17 research outputs found

    Analisis Percakapan Bahasa Sasak dalam Perspektif Gender: sebuah Kajian Wacana Kritis

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    Percakapan kerap digunakan sebagai media mentransfer ideologi para penutur. Oleh sebab itu, tujuan penelitian ini untuk: mendeskripsikan representasi peran laki-laki atau perempuan Sasak dalam pilihan kosakata, dalam melakukan kendali interaksional, dalam struktur sintaksis, dan dalam pemakaian metafora dengan percakapan bahasa Sasak. Teori yang dipergunakan adalah teori wacana kritis model Norman Fairclough dan dilengkapi oleh teori Teun A. Van Dijk. Pengumpulan dilakukan dengan metode simak dan cakap (wawancara) serta teknik dasar dan turunannya, metode observasi, dan metode dokumentasi. Sumber data diperoleh dari para pemuda dan pemudi Sasak yang sedang berkomunikasi. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk membuat deskripsi secara sistematis, kategorisasi, dan pemolaan. Data disajikan secara formal dan informal. Pada akhirnya, penelitian ini menghasilkan realita motif atau ideologi sikap komunikator yang memihak peran laki-laki atau perempuan Sasak dalam perspektif gender, yang kerap menimbulkan persinggungan fisik-psikis, seperti; pelecehan seksual, KDRT, dan bahkan dalam budaya kawin cerai

    Menurunkan Indeks Massa Tubuh Perempuan Dewasa Dengan Kelebihan Berat Badan Dan Kegemukan Melalui Latihan Fisik Interval Training

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    Reducing Body Mass Index of Adult Female who has Excessive Weight and Obesity through Physical Exercise of Interval Training. Most of the deaths in the world are predominantly caused by diseases associated with overweight and obesity. Interval training exercise could be an alternative to overcome that problem. The aim of the study was to explain the effect of the interval training exercise on Body Mass Index. This research used a quasi-experimental design, pre-post with control group that involved 44 samples of female adult suffered from overweight and obesity. The results showed that Interval training could give the significant reduction of the body mass index after 12 times exercises (p= 0,000). Community nurses may consider to implement interval training exercise as a promising strategy for non-communicable disease prevention program

    Jampi Maen Jaran dalam Tradisi Masyarakat Sumbawa: Kajian Semantik

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    Abstrak: Tradisi maen jaran atau yang biasa disebut pacuan kuda, adalah sebuah tradisi yang dilaksanakan secara turun-temurun oleh masyarakat Sumbawa. Penelitian ini berjudul Analisis Makna dan Fungsi Jampi Maen Jaran dalam Tradisi Masyarakat Sumbawa. Masalah yang akan dikaji dalam penelitian ini: (1) Bagaimanakah makna jampi maen jaran dalam tradisi masyarakat Sumbawa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini deskriptif kualitatif. Sedangkan metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, wawancara, metode terjemahan dan traskripsi, metode analisis data.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa makna jampi maen jaran dalam tradisi masyarakat Sumbawa mengandung beberapa makna yakni sebagai makna kekuatan, makna keselamatan, makna religi, dan makna spritual. Dengan mengetahui ikon, indeks, simbol dan lambang tersebut maka kita akan dapat memahami makna yang terkandung di dalamnya yang tidak lupa kita harus menerjemahkannya terlebih dahulu untuk memudahkan pemaknaan. jampi maen jaran menjadi tradisi yang diwariskan dari nenek moyang yang masih menjadi kebudayaanmasyarakat yang tidaklepasdarikehidupansehari-hari. Abstract: The tradition of playing Jaran or commonly called horse racing, is a tradition carried out from generation to generation by the Sumbawa people. This research is entitled Analysis of the Meaning and Functions of MaenJaran incantations in the Sumbawa Community Tradition. The problems that will be studied in this research: (1) What is the meaning of jampimaenjaran in the tradition of the Sumbawa people. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. While the data collection method used is the method of observation, interviews, documentation, interviews, translation and transcription methods, data analysis methods. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the meaning of jampimaenjaran in the Sumbawa community tradition contains several meanings, namely the meaning of strength, the meaning of safety, the meaning of religion, and the meaning of spirituality. By knowing the icons, indexes, symbols and symbols, we will be able to understand the meaning contained in them, which we must not forget to translate first to facilitate the meaning. jampimaenjaran is a tradition passed down from ancestors which is still a community culture that cannot be separated from everyday life

    Transitivity in the Text of Indonesian Presidential Candidates Debate

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    The presidential debate is a fundamental part of a sort of presidential election events worldwide. A number of developing countries with a presidential system of government always carry out hearing, listening and tracking the vision and mission of the nation and country. This activity is conducted to introduce the presidential candidates and vice presidents to the citizens. For example, the presidential debate in Indonesia raises a variety of social phenomena of language. There are three main factors behind selecting this phenomenon of language at the 2014 presidential debate, namely: empirical, practical, and theoretical as the topic of a study. In order to answer these three phenomena, the researcher focuses on the linguistic exposure system on the Candidate Debate Text (CDT) for the presidential election. This study aims at describing deeply the various aspects of the exposure system of the linguistic experiences of the two presidential candidates of Indonesia in the debate. Moreover, this study intends to describe the scheme and the range or reach of the discussion conducted by two candidates through debate. The theory used as the basic reference of this study is Systematic Functional Linguistics (SFL) articulated by Halliday (1985,1991, 2004, 2014)

    System of Modality on the Text of Indonesian Presidential Candidates Debate on the Period of 2014-2019

