321 research outputs found

    Ectopic premolar tooth in the sigmoid notch

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    Impaction of a mandibular premolar is relatively uncommon. Ectopic placement is more unusual and there has been no discussion in the literature of an ectopic mandibular premolar in the coronoid process. In this case report, we present an impacted ectopic mandibular permanent premolar in the sigmoid notch (incisura mandibulae) region. Etiology of the tooth and treatment options are discussed and illustrated by Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) images

    A Fail-safe, Bi-Linear Liquid Spring, Controllable Magnetorheological Fluid Damper for a Three-dimensional Earthquake Isolation System

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    Building codes governing building design and construction require that loss of human life is not anticipated during a large, infrequently occurring earthquake. However, earthquake-induced damage to the building load carrying components, nonstructural components, including architectural and mechanical systems, and internal equipment or contents, is still expected in code compliant buildings. Recent earthquakes have shown that economic losses are dominated by damage to nonstructural components and contents. Seismic isolation systems, which consist of layers of rubber or friction bearings separating the building from its foundation, are effective in protecting buildings from damage due to horizontal ground shakings. However, recent realistic large-scale earthquake shaking tests have shown that nonstructural components and contents in isolated buildings are susceptible to damage from vertical motions. In this study, a fail-safe, bi-linear liquid spring, controllable magnetorheological (MR) damper is designed, built and tested. The device combines the controllable MR damping in addition to the fail-safe viscous damping and liquid spring features on a single unit serving as the vertical component of the building suspension system itself. The controllable MR damping offers an advantage in the case that the earthquake intensity might be higher than that of the design conditions. The bi-linear liquid spring feature provides two different stiffnesses in compression and rebound modes. The higher stiffness in the rebound mode can prevent a possible overturning of the structure during rocking mode of vibrations.The device can be stacked together along with the traditional elastomeric bearings that are currently used to absorb the horizontal ground motions. In the occasion of an earthquake, it is not only exposed to vertical excitations, but also large residual shear excitations. It has to pass these shear forces between the ground and isolated structure. The theoretical and simulation modeling to overcome this major challenge and achieve other system requirements are presented. In addition, a comprehensive optimization program is developed in ANSYS platform to achieve all design requirements. The fabrication and experimental procedures are discussed. The test results showed that the device performed successfully under the combined axial and shear loadings. To our knowledge, this is the first device that not only can provide large damping and spring forces, but can also operate simultaneously under combined axial and shear loadings. The test results are compared against the theoretical modeling, and the results are discussed

    The influence of strong time-dependent oscillations on semilinear damped wave models

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    In this thesis, we are interested in damped wave models with time-dependent propagation speed and time-dependent damping term both having a time-dependent oscillation term. The main goal of this thesis is to understand the influence of strong time-dependent oscillations on Sobolev solutions to the linear models and consequently, to the semilinear models. Especially, due to the deteriorating influence of oscillations on solutions, a stabilization condition and higher-order regularity of the time-dependent coefficients may compensate 'bad behaviors' arising from oscillations.:1. Introduction 2. The influence of oscillations on linear damped wave equation with time-dependent coefficients 3. Global in time existence results for damped wave models with power nonlinearity 4. Global in time existence results for damped wave models with different power nonlinearities 5. Lp-Lq estimates for wave equations with strong time-dependent oscillations 6. Further research topics A. Basic tools B. List of symbols and abbreviations Bibliograph

    Visco-elastic damped wave models with time-dependent coefficient

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    In this paper, we study the following Cauchy problem for linear visco-elastic damped wave models with a general time-dependent coefficient g=g(t)g=g(t): \begin{equation} \label{EqAbstract} \tag{\star} \begin{cases} u_{tt}- \Delta u + g(t)(-\Delta)u_t=0, &(t,x) \in (0,\infty) \times \mathbb{R}^n, \\ u(0,x)= u_0(x),\quad u_t(0,x)= u_1(x), &x \in \mathbb{R}^n. \end{cases} \end{equation} We are interested to study the influence of the damping term g(t)(Δ)utg(t)(-\Delta)u_t on qualitative properties of solutions to \eqref{EqAbstract} as decay estimates for energies of higher order and the parabolic effect. The main tools are related to WKB-analysis. We apply elliptic as well as hyperbolic WKB-analysis in different parts of the extended phase space


