31 research outputs found

    Bentuk-bentuk Kebahasaan Melayu Pattani dalam Praktik Pidato BIPA dan Implementasinya sebagai Bahan Ajar

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    Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk (a) mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk kebahasaan Melayu Pattani dalam praktik pidato bahasa Indonesia bagi mahasiswa penutur asing; (b) mendeskripsikan pengaruh munculnya bentuk kebahasaan Melayu Pattani dalam praktik pidato bahasa Indonesia bagi mahasiswa penutur asing; (c) mendeskripsikan pemanfaatan temuan sebagai penambah bahan ajar. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa kata, frasa, klausa, kalimat, dan wacana yang mengandung kebahasaan Melayu Pattani dalam pidato mahasiswa penutur bahasa asing. Sumber data penelitian ini ialah teks pidato mahasiswa yang berasal dari Thailand yang menuntut ilmu di program studi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik simak dan catat. Teknik analisis data meggunakan metode padan dan agih. Metode padan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa teknik dasar yaitu teknik Pilah Unsur Penentu (PUP). Metode agih berupa berupa teknik perluasan dan baca markah. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan pertama, terdapat bentuk-bentuk kebahasaan Melayu Pattani dalam praktik pidato bahasa Indonesia mahasiswa penutur bahasa asing mencakup bidang fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, dan sosiolinguistik. Kedua, pengaruh munculnya bentuk kebahasaan Melayu Pattani terdiri atas faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal meliputi bentuk kesalahan berbahasa itu sendiri, sedangkan faktor eksternal meliputi pengaruh latar belakang pendidikan bahasa. Bahasa Thai sebagai bahasa ibu, bahasa melayu sebagai bahasa kedua, dan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa ketiga. Ketiga, hasil temuan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai penambah bahan ajar bahasa Indonesia kelas XI kompetensi dasar 3.16 dan 4.16. Kata Kunci: bentuk kebahasaan, pidato, mahasiswa, penutur asing Abstract The purpose of this study is to (a) describe Pattani's Malay language forms in the practice of Indonesian speech for foreign speaking students; (b) describe the influence of the emergence of Pattani's Malay language form in the practice of Indonesian speech for foreign speaking students; (c) describe the use of findings as enhancers to teaching materials. The data in this study are words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and discourses that contain Pattani Malay language in the speech of foreign language speakers. The data source of this research is the speech of students from Thailand who are studying in the Indonesian Education Masters program, Muhammadiyah University Surakarta. The data collection technique uses the technique to see and note. The data analysis technique uses the equivalent and fixed method. The equivalent method used in this study is a basic technique, namely the Determination of Determination Element (PUP) technique. The method is in the form of extension techniques and reading markers. The results of the study concluded first, there are Pattani Malay language forms in the practice of Indonesian speech foreign language speakers students cover the fields of phonology, morphology, syntax, and sociolinguistics. Second, the influence of the emergence of Pattani's Malay language form consisted of internal and external factors. Internal factors include the form of language errors themselves, while external factors include the influence of language education background. Thai as a mother tongue, Malay as a second language, and Indonesian as a third language. Third, the findings can be used as enhancers to Indonesian language teaching materials for class XI basic competencies 3.16 and 4.16.  Keywords: linguistic forms, speeches, students, foreign speaker

    Eufemisme dan Realisasi Wujud Analogi pada Komentar Akun Facebook Presiden Joko Widodo sebagai Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia Kelas VIII

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    This study aims to describe (1) the form of euphemism, (2) the realization of analogy in facebook account commentary of President Joko Widodo, and (3) the utilization of euphemism as the teaching material of Indonesian class VIII. Research data is a words, phrases, clauses, and sentences containing euphemism. Data source of comments facebook account President Joko Widodo. Technique of collecting data by using technique of free libat ably, record and library. Data validation techniques use triangulation theory. Technique of data analysis using padan pragmatic method, referential and method of agih with marker and change technique. Based on the results of analisys from 100 data show first, there are fourteen forms of euphemisms in facebook account comments President Joko Widodo, namely figurative expression, metaphor, flippancy, circulation, acronym, abbreviation, percolation, cutting, one for one subtitution, foreign term, hyperbola, jargon, absorption words, and idiomatic phrases. Second, the realization of the analogies emerging from euphemism consists of two types of analogy, namely inductive and deductive. Thirdly, the utilization of euphemism as suplement teaching material at subject bahasa Indonesia in accordance with the curriculum of 2013 class VIII especially basic competence 4.1 Capturing the meaning of biographical text both oral and written


