21 research outputs found

    Pedoman penggalian dan perwujudan nilai akhlak mulia di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA)

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    Tahun 2045 bangsa Indonesia akan mencapai usia kemerdekaan 100 tahun. Di tahun itu bangsa ini berharap akan menjadi bangsa dan negara Indonesia yang maju, berdaulat, adil, dan makmur berdasarkan nilai-nilai Pancasila. Sebuah bangsa yang sejajar dan sederajat di antara bangsa-bangsa maju lainnya, memiliki kekayaan yang dikelola dan dinikmati oleh bangsa sendiri secara adil merata, serta menguasai ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam pembangunan negeri demi terwujudnya kesejahteraan dan kedamaian dunia. Untuk meraih mimpi tersebut, dibutuhkan generasi bangsa Indonesia yang berkarakter atau berakhlak mulia dan cerdas. Untuk itu diperlukan komitmen dan tanggung jawab dari seluruh komponen bangsa sejak hari ini. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia menjadi salah satu lembaga negara yang bertanggung jawab dalam membentuk dan membangun generasi emas tersebut. Melalui berbagai program strategis di Kementerian, yang salah satunya diimplementasikannya Kurikulum 2013 diharapkan pembangunan generasi emas ini terwujud. Buku ini bertujuan dapat menjadi buku pedoman praktis bagi sekolah sekaligus buku penunjang implementasi kurikulum 2013 dalam upaya membina akhlak mulia peserta didik di seluruh tanah air. Ada 5 (lima) judul buku yang saling terkait dan melengkapi dalam penggalian dan perwujudan akhlak mulia peserta didik. Secara khusus buku ini bertujuan mendorong seluruh SD, SMP, SMA dan SMK di tanah air dalam membangun budaya sekolah dan mengelola kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang berbasis pada pembentukan akhlak mulia peserta didik

    Edukasi Media Poster Berbasis Sejarah Lokal Bengkulu Untuk Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru

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    Kegiatan pengabdian ini betujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada Guru SD Sint Carolus Kota Bengkulu untuk meningkatkan profesionalismenya sebagai Guru di SD. Kegiatan ini juga memberikan motivasi kepada guru tentang pentingnya merancang media pembelajaran yang menarik berupa poster dengan menggunakan sumber keunggukan lokal yang ada di provinsi Bengkulu. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan yang dilakukan pada kegiatan ini yaitu ceramah, tanya jawab dan diskusi, serta praktik pembuatan media poster. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan edukasi kepada Guru SD Sint Carolus Kota Bengkulu memberikan pemahaman dan keterampilan kepada guru dalam menghasilkan media pembelajaran poster berbasis sejarah lokal Bengkulu

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Dengan Menggunakan Model Discovery Learning Pada Pembelajaran Tematik di SDN 81 Kota Bengkulu

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    The problem in implementing thematic learning at SDN 81 Kota Bengkulu is the teachers have not developed teaching materials optimally. This is because teachers do not have the knowledge and skills in developing thematic learning teaching materials. The development of teaching materials has benefits both for teachers and for students. The methods used in this community service activity are training and mentoring. The results achieved in this activity are; (1) teachers of SDN 81 Kota Bengkulu easily understand the material about the nature of thematic learning, the essence of teaching materials, and the Discovery Learning model; (2) making RPP and developing teaching materials using the Discovery Learning learning model conducted by SDN 81 teachers. The results were 5 groups in very good category and 1 group in good category; and (3) the implementation of thematic learning practices using the Discovery Learning model and teaching materials that have been developed, the results are in the very good category, while the student learning outcomes achieve 100% completeness. The conclusions from the results of this activity are: (1) The teachers of SDN 81 Kota Bengkulu already understand the material of PPM activities well; (2) the making of rpp and teaching materials resulted in 5 groups in the very good category and 1 group in the good category; and (3) the implementation of thematic learning practices is in the very good category, while student learning outcomes achieve 100% completeness.Keywords: Teaching Materials, Discovery Learning, Thematic Learnin

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Learning Cycle Untuk Meningkatkan Tanggung Jawab Mahasiswa Pgsd Fkip Universitas Bengkulu

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    This study aims to improve the attitude of student responsibility in the Basic Concepts of Sociology, Anthropology, and History lectures by applying the Learning Cycle Model at PGSD FKIP UNIB. The method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR). CAR stages are planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results showed that the application of the Learning Cycle model in the Basic Concepts of Sociology, Anthropology, and History lectures could increase students' attitudes of responsibility. The suggestion given is that other researchers are advised to examine attitudes other than responsibility, so that the development of student attitudes can be monitored periodically

