265 research outputs found

    Rekayasa Sistem Pembangkit Rencana Proses Pemesinan Generatif Berorientasi Objek untuk Part Rotasional

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    Sebuah produk, sebelum dieksekusi pada lantai produksi harus melalui beberapa tahapan perencanaan, diantaranya tahapan desain, tahapan perencanaan proses pemesinan, dan tahapan perencanaan produksi. Pengintegrasian tahapan – tahapan tersebut merupakan suatu keharusan agar dihasilkan produk dengan kualitas (quality) yang baik, biaya produksi (cost) yang rendah dan lead time yang pendek (delivery). Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM ) dikenal sebagai landasan yang efektif untuk meningkatkan ketangkasan proses manufaktur. Salah satu permasalahan dalam CIM adalah pengintegrasian aktivitas desain dan produksi. Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) merupakan salah satu bagian CIM yang mengintegrasikan kedua aktivitas tersebut. Terdapat tiga pendekatan dalam pengembangan CAPP, yaitu pendekatan varian, generatif, dan semi – generatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan generatif, dimana rencana proses dihasilkan melalui logika keputusan, formulasi, pencarian, algoritma dan data berbasis geometrik. Permasalahan dalam pengembangan CAPP berbasis generatif ini adalah kompabilitas data antara desain dan manufaktur, sehingga untuk menyelesaikan permasalah tersebut, dalam penelitian ini dipergunakan konsep desain berbasis fitur. Penggunaan konsep desain berbasis fitur ini, selain untuk mempermudah user dalam melakukan proses desain, namun juga dapat mempermudah dalam proses inferensi untuk membangkitkan proses pemesinan berdasarkan dari input fitur ini. Rencana proses pemesinan ini dibangkitkan melalui proses inferensi untuk melakukan mekanisme pencarian dalam menentukan kesimpulan berdasarkan aturan – aturan yang telah dibuat. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep sistem pakar berbasis pengetahuan dan algoritma backward chaining untuk melakukan proses inferensi, sehingga proses pemesinan dapat dibangkitkan berdasarkan aturan – aturan yang telah ditentukan. Berangkat dari permasalahan diatas, penelitian tugas sarjana ini berusaha untuk melakukan pengembangan (rekayasa) sistem pembangkit rencana proses pemesinan untuk part rotational dengan menggunakan pendekatan sistem pakar berbasis pengetahuan dan menggunakan pendekatan yang dinilai tepat dalam mendekomposisi kompleksitas dalam pengembangan sistem ini, yaitu pendekatan berorientasi objek (object-oriented). Sehingga output dari rencana proses ini dapat dipergunakan bagi input sistem pengurutan proses (dalam penelitian yang terpisah) dan akhirnya hasil akhir dari penelitian ini dapat dihasilkan rencana proses yang tepat dan konsisten. A product, before being executed in shop floor should follow a various planning stage, that is: design stage, machining process planning stage, and production planningstage. Integration of these stages must be done to deliver a product with good quality, low production cost, and short lead time. Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) be known as an effective way for improving adroitness of manufacturing process. One of the problems in CIM is integration of design and production activity. Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) is an important section in CIM to integrate design and production activity. There is three approach in development of CAPP, there are variant, generative, and semi-generative approach. This research use generative approach, where process planning generated by decision logic, formulation, searching, algorithm, and geometric based data. The problem on development of generative based CAPP is data compability between design and manufacture. To solve this problem, this research use design based feature concept. With this concept, not only for perform design process, but also can make inference process easier to generate process planning based from design input. Machinning process plan generated inference process for carry out searching mechanism to determine conclusion based from specified rules. This research us knowledge based expert system and backward chaining algorithm to perform inference process, so machining process can be generated based from specified rule. Based from these problems, the objective of this research is to engineer or develop machining process planning system for rotational part for using knowledge based expert system and use appropriate approach to decompose complexity for this system’s development, that is object – oriented approach. Output from this process planning can be used as input for process sequencing system (in separate research). In the end, the final result of this research can deliver precise and consistent process planning


