluded that the decisions of the constitutional courts, possessing such characteristics as the possibility of abolishing the legal norm; the final character; the obligation of execution for all state authorities, organizations and citizens; and the moral authority, perform a law-making function, establish rules governing important relations in society and play a special role in ensuring and protecting fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms plays an important role in ensuring and protecting fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms and constitutions of the countries considered in this article.Los autores, sobre la base de la importancia de las actividades de los tribunales constitucionales en el sistema de separación de poderes en la mayoría de los países, proponen un análisis jurídico comparativo de los actos normativos y legales que rigen el procedimiento para la adopción y la naturaleza jurídica de las decisiones de estos cuerpos. Sobre la base del estudio de la consolidación jurídica de las actividades de los tribunales constitucionales, se concluyó que las decisiones de los tribunales constitucionales, que poseen características tales como la posibilidad de abolir la norma legal; el personaje final; la obligación de ejecución para todas las autoridades estatales, organizaciones y ciudadanos; y la autoridad moral, desempeñar una función legislativa, establecer reglas que rijan las relaciones importantes en la sociedad y desempeñar un papel especial en garantizar y proteger los derechos y libertades humanos y civiles fundamentales desempeña un papel importante en garantizar y proteger los derechos y libertades humanos y civiles fundamentales y constituciones de los países considerados en este artículo

    Mechanical Characterization of Armchair and Zigzag Single-walled Carbon Nanotube

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    The stress-strain and Young’s modulus values of single-walled carbon nanotubes SWCNTs are modeled through linear finite element simulations and Matlab codes, in this study. Cylindrical zigzag and armchair single-walled are established as carbon nanostructures. An individual carbon nanotube (CNT) is simulated as a frame-like structure and the primary bonds between two nearest-neighboring carbon atoms are treated as 3D beam elements. The stiffness and the stress-strain curved of the SWCNTs are investigated. The effect domination of the nanotube diameter of the CNTs on Young’s modulus is studied. The simulation results acquired in this study are in good agreement with the experimental results

    The US influence in shaping Iraq's sectarian media

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    After the Anglo-American invasion, the US neo-conservative administration established the Iraqi Governing Council in July 2003, which included 25 members selected for their ethnic and religious origins; it was the most obvious sign of the US political separatist strategy. As a result of the new political reality, the Iraqi media was divided into ethno-sectarian lines, resulting from previous policies followed by the US administration. This article argues that the US media policy prior and after the US invasion of Iraq played a part in enhancing and encouraging the sectarian divisions in the Iraqi society. This was mainly done by sending biased media messages through the state-run Iraqi Media Network (IMN) and other US-aligned channels and allowing militant voices from different Iraqi sides to wage wars of words without interfering. In fact, the only time US officials interfered is when they were criticized by Iraqi media outlets. This study cites different US government reports, accounts from media practitioners who worked for IMN and other journalists that monitored the Iraqi media

    An agile educational framework: A response for the covid-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an emergent move in all countries across the world. All education institutions were forced to shut down until further notice and were forced to come up with creative solutions to continue with the learning process. Based on existing literature, students and faculty feedback, and interview responses obtained from top management of higher education institutions in several countries, this paper proposes an agile educational framework for higher education institutions to be better prepared for teaching/learning in the digital age for the long term, and for the upcoming academic years in the short term. The proposed framework encompasses the major components that contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of online, hybrid or traditional face-to-face instruction mode

    Perforación colónica por endoprótesis biliar impactada

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    Introducción. La colocación de endoprótesis biliares es cada día más frecuente por ser actualmente una de las mejores opciones para el tratamiento de patologías de la vía biliar. La migración de las endoprótesis es una de las complicaciones que puede ocurrir en hasta un 10,8 % de los pacientes, pero en muy raras ocasiones llegan a causar una perforación intestinal. Caso clínico. Se trata de una paciente de 61 años, a quien cinco años atrás se le realizó una colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica por coledocolitiasis. Consultó por presentar dolor abdominal, y al examen físico se encontraron abdomen agudo y plastrón en fosa ilíaca izquierda a la palpación. La tomografía computarizada informó un cuerpo extraño a nivel del colon descendente, con perforación del mismo. Se realizó laparotomía exploratoria y colostomía por perforación del colon sigmoides secundaria a prótesis biliar migrada. Resultados. La paciente evolucionó favorablemente y a los seis meses se realizó el cierre de la colostomía, sin complicaciones. Conclusión. Los pacientes a quienes se les colocan prótesis biliares requieren un seguimiento adecuado para evitar complicaciones que, aunque raras, pueden ocurrir, como la migración intestinal con perforación. El tratamiento de dichas complicaciones se hace por vía endoscópica, laparoscópica o laparotomía en caso de complicación severa