    Kemampuan Mahasiswa Calon Guru Biologi dalam Menyusun Scientific Papers

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    Kemampuan menyusun scientific papers dari hasil penelitian merupakan salah satu kemampuan dasar yang harus dimiliki oleh mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan mahasiswa calon guru biologi dalam menyusun scientific papers hasil investigasi di laboratorium. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa calon guru biologi (n=15). Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa lembar observasi kemampuan membuat scientific papers dan pedoman wawancara. Adapun aspek yang dinilai dari kemampuan membuat scientific papers: mengonstruksi judul, membuat abstrak, menyusun pendahuluan, merancang metodologi penelitian, menyajikan hasil penelitian, menyajikan gambar yang ditampilkan, pembahasan dan kualitas sitasi yang digunakan di dalam scientific papers. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan mahasiswa dalam membuat scientific papers masih rendah, hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari rata-rata persentase penguasaan kemampuan yang hanya 31%. Perlu ada upaya untuk mengembangkan kemampuan ini yang terintegrasi dengan program perkuliahan dalam upaya untuk mengembangkan kemampuan membuat scientific papers mahasiswa.The ability to construct a scientific papers from is one of the basic skills that must be owned by students. This study aims to determine the ability of prospective biology teacher in construct scientific papers of laboratory investigation. This research was conducted on prospective biology teacher (n = 15). The instrument used in this research is an observation sheet of the ability to construct a scientific papers. The aspects assessed from the ability to create a scientific papers are: ability to construct the title, to make an abstract, to prepare a preliminary, to design a research methodology, to present the results of research, to present the displayed images, the discussion and the quality of citation used in scientific papers. The results showed that the ability of students in construct scientific papers is still low, it can be seen from the average percentage of mastery skills that only 31%. There needs to be an effort to develop this capability that is integrated with the lecture program in an effort to develop students' scientific writing skills

    Meningkatkan Sikap Rasa Ingin Tahu Melalui Penerapan Model Project Based Learning

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    Curiosity is a character that must be mastered by students to be able to learn independently. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in the attitude of curiosity in grade 7A students. The research method used in this research is the Classroom Action Research model of Kemmis, Taggart & Nixon with the stages of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting activities. The data collection instruments used in this study were the observation sheet of learning implementation and a curiosity attitude questionnaire. From the results of observations of the implementation of learning, there was an increase in the implementation of the PjBL learning model from cycle I and cycle II with a percentage score of 70.0 and 84.17. While the results of the questionnaire attitude of curiosity showed an increase in very high criteria with a score of 9.38% in the first cycle, an increase of 15.63% in the second cycle. So that it can be concluded that the PjBL model can increase the curiosity of students

    Morfologi dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Lada Hasil Persilangan

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    Lada (Piper nigrum L.) merupakan tanaman memanjat bersifat dimorfik, mempunyai dua macam sulur, yaitu sulur panjat yang bersifat ototrop dan sulur buah yang bersifat plagiotrop. Untuk keperluan perbanyakan tanaman digunakan setek. Penggunaan setek satu ruas telah banyak berkembang karena menghemat penggunaan bahan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kecepatan tumbuh dan keragaan morfologi bibit yang berasal dari setek satu ruas dari nomor-nomor tanaman hasil persilangan. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah atap Balittro. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan dan keragaman morfologi bibit lada tanaman hasil persilangan beragam. Keragaman bukan hanya terjadi antarnomor persilangan dengan tetua yang berbeda, namun terjadi pula antarnomor persilangan dengan tetua yang sama. Kecepatan tumbuh dan jumlah ruas terbaik adalah nomor persilangan LH N2xBk(1), LH4.-5-5, dan LH4-5L. Nomor persilangan dengan tetua yang sama cenderung memiliki laju pertumbuhan yang sama pula

    Inquiry skills for biology teacher candidates in plant anatomy practicum

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    Inquiry skills are important basic skills that science teachers must possess. Inquiry skills underlie the standard implementation of the science learning process. This descriptive study aims to obtain an overview of the mastery of inquiry skills possessed by prospective biology teacher students in plant anatomy practicum. The research method used in this research is descriptive method. The research subjects in this study were prospective biology teacher students (n=42). The instruments used in this research are inquiry skills tests and interviews. The results showed that the average student inquiry skills was 43.36. This result is still below the indicator of completeness in mastering skills, which is 75. The acquisition of an inquiry skills score on the indicators of identifying problems (29.76), designing experiments and carrying out experiments (50.79), analyzing and interpreting data (54.76), constructing explanations (42.86), generate arguments from a number of evidences (43.33) and communicate information (38.69). The conclusion of this study is that the verification practicum learning experience that has been experienced by students has not been able to develop student inquiry skills optimally, so it is necessary to design lecture programs both in class and in laboratory to develop students' inquiry skills