284 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKTari Gandamanah merupakan salah satu rumpun tari Wayang dengan karakter monggawa dangah atau gagah, menggambarkan kesigapan Gandamanah sebelum bertanding disayembara Senopati Drupada untuk mencarikan calon suami Dewi Drupadi. Terpilihnya tari ini sebagai sumber garap penyajian tari karena memiliki ciri khas tersendiri, sehingga terbukanya peluang, untuk melakukan proses kreatif menggubah tarian. Adapun tujuan dari penyajian tari ini ialah untuk mewujudkan penyajian tari gaya baru tanpa mengubah esensi sumbernya. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan tersebut, maka landasan teori yang digunakan adalah teori gegubahan, sedangkan metode yang digunakan adalah metode gubahan tari yaitu pengembangan dari sumber tradisi tertentu dengan cara memasukan, menyisipkan, dan memadukan bentuk-bentuk gerak baru, sehingga menghasilkan bentuk penyajian yang berbeda dengan tetap mempertahankan identitas sumbernya dengan langkah-langkah proses garapnya meliputi: eksplorasi, evaluasi, dan komposisi. Hasil akhir dari proses yang dilakukan melalui gubahan ini ialah mendapatkan sentuhan kreativitas dengan memberikan variasi dalam segi koreografi, baik itu dalam pengolahan pola lantai, perubahan arah hadap dan arah gerak, level menari yang sesuai dengan tarian. Berdasarkan proses tersebut maka akan terwujud inovasi tari Gandamanah dengan gaya yang baru, tetapi tetap mempertahankan esensi sumber tariannya. Kata Kunci: Penyajian Tari, Tari Gandamanah, Gubahan Tari.   ABSTRACTThe Gandamanah Dance, June 2021. The Gandamanah dance is one of the Wayang dance genres with the monggawa dangah or dashing character, depicting Gandamanah's alertness before competing in the Senopati Drupada competition to find a future husband for Dewi Drupadi. The choice of this dance as a source of work on dance presentations because it has its own characteristics, so it opens up opportunities, to carry out the creative process of composing dances. The purpose of this dance presentation is to realize the presentation of a new style of dance without changing the essence of the source. To achieve this goal, the theoretical basis used is composing theory, while the method used is the dance composition method, namely the development of certain traditional sources by inserting, inserting, and combining new forms of motion, so as to produce a different form of presentation with fixed maintain the identity of the source with the steps of the working process including: exploration, evaluation, and composition. The end result of the processMakalangan Vol. 8, No. 1, Edisi Juni 2021 | 21carried out throught this composition is to get a touch of creativity by providing variations in terms of choreography, both in processing floor patterns, changing the direction of the face and direction of motion, dancing levels that are in accordance with the dance. Based on this process, Gandamanah dance innovation will be realized with a new style, but still maintain the essence of the source of the dance.Keywords: Dance Presentation, Gandamanah Dance, Dance Composition.


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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Penerapan Simbol Jari Tangan Untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan Materi Akor Dalam Pembelajaran Angklung Di SMP Mutiara 5 Lembang”. Judul ini diambil dari masalah yang dialami dalam pembelajaran Seni Budaya (Seni musik, dalam hal ini musik angklung) yang dilakukan oleh peneliti di SMP Mutiara 5 Lembang. Peneliti sekaligus guru mencoba menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang baru dengan menerapkan simbol jari tangan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan akor lagu yang dipelajari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengahasilkan bahan ajar tentang pembelajaran angklung di sekolah yang lebih efektif dan efisien.. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu penelitian tindakan kelas dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahan ajar pembelajaran. Bahan ajar ini disusun berdasarkan analisis dan pengamatan yang dilakukan peneliti terhadap pengalaman dalam bermain angklung dan berbagai sumber tentang model pembelajaran angklung.. Melalui bahan ajar ini guru bisa mengarahkan siswa untuk mempelajari dan memainkan lagu yang sesuai dengan hasil yang diharapkan

    Efektivitas Dakwah Fi’ah: Studi Model Dakwah pada Lembaga Dakwah Kampus

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    Campus Da’wah Institution (CDI) is a movement who which done by student especially in giving members comprehension about their religious behavior. One of destination, to increase comprehension about their religion throught mentoring that done each Monday, so the members become trained and consistence in achieving their destination, with it’s indicator such as: ritual involving, ideology, intellectual, experience and consequencial

    Konstruksi Filsafat Ibnu Rusyd Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Peradaban Barat

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    Abstract;Ibn Rushd is a Muslim philosopher whose thoughts have had an influence in the West. Ibnu Rushd as a philosopher tried to synthesize religion and philosophy, so that philosophy could deepen one's faith. This research will elaborate on the background of Ibn Rushd's life, works, thought construction, and influence in the West. By using literature methods, this research wants to examine Ibn Rushd's own thoughts which had an influence on Western progress and civilization. Ibn Rushd's students who brought his thoughts to the West were called averroism. His thinking succeeded in increasing the strong influence between religion and the church in the West. Finally, the renaissance became a real contribution of Ibn Rushd's thought to Western civilization.Keywords:Ibn Rushd's philosophy, influence in the West. Abstrak;Ibnu Rusyd merupakan salah satu filsuf Muslim yang pemikirannya memiliki pengaruh hingga ke Barat. Ibnu Rusyd sebagai filsuf mencoba mensintesakan antara agama dan filsafat, sehingga filsafat dapat memperdalam keimanan seseorang. Penelitian ini akan mengelaborasi bagaimana latar belakang kehidupan, karya-karya, konstruksi pemikiran, dan pengaruh pemikiran Ibnu Rusyd di Barat. Dengan menggunakan metode kepustakaan, penelitian ini ingin mengkaji pemikiran Ibnu Rusyd sendiri yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap kemajuan dan peradaban Barat. Murid-murid Ibnu Rusyd yang membawa pemikirannya ke Barat disebut sebagai averroisme. Pemikirannya berhasil mendongkrak pengaruh kuat antara agama dan gereja di Barat. Akhirnya, renaissance menjadi kontribusi nyata pemikiran Ibnu Rusyd bagi peradaban Barat.Kata Kunci:   Filsafat Ibnu Rusyd, Pengaruhnya di Barat

