18 research outputs found

    Sensing the Worst: Neurophenomenological Perspectives on Neutral Stimuli Misperception in Schizophrenia Spectrum

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    While investigating social cognitive impairments in schizophrenia, prominent evidence has been found that patients with schizophrenia show a tendency to misclassify neutral stimuli as negatively valenced. Within this population, patients presenting delusions are more prone to this phenomenon. In a previous study, Schizophrenia spectrum (SzSp) patients rated positive, negative and neutral stimuli that were multimodally presented, while assessed with a checklist exploring anomalous subjective experiences and evaluated for positive and negative symptomatology. In the present work, we aimed to further explore the relationship between neutral stimuli misperception, anomalous experiences and positive/negative symptoms in SzSp patients. To this end, we adopted a dimensional approach by reconstructing from available data: (1) four a priori scales representing essential dimensions of SzSp experiential pathology following Parnas et al. (2005); and (2) five clinically meaningful factors to describe illness severity derived by Toomey et al. (1997). Results showed that although overall patients correctly recognized the target emotions, those who misinterpreted neutral auditory cues as negatively valenced also presented higher scores in Perplexity (PY), Bizarre Delusions (BD) and Disorganization (Di) dimensions. Moreover, a positive association between BD and both PY and Self-Disorder (SD) dimensions emerged, suggesting that psychotic symptoms may be directly linked to patients’ subjectivity. In an attempt to comprehensively capture the multilayered neutral stimuli misperception phenomenon in SzSp, we aimed at bridging phenomenology and neurobiology by connecting the levels of molecular neurochemistry (i.e., altered dopaminergic neurotransmission), system neuroscience (aberrant salience of perceptual details) and psychopathology (the chain involving hyper-reflexivity, self-disorders and the emergence of delusions)

    Down and Out in Italian Towns: Measuring the Impact of Economic Downturns on Crime

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    Relationship between Macrovascular and Microvascular Hemodynamics Assessed by Spectrophotometry in Periodontal Diseases

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    Objective. The aim of this study is to identify a possible link between macrovascular hemodynamic status and microvascular hemodynamic indices in patients with periodontal disease. Methods and Materials. Seventeen adult patients are recruited on a voluntary basis at the Dentistry Department of the “Mater Domini” University of Catanzaro, with sampling that determines the lipid profile, blood glucose, inflammatory mediators, blood plasma viscosity: anamnesis, blood pressure measurement, and detection of anthropometric parameters: eco-Doppler of the carotid arteries and brachial arteries with noninvasive measurements of hemodynamics and evaluation of inflammation and periodontal circulation with a noninvasive spectroscopic technique. The subjects underwent a dental inspection with periodontal proves. The different indices of periodontal disease were evaluated. Results. The sites with high probing depth differ from the healthy ones, showing low oxygen saturation and a notable increase in tissue edema, but no correlation between macro- and microvascular values was found. Conclusion. Periodontal probing and spectroscopic examination showed the correlation between low oxygen saturation levels and tissue edema values with probing depth; however, no correlation between macrovascular hemodynamic status and microvascular hemodynamics indices was found probably given the heterogeneity of the population under consideration, the low number of data gathered, and the small sample size

    Mirroring the self: testing neurophysiological correlates of disturbed self-experience in schizophrenia spectrum

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    Self-disorders (SDs) have been described as a core schizophrenia spectrum vulnerability phenotype, both in classic and contemporary psychopathological literature. However, such a core phenotype has not yet been investigated adopting a trans-domain approach that combines the phenomenological and the neurophysiological levels of analysis. The aim of this study is to investigate the relation between SDs and subtle, schizophrenia-specific impairments of emotional resonance that are supposed to reflect abnormalities in the mirror neurons mechanism. Specifically, we tested whether electromyographic response to emotional stimuli (i.e. a proxy for subtle changes in facial mimicry and related motor resonance mechanisms) would predict the occurrence of anomalous subjective experiences (i.e. SDs)

    Patent foramen ovale and hypercoagulable state in the pathogenesis of acute thrombotic myocardial infarction

