62 research outputs found


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    Abstract Semi-flexible pavement consists of selected porous asphalt mixture filled with cementitious slurry. This new type of pavement has prospects to be designed as a high deformation resistant pavement (Setyawan et al, 2001). Porous asphalt, as the skeleton of the composite has been de-signed to have a porosity of 30% by selected the aggregates gradation, type of bitumen, bitumen content and fibre content. This investigation concerned with the design and properties of porous asphalt to be used as the skeleton for grouted macadam. The ranges of mixtures were evalu-ated by using different type of bitumen, bitumen content, filler addition and aggregate gradation. This investigation concluded that porous as-phalt manufactured by using specified gradation utilising 50-pen bitu-men is appropriate to be used as skeleton for grouted macadam. Keywords: cellulose filler, grouted macadam, polymer modified, porous asphalt, semi-flexible pavement


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    For safety reason, porous asphalt has been developed in many countries to avoid aquaplaning, so that the road surface could provide sufficient skid resistance for the vehicles to avoid accidents. This paper evaluates the use of aggregate gradations applied in several countries such as; United Kingdom, Switzerland, Japan and Indonesia for porous asphalt production using local materials available around Surakarta. The experimental method was applied for this research including Marshall stability and flow to determine the optimum bitumen content, followed by the cantabrian and unconfined compressive strength at the optimum bitumen content. The results show that Japanese gradation is the best gradation could be applied for local materials around Surakarta, meanwhile Indonesian gradation is the worst in Marshall stability and resistance to segregation. Keywords: Cantabrian Test, gradasi, porous asphalt, Unconfined Compressive Tes


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    The term incarnation is used to illustrate how God humbled Godself by tranforming Himself into a human being like the believers so they can comprehend the Kingdom of God. As Cristians, we are invited to actualize the Kingdom of God in our everyday life. We are called also to promote the Kingdom of God to all creatures especially those who are poor, hungry, and suffering. “Blusukanâ€1 as an activity conducted by a priest to go around and come in to the place that is rarely visited or not most people preferred to come is a way to realize the theology of incarnation. With this way, a priest as a shepherd meet the people and get to know them in their real situation. As Jesus - Son of God - who came among the people to save them in the incarnation, the presence of the priests through “blusukan†pastoral strategy become the spirituality of diocesan priest that was expected to answer the needs of the people so that they also experienced the salvation


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    Pesawat terbang merupakan moda transportasi yang cocok untuk negara indonesia. Dengan pesawat masyarakat indonesia bisa menghemat waktu tenaga serta biaya yang dikeluarkan. Tetapi seiring dengan banyaknya minat masyarakat akan pesawat terbang tidak diiringi dengan tingkat keselamatan pesawat terbang. Lima tahun terakhir (2010-2015) terdapat tujuh kecelakaan pesawat. Hal tersebut tentu banyak media yang meliput kejadian tersebut khususnya media massa televisi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh terpaan tayangan televisi mengenai jatuhnya pesawat terhadap sikap para pengguna pesawat terbang di Bandara Juanda Surabaya. Metode yang dipakai dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif kausal. Hasilnya yaitu terdapat pengaruh antara terpaan tayangan televisi dengan sikap yaitu sebesar 43,9%. Hal tersebut disebabkan karna durasi menonton televisi yang lama yaitu mencapai lebih dari tiga jam dalam satu hari. Intensitas menonton televisi yang lama bisa menyebabkan perubahan sikap atas apa yang telah ditonton. Kata Kunci: Terpaan Tayangan Televisi, Sikap, Pesawat Terban

    Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) in Road Organization Application in Supiori Regency of Papua Province

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    Road plays an important life in human life in the present and in the future. Road serves to connect one area to another. Good road condition can support land transportation, development, economy, and government can run smoothly, and vice versa. Many factors result in road damage so that service life of road is not as planned. The objective of research is to compare two roads: Aminweri-Yendoker Street constituting the road in Supiori Regency Biak-Korem-Supiori Street constituting the national road connecting Biak and Supiori Regencies. This research employed Pavement Condition Index (PCI) to assess road damage level and condition and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) to determine the economic cost during the road’s service life. The result of assessment using PCI method showed medium PCI score of 51.6 for Regency road and 69.3 for National road. Using LCCA method, the most efficient road management to achieve the service life of the two roads can be determined