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    Factors causing low student learning outcomes are caused by science learning that is less than optimal, less desirable and liked, students feel bored, less enthusiastic and interested in the material being taught, teaching models are less innovative and attractive. Based on precyclical data on the results of the Science Subject test obtained from 35 students class IV SD Negeri 2 Pelemkerep the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, it is known that the lowest grade IV 65 and the highest score 90 with an average grade of 69. To improve learning outcomes, you must apply appropriate learning models and media by applying Contextual Teaching and Learning learning models assisted by audiovisual media. Based on the results of class action research in cycle I, the average score was 74.57 with a percentage of 69%, but it was still below the desired target and needed improvement. In cycle II, the average value increased to 79.69 with a percentage of 86%. The teacher's teaching skills in cycle I obtained a score of 79% and cycle II obtained a result of 88% greater than that of cycle I, in cycle II there was an increase and succeeded in achieving success in the learning process


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    Factors causing low student learning outcomes are caused by science learning that is less than optimal, less desirable and liked, students feel bored, less enthusiastic and interested in the material being taught, teaching models are less innovative and attractive. Based on precyclical data on the results of the Science Subject test obtained from 35 students class IV SD Negeri 2 Pelemkerep the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, it is known that the lowest grade IV 65 and the highest score 90 with an average grade of 69. To improve learning outcomes, you must apply appropriate learning models and media by applying Contextual Teaching and Learning learning models assisted by audiovisual media. Based on the results of class action research in cycle I, the average score was 74.57 with a percentage of 69%, but it was still below the desired target and needed improvement. In cycle II, the average value increased to 79.69 with a percentage of 86%. The teacher's teaching skills in cycle I obtained a score of 79% and cycle II obtained a result of 88% greater than that of cycle I, in cycle II there was an increase and succeeded in achieving success in the learning process

    Systematic Literature Review: Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa melalui Penggunaan Model Team Games Tournament

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    Abstract: This study aims to identify, and evaluate all relevant research so that answering the research questions is determined (Triandini, Jayanatha, Indrawan, Werla Putra, & Israwan, 2019). The method used in this study is the Systematic Literature review (SLR) method. According to Triandini et al., (2019), it is stated that if the systematic literature review method is used, a researcher will conduct a review by identifying several journals systematically according to the steps that have been set. In this study, there are several stages of research, namely 1) research question formulation 2) journal literature search 3) criteria determination, 4) literature selection stage, 5) data presentation, 6) data processing and drawing a conclusion. Of the 20 articles above that use the TGT model, there are 18 articles that apply the TGT model to PKN subjects, 1 for social studies lesson content and 1 for science lesson content, so this proves that the application of cooperative learning model TGT (Team Game Tournament) can be used to all elementary school subjects.Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengenali,dan mengevaluasi semua penelitian yang relevan sehingga menjawab pertanyaan suatu penelitian ditetapkan (Triandini, Jayanatha, Indrawan, Werla Putra, & Israwan, 2019). Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode tujuan penelitian systematic literature review). Menurut Triandini et al., (2019) menyebutkan jika metode systematic literature review seorang peneliti akan melakukan review dengan mengidentifikasi beberapa jurnal secara sistematis sesuai dengan langkah – langkah yang sudah ditetapkan. Pada penelitian ini terdapat beberapa tahapan penelitian, yaitu 1) perumusan pertanyaan penelitian 2) pencarian literatur jurnal 3) penetapan kriteria, 4) tahap penyeleksian literatur, 5) penyajian data, 6) pengolahan data dan penarikan sebuah kesimpulan. Dari 20 artikel yang menggunakan model TGT ada 18 artikel yang menerapkan model TGT pada mata pelajaran PKN, 1 untuk muatan pelajaran IPS dan 1 untuk muatan pelajaran IPA, jadi hal ini membuktikan bahwa penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif model TGT (Team Game Tournament) dapat digunakan untuk semua mata pelajaran sekolah dasar.

