37 research outputs found

    Extraction And Solubility Studies Of Virgin Coconut Oil From Coconut (Cocos Nucifera) Flesh Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

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    Coconut (Cocos nucifera) oil which is extracted from fresh coconut flesh is known as virgin coconut oil (VCO). The oil is a natural source of medium chain tryglycerides (MCTs) which has been well known as healthy oil. It is remarkable that very few reports on the extraction of the VCO using SC-CO2 have been published hitherto the fundamental insights on the SC-CO2 extraction processes of the coconut oil are much lacking. The objectives of this work are evaluating the parameters effects of VCO extraction using SC-CO2 and examination of the oil solubility in SCCO2

    Geothermal exploration using lineament density analysis at Rajabasa Volcano, South Lampung

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    The research is located around Rajabasa Volcano, South Lampung Regency, Lampung Province, Indonesia. The research areas have unique geological conditions and arrangements. It is part of the caldera body estimated to have centralized geothermal potential. Identification of potential geothermal areas can be made using remote sensings such as lineament density analysis, slope, and land surface temperature with areas of approximately 190 square Kilometers. Manually extraction of lineament density is dominated by the NW-SE direction with an anomaly of only 20 percent. While the lineament density process is automatically controlled in the NE-SW order, it is estimated that the anomaly density is around 80 percent which is suitable for the central, medial, and distal. The shape of the topographic relief has a reasonably high slope starting from 0 to over 55 degrees. The soil surface temperature ranges from 14 to 34 degrees Celsius. The results of the data analysis variables in the research area should be suspected that the geothermal distribution potential of Rajabasa Volcano is estimated to be in the T0 N-NW zone, T1 E zone, and T2 S-SW zone


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    ABSTRAKSI: Jaringan wireless yang heterogen akan sangat dominan pada jaringan wireless nextgeneration dengan pengintegrasian bermacam-macam jenis jaringan akses wireless. Jaringan wireless mesh akan menjadi sebuah teknologi kunci sebagai suatu solusi untuk pengembangan layanan internet wireless yang cepat, handal, dan menjangkau area yang lebih luas.Dalam tugas akhir ini, kita akan membahas suatu arsitektur interworking dari backbone wireless mesh dan menganalisa suatu rancangan vertical handoff yang efektif antara jaringan akses wireless 802.11 dan 802.16. Rancangan vertical handoff bertujuan untuk mengurangi overhead signaling saat terjadi handoff pada backbone wireless dan menyediakan delay handoff yang rendah pada mobile node.Admission control adalah suatu mekanisme QoS yang melindungi QoS pada laju trafik yang ada dan memutuskan apakah suatu panggilan baru dapat dilakukan. Algoritma handoff decision dikombinasikan dengan admission control dapat menjamin dukungan QoS pada laju trafik yang ada dalam WLAN dengan memindahkan panggilan-panggilan baru ke jaringan WiMAX, jika permintaan panggilan baru tersebut dapat mengurangi QoS dari trafik real-time yang sudah atau yang sedang berlangsung.Performansi dari rancangan vertical handoff akan disimulasikan dengan menggunakan network simulator (NS-2.29). Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa rancangan vertical handoff berjalan dengan baik dalam kaitannya dengan signaling cost, handoff delay, system throughput, dan packet delay.Kata Kunci : -ABSTRACT: Heterogeneous wireless networks will be dominant in the next-generation wireless networks with the integration of various wireless access networks. Wireless mesh networks will become to a key technology as a solution for wide deployment of high speed, scalable and ubiquitous wireless Internet services.In this final project, we will discuss an interworking architecture of wireless mesh backbone and analyze an effective vertical handoff scheme between 802.11e and 802.16 wireless access networks. The vertical handoff scheme aims at reducing handoff signaling overhead on the wireless backbone and providing a low handoff delay to mobile nodes.Admission control is a QoS mechanism that decides whether a new connection can be established. Together with call admission control, the vertical handoff scheme directs a new call request in the 802.11 network to the 802.16 network, if the admission of the new call in the 802.11 network can degrade quality-of-service (QoS) of the existing real-time traffic flows.Performance of vertical handoff scheme will be simulated in network simulator (NS- 2.29). Simulation results demonstrate the performance of the handoff scheme with respect to signaling cost, handoff delay, and QoS support, in terms of system throughput and packet delay.Keyword:


