13 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor Internal dan Eksternal dalam Perumusan Alternatif Strategi untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Perusahaan pada PT. XYZ, Tbk

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    PT. XYZ,Tbk merupakan salah satu Perusahan distribusi terbesar di Indonesia. Persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat serta kondisi internal dan eksternal yang berubah dengan cepat membuat Perusahaan harus menerapkan strategi yang sesuai dengan lingkungan Perusahaan. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk 1) menganalisis faktor lingkungan internal yang menjadi kekuatan dan kelemahan, 2) menganalisis factor eksternal yang menjadi peluang dan ancaman pada PT.XYZ, Tbk serta 3) memformulasikan alternatif strategi yang sesuai bagi PT.XYZ, Tbk dalam meningkatkan daya saing yang sesuai dengan kondisi lingkungan. Terdapat tiga tahap yang dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian tersebut yaitu tahap masukan menggunakan analisis matriks IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation) dan EFE (External Factor Evaluation), tahap pencocokan menggunakan analisis matriks IE (Internal External Matrix) dan matriks SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), selanjutnya tahap keputusan menggunakan matriks QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) untuk menentukan alternatif strategi yang menjadi prioritas Perusahaan. Berdasarkan analisis matriks IE, PT. XYZ, Tbk berada pada kuadran V yang artinya dapat menerapkan strategi hold and maintain. Aplikasi dari strategi tersebut yaitu strategi Market Penetration dan Product Development

    Pengaruh Independensi Dewan Komisaris, Reputasi Auditor, Rasio Hutang, dan Collateralizable Assets terhadap Kebijakan Dividen (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2009-2011)

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    The objective of this research is to examine the influences of corporate governance and firm characteristics on dividend policy. In particular, based on agency theory ,variables which allegedly have influence on dividend policy are board independence, auditor reputation, debt ratio, and collateralizable assets. The population of this research is all of the manufacturing entities listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange during the period of 2009-2011. The sampling method used is purposive sampling. The data is acquired from Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD). Linear regression method is conducted to analyze the data. The empirical results indicate that, partially, board independence and debt ratio have no influence towards dividend policy. Auditor reputation has significantly positive influence towards dividend policy. Collateralizable assets show significantly negative influence towards dividend policy

    Aplikasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Tanaman Obat Herbal Untuk Berbagai Penyakit Dengan Metode Roc (Rank Order Centroid) Dan Metode Oreste Berbasis Mobile Web

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    Herbal medicinal plant is a traditional medicinal plant that is used to cure a disease. Most of modern people did not know yet the benefits that will be gotten from herbal plants for the health. This research developed a supporting decision application system of herbal medicinal plants for various diseases. ROC (Rank Order Centroid) method was used to count the total number of criteria value and Oreste method was used to rank the alternative herbal medicinal plants with criteria which influence it, namely disease, blood pressure, tall, weight, user's condition (other diseases), age, kinds of plants, substance and efficacy of plants themselves. Final result of this system was that there were some alternative herbal medicinal plants which were appropriate to user's disease. In this research, the researcher conducted white box testing by using path base testing to make complex logical estimates to define current action and conducted black box testing by using equivalence partitioning technique which divided domain input, decided testing case by explaining kinds of mistakes. The results of proper test for the system which were done by using questionnaire were gotten 86.75% for testing of functional system, 87% for interface and accessing testing, and 87.33% for testing of advantages system

    The Estimation of Oil Palm Carbon Stock in Sembilang Dangku Landscape, South Sumatra

