808 research outputs found

    Samarkand the Shah Zinde Buildings

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    Semerkand, Türk Kültür tarihi için Asya tarihi coğrafyasındaki en önemli kentlerden birisidir. Kent peyzajını oluşturan tarihi yapıların, eş zamanlı veya daha sonraki yüzyıllarda İran ve Anadolu’da inşa edilen yapılarla kaynaklık ya da gelenek ilişkilerini belirlemesi açısından; onun da ötesinde daha doğuda Karahanlı coğrafyasındaki daha eski Türk mimarlık eserleriyle Anadolu arasındaki köprüyü oluşturması bakımından önemleri büyüktür. Kentin kuzeyinde kalan tarihi Afrâsiyâb höyüğü üzerinde yer alan ortaçağ dokusu içindeki yapılar arasında da Şah-ı Zinde yapıları özellikle önem taşırlar.676 yılında , Maveraünnehirde Müslümanlığın yayılmasına çalıştığı sırada öldüğü rivayet edilen Hz. Muhammed’in yeğeni Kasım b. Abbas (Kussam ibn’- el Abbas abd’- el Muttalib)’ın mezarının etrafında daha sonraki dönemlerde yapılan türbelerle oluşan bu yapılar topluluğu, Kasım b. Abbas’ın şehit olmasına izafeten Bakara suresi’nin 154. ayetinden hareketle Şah-ı Zinde (Yaşayan Şah) olarak isimlendirilmiştir. Kasım b. Abbas’ın mezarının üzerine 11.yüzyılda ilk türbe ve hemen yanına küçük bir mescid’in yapılmasının ardından 14. yüzyıldan sonra yoğun fakat seçkinci bir anlayış ve üslupla yeni türbeler ve bazı müştemilatları inşa edilmiştir

    Syrian immigrants in Turkey: services, satisfaction and suggestions for policy-making

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    Due to the 8 years’ war in Syria, Turkey faced the immigration of more than 3.5 million Syrian refugees. About a million of them are settled in the region Çukurova. Allthough most of them do not have a permanent residence permit it may be expected that a vast number of these Syrian migrants will settle permanently. The majority of this immigrant population is non or low-educated; they rarely participate in education programmes and intercultural communication disorders with the local community and societal tensions occur. Surveys have been conducted among adult Syrian immigrants living in Çukurova in order to identify whether their satisfaction about local services. Secondly, services and communication strategies of public institutions, municipalities and NGOs in the Adana, the main city in the region have been analysed in order to identify the range and effects of their services. Assuming that a lack of integration and intercultural communication disorders cause disturbance in the local communities, this study aims to investigate possible solutions - with the use of the integration policy of the Netherlands – in order to prevent societal unrest.

    Assessing the Knowledge Sharing in Terms of Risk Level In-House Service Sector Assisted with Logistic Regression Model

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    AbstractThere is an increasing emphasis on the importance of knowledge sharing for organizational performance and effectiveness both private and public sectors thorough the dimension of globalization. Knowledge sharing activities creates opportunities for business and organizations to gain sustainable competitive advantage in the market place. The aim of this study is to analysed and examined effectiveness of knowledge sharing in service sector from the side of employee's perceptions. Logistic regression model is applied in this study. Before the factors that affecting in-house knowledge sharing has been identified, after then these factors have been ranked according to their risk levels. The highest risk in knowledge sharing in-house has been found the role of top management which ranked according to the level of risk. The second highest risk in knowledge sharing in-house has been seen on the technological infrastructure and information systems of knowledge sharing. Third place risk in knowledge sharing in-house has been seen on trust and relationships between employees and managers. Fourth degree of risk in knowledge sharing in-house has been found the nature of knowledge and comprehension of the strategic importance of knowledge. The lowest risk in knowledge sharing in-house has been found on intrinsic motivation

    Yahya Kemal'le

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 182-Yahya Kemal Beyatlı. Not: Gazetenin "Bir Bakıma" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır.İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033