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    Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a known cause of cryptogenic stroke and, when associated with a condition of thrombophilia, its closure has been shown to reduce the recurrence of cerebral embolic events. Here we present a case of a young man, with a history of previous recurrent cerebral ischaemic episodes, that developed an inferior acute myocardial infarction (AMI) with angiographic evidence of thrombotic occlusion of the right coronary artery (RCA). Thrombus aspiration followed by balloon angioplasty was performed and, after 24 h of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor infusion, thrombus was no longer evident at coronary angiography. Screening for thrombophilia revealed heterozy gosis for prothrombin G20210A polymorphism. At transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE), a large PFO with right-to-left atrial shunt was present. Given the history of multiple thrombotic clinical events and the associated state of thrombophilia, transcatheter PFO closure was successfully performed. At 12 months of follow-up the patient was completely asymptomati

    Patent foramen ovale and hypercoagulable state in the pathogenesis of acute thrombotic myocardial infarction

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    Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a known cause of cryptogenic stroke and, when associated with a condition of thrombophilia, its closure has been shown to reduce the recurrence of cerebral embolic events. Here we present a case of a young man, with a history of previous recurrent cerebral ischaemic episodes, that developed an inferior acute myocardial infarction (AMI) with angiographic evidence of thrombotic occlusion of the right coronary artery (RCA). Thrombus aspiration followed by balloon angioplasty was performed and, after 24 h of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor infusion, thrombus was no longer evident at coronary angiography. Screening for thrombophilia revealed heterozygosis for prothrombin G20210A polymorphism. At transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE), a large PFO with right-to-left atrial shunt was present. Given the history of multiple thrombotic clinical events and the associated state of thrombophilia, transcatheter PFO closure was successfully performed. At 12 months of follow-up the patient was completely asymptomatic

    Facial reactions in response to dynamic emotional stimuli in different modalities in patients suffering from schizophrenia: a behavioral and EMG study

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    Emotional facial expression is an important low-level mechanism contributing to the experience of empathy, thereby lying at the core of social interaction. Schizophrenia is associated with pervasive social cognitive impairments, including emotional processing of facial expressions. In this study we test a novel paradigm in order to investigate the evaluation of the emotional content of perceived emotions presented through dynamic expressive stimuli, facial mimicry evoked by the same stimuli, and their functional relation. Fifteen healthy controls and 15 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia were presented with stimuli portraying positive (laugh), negative (cry) and neutral (control) emotional stimuli in visual, auditory modalities in isolation, and congruently or incongruently associated. Participants where requested to recognize and quantitatively rate the emotional value of the perceived stimuli, while electromyographic activity of Corrugator and Zygomaticus muscles was recorded. All participants correctly judged the perceived emotional stimuli and prioritized the visual over the auditory modality in identifying the emotion when they were incongruently associated (Audio-Visual Incongruent condition). The neutral emotional stimuli did not evoke any muscle responses and were judged by all participants as emotionally neutral. Control group responded with rapid and congruent mimicry to emotional stimuli, and in Incongruent condition muscle responses were driven by what participants saw rather than by what they heard. Patient group showed a similar pattern only with respect to negative stimuli, whereas showed a lack of or a non-specific Zygomaticus response when positive stimuli were presented. Finally, we found that only patients with reduced facial mimicry (Internalizers) judged both positive and negative emotions as significantly more neutral than controls. The relevance of these findings for studying emotional deficits in schizophrenia is discussed

    The Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak on the Psychological Flexibility and Behaviour of Cancelling Medical Appointments of Italian Patients with Pre-Existing Medical Condition: The \u201cImpACT-COVID-19 for Patients\u201d Multi-Centre Observational Study

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    Psychological distress imposed by the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak particularly affects patients with pre-existing medical conditions, and the progression of their diseases. Patients who fail to keep scheduled medical appointments experience a negative impact on care. The aim of this study is to investigate the psychosocial factors contributing to the cancellation of medical appointments during the pandemic by patients with pre-existing health conditions. Data were collected in eleven Italian hospitals during the last week of lockdown, and one month later. In order to assess the emotional impact of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and the subject's degree of psychological flexibility, we developed an ad hoc questionnaire (ImpACT), referring to the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) model. The Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) and the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ) were also used. Pervasive dysfunctional use of experiential avoidance behaviours (used with the function to avoid thought, emotions, sensations), feelings of loneliness and high post-traumatic stress scores were found to correlate with the fear of COVID-19, increasing the likelihood of cancelling medical appointments. Responding promptly to the information and psychological needs of patients who cancel medical appointments can have positive effects in terms of psychological and physical health