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    Oil palm has the ability to sequester carbon dioxide stored as carbon stock. This study aimed to estimate carbon stock in some age classes, to determine the relationship between Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and carbon stock, and to estimate the distribution of oil palm carbon stock in Landscape Sembilang Dangku. Estimation of carbon stock were carried out at the non productive age plant phase namely <2 years, 2-3 years, and the productive plant age phase namely 4-10 years and> 10 years. The carbon stock estimation used allometric equations. Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) /Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) was analyzed to determine NDVI. Making a map of the classification of carbon stock distribution using Software QGIS Las Palmas 2.18.0. The results showed that the carbon stock in the age class <2 years was 9.50 ton C/ ha, the age class of 2-3 was 9.62 ton C/ha, the age of 4-10 was 28.23 ton C/ha and in the age class> 10 was 79.83 ton C/ha. The relation between NDVI with carbon stock had a strong correlation (r = 0.9972) with regression equation Y = 638.13x - 242.65. Carbon stock distribution was based on percentage of area as follows: <15 ton C/ha covering an area of 26.52%, 15-25 ton C/ha covering an area of 5.29%, 26-70 ton C ha covering an area of 35.41%, and > 70 ton C/ha 32.78%

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pemantau Transportasi Zat Radioaktif Dengan Input SMS Terenkripsi Dan Non-enkripsi (Studi Kasus: Batan YOGYAKARTA)

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    Dalam pemanfaatan zat radioaktif, dimungkinkan untuk ditransportasikan dari satu tempat ke tempat lain. Keselamatan transportasi zat radioaktif harus dipantau secara berkala dengan cara memberikan informasi bahwa zat tidak mengalami kebocoran selama di perjalanan. Penelitian ini membahas tentang rancang bangun sebuah sistem informasi geografis pemantau transportasi zat radioaktif berbasis web atau disebut Control Room Module (CRM). Sistem informasi ini akan menerima data berupa SMS terenkripsi yang dikirim secara periodik dari sistem pemantau zat radioaktif yang terletak pada kendaraan pembawa yang dinamakan In Vehicles Module (IVM). SMS terenkripsi tersebut akan diolah menjadi informasi berupa peta digital, data dalam tabel, dan grafik. Informasi tersebut akan membantu pihak pengambil keputusan untuk memprediksi Perubahan nilai paparan zat radioaktif dan apabila terjadi kebocoran selama transportasi, dapat diambil keputusan dengan segera. Setelah dilakukan pengujian, CRM tidak tepat menerima data setiap 1 menit sekali, namun dengan rata-rata jarak penerimaan 80,341 detik. Selain itu pada saat pemantauan menggunakan 2 IVM secara bersamaan, CRM membutuhkan waktu proses dekripsi rata-rata 0,4 detik lebih lama dibandingkan dengan hanya menggunakan 1 IVM

    Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Angka Kematian Ibu (Aki) Dan Angka Kematian Bayi (Akb) Dengan Metode K-means Clustering (Studi Kasus: Provinsi Bengkulu)

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    Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) dan Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) merupakan salah satu indikator penting dalam menilai tingkat derajat kesehatan masyarakat di suatu negara. Berdasarkan data Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bengkulu tahun 2012 hingga 2015, AKI dan AKB di Provinsi Bengkulu masih diatas rata-rata nasional. K-Means Clustering merupakan salah satu metode pengelompokan non hirarki yang bertujuan mengelompokkan objek sedemikian hingga jarak-jarak tiap objek ke pusat kelompok di dalam satu kelompok adalah minimum. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) Merancang dan membangun Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk memetakan angka kematian ibu dan bayi di setiap Kota/Kabupaten di Provinsi Bengkulu menggunakan metode K-Means Clustering, (2) Mengetahui perbedaan dan status pengelompokkan angka kematian ibu dan bayi di setiap Kota/Kabupaten di Provinsi Bengkulu. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu (1) Penelitian ini berhasil memetakan angka kematian ibu dan bayi dalam 3 kelompok, yaitu rendah, sedang dan tinggi (2) berhasil menerapkan metode K-Means Clustering (3) Persentasi AKI berdasarkan kota/kabupaten di Provinsi Bengkulu, sebagai berikut: 15% kota/kabupaten berada di tingkat rendah, 65% berada di tingkat sedang dan 20% berada di tingkat tinggi. Sedangkan persentasi AKB-nya 32,5% kota/kabupaten berada di tingkat rendah, 60% berada di tingkat sedang dan 7,5% berada di tingkat tinggi. Secara keseluruhan dapat dikatakan bahwa tingkat AKI/AKB di Provinsi Bengkulu masih belum memuaskan, yaitu < 15% AKI dan < 32,5% AKB.