    Dakwah Berbasis Pemberdayaan Ekonomi dan Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Mad’u

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    Dompet Peduli Umat (DPU) Daarut Tauhid exists around people through Desa Ternak Mandiri (DTM) program as a concern in poverty. DTM program conducted by the DPU has a unique character which using this approach in doing poverty alleviation mission. This phenomena indicates that the DPU has contributed to the community to improve the welfare of people who are categorized as a poor. With typical propaganda materials that can motivate and help people who are economically weak to grow and be empowered so they can live independent economically and spiritually as well. This program succeed to increase such as family income, a better understanding of the religious, and scientific livestock management. These sciences and experiences are very useful to them to support life after the program is completed. This program is run by zakat funds raised by the charity as well as active participation DPU’s companion activities that comprise the religious field assistance, animal healthcare assistance deployed at the Desa Ternak Mandiri at Cimenyan - Bandung


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    Belakangan ini terjadi berbagai ketimpangan sosial di masyarakat berhubungan dengan kondisi sosial yang dialami oleh masyarakat itu sendiri. Pendekatan sosiologi sastra memandang sastra sebagai pencerminan kehidupan masyarakat atau cerminan kenyataan dan bukan sebagai kenyataan atau peristiwa yang benar-benar terjadi juga sebagai sarana kritik dalam kehidupan sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu (a) Membahas sosiologi sastra yang terkandung dalam kumpulan cerpen 11:11 karya Fiersa Bersari. (b) Membahas bagaimana bahan ajar pembelajaran cerpen berdasarkan sosiologi sastra yang terkandung dalam kumpulan cerpen 11:11 karya Fiersa Bersari. Metode yang dipilih adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan cara mendeskripsikan gambaran fenomena yang terjadi berdasarkan fakta. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari kutipan-kutipan yang terdapat dalam kumpulan cerpen 11:11 Karya Fiersa Besari. Melalui proses pengumpulan data dari mulai mengindentifikasi, menjelaskan, menganalisis konteks sosial pengarang, sastra sebagai cermin masyarakat, dan fungsi sosial sastra yang terdapat dalam kumpulan cerpen 11:11 Karya Fiersa Besari yang dibedah menggunakan teori Ian Watt. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan mengetahui gambaran keadaan sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat dan menghasilkan alternatif bahan ajar yang sesuai dengan KD 3,8 Mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai kehidupan yang terkandung dalam kumpulan cerita pendek yang dibaca. Terdapat kesesuaian dengan kriteria yang dibutuhkan untuk alternatif pembelajaran cerpen

    Dakwah Berbasis Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Dan Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Mad'u

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    Dompet Peduli Umat (DPU) Daarut Tauhid exists around people through Desa Ternak Mandiri (DTM) program as a concern in poverty. DTM program conducted by the DPU has a unique character which using this approach in doing poverty alleviation mission. This phenomena indicates that the DPU has contributed to the community to improve the welfare of people who are categorized as a poor. With typical propaganda materials that can motivate and help people who are economically weak to grow and be empowered so they can live independent economically and spiritually as well. This program succeed to increase such as family income, a better understanding of the religious, and scientific livestock management. These sciences and experiences are very useful to them to support life after the program is completed. This program is run by zakat funds raised by the charity as well as active participation DPU's companion activities that comprise the religious field assistance, animal healthcare assistance deployed at the Desa Ternak Mandiri at Cimenyan - Bandung

    Comparative Interpretation of Verses About the Meaning of Tartil in Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Tafsir Ibn Katsîr, and Tafsir Sayyid Qutb

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    This article compares the meaning of Tartil lafazh and its derivation in the Qur'an from the perspective of al-Qurtubi, Ibn Kathir and Sayyid Qutb. The purpose of this study is to understand the comparison of the meaning of Tartil lafazh and its derivation in the interpretations of al-Qurtubi, Ibn Kathir, and Sayyid Qutb. The writing of this research article uses a literature-based analytical descriptive method. The results of this study conclude that, in the interpretation of al-Qurthubî to surah al-Muzzammil verse 4, Tartil is an unhurried reading, slowly and accompanied by contemplating the meaning contained in it. Al-Qurtubi forbids reading the Qur'an, which is sung. According to Ibn Kathir, Tartil is interpreted as an unhurried reading of the Qur'an to assist in understanding the contents of the Qur'an and decorate the task with hums and songs with beautiful voices. As for Sayyid Qutb's opinion, Tartil understands the meaning of what is read while keeping the reading short, not excessively singing it and humming it. Then the purpose of Tartil in Surah al-Furqân verse 32, according to al-Qurtubi is the regular and correct reading. Meanwhile, according to Ibn Kathir is to explain clearly, and according to Sayyid Qutb is a continuous and successive reading regularly. The background to the differences in the interpretation of the three commentators is the difference in the period of the birth of the interpretation, the different sources of interpretation, the different styles and schools of interpretation, and the differences in the specific methods of interpretation
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