28 research outputs found
Efektivitas Campuran Ekstrak Daun Srikaya (Annona squamosal L.) dan Rimpang Kunyit (Curcuma domestica Val.) pada Mortalitas Larva Spodoptera litura F. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Spodoptera litura F. larvae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are polyphagous insects that cause damages to many types of plantations and horticulture that need to be protected. One of environmentally friendly method to protect ecological balance is the use of botanical insecticides whose bioactive compounds come from plant extracts. This study used a mixture of two plant extracts from A. squamosa leaves extract and C. domestica rhizome exstract (the mixed of experimental extracts). The mixed of experimental extracts are synergistic so that they are more effective and need a lower concentration to cause the mortality of S. litura larvae than the use of a single extract. The aims of the research were to know the efficacy of the mixed of experimental extracts on the mortality of S. litura larvae and determine the value of LC50 and LC90 extract test on its mortality. The initial and efficacy test were conducted by bait dip into the mixed of experimental extracts. The mortality data were analyzed using ANAVA, then continued by Duncan test and Probit analysis. The results of this research showed that the mixed of experimental extracts were effective to kill S. litura larvae. The calculated result of LC50 and LC90 showed that the LC50 value of the experimental extracts on the second and the third instar larvae were 5.252 ppm and 10.559 ppm, respectively, and the LC90 value for both instar larvae were 11.124 ppm and 13.638 ppm, respectively. It could be concluded that the mixed of experimental extracts is effective in S. litura larvae mortality and more effective in the mortality of the second instar larvae than that of the third instar larvae. Therefore, this test extract mixture can be developed further in a greenhouse to evaluate the effectiveness in the mortality of S. litura larvae which can be used as an alternative to controlling S. litura larvae with an environmentally friendly material in farmers.
Keywords: control, extract, mortality, Spodoptera litur
The phenomenon of playing online games among the public is an entertainment need that is easily accessible. With the presence of online games, it can be entertaining to get rid of boredom, but it can cause feelings of emotion due to playing online games. This can lead to harsh words or venting emotions to the environment. One way to reduce this is to control emotions. The method used in this activity is psychoeducation for online game users in order to raise awareness to reduce emotions during playing games, especially people in the Telaga Murni Housing RW 08 environment
Sosialisasi Pengaplikasi Centrifugal Force Dalam Memproduksi Minyak Kelapa Murni
Cooking oil is one of the staple ingredients that is widely used in household and industrial needs. The high price of cooking oil has an impact on the food security of a family. Repeated use of cooking oil will also have an impact on family health. So it is necessary to socialize the healthy and quality cooking oil using virgin coconut oil. The purpose of this socialization was directed to the group of housewives in Pumo Village, Wuluhan District, Jember Regency. The economic condition of this housewife is classified as lower middle class. The Pumo Village Housewives Group (partner) is located in a coastal area with extraordinary coconut potential. Utilization of coconut is only limited to being sold in the form of coconuts, either young (degan) or old (copra). Though the potential will be greater if the processing is carried out, especially in the form of pure coconut oil. The solution offered to this problem is the application of science and technology with simple technology, namely centrifugal force as an effort to become independent partners in producing virgin coconut oil. The virgin coconut oil produced is not only to support family food security, but also to be a business opportunity for partners. The results of this service, the community can know the techniques of making, packaging products and entrepreneurship in the field of making virgin coconut oil
ANALISIS KANDUNGAN PROLIN TANAMAN KANGKUNG (Ipomoea reptana Poir), BAYAM (Amaranthus spinosus), Dan Ketimun (Cucumis sativus L.)