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    This research was carried out on eight-year-old trees of the Mondial Gala (Malus domestica Borkh) cultivars grafted on the M9 rootstock in order to determine its performance in the Mediterranean region with subtropical climatic conditions in Mersin, Turkey. In the study, flowering times, yield and fruit quality parameters were investigated. Mondial Gala planted with planting spaces of 1x3 m. According to the results, first flowering was observed on April 1, full flowering on April 10 and end of flowering on April 17, and fruits were harvested at the end of July. The fruit weight (average 223.2 g), the yield per tree (average 22.6 kg), and yield per trunk cross-sectional area was observed as 0.56 kg/cm2 at the end of the eighth year. Observed values indicated that Mondial Gala summer apple cultivars were found to be promising for early apple growing in the higher parts of subtropical ecological conditions of Turkey

    Bacteria in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Southern Black Sea Region of Turkey - A Survey

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    Thirty-two freshwater rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farms, two rain- bow trout marine cages, and one research station in the Black Sea region of Turkey were surveyed for bacterial pathogens and diseases in 2006- 2008. Forty bacterial isolates were phenotypically identified in 558 fish. Yersiniosis, furunculosis, vibriosis, motile Aeromonas septicemia, bacterial cold water disease, and Pseudomonas infection were recorded. Infections caused by Yersinia ruckeri, A. hydrophila, and A. salmonicida occurred most frequently, but one or two outbreaks of P. putida, Flavobacterium psy- chrophilum, and P. luteola infection were also recorded. Most of the bacte- ria were isolated in spring and summer rather than fall and winter. Susceptibility to antibiotics was fairly consistent regardless of geographic area or year of isolation. Fifty percent or more of the bacteria were resistant to ampicillin, cephalothin, erythromycin, neomycin, sulfamethoxazole, tetra- cycline, and O/129. The most effective antibiotics were oxolinic acid and flo- refenicol

    Corneal Endothelial Cell Density and Morphology in Healthy Turkish Eyes

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    Purpose. To describe the normative values of corneal endothelial cell density, morphology, and central corneal thickness in healthy Turkish eyes. Methods. Specular microscopy was performed in 252 eyes of 126 healthy volunteers (M : F, 42 : 84). Parameters studied included mean endothelial cell density (MCD), mean cell area (MCA), coefficient of variation (CV) in cell size, percentage of hexagonal cells, and central corneal thickness (CCT). Results. The mean age of volunteers was 44.3±13.5 (range, 20 to 70) years. There was a statistically significant decrease in MCD (P<0.001; correlation, −0.388) and percentage of hexagonal cells, (P<0.001; correlation, −0.199) with age. There was also a statistically significant increase in MCA (P<0.001; correlation, 0.363) with increasing age. There was no statistically significant difference in MCD, MCA, CV in cell size, percentage of hexagonal cells, and CCT between genders and there was also no significant difference in these parameters between fellow eyes of subjects. Conclusions. Normotive data for the endothelium in the Turkish population are reported. Endothelial cell density in the Turkish eyes is less than that described in the Japanese, American, Chinese, and Filipino eyes and higher than that described in Indian, Thai, and Iranian eyes

    Le statut juridique du travailleur migrant turc devant le juge communautaire

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    Les relations entre l'Union européenne et la Turquie sont basées sur un accord d'association, dit accord d'Ankara, signé le 12 septembre 1963 et entré en vigueur le 1er décembre 1964. Cet accord est complété par la signature, le 23 novembre 1970, d'un protocole additionnel. A l'origine, l'objectif premier de l'association était de préparer l'adhésion de la Turquie à la Communauté économique européenne. Ensuite, le volet social de ces textes devait faciliter la liberté de circulation des personnes : l'entrée libre de la main d'œuvre turque sur le territoire communautaire, au plus tard le 30 novembre 1986. La conjoncture n'a pas permis la réalisation de ces deux grands projets. C'est alors qu'un organe politique mixte, le Conseil d'association CEE-Turquie, est intervenu sur un autre terrain, plus juridique cette fois, pour défendre les droits des travailleurs turcs vivant au sein de la Communauté. Ce conseil a adopté successivement la décision n° 1/80 et la décision n° 3/80 du 19 septembre 1980. Le but est d'améliorer la situation des ressortissants turcs déjà régulièrement installés sur le marché du travail des Etats membres. La décision n° 1/80 précise les droits des travailleurs turcs en matière d'emploi. Les droits conférés (renouvellement du permis de travail, l'octroi du permis de séjour) placent les travailleurs turcs dans une situation privilégiée par rapport aux autres ressortissants extra-communautaires. La décision n° 3/80 est relative à l'application des régimes de sécurité sociale des Etats membres aux travailleurs turcs et aux membres de leur famille. Concrètement, il s'agit de l'application aux ressortissants turcs du principe de l'égalité de traitement en matière de protection sociale. Finalement, ce sont les recours individuels basés sur ces instruments juridiques et les arrêts de la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes qui vont faire naître un véritable statut juridique pour les travailleurs turcs. En reconnaissant que le droit issu du droit d'association CEE-Turquie fait partie intégrante du droit communautaire et a un effet direct, la Cour a développé une jurisprudence très protectrice pour les Turcs vivant en Europe. Cet article tente de démontrer comment une juridiction européenne réussit à rendre effectif un droit positif, d'abord octroyé, puis ignoré par les politiques des Etats membres et les institutions de la Communauté