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    In this study, we investigated the subsurface structure and strong ground motion parameters for Palu City. One of the major structures in Central Sulawesi is the Palu-Koro Fault system. Several powerful earthquakes have struck along the Palu-Koro Fault during recent years, one of the largest of which was an M 6.3 event that occurred on January 23, 2005 and caused several casualties. Following the event, we conducted a microtremor survey to estimate the shaking intensity distribution during the earthquake. From this survey we produced a map of the peak ground acceleration, velocity and ground shear strain in Palu City. We performed single observations of microtremors at 151 sites in Palu City. The results enabled us to estimate the site-dependent shaking characteristics of earthquake ground motion. We also conducted 8-site microtremor array investigation to gain a representative determination of the soil condition of subsurface structures in Palu. From the dispersion curve of array observations, the central business district of Palu corresponds to relatively soil condition with Vs ≤ 300 m/s, the predominant periods due to horizontal vertical ratios (HVSRs) are in the range of 0.4 to 1.8 s and the resonant frequency are in the range of 0.7 to 3.3 Hz. Three boreholes were throughout the basin especially in Palu area to evaluate the geotechnical properties of subsurface soil layers. The depths are varying from 1 m to 30 m. Strong ground motions of the Palu area were predicted based on the empirical stochastic green’s function method. Peak ground acceleration and peak ground velocity becomes more than 0.04 g and 30 kine in some areas, which causes severe damage for buildings in high probability. Keywords: Palu-Koro fault, microtremor, bore holes, peak ground acceleration and velocity


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    Di Indonesia terutama surakarta tanaman padi banyak dibudi dayakan terutama di dataran rendah. Tanaman padi juga merupakan jenis tanaman hortikultura yang dijadikan kebutuhan pokok bagi masyarakat, namun bila dilihat dari hasilnya masih belum memuaskan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh gangguan hama  terutama hama wereng. Wilayah yang beriklim tropis sangat cocok bagi perkembang biakan wereng. Serangan wereng sangat mengganggu produktifitas, bahkan dapat menyebabkan gagal panen pada tanaman padi. Pendiagnosaan terhadap hama wereng pada tanaman padi memang harus dilakukan secepat dan seakurat mungkin, dikarenakan hama wereng pada tanaman tersebut dapat dengan cepat menyebar serta menyerang keseluruh lahan pertanian. Tujuan penelitian ini, adalah merancang dan membuat sistem pakar untuk mendeteksi secara dini hama wereng pada tanaman padi dengan menggunakan metode fuzzy. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan penulis adalah meliputi studi lapangan dan studi kepustakaan. Studi lapangan meliputi observasi, interview / wawancara. Sedangkan studi kepustakaan dilakukan dengan penelitian kepustakaan yang relevan dengan masalah tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil akurasi sistem yang dilakukan dengan memasukkan 10 jenis kasus yang sesuai dengan perhitungan adalah 8 kasus dan yang tidak adalah 2 kasuss, sehingga dapat dikatakan tingkat keakurasi pada sistem adalah 80%.Kata kunci : Sistem Pakar, Tanaman Padi,  Hama Wereng dan Logika Fuzz


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    In this study, we estimated predominant period of an H/V spectrum in Palu City, Indonesia, by using microtremor single station observations. Sulawesi Island, eastern Indonesia, is located at the junction between the converging Pacific-Philippine, Indo- Australian Plates and the Eurasian Plate. One of the major structures in Central Sulawesi is the Palu- Koro Fault system, which extends NNW-SSE direction and cross-cuts Sulawesi along more than 300 km from the North Sulawesi trench passing southward through Palu Bay then turn to the southeast, connecting to the Matano and Lawanopo Faults and further eastward both faults join to Tolo trench. Several earthquakes have been known along Palu-Koro Fault system such as Gimpu earthquake (1905), Kulawi earthquake (1907), Kantewu earthquake (1934), and offshore Donggala earthquake (1968) which caused tsunami that destroyed 800 houses and killed 200 people at Donggala district. Palu City, located at the northern tip of Palu depression, is a capital of the Central Sulawesi Province. It is located in the active seismic zone of the Palu-Koro fault. Spectral ratios for horizontal and vertical motion (H/V) from single-station microtremor records were used to identify the predominant periods of the ground vi- brations. Understanding the parameters of predominant period[s] and seismichazard is important for mitigation and environmental planning of the Palu region. Keywords: H/V spectrum, predominant period[s], microtremor single station observatio


