2,468 research outputs found

    Notch Signaling Activation Promotes Seizure Activity in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

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    Notch signaling in the nervous system is often regarded as a developmental pathway. However, recent studies have suggested that Notch is associated with neuronal discharges. Here, focusing on temporal lobe epilepsy, we found that Notch signaling was activated in the kainic acid (KA)-induced epilepsy model and in human epileptogenic tissues. Using an acute model of seizures, we showed that DAPT, an inhibitor of Notch, inhibited ictal activity. In contrast, pretreatment with exogenous Jagged1 to elevate Notch signaling before KA application had proconvulsant effects. In vivo, we demonstrated that the impacts of activated Notch signaling on seizures can in part be attributed to the regulatory role of Notch signaling on excitatory synaptic activity in CA1 pyramidal neurons. In vitro, we found that DAPT treatment impaired synaptic vesicle endocytosis in cultured hippocampal neurons. Taken together, our findings suggest a correlation between aberrant Notch signaling and epileptic seizures. Notch signaling is up-regulated in response to seizure activity, and its activation further promotes neuronal excitation of CA1 pyramidal neurons in acute seizures

    Labour Market and Social Policy in Italy: Challenges and Changes. Bertelsmann Policy Brief #2016/02

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    vEight years after the outbreak of the financial crisis, Italy has still to cope with and overcome a plethora of economic and social challenges. On top of this, it faces an unfavourable demographic structure and severe disparities between its northern and southern regions. Some promising reforms have recently been enacted, specifically targeting poverty and social exclusion. However, much more remains to be done on the way towards greater economic stability and widely shared prosperity

    Leibniz algebras constructed by Witt algebras

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    We describe infinite-dimensional Leibniz algebras whose associated Lie algebra is the Witt algebra and we prove the triviality of low-dimensional Leibniz cohomology groups of the Witt algebra with the coefficients in itself

    Quasiparticle Liquid in the Highly Overdoped Bi2212

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    We present results from the study of a highly overdoped (OD) Bi2212 with a Tc=51T_{c}=51K using high resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The temperature dependent spectra near the (π,0\pi,0) point show the presence of the sharp peak well above TcT_{c}. From the nodal direction, we make comparison of the self-energy with the optimally doped and underdoped cuprates, and the Mo(110) surface state. We show that this OD cuprate appears to have properties that approach that of the Mo. Further analysis shows that the OD has a more kk-independent lineshape at the Fermi surface than the lower-doped cuprates. This allows for a realistic comparison of the nodal lifetime values to the experimental resistivity measurements via Boltzmann transport formulation. All these observations point to the validity of the quasiparticle picture for the OD even in the normal state within a certain energy and momentum range.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure


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    Penulisan penelitian hukum ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dasar hukum menurut jaksa penuntut umum digunakannya saksi mahkota serta kedudukan dan nilai pembuktian saksi mahkota dalam pandangan hakim sebagai alat bukti dalam kasus perkara No. Reg. Perk : PDS-01/SKRTA/Ft.1/03/2010. Pengertian saksi mahkota dalam putusan Mahkamah Agung RI No.1986 K/Pid/1989 adalah teman terdakwa yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama yang diajukan sebagai saksi untuk membuktikan dakwaan penuntut umum dalam hal ini perkaranya dipisah dikarenakan kurangnya alat bukti. Tetapi dalam perkembangannya di dalam Putusan Mahkamah Agung RI No. 1174/K/Pid/1994 tanggal 3 Mei 1995, Putusan Mahkamah Agung RI No. 1590/K/Pid/1995 tanggal 3 Mei 1995 dan Putusan Mahkamah Agung RI No. 1592/K/Pid/1995 tanggal 3 Mei 1995 tidak membenarkan adanya penggunaan saksi mahkota. Menurut putusan ini saksi mahkota juga pelaku yang diajukan sebagai terdakwa dalam dakwaan yang terpisah sehingga hal ini dianggap sebagai pelanggaran hak asasi terdakwa. Pada kenyataannya dalam praktek peradilan di Indonesia masih sering digunakannya saksi mahkota dalam mengatasi masalah kurangnya alat bukti saksi. P e n u lisa n H u k u m ini term asu k dala m je nis p en elitia n h u k u m e m p iris ata u non doctrinal y a itu pe n elitia n ya n g d ilak u ka n se ca ra la n gsu n g de n ga n m e m b a n d in gk a n h u k u m da la m ha l te o ritis de n ga n m e n ga m ati pe rila k u ya n g te rjad i d idala m m a sya rak at. Penulisan hukum ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu bahwa selain dari Putusan Mahkamah Agung RI tidak ada dasar hukum mengenai saksi mahkota dan penggunaan saksi mahkota dalam perkara No.Reg.Perk : PDS- 01/SKRTA/Ft.1/03/2010 berkait korupsi di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Surakarta dibenarkan didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip tertentu yaitu terdapat kekurangan alat bukti, dalam perkara delik penyertaan (Deelneming), diperiksa dengan mekanisme pemisahan (Splitsing). S aksi mahkota dalam kasus ini berkedudukan murni sebagai saksi karena memenuhi syarat sebagai saksi sesuai Pasal 1 angka 26 KUHAP maka sah untuk dapat diperiksa sebagai saksi, sehingga majelis hakim akan menerima dan mengakui kesaksian dari saksi mahkota ini dan akan digunakan sebagai pertimbangkan dalam menyusun putusan. Kata kunci : saksi mahkota

    Effects of Normative Aging on Eye Movements during Reading

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    Substantial progress has been made in understanding the mostly detrimental effects of normative aging on eye movements during reading. This article provides a review of research on aging effects on eye movements during reading for different writing systems (i.e., alphabetic systems like English compared to non-alphabetic systems like Chinese), focused on appraising the importance of visual and cognitive factors, considering key methodological issues, and identifying vital questions that need to be addressed and topics for further investigation

    Enhancing staff attitudes, knowledge and skills in supporting the self-determination of adults with intellectual disability in residential settings in Hong Kong: A pretest-posttest comparison group design

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    Background: The ecological perspective recognizes the critical role that is played by rehabilitation personnel in helping people with intellectual disability (ID) to exercise self-determination, particularly in residential settings. In Hong Kong, the authors developed the first staff training programme of its kind to strengthen the competence of personnel in this area. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of staff training in enhancing residential staff's attitudes, knowledge and facilitation skills in assisting residents with ID to exercise self-determination. Methods: A pretest-posttest comparison group design was adopted. Thirty-two participants in an experimental group attended a six-session staff training programme. A 34-item self-constructed scale was designed and used for measuring the effectiveness of the staff training. Results: The results showed that the experimental group achieved statistically significant positive changes in all domains, whereas no significant changes were found in the comparison group. Conclusions: The findings provided initial evidence of the effectiveness of staff training that uses an interactional attitude-knowledge-skills model for Chinese rehabilitation personnel. The factors that contributed to its effectiveness were discussed and recommendations for future research were made. © Journal Compilation © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.postprin

    Particle physics models of inflation

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    Inflation models are compared with observation on the assumption that the curvature perturbation is generated from the vacuum fluctuation of the inflaton field. The focus is on single-field models with canonical kinetic terms, classified as small- medium- and large-field according to the variation of the inflaton field while cosmological scales leave the horizon. Small-field models are constructed according to the usual paradigm for beyond Standard Model physicsComment: Based on a talk given at the 22nd IAP Colloquium, ``Inflation +25'', Paris, June 2006 Curve omitted from final Figur