10 research outputs found

    Preparation, Spectroscopy, Biological Activities and Thermodynamic Studies of New Complexes of Some Metal Ions with 2-[5-(2-Hydroxy-Phenyl)- 1,3,4-Thiadiazol-2-Ylimino]-Methyl-Naphthalen-1-Ol]

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    تم في هذه الدراسة تحضير سلسلة جديدة من المعقدات ثنائية النواة رباعية السن (  (N2O2بصيغة M2L2.4H2O من عناصـر السلسلـة الانتقالية الأولى الكروم (III) الكوبلت (II) والنحاس (II) مع ليكند لقاعدة شيف (LH2) 2-[5-(2-Hydroxy-phenyl)- 1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-ylimino]-methyl-naphthalen-1-ol], المشتقة من تفاعل 1-Hydroxy-naphthalene-2-carbaldehyde مع 2-amino-5-(2-hydroxy-phenyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole. تم التحقق من الصيغ التركيبية لليكاندات المعقدات المحضرة بالطرائق الفيزيائية المعروفة مثل درجة الانصهار والتحليل الدقيق للعناصر (C.H.N.O), التوصيلية الكهربائية المولارية والحساسية المغناطيسية والتحليل الحراري (TGA) والأطياف الالكترونية وطيف الأشعة تحت الحمراء وتم تقدير نسبة الفلزات بطريقة الامتصاص الذري و ايجاد النسبة المئوية للكلوريد في المعقدات قياس طيف الكتلة (MS) و 1H-NMR لليكاندا المحضر على ضوء نتائج القياس اعلاه تم اقتراح شكل ثماني السطوح لجميع المعقدات من (Cr3+,Co2+,Cu2+). توضح قياس التوصيلة أن المعقــــــدات المحضرةCr3+,Co2+,Cu2+)  كانت غير إلكتروليت باستثناء Cr3+,. تم حساب الثوابت الديناميكية والثرموداينميكية مثل طاقة التنشيط Ea ، والانثالبية ΔH  ، الانتروبيا ΔS  والطاقة الحرة Gibbs ΔG  باستخدام معادلة Coats-Redfern بواسطة منحنى TGA. تم فحص النشاط الحيوي لقاعدة شيف والمعقدات المحضرة لأنواع من البكتيريا واظهرت نشاطًا كبيرًا ضد بعض والبكتيريا.This study describes the preparation of new series of tetra-dentate N2O2 dinuclear complexes (Cr3+, Co2+, Cu2+) of the Schiff base derived from condensation of 1-Hydroxy-naphthalene-2-carbaldehyde with 2-amino-5-(2-hydroxy-phenyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole. The structures of the ligands were identified using IR, UV-Vis , mass,  elemental analysis and 1H-NMR techniques. All prepared complexes have been characterized by conductance measurement, magnetic susceptibility, electronic spectra, infrared spectrum, theromgravimatric analysis (TGA) and metal analysis by atomic absorption. From stoichiometry of metal to ligand and all measurements show a octahedral geometry proposed for all complexes of the (Cr3+, Co2+, Cu2+). conductivity measurement shows that of the prepared (Co2+, Cu2+) complexes were non electrolyte but (Cr3+) complexes were electrolyte. The parameters of thermodynamic, activation energy Ea , enthalpy ΔH, entropy ΔS and Gibbs free energy ΔG   were calculated using Coats-Redfern method by the TGA curve. The bioactivity of the prepared (LH2) and its complexes have been examined with antibacterial activity which shows significant activity against some fungi and bacteria

    Synthesis, Spectroscopy of New Lanthanide Complexes with Schiff Base Derived From (4-Antipyrinecarboxaldehyde with Ethylene Di-Amine) and Study the Bioactivity

