40 research outputs found

    Business Process Management for Increase Efficiency Process on Leads Generation Acquisition in Saas Company (a Case Study Approach)

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    Customer acquisition is the backbone in the growth and development of a company, especially for startups. Companies can build business processes to create opportunities for potential prospects who can convert into new customers who gain trust and are ready to make a purchase. However, in this process various obstacles were encountered, such as the ineffective process of managing prospective customer data, the level of accuracy and validity of data to the low conversion rate of data from prospective users to become new customers. This research was conducted by a startup company in Indonesia engaged in the Software as Services (SaaS) industry. The approach used in the above problems is business process management (BPM) which is able to re-design and abstract the currently running processes to produce more efficient and logical business processes. This BPM approach is carried out with a business process management lifecycle framework that is capable of structuring and standardizing processes into processes of identification, discovery, analysis, redesign, implementation, monitoring and controlling. This study provides an overview and recommendations of companies that are arranged systematically starting from the findings of both quantitative and qualitative data, then analyzing the process, establishing a new, more efficient business model to measuring post-implementation impacts. The use of the BPM lifecycle method is intended to improve data accuracy, speed up the process of managing prospective customer data so that in the end it is able to contribute and increase company revenue

    Analysis Software Developer Productivity Based On Work Schedule Scheme With Git Commit Metric And Deployment With CI/CD

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    Pada bulan Desember 2019, terjadi pandemi COVID-19 sehingga membuat PT. XYZ mewajibkan karyawannya untuk bekerja dari rumah dan bekerja dari kantor secara bergantian berdasarkan skema jadwal kerja yang ditentukan oleh PT. XYZ secara acak berdasarkan tim yang ada. Produktivitas bagi Pengembang Perangkat Lunak saat ini masih belum memiliki nilai yang pasti tentang bagaimana menilai produktivitas seorang Pengembang Perangkat Lunak. Hal inilah yang membuat penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji lebih lanjut produktivitas pengembang perangkat lunak di PT. XYZ berada di antara skema jadwal kerja tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini kami melakukan investigasi terhadap produktivitas pengembang perangkat lunak berdasarkan skema jadwal kerja yang telah ditentukan dari perusahaan, PT.XYZ menerapkan 3 skema untuk jadwal karyawan, yang kemudian disesuaikan dengan kondisi pandemi COVID yang terjadi agar sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah , skemanya adalah, 2 hari WFO 3 hari WFH, 3 hari WFO 2 hari WFH, 4 hari WFO 1 hari WFH untuk menghindari banyaknya karyawan yang bekerja dari kantor pusat PT. XYZ, kemudian kumpulan data yang dikumpulkan dari aktivitas kontribusi pada repositori PT.XYZ GitHub berdasarkan git commit dan bergabung ke cabang master, kemudian akan di-deploy menggunakan CI/CD. sesuai dengan skema jadwal kerja. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa skema jadwal kerja 3 WFH dan 2 WFO memiliki tingkat produktivitas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan skema lainnya. Dari jenis proyek, Back-end memiliki kontribusi lebih dibandingkan dengan Front-end serta bahasa pemrograman

    Analysis Of Factors Affecting Users Of Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) Online Case Study At The Humbang Hasundutan Police

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    Informasi Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) merupakan salah satu sarana untuk melaksanakan tugas pokok Polri dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Permintaan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) biasanya dilakukan secara manual, namun untuk meningkatkan pelayanan terhadap SKCK, Polres Humbang Hasundutan mengusulkan untuk menerapkan Surat Permintaan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) secara online. Metode yang digunakan dalam analisis studi kasus ini adalah metode Delone dan McLean yang dimodifikasi dengan metode TAM. Responden penelitian berjumlah 187 orang dengan syarat pernah menggunakan website online Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK). Pengujian data akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan software SMART-PLS. Analisis dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pengguna layanan Informasi Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) terhadap peningkatan kualitas layanan online. Variabel penelitian dalam studi kasus ini terdiri dari System Quality, Information Quality, Service Quality, Perceived Usefulness, dan Perceived Ease of Use. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Information Quality, Service Quality berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan pengguna

    Step-Function Approach for E-Learning Personalization

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    Personalization is an alternative to improve the learning process for an e-Learning environment. It is a useful strategy to adjust the student' needs based on their characteristics to make learning more effectively. In this study, we propose the step-function approach for personalization in e-learning. It provides the students with adopting the knowledge-ability factor (Novice, Average, or Good category) that matches with their learning materials levels (Level1, Level2, or Level3). The approach implemented into an e-learning which called SCELE-PDE and used as the experimental group in two stages with different scenarios. In the first, without a step-function approach, but the SCELE-PDE can identify an initial of student's ability to knowledge category. The second stage has used the approach to providing students with personalization in e-Learning to adapt learning material based on a knowledge category. As a result, the step-function approach has successfully to improve the student performance in the learning process during the course. Thus, the approach has shown an increase in the level of students’ knowledge. So, it can be used as a guide when designing an e-learning personalization for students to enhance learning and achievement