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    Nugraha Setiawan, Daniel. 2014. Water Exploitation and Its Outcome Caused byCapitalism as Reflected on Gore Verbinski’s Rango Movie. Study Program ofEnglish, Universitas Brawijaya.Supervisor: Yusri Fajar, Co-supervisor: Melania Shinta Harendika.Keywords: water exploitation, environment, capitalism, Rango movie. Water exploitation threats ecosystem and causes a great damage to environment. One of the causes of the water exploitation is capitalism. The movie entitled Rango reveals some causes and effects of water exploitation caused by capitalism inside the movie.This research applies eccocriticism approach as the main study to analyze thismovie entitled Rango. This study also applies the concept of capitalism and movie studies. The result of the study reveals that water exploitation causes many effects to the environment. In the movie, Mayor who becomes the main antagonist exploits all water sources for his own benefit. The water exploitation causes many bad effects for such three aspects as plant, animal, and the citizen of Dirt City. Those effects cause imbalance to the cycle of ecosystem which disrupt the life of many living beings.For future researchers, it is advisable to conduct further studies on the samemovie but with different approaches. One of the examples is Marxism approach,because Marxism approach can be used to analyze the struggle of the citizen of Dirt City to get enough water

    Perbandingan Pemodelan Embedded System Berbasis Register Transfer Level Dan Transaction Level Modeling Dengan Studi Kasus : Single-Purpose Processor Untuk Least Common Multiple<br><br>The Comparison Of Embedded System Modeling Based On Register Transfer L

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    ABSTRAKSI: Perkembangan peralatan elektronik modern saat ini memiliki fungsionalitas yang canggih namun juga memiliki ukuran yang kecil. Hal ini dipicu oleh masih berlakunya Hukum Moore sehingga kapasitas pemrosesan suatu chip dapat meningkat. Namun demikian kapasitas pemrosesan ini perlu diimbangi oleh produktifitas perancangan. Salah satu cara mengatasi kompleksitas desain sistem adalah dengan menaikkan tingkat abstraksi dari suatu sistem.Alur desain pemodelan tradisional Register Transfer Level (RTL) tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan dari sudut pandang waktu untuk pemasaran. Dalam hal ini tingkat abstraksi yang lebih tinggi perlu bagi desainer untuk mengeksplorasi produktifitas desain pada tingkat sistem. Transaction Level Modeling (TLM) merupakan pendekatan dengan tingkat abstraksi lebih tinggi dari RTL.RTL dan TLM memiliki gaya pemodelan yang berbeda, oleh karena itu hasil dari kedua pemodelan ini diperbandingkan untuk mengetahui fungsionalitas dari model yang dibangun. Dalam tugas akhir ini dibuat suatu pemodelan singlepurpose processor untuk menghitung least common multiple. Dari hasil pemodelan RTL dan TLM, keduanya telah menunjukkan bahwa fungsionalitasnya berjalan dengan baik. Perbedaan level abstraksi tidak mempengaruhi fungsionalitas system.Kata Kunci : embedded system, Register Transfer Level, Transaction Level Modeling, SystemC.ABSTRACT: The development of modern electronic equipment currently has a sophisticated functionality but also has a small size. This was triggered by the entry into force of Moore\u27s Law so that the processing capacity of a chip can be increased. However, this processing capacity needs to be balanced by design productivity. One way to overcome the complexity of system design is to raise the level of abstraction of a system.Traditional design flow modeling Register Transfer Level (RTL) is not able to meet the time to market. In this case a higher level of abstraction necessary for designers to explore the design space at the system level. Transaction Level Modeling (TLM) is an approach with a level of abstraction higher than RTL.RTL and TLM has a different style of modeling, therefore the result of both this model are compared to determine the functionality of the model built. In this thesis, a model is single-purpose processor to calculate the least common multiple. From RTL and TLM modeling results, both have shown that the functionality goes well.Keyword: embedded system, Register Transfer Level, Transaction Level Modeling, SystemC

    BANANA IV: Two aligned stellar rotation axes in the young eccentric binary system EP Crucis: primordial orientation and tidal alignment

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    With observations of the EP Cru system, we continue our series of measurements of spin-orbit angles in eclipsing binary star systems, the BANANA project (Binaries Are Not Always Neatly Aligned). We find a close alignment between the sky projections of the rotational and orbital angular momentum vectors for both stars (beta_p = -1.8+-1.6 deg and |beta_s|<17 deg). We also derive precise absolute dimensions and stellar ages for this system. The EP Cru and DI Her systems provide an interesting comparison: they have similar stellar types and orbital properties, but DI Her is younger and has major spin-orbit misalignments, raising the question of whether EP Cru also had a large misalignment at an earlier phase of evolution. We show that tidal dissipation is an unlikely explanation for the good alignment observed today, because realignment happens on the same timescale as spin-orbit synchronization, and the stars in EP Cru are far from syncrhonization (they are spinning 9 times too quickly). Therefore it seems that some binaries form with aligned axes, while other superficially similar binaries are formed with misaligned axes.Comment: ApJ accepted, 10 pages, 7 figure