    Le statut juridique du travailleur migrant turc devant le juge communautaire

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    Les relations entre l'Union européenne et la Turquie sont basées sur un accord d'association, dit accord d'Ankara, signé le 12 septembre 1963 et entré en vigueur le 1er décembre 1964. Cet accord est complété par la signature, le 23 novembre 1970, d'un protocole additionnel. A l'origine, l'objectif premier de l'association était de préparer l'adhésion de la Turquie à la Communauté économique européenne. Ensuite, le volet social de ces textes devait faciliter la liberté de circulation des personnes : l'entrée libre de la main d'œuvre turque sur le territoire communautaire, au plus tard le 30 novembre 1986. La conjoncture n'a pas permis la réalisation de ces deux grands projets. C'est alors qu'un organe politique mixte, le Conseil d'association CEE-Turquie, est intervenu sur un autre terrain, plus juridique cette fois, pour défendre les droits des travailleurs turcs vivant au sein de la Communauté. Ce conseil a adopté successivement la décision n° 1/80 et la décision n° 3/80 du 19 septembre 1980. Le but est d'améliorer la situation des ressortissants turcs déjà régulièrement installés sur le marché du travail des Etats membres. La décision n° 1/80 précise les droits des travailleurs turcs en matière d'emploi. Les droits conférés (renouvellement du permis de travail, l'octroi du permis de séjour) placent les travailleurs turcs dans une situation privilégiée par rapport aux autres ressortissants extra-communautaires. La décision n° 3/80 est relative à l'application des régimes de sécurité sociale des Etats membres aux travailleurs turcs et aux membres de leur famille. Concrètement, il s'agit de l'application aux ressortissants turcs du principe de l'égalité de traitement en matière de protection sociale. Finalement, ce sont les recours individuels basés sur ces instruments juridiques et les arrêts de la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes qui vont faire naître un véritable statut juridique pour les travailleurs turcs. En reconnaissant que le droit issu du droit d'association CEE-Turquie fait partie intégrante du droit communautaire et a un effet direct, la Cour a développé une jurisprudence très protectrice pour les Turcs vivant en Europe. Cet article tente de démontrer comment une juridiction européenne réussit à rendre effectif un droit positif, d'abord octroyé, puis ignoré par les politiques des Etats membres et les institutions de la Communauté

    Investigation of the effect of REM sleep deprivation on epileptic seizures caused by pentylenetetrazole in mice

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    Aim: To investigate whether different periods of rapid eye movement sleep deprivation (REM SD) contribute to seizure susceptibility, hippocampal oxidative status and balance of inhibition-excitation in the acute epilepsy model. Methods: REM SD was performed using the modified multiple platforms method on adult male BALB/c mice. Pentylentetrazol (PTZ) was injected to induce seizures and hippocampal total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidant status (TOS), gamma aminobutyric acid&nbsp;(GABA), and glutamate levels were measured using the ELISA method. Results: PTZ-induced seizures following 8 h and 72 h REM SD significantly reduced the hippocampal TAS levels, but did not affect the TOS levels. In REM SD groups, especially after 8 hours of REM sleep loss, there was a significant increase in glutamate in PTZ induction. The hippocampal GABA levels were increased by PTZ-induced seizures after 72 h REM SD. PTZ- induction after 8 hours of RAM SD leads to a significant increase in the seizure duration. Conclusion: It can be speculated that the REM SD can contribute to seizure susceptibility by changing the oxidant-antioxidant balance and excitatory and inhibitory tone in the hippocampus