Abstract. Suatu respons fisiologi yang cukup penting ialah kemampuan tanaman mempertahankan tekanan turgor dengan menurunkan potensial osmotik sebagai mekanisme toleransi terhadap cekaman kekeringan. Dalam proses penyesuaian osmosis, senyawa-senyawa terlarut yang biasa diakumulasi ialah gula dan asam amino terutama prolina (Girousse et al. 1996). Secara umum kadar prolina daun mengalami peningkatan akibat cekaman kekeringan. Kekurangan air pada tanaman dapat menghambat laju fotosintesis, karena turgiditas sel penjaga stomata akan menurun. Perlakuan analisis kandungan prolin pada jaringan tanaman ini yang memiliki kandungan prolin terbesar pada tanaman bayam (Amaranthus spinosus) sebesar 30,28; kemudian disusul dengan tanaman ketimun (Cucumis sativus, L) sebesar 27,01 dan yang terkecil kandungannya pada tanaman kangkung (Ipomoea reptana Poir). Dalam analisis kandungan prolin bahwa tanaman yang tergolong C3 yaitu pada tanaman kangkung (Ipomoea reptana Poir) dan ketimun (Cucumis sativus, L); sedangkan untuk tanaman C4 pada tanaman bayam (Amaranthus spinosus). Key Words : Kandungan Prolin tanaman kangkung (Ipomoea reptana Poir), bayam (Amaranthus spinosus) , dan ketimun (Cucumis sativus L.
The development of consumer knowledge on purchased product includes severalcharacteristics which has to be fulfilled by producers. It becomes an important demandfor complete and clear information on purchased product which can include productbrand, quality, nutrition, and halal certificate the research took 3 kinds of packagingmeatball which was available in traditional market such as Yikko, KJM “Kijang Mas”,and AJ. This research was conducted to understand characteristic of the packagingmeatball consumer and to understand the relation between variabel and preference alsoto understand which attribute was considered important according to consumer inWonokromo traditional market. The sampling technique was conducted by nonprobability sampling through the accidental sampling method and the data analysis useddescriptive analysis, IPA (Important Performance Index). There were several similiaritiesof meatball consumer, such as: was dominated by women with average age was 17 – 24years old and was moeslem which were mostly student, private employee, housewife, andentrepreneur. The income level was around Rp 1.000.001 – Rp. 3.000.000 with the lasteducation level was SMU/SMK. The most important attribute according to consumerwere price, suppleness, flavor, halal certificate, quality and the less important attributefor consumer was composition. The attribute of packaging meatballs had a significantrelation to consumer preference such as price, flavor, suppleness, and quality. Price wasthe most important considerable attribute for consumer on purchasing because incomefactor which was classified to low medium income in Wonokromo traditional marketSurabaya
Culinary and snack business in Indonesia still has a pretty bright prospect. In the last fiveyears, Almond Crispy becomes teenagers prima donna which can be seen in shoppingmalls and several shops in Surabaya public area. Almost everyday, Wisata Rasa shop inJemursari Surabaya is full of visitors especially for visitors who buy Almond Crispyproduct. This research was conducted to identify consumer characteristic of AlmondCrispy in Wisata Rasa shop in Jemursari Surabaya for purchasing decision and toanalyze consumer taste for product attribute of Almond Crispy which was purchased inWisata Rasa shop in Jemursari Surabaya for purchasing decision. Consumercharacteristic of Almond Crispy in Wisata Rasa Jemursari Surabaya was dominated byadult age around 26 -45 years old. Almond Crispy consumer from Wisata Rasa JemursariSurabaya was dominated by women with education level was undergraduate and wasworking as a private employee with income per month was more than Rp 4.500.000/eachmonth. Product attribute which was noticed and recognized by consumer who boughtAlmond Crispy in Wisata Rasa shop Jemursari Surabaya consisted of brand, taste,texture, and price. Price and taste has the highest consumer attitude value. AlmondCrispy taste was considered delicious by consumer with an affordable price so that itcreated aggresiveness of product attribute and attracted consumer, both existing and newconsumer, to keep visiting this shop on their purchasing decision
Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak pada dunia pendidikan. Mayoritas pelaku pendidikan dituntut untuk melaksanakan sistem pembelajaran daring. Teknologi daring menjadi salah satu solusi utama dalam menghambat penularan virus corona. Kendala seringkali dihadapi oleh guru dalam pelaksanaan daring, salah satunya adalah guru di SDN Glagahwero 02 Kecamatan Kalisat. Berdasarkan hasil survey awal di lokasi mitra, minimnya kemampuan guru dalam memanfaatkan teknologi daring menjadikan proses pembelajaran hanya dilakukan dengan mengirimkan materi dalam bentuk tertulis saja. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan peningkatan pemanfaatan teknologi guna mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar melalui bimbingan teknis pembelajaran daring melalui WA group, google classroom, youtube, power point, dan zoom meeting. Melalui bimbingan teknis pembelajaran daring, guru yang awalnya kurang mahir menjadi lebih mahir dalam tatap muka secara maya, share materi, penugasan, kuis, dan ujian
Indonesia occupies the 4th position of the 5 main coffee producing countries in the world. Coffee plants are a high foreign exchange earner in the Indonesian economy. Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) show that Indonesia's coffee production in 2021 was the highest in the last decade, reaching 774.6 tonnes. This number increased by 2.75% from the previous year of 753.9 thousand tonnes. Coffee seed germination takes a long time due to seed dormancy. Coffee growth can be optimal with the provision of growth regulators. Good planting media can produce quality coffee seeds, because in good media there are nutrients needed by plants. The research was conducted at the Jember State Polytechnic Soil Wire House Laboratory in February-May 2022. Data were analyzed using Factorial RAK with a 5% BNJ follow-up test. The results showed that the combination treatment of planting media and natural ZPT concentrations had a significant effect on the generative growth of Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora L) including germination percentage, root length, height and seedling diameter
The study of slurry recirculation to increase biogas productivity from Jatropha curcas Linn. capsule husk in two phase digestion
The purpose of this study was to obtain the best slurry recirculation treatment for two-phase digester system which produced the highest biogas production in the DH-JcL substrate. The study was conducted in the laboratory using 750 mL and 2 L of plasticdigester and biofilter plastic as growth immobilize. The slurry recirculation treatment consisted of the recirculation of 50 %slurry to methanogenesis digester, 50 % slurry to hydrolysis digester, and 25 % slurry to hydrolysis digester combined with 25 %
to methanogenesis digester. The highest daily biogas production was obtained from the recirculation of 50 % slurry to hydrolysis digester. However, the best slurry recirculation treatment, which was more stable in longer period, was 50 % slurry to methanogenesis digester
UMKM Tenong Sari Pangan penyedia berbagai jenis makanan di daerah Jaten Karanganyar. Hasil produkMitra tidak memiliki informasi pemesanan ataupun identitas di produk makanan yang dijual. Pengetahuan yang minim terkait taktik pemasaran pun juga menjadi masalah yang dialami industri makanan ini. Sehinggaumkm tersebut mengalami penurunan penjualan yang sangat signifikan. Berdasarkan permasalahan yangterjadi, tim pengabdian mengusulkan pelatihan Taktik Pemasaran, pembuatan design, hibah peralatanproduksi, serta pelatihan komunikasi digital WhatsApp Business sebagai penunjang kegiatan promosi danpemasaran. Taktik pemasaran perlu dipertimbangkan pembuatan tempat jualan bersama dan membangunkesan masyarakat tentang aneka jenis makanan/ jajanan pasar di tempat tersebut. Kegiatan expo produkditempat-tempat ramai di karangnyar juga diperlukan dalam membangun kesan. Diperlukan peralatanpromosi yang lengkap melalui design produk yang berisi pemesanan, alamat, dan juga memberikan ciri khasterhadap produk mitra. Kegiatan komunikasi melalui pemanfaatan media Whatsapp Business sebagaiinformasi detail produk, harga, pemesanan, dan juga media komunikasi dengan pelanggan. Pengabdianmasyarakat ini juga memberikan bantuan hibah untuk optimalisasi peralatan produksi Komunitas TenongSari Pangan dalam mengembangkan usaha. Tim pengabdian masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Semarangberharap usulan ini akan menjadi solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan ekonomi masyarakat khususnyapada komunitas Industri Makanan dan jajanan pasar yang terdampak pandemi Covid-19.