    E-Learning Model for Equivalency Education Program in Indonesia

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    with the emergence of e-Learning, governments provide opportunities for online learning, whether formal or informal.  However, most of e-learning systems in Indonesia have been used at formal education environments, today. Therefore, this study proposes an E-Learning model to support non-formal education in Indonesia. This model is called as E-learning for the Equivalency Education Program (E-LEEP) model. The E-LEEP consists of three components: User, Education Program, and Monitoring. The user will be students and tutor. The education program includes Package A,  Package B,  and Package C  for elementary school, junior  high school, and senior  high school respectively. The monitoring will be used by institution and stakeholders. Each component will support the needs of students programs in e-Learning environment, in order to achieve the goal learning

    Employee Performance Measurement in Teleworking Using Balanced Scorecard

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    Key Performance Indicator (KPI) must be aligned with the development of the organization. PT. Mitra Intregrasi Informatika (MII) in its development decided to change the traditional way of work to modern telework. This encourages companies to adjust employee’s KPI from the traditional way of work turns in to telework. In order to perform KPI measurement of its employees based on teleworking, this research uses balanced scorecard method approach that is by taking into account financial, customer, and internal business process and learning and growth perspective. The results of this study are the design proposal KPI employees to accommodate telework at the company. Then KPI employee test results showed an increase in the average value of the employee KPI of 0.295 points (9.47%) of the old KPI. Thus, it is recommended to the company to implement the employee KPI

    E-Learning Effectiveness Analysis in Developing Countries: East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Perspective

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    The adoption of e-learning in developing countries like Indonesian Universities have been focused in urban areas like the big cities, especially in Java island. There is a lack of development of e-learning in a remote city like Kupang East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia which is located far away from the capital city. This research aims to assess the effectiveness of e-learning by analyzing three factors in one of the higher institution in Kupang city, i.e. Sekolah Tinggi Kesehatan Citra Mandiri Husada Kupang (STIKes CHMK). The factors include culture, technology and infrastructure, and content satisfaction. The data were collected using questionnaires. Research shows that with proper preparation for e-learning, the acceptance of e-learning in rural areas is significantly high. This finding suggests that e-learning can greatly benefit the students like Kupang city in developing countries

    Examining the Security Issues of Automated Teller Machine Based on Revised Technology Acceptance Model

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    Trust of using automated teller machine (ATM) is a daunting task for many Indonesians, where the security issues associated with it, still haunting them. The paper examines the collaborative issues related to the ATM security such as: perceived usefulness and ease of use, perceived security, trust, intention to use and actual system use, by using revised technical acceptance model (TAM) according to the banking purposes. The study takes customer samples of major leading banks in Indonesia and expected to present the current situation faced by many Indonesians when dealing with the ATM security. The outcome will be valuable inputs for the policy makers of the banks to establish further strategy to cope with integrated security issues related to ATM use

    Evaluasi Penerapan Knowledge Management Menggunakan Framework North And Probst Studi Kasus Divisi Planning And Deployment PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia

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    Abstrak: Evaluasi penerapan manajemen pengetahuan perlu dilakukan agar perusahaan dapat menentukan efektivitas manajemen pengetahuan untuk membantu meningkatkan kinerja karyawan dan juga menyediakan referensi bagi perusahaan dalam mengambil keputusan ketika akan mengembangkan manajemen pengetahuan yang ada. PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia membuat portaltelkom.co.id sebagai bentuk kepedulian perusahaan dalam mendukung pengembangan pengetahuan dan untuk memfasilitasi karyawan dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan. Penggunaan kerangka utara dan Probst dalam pengukuran ketika mengevaluasi manajemen pengetahuan terbukti memberikan hasil yang signifikan. Perhitungan skala linkert dan pengujian persentase aktual mencapai kesimpulan yang sama, yaitu manajemen pengetahuan di PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia sudah baik (skala linkert = 4.01 sedangkan persentase aktual = 82,20%). Situasi ini memenuhi keinginan perusahaan, sehingga manajemen pengetahuan yang tidak perlu diganti. Kata kunci: knowledge management, performance measurement, evaluation frameworks. Abstract: Evaluation of the application of the knowledge management needs to be done so that the company can determine the effectiveness of knowledge management to help improve employee performance and also provide a reference for the company in taking a decision when it will develop existing knowledge management. PT Telecommunications Indonesia makes portaltelkom.co.id as a form of corporate concern in supporting the development of knowledge and to facilitate the employee in completing the work. The use of framework north and Probst in measurement when evaluating knowledge management is proven to yield significant results. Linkert scale calculation and testing of the actual percentage reached the same conclusion, namely knowledge management at PT Telecommunications Indonesia has been good (scale linkert = 4.01 while the percentage of actual = 82.20%). This situation meets the wishes of the company, so the knowledge management that there is no need to be replaced