    Loyalitas Pelanggan RC Motogarage Bandung: Peran Pengalaman Pelanggan Dalam Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Customer experience is one indicator of the success of the services provided by the company. The concept of customer experience not only provides a unique experience, but is also positive, memorable, and creates long-term relationships. The study was conducted at RC Motogarage, a premium helmet shop in Bandung to analyze the role of customer experience in creating customer loyalty during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to analyze the effect of customer experience on customer loyalty at RC Motogarage Bandung. This research uses quantitative methods with analytical descriptive types. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Sampling was done through purposive sampling as many as 112 respondents with the criteria of having visited and bought products at RC Motogarage Bandung. The results showed that the dimensions of Sense, Feel, Think, and Relate had a significant effect on customer loyalty at RC Motogarage Bandung, while the Act dimension did not significantly affect customer loyalty at RC Motogarage Bandung. Simultaneously, RC Motogarage Bandung succeeded in creating a customer experience during the Covid-19 pandemic


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    Various factors were found as the cause of the contractor's failure in bid evaluation in the tender of government projects. This study aims to explore the factors that cause contractors to fail in electronic project procurement in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The study was conducted based on a qualitative approach with documents as data sources. The secondary data was obtained from the Electronic Procurement Service Website (LPSE) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2017. Qualitative data analysis was carried out using NVivo software in order to classify data that has similar meanings, which can be considered as the factors that cause failure of contractors in government projects tender. The results show that technical factors are the most common cause of failure, both in building projects, roads and bridges, and waterworks. Specifically, the technical factors that are the cause of the failure are different for each type of project. Technical factors related to core personnel are the cause of failure in building and waterworks projects, while the construction method is the cause of failure in road and bridge projects


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran yang layak dalam bentuk buku digital interaktif pada mata pelajaran penerapan rangkaian elektronika. Kelayakan dalam hal ini mengacu pada aspek validitas, efektifitas, dan kepraktisan media pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan (R&amp;D) yang terdiri dari 7 langkah yaitu: (1) potensi dan masalah; (2) pengumpulan data; (3) desain produk; (4) validasi produk; (5) revisi produk; (6) uji coba produk; (7) analisis dan pelaporan. Pada penelitian ini rancangan uji coba yang digunakan adalah one-shot case study. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) kelayakan buku digital interaktif pada aspek validitas dinyatakan sangat layak dengan hasil rating sebesar 83,3%. (2) kelayakan buku digital interaktif pada aspek efektifitas ditinjau dari hasil belajar siswa diperoleh nilai rata-rata hasil belajar akhir siswa lebih besar atau sama dengan KKM dengan nilai th = 27,015 &gt; ttabel = 1,69. (3) kelayakan buku digital interaktif pada aspek kepraktisan yang ditinjau dari respon siswa dinyatakan sangat praktis dengan hasil rating sebesar 91%. The purpose of this study is to produce appropriate learning media in the form of interactive digital books on subjects of the application of electronic circuits. Feasibility in this case refers to aspects of validity, effectiveness, and practicality of learning media. This study uses a research development method (R &amp; D) which consists of 7 steps, namely: (1) potential and problems; (2) data collection; (3) product design; (4) product validation; (5) product revisions; (6) product testing; (7) analysis and reporting. In this study the trial design used was a one-shot case study. The results showed that: (1) the feasibility of interactive digital books on the aspect of validity was declared very feasible with a rating of 83.3%. (2) the feasibility of interactive digital books on aspects of effectiveness in terms of student learning outcomes obtained the average value of student final learning outcomes greater or equal to KKM with a value of th = 27.015&gt; t table = 1.69. (3) the feasibility of interactive digital books on aspects of practicality that are viewed from the response of students is stated to be very practical with a rating of 91%

    Pengaruh Leptin terhadap Kadar Interleukin 6 Serum Tikus yang Diberi Pakan Tinggi Lemak