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    To increase agricultural productivity and food security, the fulfillment of water has an important role. The agricultural land in Grompol Village utilizes a surface water irrigation network using water from the Waru Turi weir. This study aims to categorize how good the irrigation network is in Grompol Village and the level of efficiency of providing water in the rice fields. This study uses a quantitative approach to the survey type. From the research results at this time, the Waru Turi weir is still considered capable of meeting irrigation needs. In the irrigation channel, Gp 1 KN has an irrigation area of 62 Ha and has a length of 493 m irrigation canal has efficient irrigation of 90.91%. While the GP 4 irrigation channel has an area of 181 hectares of rice fields and 2803 hectares of irrigation channel length, the GP 4 building is divided into 3 branches, namely GP 4 right, GP 4 middle, and GP 4 left, which has a channel efficiency rate of 75.22% for GP 4 KN and 76.74% for the left. GP 3 to GP 4 channels are filled with sediment and weeds so that they look poorly maintained. Peningkatan produktivitas pertanian dan ketahan pangan, pemenuhan akan air mempunyai peran penting. Lahan pertanian di Desa Grompol memanfaatkan jaringan irigasi air permukaan menggunakan air dari bendung Waru Turi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkategorikan seberapa baik jaringan irigasi di Desa Grompol dan tingkat efisiensi pemberian air pada area persawahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif jenis survey. Dari hasil penelitian pada saat ini bendung Waru Turi masih dianggap mampu mencukupi kebutuhan irigasi. Pada saluran irigasi Gp 1 kn memiliki area irigasi seluas 62 Ha dan memeiliki Panjang saluran irigasi 493 m mempunyai efisien pengairan sebesar 90,91%. Sedangkan saluran irigasi GP 4 memiliki baku sawah seluas 181 Ha dan Panjang saluran irigasinya 2803 Ha, pada bangunan GP 4 dibagi menjadi 3 cabang yaitu GP 4 kanan, GP 4 tengan dan GP 4 kiri. Yang memiliki tingkat efisien saluran sebesar 75,22% untuk GP 4 kn dan 76,74% untuk kiri. GP 3 sampai GP 4 saluran dipenuhi endapan dan tanaman liar sehingga terlihat kurang terawat

    Dealuminasi dan Karakterisasi Zeolite Y sebagai Katalis untuk Konversi Gliserol menjadi Glycerol Monolaurate

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    Glycerol is a side product of a biodiesel production using transesterification process and an alcoholic compound that consists of three hydroxyl group. One of the glycerol derivative compound is Glycerol Monolaurate which used in food additives, surfactant, medicine, cosmetics and others. In the making of Glycerol Monolaurate, catalysts is used to accelerate the reaction and increasing the yield of Glycerol Monolaurate. One of the catalysts that had been used is Zeolite Y. Dealumination is used to increase the acidity of the zeolites. Characterizationis used to determine the characteristics of the Zeolit Y that had been dealuminise. This study consists of several stages, there are dealumination of Zeolite Y using H2­SO4. Then, drying at 110 º C for 1 hour. Then, calcinating at 500-600 ºC for 3 hours. Catalyst characteristics are analyzing by the Surface Area Analyzer to determine the surface area of the catalyst, and analysis with X - Ray Diffraction (XRD) to identify the bulk phase and determine the nature of the catalyst crystals or crystalitation of a catalyst, and Temperature-Programmed Desorption (TPD) to analyze the acidity of Zeolit Y that had been dealuminise. So we can get the optimum condition to produce Zeolit Y catalysts which also can Glycerol Monolaurate with the biggest yield possible

    Optimization of arecoline extraction from areca nut using supercritical carbon dioxide.

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    The mass transfer of arecoline using supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) from areca nut is studied by analyzing the diffusion coefficient derived from Crank equation for sphere model. Comparisons of the SC-CO2 extracted yield under various conditions showed that the combination of pressure at 10.3 MPa and temperature of 50°C provided the optimum condition for extraction, followed by extraction at 40°C and 25.6 MPa. From the diffusion coefficient analysis, the optimum conditions also gave the highest coefficients. It was found that the yield is directly proportional to the values of the coefficients. Key words: areca nut, arecoline, supercritical carbon dioxide, mass transfer, modelin

    Smartphone-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Improves Functional Capacity in Coronary Heart Disease Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) reduces mortality and morbidity in coronary heart disease (CHD); however, patients show a lack of adherence to CR. Alternatively, telehealth interventions have shown promising results for improving target outcomes in CR. This study aimed to review the effect of smartphone-based CR on the functional capacity of CHD patients. A literature search was performed using PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane Library on 21 March, 2022 to find randomised controlled trials on smartphone usage in CR to improve functional capacity. Outcomes included maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max), a 6-min walk test (6-MWT), quality of life, smoking cessation, and modifiable risk factors. Eleven trials recruiting CHD patients were reviewed. Wearable devices connected to smartphone- or chat-based applications were commonly used for CR delivery. Most trials managed to provide exercise prescriptions, education on medication adherence and controlling risk factors, and psychosocial counselling through the intervention. Functional capacity improved significantly following smartphone-based CR in CHD patients compared to control groups, as measured by VO2 max and 6-MWT; patients were more likely to quit smoking. Compared to traditional care, smartphones that delivered CR to CHD patients demonstrate superior outcomes regarding increasing functional capacity. There is no significant improvement on lipid profile, blood pressure, HbA1C, body mass index, and quality of life. It can be used either alone or as an adjunct. Ultimately, the patients’ preferences and circumstances should be considered