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              تضمنت الدراسة تحضير معقدات جديد من خلال الجمع بين قواعد شف الناتجة من مركبات اللانتيبايرين ، بما في ذلك أيونات اللانثانيدات (اللانثانوم، والنيوديميوم، والإربيوم، والجادولينيوم، والديسبروسيوم). حضر الليكاند من تفاعلات التكثيف (٤ - انتيبيرين كاربوكسالدهيد مع ايثلين داي امين) في درجة حرارة الغرفة، وتم تشخيصها باستخدام الدراسات الطيفية والتحليلية (أطياف الأشعة تحت الحمراء، الأطياف الإلكترونية (طيف الاشعة فوق البنفسجية-المرئية)، طيف الرنين النووي المغناطيسي،  طيف الكتلي، تحليل الدقيق للعناصر (الكاربون. الهيدروجين .النتروجين . الاوكسجين)، التحلل الحراري الوزني (TGA) ، بالإضافة إلى الحساسية المغناطيسية وقياس الموصلية المولارية للمعقدات، من بين النتائج التي حصلنا عليها من القياسات لاحضنا أن الليكاند يسلك مع ايونات اللانثانيدات (ثنائية النوى)   السلوك رباعي المخلب من خلال ذرتين من الأكسجين مجموعة الكاربونيل وذرتان نيتروجين مجموعة الآزوميثين مع جميع المعقدات  المحضرة و بنسبة مولية )1:1). تم التحقق من تناسق من خلال مشاركة ست مجاميع  من نترات ثنائية المخلب في التنسيق، وتشير إلى أن مجمعاتها تحتوي على قيم للعزم المغناطيسية ذات الصفة البارامغناطيسي، وبناءً على نتائج تلك القياسات، تم اقتراح الشكل الهندسي للمعقدات. تمت دراسة الفعالية البيولوجية لليكاند والمعقدات المحضرة باستخدام النشاط المضاد للبكتيريا، حيث أظهرت نتائج فعاليتها اتجاه البكتيريا المستخدمة (المكورات العنقودية الذهبية، العصوية الرقيقة، الإشريكية القولونية أو العصيات القولونية و الكَلِبْسية الرئوية) بتركيز(1×10-3 مول)The study involved preparing a new compound by combining Schiff bases generated from compounds for antipyrine, including lanthanide ions (lanthanum, neodymium, erbium, gadolinium, and dysprosium). The preparation of the ligand from condensation reactions (4-antipyrinecarboxaldehyde with ethylene di-amine) at room temperature, and was characterization using spectroscopic and analytical studies ( FT-IR, UV-visible spectra, 1H-NMR, mass spectrometry, (C.H.N.O), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), in addition to the magnetic susceptibility and conductivity measurement of the synthesis complexes, among the results we obtained from the tests, we showed that the ligand behaves with the (triple Valence) lanthanide ions, the multidentate behavior through two oxygen atoms of the carbonyl group and two nitrogen atoms of the azomethine group with all the prepared complexes in a molar ratio (1:1). The participation of six groups of bidentate nitrate in the coordination and indicating that their complexes have values of magnetic moment and paramagnetic character and, based on the results of those measurements, the geometrical shape of the complexes was proposed. The biological activity of the prepared complexes was studied using the antibacterial activity, as the results of its effectiveness showed the direction of the bacteria used (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae) at the concentration of 1×10-3

    Photostability Study of Some Modified Poly(vinyl chloride) Containing Pendant Schiff’s Bases

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    The polymers modified Poly(vinyl chloride) differ in their tendency to photo oxidation comparing with that unmodified. It has been studied Photostability for modified Poly(vinyl chloride) chains using Schiff’s bases derivative of (5-amino-1, 3, 4-thiadiazole-2-thiol) in a manner casting of plastic chips with thickness (40) in a solvent Tetrahydrofuran. It has been determined the effectiveness Photostability of these modified polymers through the photo degradation rate constant for photostabilizer (kd) for the modified Poly (vinyl chloride). Attributed efficiency of these Poly(vinyl chloride) chips in Photostability by replace the atom Cl Poly(vinyl chloride) chains ends more stable than light stabilizer

    Preparation, spectral characterization, structural study, and evaluation of antibacterial activity of Schiff base complexes for VOII, CrIII, MnII, ZnII,CdII and CeIII