    Identifying Areas Affected By Fires In Sumatra Based On TIME Series Of Remotely Sensed Fire Hotspots And Spatial Modeling

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    Wildfires threaten the environment not only at local scales, but also at wider scales. Rapid monitoring system to detect active wildfires has been provided by satellite remote sensing technology, particularly through the advancement on thermal infrared sensors. However, satellite-based fire hotspots data, even at relatively high temporal resolution of less than one-day revisit period, such as time series of fire hotspots collected from TERRA and AQUA MODIS, do not tell exactly if they are fire ignitions or fire escapes, since other factors like wind, slope, and fuel biomass significantly drive the fire spread. Meanwhile, a number of biophysical fire simulation models have been developed, as tools to understand the roles of biophysical factors on the spread of wildfires. Those models explicitly incorporate effects of slope, wind direction, wind speed, and vegetative fuel on the spreading rate of surface fire from the ignition points across a fuel bed, based on either field or laboratory experiments. Nevertheless, none of those models have been implemented using real time fire data at relatively large extent areas. This study is aimed at incorporating spatially explicit time series data of weather (i.e. wind direction and wind speed), remotely sensed fuel biomass and remotely sensed fire hotspots, as well as incorporating more persistent biophysical factors (i.e. terrain), into an agent-based fire spread model, in order to identify fire ignitions within time series of remotely sensed fire hotspots

    Pemanfaatan Fusi Data Satelit Lapan-a3/ipb dan Landsat 8 untuk Monitoring Lahan Sawah

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    Increasing of economic development is generally followed by the change of landuse from agriculture to other function. If it occurs in large frequency and amount, it will threaten national food security. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the agricultural land, especially paddy fields regarding to changes in landuse and global climate. Utilization and development of satellite technology is necessary to provide more accurate and independent database for agricultural land monitoring, especially paddy fields. This study aims to develop a utilization model for LAPAN-IPB satellite (LISAT) and other several satellites data that have been used for paddy field monitoring. This research is conducted through 2 stages: 1) Characterization LISAT satellite data to know spectral variation of paddy field, and 2) Development method of LISAT data fusion with other satellites for paddy field mapping. Based on the research results, the characteristics Red and NIR band in LISAT data imagery have a good correlation with Red and NIR band in LANDSAT 8 OLI data imagery, especially to detect paddy field in the vegetative phase, compared to other bands. Observation and measurement of spectral values using spectroradiometer need to be conducted periodically (starting from first planting season) to know the dynamics of the change related to the growth phase of paddy in paddy field. Pre-processing of image data needs to be conducted to obtain better LISAT data characterization results. Furthermore, it is necessary to develop appropriate algorithms or methods for geometric correction as well as atmospheric correction of LISAT data

    Analysis of Performance Appraisal System with 360 Degree Feedback Method in PT. PERTAMINA RU IV (PERSERO) Cilacap

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    The 360 degree feedback method is one of the performance appraisal methods which implementation takes an assessment of the parties around the employee being assessed. The 360 degree feedback method performance appraisal system conducted at PT. Pertamina RU IV (Persero) Cilacap aims to determine the implementation of the performance appraisal system using the 360 degree feedback method, determine employee performance with what variables are used in performance appraisal, and obtain performance optimization. The research method used in this research uses qualitative methods with a quantitative approach. The 360 degree feedback method is used to find data from respondents, namely from superiors, colleagues, themselves and subordinates. Based on the research that had been done, it had succeeded in determining the best workers from each discipline and position based on the calculation of variables and indicators used. The 360 degree feedback performance assessment can help the company appropriately to provide rewards for workers with the highest percentage and provide punishment for workers with lowest percentage. The calculation of these variables and indicators helps the company to find the right solution in an effort to optimize the performance of its employees