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    Pada keadaan obesitas, meningkatnya jumlah sel lemak merupakan salah satu penyebab meningkatnya sitokin proinflamasi seperti IL-6. Obesitas dapat dimulai dengan terjadinya resistensi leptin. Penurunan resistensi perifer leptin akan mengembalikan fungsi leptin dalam memecah jaringan lemak sehingga kadar IL-6 dalam serum akan turun. Dalam penelitian ini leptin eksogen diberikan untuk mengatasi resistensi perifer leptin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pemberian leptin eksogen dalam jangka pendek dapat mengatasi resistensi perifer leptin. Penelitian eksperimental dengan post test only control group design. Dua puluh lima tikus jantan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok yaitu kelompok dengan pakan normal, kelompok dengan pakan tinggi lemak, kelompok pakan tinggi lemak dan pemberian leptin dosis 50 ng/ml; 100 ng/ml; dan 200 ng/ml. Tiap kelompok terdiri dari 5 ekor tikus. Setelah diberi pakan tinggi lemak enam puluh hari, tikus diberi injeksi leptin intravena sekali sehari selama 3 hari. Pada hari ke 3 setelah pemberian leptin, tikus dibedah dan diambil darahnya dari aorta. Darah disentrifus, untuk memisahkan serum dengan hematokrit, kemudian diukur kadar IL-6 dalam serum. Tikus yang diberi pakan tinggi lemak kadar IL-6 dalam serum lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok yang diberi pakan normal. Tikus yang diberi pakan tinggi lemak dan pemberian leptin mempunyai kadar IL-6 dalam serum yang lebih rendah. Disimpulkan bahwa pemberian leptin eksogen dapat mengatasi resistensi leptin sehingga kadar IL-6 dalam serum menurun.In obesity, the increasing amount of fat cells is one among many factors that causes raise in proinflammatory cytokine such as IL-6. Obesity may begin with leptin resistance. Decline in leptin pe­ripheral resistance will return leptin function in breaking down fat tissues hence the serum concentration of IL-6 will decrease. In this study, exogenous leptin was given to overcome leptin peripheral resistance. This study aims to investigate whether short course of exogenous leptin administration can overcome leptin peripheral resistance. Experimental research with posttest only control group design. Twenty five male mouses were divided into 5 groups which are: group with normal diet, high fat diet, high fat diet with 50 ng/ml leptin administration, high fat diet with 100 ng/ml leptin administration, high fat diet with 200 ng/ ml leptin administration. Every group consists of 5 mouses. After given high fat diet for 60 days, mouses were given intravenous leptin injection once daily for 3 days. On the 3rd day after leptin administration, mice were resected and blood was taken from the aorta. The blood was centrifuged to separate the serum from the hematocrit, and then concentration of IL-6 was measured from the serum. Mouses given high fat diet had higher serum IL-6 concentration compared with control group. Mouses with high fat diet with leptin administration had lower serum IL-6 concentration. It can be concluded that exogenous leptin can overcome leptin resistance, thus serum IL-6 concentration decreases

    Analisis Layanan Shuttle Untuk Mengoptimalkan Fasilitas Parkir Di Kampus

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    Pada era modern, pendidikan menjadi salah satu hal utama untuk menunjang kualitas hidup seseorang, hal tersebut membuat semakin banyak masyarakat Indonesia berusaha untuk menempuh pendidikan hingga ke perguruan tinggi. Pada beberapa perguruan tinggi, mahasiswanya cenderung menggunakan kendaraan pribadi untuk melakukan perjalanan dari tempat tinggal menuju ke kampus. Hal ini menyebabkan pertumbuhan beban lalu lintas kampus dan lingkungan sekitarnya tidak dapat dihindarkan, selain itu kampus juga memerlukan lahan parkir yang cukup besar untuk menampung semua kendaraan pribadi tersebut, terutama mobil.Mengetahui presentasi pemilihan moda transportasi antara berkendara sendiri dengan berkendara bersama dengan memberikan atribut berupa biaya parkir, waktu mencari parkir dan waktu tempuh dari lapangan parkir ke kampus. Dengan cara regresi untuk mendapatkan suatu persamaan.Berdasarkan hasil analisis disimpulkan bahwa faktor yang paling mempengaruhi sensitivitas mahasiswa untuk beralih dari berkendara sendiri dan berkendara bersama adalah diberlakukannya tarif parkir. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari 3 grafik yang ada. Bahwa kelengkungan garis pada grafik menandakan tingkat kesensitivitas responden. Tetapi didapati bahwa harga yang dimasukkan terlalu mahal untuk membuat responden beralih menjadi berkendara bersama. Sehingga analisa ini juga tidak serta merta dapat menjamin keberhasilan pada saat diberlakukan di kampus

    Membandingkan Kinerja Web Browser

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    Internet adalah suatu komunikasi antara satu komputer dengan lainnya secara global melalui suatu media komunikasi. Selain itu, internet juga menyediakan berbagai macam informasi dari seluruh dunia. Sarana yang digunakan dalam mencari informasi ataupun komunikasi melalui internet, kita dapat menggunakan beberapa web browser yang terkenal saat ini. Makalah ini membahas mengenai kinerja web browser, ada lima web browser yang akan digunakan meliputi Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, dan Maxthon. Kami melakukan beberapa metodologi seperti, fitur, kecepatan, tes benchmark
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