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    A new series of metal ions complexes of VO(II), Cr(III), Mn(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Ce(III) have been synthesized from the Schiff bases (4-chlorobenzylidene)-urea amine (L1) and (4-bromobenzylidene)-urea amine (L2). Structural features were obtained from their elemental microanalyses, magnetic susceptibility, molar conductance, FT-IR, UV–Vis, LC-Mass and 1HNMR spectral studies. The UV–Vis, magnetic susceptibility and molar conductance data of the complexes suggest a tetrahedral geometry around the central metal ion except, VOII complexes that has square pyramidal geometry, but CrIII and CeIII octahedral geometry. The biological activity for the ligand (L1) and its Vanadium and Cadmium complexes were studied. Structural geometries of compounds also were suggested in gas phase by using theoretical treatments, using Hyper Chem-6 program for the molecular mechanics and semi-empirical calculations. The heat of formation (?Hf ?) and binding energy (?Eb) in the temperature of 298K for the free ligand (L1) and their metal complexes were calculated by PM3 and ZINDO/I methods. The electrostatic potential of the free ligands were calculated to investigate the reactive sites of the molecules.Bacteriological evaluation of considerable number of these compounds were maintained using organisms Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus,and they were found to exhibit the high effect of activity. This may be attributed to the impact of both the Schiff bases and the metal present in these complexes

    Preparation and Spectroscopic Studies of Some Metal Ion Complexes of 2-((4-Formyl-3-Hydroxynaphthalen-2-yl) Diazenyl) Benzoic Acid

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    New azo ligand 2-((4-formyl-3-hydroxynaphthalen-2-yl) diazenyl) benzoic acid (H2L) was synthesized from the reaction of 2-aminobenzoic acid and2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde. Monomeric complexes of this ligand, of general formulae [MII(L)(H2O)] with (MII = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pd, Cd and Hg ) were reported. The compounds were isolated and characterized in solid state by using 1H-NMR, FT-IR, UV–Vis and mass spectral studies, elemental microanalysis, metal content, magnetic moment measurements, molar conductance and chloride containing. These studies revealed tetrahedral geometries for all complexes except PdII complex is Square planar. The study of complexes formation via molar ratio of (M:L) as (1:1). Theoretical treatments of compounds in gas phase were studied using Hyper Chem-8 program has

    Mortality of emergency abdominal surgery in high-, middle- and low-income countries

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    Background: Surgical mortality data are collected routinely in high-income countries, yet virtually no low- or middle-income countries have outcome surveillance in place. The aim was prospectively to collect worldwide mortality data following emergency abdominal surgery, comparing findings across countries with a low, middle or high Human Development Index (HDI). Methods: This was a prospective, multicentre, cohort study. Self-selected hospitals performing emergency surgery submitted prespecified data for consecutive patients from at least one 2-week interval during July to December 2014. Postoperative mortality was analysed by hierarchical multivariable logistic regression. Results: Data were obtained for 10 745 patients from 357 centres in 58 countries; 6538 were from high-, 2889 from middle- and 1318 from low-HDI settings. The overall mortality rate was 1⋅6 per cent at 24 h (high 1⋅1 per cent, middle 1⋅9 per cent, low 3⋅4 per cent; P < 0⋅001), increasing to 5⋅4 per cent by 30 days (high 4⋅5 per cent, middle 6⋅0 per cent, low 8⋅6 per cent; P < 0⋅001). Of the 578 patients who died, 404 (69⋅9 per cent) did so between 24 h and 30 days following surgery (high 74⋅2 per cent, middle 68⋅8 per cent, low 60⋅5 per cent). After adjustment, 30-day mortality remained higher in middle-income (odds ratio (OR) 2⋅78, 95 per cent c.i. 1⋅84 to 4⋅20) and low-income (OR 2⋅97, 1⋅84 to 4⋅81) countries. Surgical safety checklist use was less frequent in low- and middle-income countries, but when used was associated with reduced mortality at 30 days. Conclusion: Mortality is three times higher in low- compared with high-HDI countries even when adjusted for prognostic factors. Patient safety factors may have an important role. Registration number: NCT02179112 (http://www.clinicaltrials.gov)

    Synthesis and characterization Studies of Metal Complexes with Schiff base derived from 4-[5-(2-hydoxy-phenyl)-[1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-ylimino methyl]-1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-1,2-dihydro-pyrazol-3-one