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    The text modality system is a set of views, judgments, and opinions of a tenor on the linguistic phenomena. The tenor's view of discourse lies in a core position called the modal arena and is reconciled with two polar namely positive and negative polar. There are three linguistic phenomena underlying the study of the modalities of the text of the presidential candidate debate, i.e empirical, practical, and theoretical phenomena. The objective of the study was to describe the text modality system of Indonesian presidential candidate debate on the period of 2014-2015. The theory used in this research namely the theory of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). The research approach is a qualitative descriptive approach with the linguistic phenomenological paradigm. The types of data include words, phrases, clauses, a group of phrases, and text units. The data comes from the TDC audio recordings of stage I and II. The research instrument used text validation tables and contexts. Furthermore, the data collection stage used the method of documentation and observation along with some advanced techniques. Stage of data processing was done through classification, segmentation, and data codification. The analysis stage includes several stages, namely reduction, presentation, and verification. The results show that the PS has a tendency to use the probabilistic 'probable' modality, frequency 'usual', must 'mandatory' tendency to 'wish' with the subjective-implicit action orientation, while the JW tends to use the modulation of the probability type of 'certain', frequency 'always', must ‘required', tendency 'fixed' with an objective-explicit action orientation

    Transitivity in the text of Indonesian presidential candidates debate

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    The presidential debate is a fundamental part of a sort of presidential election events worldwide. A number of developing countries with a presidential system of government always carry out hearing, listening and tracking the vision and mission of the nation and country. This activity is conducted to introduce the presidential candidates and vice presidents to the citizens. For example, the presidential debate in Indonesia raises a variety of social phenomena of language. There are three main factors behind selecting this phenomenon of language at the 2014 presidential debate, namely: empirical, practical, and theoretical as the topic of a study. In order to answer these three phenomena, the researcher focuses on the linguistic exposure system on the Candidate Debate Text (CDT) for the presidential election. This study aims at describing deeply the various aspects of the exposure system of the linguistic experiences of the two presidential candidates of Indonesia in the debate. Moreover, this study intends to describe the scheme and the range or reach of the discussion conducted by two candidates through debate. The theory used as the basic reference of this study is Systematic Functional Linguistics (SFL) articulated by Halliday (1985,1991, 2004, 2014)

    Analisis Peran Persepsi Harga Dan Brand Image Terhadap Purchase Decision Produk Sepatu Dengan Merek Vans

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of brand image and price perception partially or simultaneously on purchasing decisions. The type of research used is quantitative associative research. The subjects of this study were consumers of Vans shoes with a sample of 115 respondents. The data collection method uses a questionnaire. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis, the classic assumption test and multiple linear regression analysis. Hypothesis testing using the T test, F test, and R2Test. In this study it can be seen that partially, the brand image variable (X1) and price perception (X2) each have a significant effect on purchasing decisions (Y). Simultaneously, brand image (X1) and price perception (X2) significantly influence purchasing decisions (Y). The coefficient value of R2 by looking at the value of R Square 0.731 or 73.1%. Keywords: Brand Image, Price Perception, Purchase Decisio

    Pendidikan dan Latihan Penguatan Dimensi Kompetensi Kepala Sekolah di Kota Mataram

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    Kepala Sekolah memegang peranan penting dalam mengelola sekolah yang dipimpinnya. Oleh sebab itu, pemerintah telah melakukan terobosan baru guna meningkatkan kemampuan dan profesionalisme kepala sekolah melalui penguatan kepala sekolah dengan melibatkan lembaga penyelenggara diklat baik dari perguruan tinggi, pemerintah, maupun lembaga terkait lainnya. Kegiatan diklat dilakukan dengan metode diskusi kelompok berbasis lembar kerja yang harus dituntaskan oleh para peserta dengan menilai aspek pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan. Hasil penilaian kinerja penyelenggaraan rata-rata sebesar 3,80, dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 3,80, dan (4) evaluasi terhadap narasumber dan tengajar, dengan nilai rata rata sebesar 3,98


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    ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini sebagai bentuk usaha dalam melestraikan lingkungan asri ditingkat lingkungan desa dalam mendukung masyarakat SDGs khusus lingkungan berkelanjutan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dengan tujuan : 1) Meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat  akan pentingnya lingkungan asri di sekitar  dan  2)  memberikan semangat baru dalam motivasi menanam pohon dan pemeliharaan secara berkelanjutan; Metode pengabdian yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah sosialisasi, Pelaksanaan kegiatan padat karya dan evaluasi program. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan pada minggu, 22 Mei 2022. Kegiatan penanaman pohon bersama karang taruna ini dilaksanakan pada Desa Rempe Kecamatan Seteluk Sumbawa Barat. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini memiliki dampak positif terhadap penghijauan jangka pendek dan panjang dalam melestarikan lingkungan masa akan dating. Kata Kunci: penanaman pohon; karang taruna dan lingkungan asri ABSTRACTThis community service activity is a form of business in preserving a beautiful environment at the village level in supporting the SDGs community specifically for a sustainable environment. This community service activity aims to: 1) Increase public awareness of the importance of a beautiful environment around them and 2) provide a new spirit in the motivation to plant trees and maintain them in a sustainable manner; The service method used in this activity is socialization, implementation of labor-intensive activities and program evaluation. This service was carried out on Sunday, May 22, 2022. This tree planting activity with youth groups was carried out in Rempe Village, Seteluk District, West Sumbawa. This community service activity has a positive impact on short and long term reforestation in preserving the environment in the future. Keywords: tree planting; youth organizations  and beautiful environment