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    Dukuh Pandansari, Desa Kaliwlingi merupakan daerah yang terkena dampak abrasi air laut yang cukup tinggi. rehabilitasi terus dilakukan semenjak tahun 2005, kemudian oleh penduduk dilanjutkan dengan bentuk ekowisata Mangrove. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengkaji potensi pengembangan ekowisata hutan mangrove berbasis masyarakat di Dukuh Pandansari. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif eksploratif. Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode survei dalam bentuk data primer dan data sekunder. Data yang diperoleh dilakukan penentuan strategi pengembangan ekowisata mangrove dan analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, dan Threat). Hasil penelitian menunjukan aktivitas ekowisata hutan mangrove Pandansari sudah memiliki kelompok sadar wisata yang berbadan hukum. Ekowisata hutan mangrove memiliki potensi flora dan fauna yang merupakan hasil dari kegiatan rehabilitasi, potensi fisik memadai yang sudah dilengkapi dengan wahana air. Ekowisata hutan mangrove di lokasi tersebut juga memiliki potensi dari aktivitas masyarakat lokal seperti produk olahan mangrove, batik mangrove, garam rebus, dan budidaya kepiting soka. Analisi SWOT yang menjadi prioritas utama adalah: a) Meningkatkan promosi dan kerjasama dalam pengembangan ekowisata sebagai wisata edukasi (skor 2,381); b) Meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan (skor 1,937) ; c) Menjaga dan melestariakan hutan mangrove dalam pengembangan pusat edukasi ekosistem hutan mangrove (skor 1,752)

    Functional Condition Rating Segment Sragen Ring Road South, Central Java Province

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    Assessment of pavement condition is functionally the most important aspect in determining road maintenance and repair activities, so that the financing can be monitored properly. There are two methods in handling the road assessment, ie visually and using tools. Visual assessment can use PASER and PCI. While IRI is a road assessment using Roadroid (Android Smartphone App) tool, where the tool will be used as national reference to get IRI value, because the cost is cheaper and effective. Therefore there needs to be a correlation between the three methods. Correlation in this research is divided into three, namely the correlation of PASER value with PCI, PASER with IRI, and PCI with IRI. The research location used as research object is South Ring Road Sragen. The result of the research was obtained, road assessment using PASER method with PCI resulted correlation value of pearson 0,51. Assessment of PASER with IRI has a correlation value of pearson -0,14. While the value of PCI with IRI yield correlation value pearson -0,23. The value of the correlation coefficient between PASER and PCI has the highest value, since it has a nearly equal assessment approach by measuring the damage visually. The correlation of PCI with IRI is higher than PASER with IRI, thus proving that PCI assessment is more recommended because it can accommodate all types of road damage

    Redefining language and literature learning in the transformation era

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    The study was aimed at redefining the learning of language and literature from the perspective of media use in the lesson planning and implementation and students’ responses towards language and literature learning. The subjects of the study were teachers and students of state junior high schools in a regency in Yogyakarta Province. The subjects were taken in three stages, first, with the cluster technique: the eastern, western, central, and northern zones, and second, with the school strata technique: as excellent, moderate, and low. The choice of strata technique was determined based on the results of the 2017 National Exam score ranking. Third, the selection of schools and classes was made randomly. Primary data were obtained from observation, interview, and document analysis; secondary data were obtained from a questionnaire. Results can be described as follows. First, media use designed in the lesson plan included conventional, new, and audio-visual media. Second, media use in the carrying out of the lesson was realized by the teachers in the forms of conventional visual and audio-visual media. Third, students gave fair responses to the use of instructional media in language and literature learning. In the low-coded schools, the use of media designed in the lesson plans was more varied than that of the moderate- and excellent-coded schools; the most preferred new visual media were PowerPoint. In moderate- and low-coded schools, instructional media were shown to have positive impacts on student activity in learning; namely, students were more active because learning was more fun. Contradictorily, instructional media did not have positive impacts in excellent-coded schools on student activity in learning; namely, students were less active because learning was considered unpleasant. As seen from the perspective of the transformational era, no teacher had used interactive digital media

    Overlay thickness evaluation based on Indonesian manual road design and shell pavement design method

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    Brebes Regency is one of the areas crossed by the north coast road (Pantura). This road is very important and forms the basis of land transportation traffic on the island of Java. We often encounter traffic jams on this road because it is part of a national road along the northern side of the island of Java. There are several treatments that are usually carried out to repair roads that have been damaged, one of which is the addition of a thick layer or overlay. Therefore, researchers conducted an analysis study of the added layer thickness (overlay) on the road to find out and analyze the results of the 2017 Road Pavement Design Manual overlay method and the Shell Pavment Design Method (SPDM) program method. In this study, the data collected were primary data and secondary data, namely road profiles obtained directly from field observations, average daily traffic data (LHR) and Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD). The results of the overlay calculation using MDP 2017 obtained an overlay value of 50 mm and the SPDM program was 46 mm. An effective method in terms of data requirements, calculations and time is the SPDM program because when it is used it can be easily and calculated automatically in the program, whereas if you use MDP 2017 the calculations are still manual and the determination of the overlay thickness uses a graphic that accurately adjusts the user's foresight and will affect the results of the overlay calculation
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