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    New metal complexes of the ligand 4-[5-(2-hydoxy-phenyl)-[1,3,4- oxadiazol -2-ylimino methyl]-1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-1,2-dihydro-pyrazol-3-one (L) with the metal ions Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) were prepared in alcoholic medium. The Schiff base was synthesized through condensate of [4-antipyrincarboxaldehyde] with[2-amino-5-(2-hydroxy-phenyl-1,3,4- oxadiazol] in alcoholic medium . Two tetradentate Schiff base ligand were used for complexation upon two metal ions of Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ as dineucler formula M2L2.4H2O. The metal complexes were characterized by FTIR Spectroscopy, electronic Spectroscopy, elemental analysis, magnetic susceptidbility measurements, and also the ligand was characterized by 1H-NMR spectra, and mass spectra. The Structures of complexes were proposed from the measurements

    Poly(vinyl Chloride) Photostabilization in the Presence of Schiff Bases Containing a Thiadiazole Moiety

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    Five Schiff bases containing a thiadiazole moiety have been used as poly(vinyl chloride) photostabilizers at low concentrations. The efficiency of Schiff bases as photostabilizers was investigated using various techniques, for example, the changes in poly(vinyl chloride) infrared spectra, molecular weight, chain scission quantum yield, and surface morphology were monitored upon irradiation with an ultraviolet light. Evidently, all the additives used inhibited poly(vinyl chloride) photodegradation at a significant level. The most efficient Schiff base exhibited a high level of aromaticity and contained a hydroxyl group. It seems possible that such photostabilization could be due to the direct absorption of ultraviolet radiation by the additives. In addition, Schiff bases could act as radical scavengers and proton transfer facilitators to stabilize the polymeric materials

    Global economic burden of unmet surgical need for appendicitis

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    Background There is a substantial gap in provision of adequate surgical care in many low- and middle-income countries. This study aimed to identify the economic burden of unmet surgical need for the common condition of appendicitis. Methods Data on the incidence of appendicitis from 170 countries and two different approaches were used to estimate numbers of patients who do not receive surgery: as a fixed proportion of the total unmet surgical need per country (approach 1); and based on country income status (approach 2). Indirect costs with current levels of access and local quality, and those if quality were at the standards of high-income countries, were estimated. A human capital approach was applied, focusing on the economic burden resulting from premature death and absenteeism. Results Excess mortality was 4185 per 100 000 cases of appendicitis using approach 1 and 3448 per 100 000 using approach 2. The economic burden of continuing current levels of access and local quality was US 92492millionusingapproach1and92 492 million using approach 1 and 73 141 million using approach 2. The economic burden of not providing surgical care to the standards of high-income countries was 95004millionusingapproach1and95 004 million using approach 1 and 75 666 million using approach 2. The largest share of these costs resulted from premature death (97.7 per cent) and lack of access (97.0 per cent) in contrast to lack of quality. Conclusion For a comparatively non-complex emergency condition such as appendicitis, increasing access to care should be prioritized. Although improving quality of care should not be neglected, increasing provision of care at current standards could reduce societal costs substantially

    Global economic burden of unmet surgical need for appendicitis

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    Background There is a substantial gap in provision of adequate surgical care in many low- and middle-income countries. This study aimed to identify the economic burden of unmet surgical need for the common condition of appendicitis. Methods Data on the incidence of appendicitis from 170 countries and two different approaches were used to estimate numbers of patients who do not receive surgery: as a fixed proportion of the total unmet surgical need per country (approach 1); and based on country income status (approach 2). Indirect costs with current levels of access and local quality, and those if quality were at the standards of high-income countries, were estimated. A human capital approach was applied, focusing on the economic burden resulting from premature death and absenteeism. Results Excess mortality was 4185 per 100 000 cases of appendicitis using approach 1 and 3448 per 100 000 using approach 2. The economic burden of continuing current levels of access and local quality was US 92492millionusingapproach1and92 492 million using approach 1 and 73 141 million using approach 2. The economic burden of not providing surgical care to the standards of high-income countries was 95004millionusingapproach1and95 004 million using approach 1 and 75 666 million using approach 2. The largest share of these costs resulted from premature death (97.7 per cent) and lack of access (97.0 per cent) in contrast to lack of quality. Conclusion For a comparatively non-complex emergency condition such as appendicitis, increasing access to care should be prioritized. Although improving quality of care should not be neglected, increasing provision of care at current standards could reduce societal costs substantially