    Model NHT untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar (Literature Review)

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    Abstract: The NHT learning model can be used to create interactive learning so that it can improve student learning outcomes. This study aims to conduct a literature review related to the use of the NHT model to improve the learning outcomes of elementary school students. The research method used in this study is the SLR (Systematic Literature Review) method. Data collection is done by documenting articles that have similar research. The articles used were 25 national journals indexed by Google Scholar. Based on this research, it was found that the NHT model can improve students' thinking skills and mathematics learning outcomes. Based on the literature review conducted, the NHT model is widely used for elementary school mathematics subjects.Abstrak:Model pembelajaran NHT dapat digunakan untuk menimbulkan pembelajaran yang interaktif sehingga dapat meningkatakan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian literartur terkait dengan penggunaanmodel NHT untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa Sekolah Dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode SLR (Systematic Literature Review). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mendokumentasikan artkel yang memiliki penelitian serupa. Artikel yang digunakan sebanyak 25 Jurnal nasional terindeks google scholar. Berdasarakan penelitian ini didapat bahwa model NHT dapat meningakatkan kemampuan berpikir dan hasil belajar matematika siswa. Berdasarkan kajian literatur yang dilakukan model NHT banyak digunakan untuk mata pelajaran matematika Sekolah Dasar.

    Implementasi Model Picture and Picture untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Muatan Materi Flora Fauna pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar: Kajian Literatur

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    Abstract: This study aims to conduct a literature review review related to the application of the Picture and Picture learning model to the content of elementary school science. Meanwhile, this research method uses the SLR (Systematic Literature Review) method. The SLR method is a method of identifying, assessing and interpreting the findings of a relevant research topic. This research data collection by reviewing articles related to the topic of this research discussion. The number of articles used in this study were 25 national journal articles obtained from Google Scolar. The results showed that the Picture and Picture learning model had an effect on increasing the mastery of science knowledge competence. A fun learning model, effective learning atmosphere and active students support the increase in student learning motivation so that the ability to master the material becomes better.Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian literatur review terkait dengan penerapan model pembelajaran Picture and Picture pada muatan IPA Sekolah Dasar. Sedangkan metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode SLR (Systematic Literature Review). Metode SLR merupakan metode mengidentifikasi, menilai serta menginterpretasi temuan suatu topic penelitian releven. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini dengan menelaah artikel terkait topic pembahasan penelitian ini. Jumlah artikel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ada 25 artikel jurnal Nasional yang diperoleh dari google Scolar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran Picture and Picture berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pada penguasaan kompetensi pengetahuan IPA. Model pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, suasana pembelajaran efektif dan siswa yang aktif menjadi penunjang meningkatnya motivasi belajar siswa sehingga kemampuan penguasaan materi menjadi lebih baik

    Literature Review: Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Siswa Sekolah Dasar dengan Media Gambar

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    Abstract: This research is a research to improve writing ability of elementary school students with picture media. This study aims to produce image-based learning media in elementary schools. The method used in this study is the SLR (Systematic Literature Review) method. By using the SLR method, researchers will identify, review, evaluate, and interpret all the research that has been obtained. Researchers will conduct a systematic review of the journals that have been obtained. The research data included in this literature review is an analysis of summaries of several documented articles related to improving students' writing skills using picture media. Based on the research results in Table 1 and Table 2 have positive results with the use of image media that can improve students' writing skills. Students are more happy with the use of image media as a support in the learning process. Picture media can attract students to understand and recognize the various kinds of images presented so that they can improve students' memory.Abstrak: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian peningkatan kemampuan menulis siswa Sekolah Dasar dengan media gambar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran berbasis gambar di Sekolah Dasar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode SLR (Systematic Literature Review). Dengan menggunakan metode SLR peneliti akan mengidentifikasi, mengkaji, mengevaluasi, serta menafsirkan semua penelitian yang sudah di dapatkan. Peneliti akan melakukan review dari jurnal-jurnal yang telah di dapatkan scara sistematis. Data penelitian yang dimasukkan dalam kajian literatur ini ialah analisis dari rangkuman beberapa artikel yang didokumentasikan terkait dengan peningkatan kemampuan menulis siswa dengan media gambar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada Tabel 1 dan Tabel 2 memiliki hasil yang positif dengan adanya penggunaan media gambar yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis bagi siswa. Siswa lebih senang dengan adanya penggunaan media gambar sebagai penunjang dalam proses belajarnya. Media gambar dapat membuat daya tarik siswa agar lebih memahami sekaligus mengenal berbagai macam gambar yang disajikan sehingga dapat meningkatkan daya ingat siswa